Forums - qca4004 running in a long time, then it running slow.

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qca4004 running in a long time, then it running slow.
Join Date: 30 Jun 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2020-07-17 01:37


I have a product,  using qca4004.
The qca4004 working environment:
1. working at STA mode
2. The functional modules used here are as follows: tls, mqtt, aes128, uart funcions.
When we do a line test using qca4004, I found that if the qca4004 work sometime, the qca4004 can not send the mqtt packages back to the server, or the qca4004 is hard to send the pacakges.
Following the log, there are some log like bellow:
tcp_xout fail, inuse = 1, state = 13
But after reboot, the qca4004 works well again.
Is there any suggestion for the issue?
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