Forums - Wakeup from suspend

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Wakeup from suspend
Join Date: 30 Oct 17
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2018-11-20 09:21

While developing a board with the QCA4010, we encountered following issues:

- 80_Y9047_3_J_QCA4010_LOW_ENERGY_WI_FI_SINGLE_BAND_.pdf, figure 1-2: transition from "suspend" to "delay core ready" mentions "WAKEUP_L = 1 (pin 27)". We assume this concerns the pin and transition needed to wakeup from suspend. However, a pin 27 does not exist, nor is it anywhere described what kind of edge (rising/falling, rise/fall time, pulse duration,...) is needed to trigger a wake-up. Could you provide clarity?
- On our current board, pin A23 is used as wake-up input. However, the QCA4010 does not always wake up from suspend. Note that after a wake-up, full initialization from the chip is performed. Are there any known issues with the wake-up pin? Any input on how to solve/debug this?
Thanks in advance!
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