Forums - NvmConfigureSpiFlash() breaks I2C

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NvmConfigureSpiFlash() breaks I2C
Join Date: 29 Jul 16
Posts: 25
Posted: Fri, 2016-11-18 08:56

I have been happily using I2C and a large SPI flash on a CSR1010 design. For example I can read temperatures from an I2C sensor and store them in the flash - no problem. However when I attempt to add the NVM functions this breaks the I2C as soon as I call NvmConfigureSpiFlash() - after that there is no activity of the I2C pins. Similarly, the Nvm_Read() and Nvm_Write() calls work fine until I initialise the I2C driver, after which they fail (e.g. NVM_Read() returns error code 0x304).

I have the I2C device connected on PIO5 and PIO10 so there is no need for this to interact with the SPI Flash chip which does not share these pins.

AFAIK, the problem does not seem to be related to this thread, which seems to be related to I2C with an I2C EEPROM:

Why do the Nvm and I2C interfere with each other, and how can I fix this? Could someone post the source of NvmConfigureSpiFlash(), for example?

Thanks - Charles

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