Forums - HMI Security

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HMI Security
Join Date: 10 Oct 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2020-07-22 12:39

I am trying to enable security over HMI.  As a starting point I am using the code from the SetSecurity command of the HMI demo application (over QCLI).  I am able to successfully set all parameters (enable security, default key source, MAC keytable, key rotation sequence and key rotation.  However, anytime I send a payload of data between two devices with the same security information, I always get back a  MLME Comm Status Indication of 0xF3 (QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_UNAVAILABLE_KEY).  Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the code I am using as a starting point:


#define DEFAULT_KEY_SOURCE (0xFF00000000000000ULL)

const static qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t KeyDescriptorList[] =
      {0x71, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0xA9, 0x16, 0x6B, 0xB2, 0x2B, 0x6B, 0xBB, 0x70, 0xAA, 0xA9, 0xC, 0xD9, 0xE4},
      {0x4C, 0xC1, 0x4A, 0x35, 0x29, 0x84, 0xA0, 0x72, 0xA6, 0x95, 0x74, 0xB8, 0x4, 0xAC, 0x41, 0xD9},
      {0xA7, 0xF9, 0x53, 0x5F, 0xF, 0x93, 0xFE, 0xF5, 0x80, 0x96, 0xDA, 0x4A, 0x73, 0x4E, 0xFE, 0x7E},

#define KEY_DESCRIPTOR_LIST_SIZE ( sizeof( KeyDescriptorList ) / sizeof( qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t ) )

/// Enable or disable security.
/// \param[in] enabled Whether or not security should be enabled.
/// \return QAPI status.
static qapi_Status_t SetSecurity( bool_t enabled )
   qapi_Status_t            result;
   uint8_t                  byte_pib;
   uint8_t                  key_index;
   uint8_t                  key_id_mode;
   uint64_t                 key_source_mask;
   uint8_t                  key_rotation_sequence[QAPI_HMI_KEY_ROTATION_SEQUENCE_LENGTH];
   qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t key_descriptor;
   uint64_t                 default_key_source;
   uint8_t                  status;
   uint8_t                  index;

   if ( s_mac_inst_id )
        key_index = 0;
        s_hmi_security.SecurityLevel = (uint8_t)QAPI_HMI_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC;
        s_hmi_security.KeyIdMode     = (uint8_t)QAPI_HMI_KEY_ID_MODE_8BYTE_SOURCE;
        s_hmi_security.KeyIndex      = KeyDescriptorList[key_index].Index;
        s_hmi_security.KeySource     = KeyDescriptorList[key_index].Source;

           /* Set security to be enabled. */
        byte_pib = (uint8_t)enabled;

        /* Set the SecurityEnabled PIB. */
        result = qapi_HMI_MLME_Set_Request( s_mac_inst_id, QAPI_HMI_PIB_MAC_SECURITY_ENABLED, 0, sizeof( byte_pib ), &byte_pib, &status );
        if ( (result == QAPI_OK ) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ) )
           if ( byte_pib != 0 )
              /* Set the MAC DefaultKeySource. */
               default_key_source = DEFAULT_KEY_SOURCE;
               result = qapi_HMI_MLME_Set_Request( s_mac_inst_id, QAPI_HMI_PIB_MAC_DEFAULT_KEY_SOURCE, 0, sizeof( key_descriptor.Source ), &default_key_source, &status );

              if ( ( result == QAPI_OK ) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ) )
                 memset( key_rotation_sequence, 0xFF, QAPI_HMI_KEY_ROTATION_SEQUENCE_LENGTH );
                 key_index = 0;
                 key_id_mode = ( s_hmi_security.KeyIdMode == QAPI_HMI_KEY_ID_MODE_DEFAULT ) ? QAPI_HMI_KEY_ID_MODE_8BYTE_SOURCE : s_hmi_security.KeyIdMode;
                 key_source_mask = ( key_id_mode == QAPI_HMI_KEY_ID_MODE_8BYTE_SOURCE ) ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL : 0xFFFFFFFFULL;

                 // Set the MAC KeyTable.
                 for ( index = 0; ( index < KEY_DESCRIPTOR_LIST_SIZE) && ( result == QAPI_OK ) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ); index++ )
                    memscpy( &key_descriptor, sizeof( qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t ), &(KeyDescriptorList[index]), sizeof( qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t ) );
                    key_descriptor.IdMode  = key_id_mode;
                    key_descriptor.Source &= key_source_mask;

                    result = qapi_HMI_MLME_Set_Request( s_mac_inst_id, QAPI_HMI_PIB_MAC_KEY_TABLE, index, sizeof( qapi_HMI_KeyDescriptor_t ), &key_descriptor, &status );

                    key_rotation_sequence[index] = index;

                 if ( ( result == QAPI_OK) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ) )
                    // Set the key rotation sequence.
                    result = qapi_HMI_MLME_Set_Request( s_mac_inst_id, QAPI_HMI_PIB_MAC_KEY_ROTATION_SEQUENCE, 0, sizeof( QAPI_HMI_KEY_ROTATION_SEQUENCE_LENGTH ), key_rotation_sequence, &status );
                    if ( ( result == QAPI_OK ) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ) )
                       // Enable key rotation.
                       byte_pib = 1;
                       result = qapi_HMI_MLME_Set_Request( s_mac_inst_id, QAPI_HMI_PIB_MAC_ENABLE_KEY_ROTATION, 0, sizeof( byte_pib ), &byte_pib, &status );
                       if ( ( result == QAPI_OK ) && ( status == QAPI_HMI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS ) )

                          LogDebug( "hmi: security set successfully.\n" );
                           LogDebug( "hmi: failed to enable key rotation %d %d\n", result, status );
                        LogDebug( "hmi: failed to set the key rotation sequence %d %d\n", result, status );
                     LogDebug( "hmi: failed to set MAC KeyTable (index %d) %d %d\n", index - 1, result, status );
                  LogDebug( "hmi: failed to set MAC DefaultKeySource %d %d\n", result, status );
               LogDebug( "hmi: security disabled successfully.\n" );
            LogDebug( "hmi: failed to enable/disable security %d %d\n", result, status );
            status = QAPI_ERROR;
       LogDebug( "hmi: HMI not initialized.\n" );
       status = QAPI_ERROR;

   return status;
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