Forums - Le_create_connection giving command disallowed with 8510 A10 dongle

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Le_create_connection giving command disallowed with 8510 A10 dongle
Join Date: 2 Mar 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2017-05-16 05:26


I have an 8510 A10 based dongle (manufactured by a taiwanese company). I have a setup where I am sending hci command from a PC application to the dongle over usb interface. 

While I am able to do legacy bluetooth connection easily, when i try to execute LE related HCI commands I face problems with create connection. 

LE create connection seem to be throwing error "command disallowed" all the time. Also doing LE scan yields no results.

I have a suspicion that since this dongle may not be having any storage for storing any patch files, I will need to download some kind of patch to it everytime. I am currently trying all the operations after doing just an HCI reset. 

Can somebody help me here with what I could be doing wrong here or what additional i need to do before executing these commands. 

Thanks a lot.


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