Forums - Win10 Lenovo driver update issue

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Win10 Lenovo driver update issue
Join Date: 5 Jun 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2024-06-05 10:49

Got a Lenovo laptop running Win 10. It's used, not new, and was reset to the factory defaults by it's current owner. Well, it can't connect to the internet. Trying to pull up a list of wifi points has a spinny pop up while it populates the list... then the window closes as soon as the list populates. So... I decided to try finding a place to DL a driver.... found one on a Dell website. Copied the file to the Lenovo.... the Lenovo refused to install it. Um... where do I find a driver I can actually USE??? I spent like 30 minutes rummaging on the Qualcomm website, and can't find anything I can use.

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