Forums - tunable_input.txt

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Join Date: 13 Jul 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-10-05 05:35

In the SDK there is a file called "tunable_input.txt" which seems to be used to configure the GPIO for different peripherals... There is very limited information in the SDK docs regarding the same, Tried relating the information but unable to fully grasp the concept of how it is configured in the txt file ... Request Help on the same. Currently I could gather some related information in the document QCA4010/QCA4012 Hostless SDK (QCA4010.TX.2.2) User Guide Table 3-4 GPIO active/inactive configuration but unable to really get it when i compared the same with the tunable_input.txt (for instance the file available in the sample_i2c sample code.)

Can you please advise if there are any docs that can give me more clarity on these configuration text file. 
Just to further add, I am also referring to QCA4010.TX.3.2 CS Hostless SDK Release Notes (page 57, Appendix A GPIO function configuration) , Would like to understand how this is used in the tunable_input.txt file for configuring the GPIO as mentioned in the User Guide 
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