Forums - QCA4020: RSA encryption by exporting public key not working

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QCA4020: RSA encryption by exporting public key not working
Join Date: 2 Aug 19
Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 2021-09-29 21:20


We are having use case of RSA encryption, we are using API from qapi_crypto.h file to implement this encryption.

We are able to generate public and private key for RSA and test data encryption and decryption using these keys. Also we can import the public key to pem file in local variable.
Refer the attached file for better understanding.

The issue is when We have a third party RSA public key, now we need to encrypt our message using this public key. How to perform this encryption?

I think we need to export public key, but the api not seems to work. Please suggest some solution.




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