Forums - Error while generating image in docker container

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Error while generating image in docker container
Join Date: 14 Feb 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-02-14 04:20


I want to generate the LU image for the RB5 platform using sdkmanager but I am using Ubuntu 22.04 so I used the provided Dockerfile to create an Ubuntu 18.04 image (as explained in the documentation). Once launched I connect to it using SSH and execute sdkmanager (which is installed by the Dockerfile). Execution and download seem to work but as soon as I get to the generation part I get an error that says that the bash command couldn't run because of an "Exec format error" (Can't post the original message because the forum doesn't consider it to be english and refuses to post my question)

I tried to disable ModemManager but since the docker container does not use systemd, systemctl is not available

From what I've found, this error could mean that the program uses an incompatible binary format (my desktop is an x86_64) but I don't know how it can happen

Anyone knows anything about how to solve this ?




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