Forums - [Solved] Problem with checking the FrameBuffer status (Adreno SDK - OpenGL ES)

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[Solved] Problem with checking the FrameBuffer status (Adreno SDK - OpenGL ES)
Join Date: 31 Jan 12
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2012-04-26 03:07




I've tried to resolve a strange bug in the ShadowMap sample (maybe in others samples using FrameBuffer) about for checking the framebuffer status.

In Scene.cpp ({Adreno_SDK_path}/Samples/OpenGL ES/ShadowMap/):


// Name: CheckFrameBufferStatus()
// Desc: 
VOID CSample::CheckFrameBufferStatus()

// PGG July 26th 2011 NOTE: On Android (MSM866) the gl function below crashes the application
#if 0
    GLenum nStatus;
    nStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);

    switch( nStatus )

To solve this this bug, i used a bool flag to know if the application has been already  "initialized".

It's seems that the Resize() function has been called before the Initialize() function, maybe a problem with the scheduling calling functions ((i don't investigate on this).


CSample::CSample( const CHAR* strName ) : CFrmApplication( strName )
    m_bInitialized = false;

BOOL CSample::Initialize()
    m_bInitialized = true;

BOOL CSample::Resize()
    if (m_bInitialized) {

VOID CSample::CheckFrameBufferStatus()
#if 1
    GLenum nStatus;
    nStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); // no problem now :-D


That's it !




ps: Tested on  Xperia-Play, android 2.3.3


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