Forums - Resize Primary Filesystem

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Resize Primary Filesystem
Join Date: 10 Oct 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2020-06-03 09:18


Is there a way to resize (increase) the primary file system through a firmware update (QOTAP)?  I know you can set the size during flash/programming time using an environment variable (FS1SZ in KB) with the file.  However, we could not find a way to resize the primary filesystem through the QOTAP process.  We are currently using the default size of 64K, however found that we need to increase the size to accomodate some new features through a firmware update.

Ideally, we would like to increase the primary file system size and preserve the existing contents during the QOTAP process.

Another question would be how does the file system binary file that gets compiled into the image factor into resizing the primary file system?



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