Forums - Questions development kit snapdragon qualcomm

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Questions development kit snapdragon qualcomm
Join Date: 22 Mar 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2019-03-22 08:15
I found interesting the development kits qualcomm is, I want to start in the area of development of devices using these kits !.
Can anyone ask me some doubts?
1) the development boards qualcomm "example: snapdragon 835" works as the concept of "open hardware and open software" ?. I can get the schematic diagram of the circuit, implement and produce without a preprogrammed agreement with qualcomm?.
2) development kits like "snapdragon 835" already installed on the board, memory card slots, sim card (network chip), wifi, and camera? or are these attributes extra? as an example: expansion chips ?. if it is expansion board how can i get it?.
Thank you in advance for the explanations.
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