Forums - WDT triggers while reading data over I2C & UART thread continuously

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WDT triggers while reading data over I2C & UART thread continuously
Join Date: 2 Aug 19
Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 2022-03-08 22:10


  • - We have a use case where we need to read data over I2C every 10 milliseconds using a thread and have a UART thread that also run on same priority from an external trigger.
  • - We have 2 more threads all threads are at same priority. 
  • - The code gets stuck after few minutes.
  • - But if we comment either I2C or UART thread, the code works fine. 

 We concluded that both I2C and UART Read/write event may occur same time causing to trigger WDT, is this true?

Is it an SDK v3.3 bug? 

Thank you,
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