Forums - QCA4020 OTA over MQTT not compiling

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QCA4020 OTA over MQTT not compiling
Join Date: 2 Aug 19
Posts: 62
Posted: Fri, 2020-09-11 07:11


1) As there is no reference from qualcomm side on how to use OTA over MQTT, we are using qca sdk 3.2.

2) For mqtt ota code we are using aws_ota_update_demo.c demo code from location qca4020-or-3-2_qca_oem_sdk-cdb.git\target\thirdparty\aws_freertos\demos\common\ota in sdk.

3) We have added all required header files .h and souce files .c path to build.bat file for compilation. 

4) Now here we are facing an issue while compiling and getting following linking error:

/aws_mqtt_agent.c:1884: undefined reference to `xQueueGenericCreateStatic'
/aws_mqtt_agent.c:1887: undefined reference to `xTaskCreateStatic'

We have made #define configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION 1 in FreeRTOS.h and FreeRTOSConfig.h file. Still receiving this error.

5) Have already posted this issue on freertos forum but they said this is not the problem from freertos side.

Are we following correct procedure? Please share some document from qualcomm side to resolve this.

Some brief procedure on this will be helpful.


Thanks You,




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