Forums - Hexagon version Mismatch

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Hexagon version Mismatch
Join Date: 9 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-02-21 02:47


I recently upgraded the RB5 image to the latest LU version (QRB5165.UBUN.1.0-211118). I tried to run the gst_tflite sample app. The app is supposed to run on DSP delegate, but instead runs on CPU with the following Error:


WARNING: Failed to fetch Hexagon NN version. This might be because you're using incompatible versions of libhexagon_interface and libhexagon_nn_skel. You must use compatible versions. Refer to Tensorflow Lite Hexagon Delegate Guide.

WARNING: Incompatible versions between interface library and libhexagon_skel 136961 vs -1. You must use compatible versions. Refer to Tensorflow Lite Hexagon Delegate Guide.

INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for Hexagon.

INFO: Hexagon delegate: 61 nodes delegated out of 64 nodes.

INFO: Replacing 61 node(s) with delegate (TfLiteHexagonDelegate) node, yielding 4 partitions.

ERROR: hexagon_nn_config failed. Error: 44

ERROR: hexagon_nn_config failed. Error: 44

ERROR: Hexagon Kernel was not initialized

ERROR: Node number 64 (TfLiteHexagonDelegate) failed to prepare.

ERROR: Restored previous execution plan after delegate application failure.

I've made no changes to the code or everywhere. What seems to be the problem?


I downgraded the OS from QRB5165.UBUN.1.0-211118 to QRB5165.UBUN1.0-210320. It's working now. I don't know if it also works on later versions But I know it's not working on 211112 and 211118.

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