Forums - QCA9377-3 BT 5.0 Support

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QCA9377-3 BT 5.0 Support
Join Date: 5 Jan 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2022-08-11 01:30


In doucmentation it's stated that QCA9377-3 supports Bluetooth 5.0, so I'd like to ask if it support Long-Range (CODED-PHY) and Extendned Advertising? Does it need special hadling/firmware? 

I gave it a try, but unfortunatelly, it didn't work - was not able to advertise with coded-phy. 



Kernel: 4.14.98
Firmware details:

Chip: QCA9377-3
Bluetooth 5.0
FW Ver:
Branch: tn-CNSS.LEA.NRT_3.0
4ae248d3404d9c6592acdee5abc27c6a  qca9377/bdwlan30.bin
2d7b27d27db072fdc7383e37e76b848f  qca9377/CadenceLicense.txt
d595b34fa645448a4715e3efee07661f  qca9377/Notice.txt
18a2a06e87454f57815d23a931913b5f  qca9377/otp30.bin
8c03e4ba8a87df96c9476659bde26fd3  qca9377/qwlan30.bin
326ee2952b86adebf7da967342f7513b  qca9377/utf30.bin
7b9104946d0fc98a16d2a02aa98a4377  qca/notice.txt
31e2e26f9f17b1c5f040ca157a8ac02a  qca/nvm_tlv_3.2.bin
caf6a3c609093384f6e3f6e7336af76c  qca/rampatch_tlv_3.2.tlv
7fffc62139cb5ff4bee843f65bce3291  wlan/cfg.dat
1ac979a2d4f51b76fe9829a3eb1ac3bd  wlan/qca9377/qcom_cfg.ini




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