Forums - QCA4002/QCA4004 Wi-Fi SDK for Other Host MPU and OS

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QCA4002/QCA4004 Wi-Fi SDK for Other Host MPU and OS
Join Date: 3 Jun 14
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2014-07-10 00:40
For a project I worked on, the development cycle for chipset integration of the QCA4002 was just completed up to production readiness.
My main expertise is embedded software and I also did the Atheros driver port and integration for the application layer. This specific project was done for the NXP LPC407x MPU running ChibiOS/RT. The application was PJSIP (SIP Stack) for which I did the port for the Atheros Driver and the OS.
If you have a similar kind of project and have any questions and/or need assistance with the QCA4002 or QCA4004 in your project, please feel free to contact me, [email protected].
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