Forums - ZigbeeCustom client not able to receive data

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ZigbeeCustom client not able to receive data
Join Date: 8 Jan 24
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2024-02-14 05:00

Hi, All

I am very new to qualcomm and I am trying to make QCA4020 a Hub for the zigbee end devices 

i have implemented zigbee end devices(which is a sensor) with different controller and Now i want to test with the QCA4020 so i have created a custom cluster with Cluster ID FC00 with reference to QCLI demo zigbee custom cluster. 

Network is sucessfully joining and Binding information is also available at end device since end device is a initiator for bindings. 

My end device is a server which reports a 1 byte data (just for testing) and QCA4020 is Client which should receive the data.

But unfortunately no data is received. 

I have tested switch on end device and light on QCA4020 and it worked perfectly.

I am not sure what steps am missing, Please provide me if any zigbee documents is available for QCA4020.


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