Forums - It is continuously watching for capture to begin.

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It is continuously watching for capture to begin.
Join Date: 31 May 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2023-05-31 02:48
It is continuously watching for capture to begin.
The entire experience is fantastic when I profile an app on my phone. However, there are two different types of crashes when I profile the programme using a VR headgear (Pico Goblin or Pico Neo).
One of them is that while it can locate the application, the Adreno Profiler always waits for capture to begin when I click the Capture Frame button. As soon as I close the Adreno Profiler, it will wait.
Another one is that the Adreno Profiler is unable to locate the application. I switched to another programme, but it still hasn't recognised it.
So, can a VR app be profiled by the Adreno Profiler?  mybkexperience
Need help please some one help me.
Best regard,
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