Forums - mesh2.1 UART Debug Print

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mesh2.1 UART Debug Print
Join Date: 24 Dec 16
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2016-12-30 10:02

For mesh 2.1

I did download mesh_1.3 source code on mesh_reference_board. It can print debug message through UART, baudrate is 2400.

And Gatt_Server, Beacon,,,most source code can print debug message through UART on mesh_reference_board. OK.

SB1 and SB2 on mesh_board are already soldered and set many baudrate,

most source code are can print debug message on UART, I am using Putty or Teraterm, OK.



I did download newest mesh_2.1_Light source code on CSR's mesh_reference_board, But I can not print Debug message through UART.

Why I can not print debug message through UART for mesh_2.1 newest Source Code?

Maybe Mesh_2.1 Source Code has some problem about UART debug print.

I want to solve this problem as soon as possible, CSR's developer have to check it, and Please note what can i do! ASAP.



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