Forums - SPI Slave Select control in Master mode for QCA4020 ?

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SPI Slave Select control in Master mode for QCA4020 ?
Join Date: 3 Aug 20
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2021-06-18 05:53

Hello .

I am working with QCA4020 and using SPI in master mode for communication, my requirement is to sent multiple byte vai SPI to slave device with chip select (GPIO 24) in LOW state. 

On calling qapi_SPIM_Full_Duplex(...,...,...); function, slave select drives in low state, but at the last bit transfer it is set to HIGH state. 

How can i keep slave select in LOW state for desire time frame.  ( Note : It is not possible to send all the bytes back to back in single call, need to get ack and transfer remaining after that )

 Also can not configure GPIO 24 as GPIO output while using SPI in master mode.

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