Forums - HTTP redirect on websocket

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HTTP redirect on websocket
Join Date: 22 Aug 17
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2021-06-02 07:19

On the web server I want to be able to redirect a websocket connection from a QCA4020 device to a different server by returning a 307 status. This fails with the websocket returning a close status of 1008 for "policy violation". Not only does QAPI not follow the redirect, there is no way for me to see that the server is issuing a redirect. There is no way to get the HTTP status code or the new location.

How can I follow an HTTP redirect on a websocket with QAPI?


1. If the status code received from the server is not 101, the

       client handles the response per HTTP [RFC2616] procedures.  In
       particular, the client might perform authentication if it
       receives a 401 status code; the server might redirect the client
       using a 3xx status code (but clients are not required to follow
       them), etc.  Otherwise, proceed as follows.
  • Up0
  • Down0

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