Forums - Adreno 205 performance worse than Adreno 200 when draw lines

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Adreno 205 performance worse than Adreno 200 when draw lines
Join Date: 12 Jan 11
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2011-01-13 01:16


I'm working on developing small game using Open GL ES 1.x on Android 2.1 update 1.

I use my phone, IS03 with Adreno 200, as a test device, and my game runs around 30FPS on it. However, on some devices such as Desire HD, Desire Z and G2, it runs under 10FPS. All of them use Adreno 205 GPU.

I profiled my device and HTC Desire HD, and found that DesireHD take about 4 more time to render lines. This number is based on execution time of GL10#glDrawArrays() call via Android SDK, not NDK.

I have 2 questions.

1) Is line rendering performance of Adreno 205 worse than Adreno 200?

2) If 1) is true, is there any way to avoid this?

If there is no way, I'll use texture instead of lines.


Sorry for my broken English.

Best Regards

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