Forums - Video stream processing on Android using OpenCL

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Video stream processing on Android using OpenCL
Join Date: 17 Jan 14
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2014-02-04 03:26

Dear all,

Currently I am making investigations how much processing it is possible to apply to the video stream using OpenCL and Adreno gpu.

I want to make processing in NV21 format directly without color space conversions, as it is usually done on desktop gpu.  I found examples how to get GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES  OpenGL texture directly from Camera or MediaPlayer . Using fragment shader it is converted to RGBA on the fly.

Is it possible to interop GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES  GL texture to CL without data copy? And can it be accessed as YUV without conversion? It will be great to have it as buffer.

The main question what is the fastest and most effective (with less copy operations) way to get NV21 data from media sources in OpenCL on Android.


Thanks, Pavel.

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