Forums - i2c pins mapping

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i2c pins mapping
Join Date: 29 Aug 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2019-09-05 23:21

Hi Dr Nissim Zur

I am using the development kit of csr1010 . My requirement was to interface the i2c sensor (TLV493D) with the development Board. It was succesfully interfaced with following configuraion 


#define I2C_SCL_PIO       (10)                  // Header P100 Pin (13)

#define I2C_SDA_PIO       (9)                  // Header P100 Pin (14)



Data i am getting is very stable . Now the issue is that , whcih i want to discuss with you is that .My Hardware Team Memeber has designed the custom  board , but he set the i2c configuration differently 

I2C_SCL_PIO ----------------------> Pin # 28 of CSR1010 (I2C_SCL)

I2C_SDA_PIO ----------------------> Pin # 29 of CSR1010 (I2C_SDA)

And EEPROM is also connected with these pins by default .

To run the same working FW on new Pin configuration as mentioned .I did following changes.

# 1 

i commented these two lines 

//#define I2C_SCL_PIO       (10)                  // Header P100 Pin (13)

//#define I2C_SDA_PIO       (9)                  // Header P100 Pin (14)



i have made the following change in I2cInit();


But after that i am not getting the right data / not able to correctly read the sensor.

Quesion is how i configure the Pin  # 28 and Pin # 29 as Scl and Sda

Your help in this regard is required . Thanks in advance 

Best Regards






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