Forums - how to use Drivers(uart,gpio,i2c ...)

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how to use Drivers(uart,gpio,i2c ...)
Join Date: 25 May 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-05-30 23:54
Hi I don't know much about Linux.
I've only dealt with mcu in Windows environment, and it's the first time in Linux, but when I looked at the pin map, I knew that uart0 was QUP13.
Finally, I have to use 4 uarts, but I'm going to test it by implementing a serial driver.
I know that Linux assigns a port to /dev/tty* when using uart, but I want to know which tty each uart0~* uses. (If I have to set it up separately, I want to know how to set it up.)
And I uploaded the bootloader using MULTIDL_TOOL according to the manual, but I wonder if I need to upload the linaro bootloader separately (I know that the reason I tried to upload the linaro bootloader is that I designate the uart in the bootloader)
When the linaro bootloader is loaded (fastboot boot boot_rb5.img), the green light of rb5 power does not appear, and there is no command for fast devices or adb devices.
As a result, I want to know how to use each number of uart as well as how to use pins such as i2c and spi.
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