Forums - Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

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Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Join Date: 18 Apr 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-19 00:19

I'm using the CSR_uEnergy_SDK-3.0.3  and the ECC libs  with a CSR102x chip, but i can't generate thECDH shared secret while using the below public key as peer public key:


And this public key is one of data of the PB-ADV provisioning sample data in the SIG mesh profile -> 8 Sample data -> 8.7 PB-ADV provisioning sample data -> Device Public Key .

The mesh public key using NIST P-256 Elliptic Curve, and the CSR_uEnergy_SDK-3.0.3 support NIST P-256, but why the CSR_uEnergy_SDK-3.0.3 treat the mesh sample public key as a invalid public key?


status = EccGenerateKeyPair(&my_keypair);
static uint16 peer_public_key[] =
    0, 0xf465, 0xe43f, 0xf23d, 0x3f1b, 0x9dc7, 0xdfc0, 0x4da8, 0x7581, 0x84db, 0xc966, 0x2047, 0x96ec, 0xcf0d, 0x6cf5, 0xe165, 0x00cc,
    0, 0x0201, 0xd048, 0xbcbb, 0xd899, 0xeeef, 0xc424, 0x164e, 0x33c2, 0x01c2, 0xb010, 0xca6b, 0x4d43, 0xa8a1, 0x55ca, 0xd8ec, 0xb279
static uint16 shared_key[EC_P256_SHARED_SECRET_BUF_SIZE_WORDS];
static ecdh_context my_ctx =
    .keypair = my_keypair,
    .peer_public_key = peer_public_key,
    .shared_secret = shared_key
status_t AppProcessEvent(msg_t * msg)
switch (msg->
if (((ecc_msg_t *)msg)->body.generate_key_pair_cfm.status == sys_status_success)
status = EccGenerateSharedSecret(&my_ctx);
// the generate_shared_secret_cfm.status == ecc_status_param_public with this peer_public_key
if (((ecc_msg_t *)msg)->body.generate_shared_secret_cfm.status == sys_status_success)
// only success while using the peer_public_key = my_keypair.public_key
Any one can help? Thanks.

Best Regards,




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