Forums - A new BLE service is not exposed in an existing profile

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A new BLE service is not exposed in an existing profile
Join Date: 15 Mar 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2017-03-23 08:14

A new BLE service does not show up in app_gatt_db.db_ file after a clean error free rebuild.

Adding a new service with CSR101x SDK- does not get exposed in gatt.  Infact the service_db.db file has no affect on the application, or the app_gatt_db.db_ file.

How would I add a service, custom or not, into an existing working profile and get the service exposed?   Simply adding the service_db.db file into the compiler's "GATT db files" folder, and the other supporting service files, is not sufficient to get the service exposed.

The simple example is to start off with the hr_monitor example application.  Then simply try and add a new service, say a "Blood Presure" service. Adding the files:  bp_service*.c/h,  bp_service_db.db, and  bp_service_uuid.h is not enough to completely add the service. 

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

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