Forums - make all error

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make all error
Join Date: 10 Oct 11
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2011-11-11 12:28

hi all,


 My system is Win7,32-bit

 I'm facing the following error when i try to do the covert to c/c++ project step:



**** Build of configuration Default for project fastcv ****


make all 

process_begin: CreateProcess((null), cygpath C:/Users/user/Desktop/android_development/fastcv-android-1-0-2/samples/fastcorner, ...) failed.

process_begin: CreateProcess((null), cygpath C:/Users/user/Desktop/android_development/android-ndk-r6b, ...) failed.

process_begin: CreateProcess((null), /ndk-build, ...) failed.

make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.


make: *** [all] Error 2


All the necessary folders (android-ndk,android-sdk,fastcv) are grouped under the folder android_development, present on my Desktop which is properly configured.

Cygwin and ndk are properly configured as the san-angeles sample builds successfully.

I've also tried the tips mentioned here

But I get the same error.

Please help me in removing the error.








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