Forums - Only CSR102x A06 part is supported

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Only CSR102x A06 part is supported
Join Date: 29 Jan 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2019-03-12 09:04


so I tried to get to work the QMesh Light Application with my CSR102x IoT Development Kit as described in the Application Note.

Thus, I get this error: Only CSR102x A06 part is supported

I do understand, that it semms like the A05 hardware of my development kit is not supported, but it is an error I did not expect, since the hardware revision is nowhere mentioned in the Qualcomm Bluetooth Low Energy CSR102x Mesh User Guide.

Also, I would much prefer to use QMesh over CSR Mesh, since it is compatible to the SIG.

Does somebody know the intentions of this error and maybe how it can be fixed? If it can be fixed at all.



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