Forums - Abnormal Signal in Auto-negotiation process from Home Hub using Quacomm PHY

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Abnormal Signal in Auto-negotiation process from Home Hub using Quacomm PHY
Join Date: 2 May 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2024-05-14 02:32

Hi, I am using Home ethernet Hub (Linksys MR7350 with Qualcomm PHY IPQ4018) 

During Test with embedded IoT devices, I found Auto-Negotiation fail.

When I try to figure out the reason, I measure PHY TX/RX signals from Linksys side.

Then I found an Abnormal Signal from Linksys before Auto-Negotiation done.

Usually, during send and receive FLP for Auto-MDIX & Auto-Negotiation, there is no Data signal.

But the wave looks like Data signal and Linksys outputs it.

(Abnormal signal detected from Linksys hub)

(Auto-Negotiation works but embedded PHY do not send any ACK in FLP)

Most embedded Devices has Link-up with the abnormal signal.

But few devices cannot Link-up on Auto-Negotiation mode.

Is there any reasom why I detected the Data signal from Qualcomm PHY?

Is it any other algorithm for Auto-MDIX or FLP process ?


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