Forums - Random MAC Address with cell phone

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Random MAC Address with cell phone
Join Date: 24 Apr 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2020-04-24 11:59
I am developing with the CSR1010 with the CSRmech Development Kit. I am having problems with the master / slave functions with the MAC address and the type (public or random) that the LM_EV_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_T API structure returns when establishing a connection with the cell phone. Even configuring CSR1010, in SDK using GattConnectReq with the flags configured to connect to public MAC Address, when connecting to the cell phone, it reads a random MAC Address different from the MAC address of my cell phone. This happens with all Bluetooth 5.0 phones.
For example: I connect my cell phone to my CSR1010 module using GattConnectReq (NULL, L2CAP_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC). My phone has the starting MAC address "48: 2C", in debug mode, after connection, in the structure LM_EV_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_T -> HCI_EV_DATA_ULP_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_T -> BD_ADDR_T returns a completely different MAC Address value, in addition to being listed as Random MAC.
I would like to know how I can make a connection and read the correct MAC Address from my cell phone, the public type.
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