Forums - CSRMesh Compile Error Code:12

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CSRMesh Compile Error Code:12
Join Date: 19 Oct 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2016-12-06 00:21

I am trying to compile the CSRMeshSwitch example with csrMesh version 1.3 and already had success once. 

But today I again tried to compile the same code without any modification in the sources i am getting the following error:

C:/CSR_uEnergy_SDK- -e -s 0x0f16 -i depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch.xuv -n depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch.fwnvs.xuv -N0xf000 f800 -o depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch_update.img

C:/CSR_uEnergy_SDK- merge D:/Dev/CSR/Codes/applications/CSRMeshSwitch/switch_csr101x_A05.keyr -imagefile depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch_update.img -quiet
ERROR: Unable to read file 'depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch_update.img' (it was either missing or corrupt). (Error Code: 12)
make: *** [depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/CSRMeshSwitch_update.img] Error 1


However, I looked into the " depend_Release_CSR101x_A05/" directory inside the project folder and found that the only img file was CSRMeshSwitch.img

So I tried again compiling by changing that file name to CSRMeshSwitch_update.img and it successfully compiled.
Then I cleaned the project and tried to compile again, I get this same error.


I have set the db and keyr file directory according to the project folder path same for all configuration.
From the build log it seems that the compiler commands looking for a
CSRMeshSwitch_update.img which should be CSRMeshSwitch.img.


So, can it be anything that I accidentally changed any configurations that made this error to happen?


Thank you. 

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