Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK
Reference Guide
UDO Tutorial


This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a UDO package and execute the Inception-V3 model using the package. The Softmax operation has been chosen in this tutorial to demonstrate the implementation of a UDO with SNPE.

The SNPE SDK provides the resources for this example under

  • $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax

Information on UDO in general is available at UDO Overview.

Information on running the Inception-V3 network without UDO is available at Inception-V3 Tutorial.


The following tutorial assumes that general SNPE setup has been followed to support SDK environment, TensorFlow environment, and desired platform dependencies. Additionally, we need an extracted QNN-SDK (no need of QNN-SDK setup) for generating the skeleton code and building the libraries. For QNN-SDK details, refer to the QNN documentation at $QNN_SDK_ROOT/docs/index.html page, where QNN_SDK_ROOT is the location of the QNN-SDK installation. Set the $QNN_SDK_ROOT to the unzipped QNN-SDK location. The steps listed in this tutorial use the Tensorflow model in the form of inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb. For details on acquiring the Inception-V3 model visit Tutorials Setup.


Here are the steps to develop and run a UDO

1.) Package Generation

2.) Framework Model Conversion to a DLC

3.) Package Implementation

4.) Package Compilation

5.) Model Execution

Steps 1-4 are run offline on the x86 host and are necessary for execution in step 5. Step 5 provides information on execution using the SNPE command-line executable snpe-net-run. Optionally, the user can perform steps 1-4 automatically using the provided setup script.

Step 1: Package Generation

Generating the SoftmaxUdoPackage requires the snpe-udo-package-generator tool and the provided UDO plugin: Softmax.json. The plugin is located under $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/config. More information about creating a UDO plugin can be found here.

Generate the SoftmaxUdoPackage using the following:

export SNPE_UDO_ROOT=$SNPE_ROOT/share/SnpeUdo
snpe-udo-package-generator -p $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/config/Softmax.json -o $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/

This command creates the Softmax based package at $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage.

For more information on the snpe-udo-package-generator tool visit here.

Step 2: Framework model Conversion to a DLC

Converting the Tensorflow Inception-V3 model to DLC requires the snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc tool. The snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc tool consumes the same Softmax.json used in package generation via the --udo command line option. In this step, <INCEPTION_V3_PATH> refers to the path to the inception_v3 pb file. For example, after running the script <INCEPTION_V3_PATH> is $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/tensorflow.

Convert Inception-V3 with the following:

snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc --input_network <INCEPTION_V3_PATH>/inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb --input_dim 'input' 1,299,299,3 --out_node InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1 --output_path $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/dlc/inception_v3_udo.dlc --udo $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/config/Softmax.json

This will generate a DLC named inception_v3_udo.dlc containing the Softmax as UDO at $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/dlc.

Step 3: Package Implementations

The generated package creates the skeleton of the operation implementation, which must be filled by the user to create a functional UDO. The rest of the code scaffolding for compatibility with SNPE is provided by the snpe-udo-package-generator.

The UDO implementations for this tutorial are provided under $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src.

CPU Implementations (Android and x86)

The file in the package that needs to be implemented for CPU is

  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/CPU/src/ops/Softmax.cpp

The provided example implementation is present at the location

  • $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/CPU/Softmax.cpp

Copy the provided implementation to the package:

cp -f $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/CPU/Softmax.cpp $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/CPU/src/ops/

Optionally, the user can provide their own implementations in the package.

DSP Implementations for V65 and V66

Similar to all other SNPE runtimes, a registration library and an implementation library are required to run inference of a network with UDO layers on SNPE DSP. The registration library will run on CPU, and specifies the DSP implementation library of the UDO.

Refer Implementing a UDO for DSP V65 and V66 for more information on implementing UDO for DSP V65 and V66 runtimes.

The file in the package that need to be implemented for DSP V65 and V66 are

  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/DSP/Softmax.cpp

The provided example implementation is present at the location

  • $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/DSP/Softmax.cpp

Copy the provided implementations to the package:

cp -f $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/DSP/Softmax.cpp $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/DSP/

Optionally, the user can provide their own implementations in the package.

DSP Implementations for V68 and later

Refer Implementing a UDO for DSP V68 or later for more information on implementing UDO for DSP V68 or later runtimes. The directory paths and locations in this example are specific to DSP V68. For later runtimes, please replace DSP_V68 with the corresponding DSP architecture (for example, DSP_V69) in the paths.

The file in the package that needs to be implemented for DSP V68 and later is

  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/DSP_V68/SoftmaxImplLibDsp.cpp

The provided example implementation is present at the location

  • $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/DSP_v68/SoftmaxImplLibDsp.cpp

Copy the provided implementations to the package:

cp -f $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax/src/DSP_v68/SoftmaxImplLibDsp.cpp $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/jni/src/DSP_V68/

Optionally, the user can provide their own implementations in the package.

Step 4: Package Compilation

x86 Host Compilation

Compiling on x86 host uses the make build system. Compile the CPU implementations with the following:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage
make cpu_x86

The exepcted artifacts after compiling for CPU on x86 host are

  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/
  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/

Android CPU Runtime Compilation

Compilation for the CPU runtime on Android uses Android NDK. The ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable must be set to the directory containing ndk-build in order to compile the package.

export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=<path_to_android_ndk>

It is suggested to add ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to the PATH environment variable to access ndk-build.


Target architecture must also be specified when compiling the package.

export UDO_APP_ABI=<target_architecture>

This tutorial uses arm64-v8a architectures - it is recommended but not required to use arm64-v8a as the target architecture for the remainder of the tutorial. If no target architecture is supplied both arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a are targeted.

Once the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is part of PATH, compile the package for Android CPU target:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage
make cpu_android PLATFORM=$UDO_APP_ABI

The expected artifacts after compiling for Android CPU are

  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/$UDO_APP_ABI/
  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/$UDO_APP_ABI/
  • SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/$UDO_APP_ABI/

Hexagon DSP Runtime Compilation

Compilation for the DSP runtime makes use of the make system. In order to build the implementation libraries for DSP V65 and V66 runtimes, Hexagon-SDK needs to be installed and set up. For details, follow the setup instructions on $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/docs/readme.html page, where HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT is the location of your Hexagon-SDK installation. Information for compiling a UDO for DSP is available at Compiling UDO for DSP.

Setup Script

The SNPE SDK provides an option to automatically perform steps of dlc conversion, package generation, package implementation, and package compilation for UDO as outlined in steps 1-4 above. The option is an extension of the Inception V3 setup script. To enable Inception-V3 setup for UDO, run the script with the --udo or -u option.

usage: $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/scripts/ [-h] -a ASSETS_DIR [-d] [-r RUNTIME] [-u]

Prepares the inception_v3 assets for tutorial examples.

required arguments:
  -a ASSETS_DIR, --assets_dir ASSETS_DIR
                        directory containing the inception_v3 assets

optional arguments:
  -d, --download        Download inception_v3 assets to inception_v3 example
  -r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
                        Choose a runtime to set up tutorial for. Choices: cpu,
                        gpu, dsp, aip, all. 'all' option is only supported
                        with --udo flag
  -u, --udo             Generate and compile a user-defined operation package
                        to be used with inception_v3. Softmax is simulated as
                        a UDO for this script.

The --udo extension is compatible with options normally used by the script. When the --udo option is enabled, the -r or --runtime option controls the runtime for the package implementation and compilation. Additionally, the --udo option supports use of an 'all' runtime option to create and compile the SoftmaxUdo Package for the CPU, GPU, and DSP/AIP runtimes. Selecting the 'aip' or 'dsp' runtime options additionally compiles x86 libraries in order to quantize the model. Selecting the 'cpu' runtime option compiles for both x86 and Android targets. Compilation for Android target will be skipped if ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is not set. If no runtime option is provided, the package is compiled for the CPU runtime.

The command to use the setup script for UDO is:

python3 $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/scripts/ -a ~/tmpdir -d -u -r <runtime_of_choice>

For instance, to create and compile a package containing the libraries for all runtimes run:

python3 $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/scripts/ -a ~/tmpdir -d -u -r all

This will populate the artifacts in Step 4.

Note: Setup script compiles for arm64-v8a platform architecture. To compile for different target set PLATFORM when using make. See step 4 for more.

Model Execution

Execution using snpe-net-run

Executing Inception-V3 with UDO is largely the same as use of snpe-net-run without UDO.

The SNPE SDK provides Linux and Android binaries of snpe-net-run under

  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/x86_64-linux-clang
  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/arm-android-clang8.0
  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/aarch64-android-clang8.0
  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/aarch64-oe-linux-gcc8.2
  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/aarch64-oe-linux-gcc9.3
  • $SNPE_ROOT/bin/aarch64-ubuntu-gcc7.5

For UDO, snpe-net-run consumes the registration library through the --udo_package_path option. LD_LIBRARY_PATH must also be updated to include the runtime-specific artifacts generated from package compilation.

x86 Host Execution

To execute the network on x86 host, run:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/
snpe-net-run --container dlc/inception_v3_udo.dlc --input_list data/cropped/raw_list.txt --udo_package_path SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/

Android Target Execution

The tutorial for execution on Android targets will use the arm64-v8a architecture. This portion of the tutorial is generic to all runtimes (CPU, GPU, DSP).

# architecture: arm64-v8a - compiler: clang - STL: libc++
export SNPE_TARGET_ARCH=aarch64-android-clang8.0

Then, push SNPE binaries and libraries to the target device:

adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/bin"
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/lib"

adb push $SNPE_ROOT/lib/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/*.so \
adb push $SNPE_ROOT/bin/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/snpe-net-run \

Next, update environment variables on the target device to include the SNPE libraries and binaries:

adb shell
export SNPE_TARGET_ARCH=aarch64-android-clang8.0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/local/tmp/snpeexample/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/lib
export PATH=$PATH:/data/local/tmp/snpeexample/$SNPE_TARGET_ARCH/bin

Lastly, push the Inception-V3 UDO model and input data to the device:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
mkdir data/rawfiles && cp data/cropped/*.raw data/rawfiles/
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo"
adb push data/rawfiles /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cropped
adb push data/target_raw_list.txt /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo
adb push dlc/inception_v3_udo.dlc /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo
rm -rf data/rawfiles

Android CPU Execution

Once the model and data have been placed on the device, place the UDO libraries on the device:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cpu"
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cpu
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cpu
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cpu

Now set required environment variables and run snpe-net-run on device:

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/cpu/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_udo.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --udo_package_path cpu/

Android GPU Execution

The procedure for execution using the GPU runtime is largely similar to execution procedure for CPU. First, use the following to place the UDO libraries on device:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu"
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu

Now set required environment variables and run snpe-net-run to device:

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/gpu/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_udo.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --udo_package_path gpu/ --use_gpu

Hexagon DSP Execution

The procedure for execution on device for DSP is largely the same as CPU and GPU. However, the DSP runtime requires quantized network parameters. While DSP allows unquantized DLCs, it is generally recommended to quantize DLCs for improved performance. The tutorial will use a quantized DLC as an illustrative example. Quantizing the DLC requires the snpe-dlc-quantize tool.

To quantize the DLC for use on DSP:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/
snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc dlc/inception_v3_udo.dlc --input_list data/cropped/raw_list.txt --udo_package_path SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/ --output_dlc dlc/inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc

For more information on snpe-dlc-quantize visit quantization. For information on UDO-specific quantization visit Quantizing a DLC with UDO. For information on DSP/AIP runtime visit DSP Runtime or AIP Runtime.

Now push the quantized model to device:

adb push dlc/inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo

Note: Please refer to UDO DSP tutorial for Quantized DLC for executing on the DSP runtime using quantized dlc.

Before executing on the DSP, push the SNPE libraries for DSP to device:

adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib"
adb push $SNPE_ROOT/lib/dsp/*.so /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib

Now push DSP-specific UDO libraries to device. Depending on DSP architecture specified in the config, dsp_v68 directory can be dsp_v60 or dsp (with older SNPE SDK).

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp"
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/dsp_v68/*.so /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp # Pushes reg lib

Then set required environment variables and run snpe-net-run on device:

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp/;/data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib;/system/lib/rfsa/adsp;/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp;/dsp"
snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --udo_package_path dsp/ --use_dsp

AIP Execution

Because UDOs are not supported on the HTA hardware, executing on the AIP runtime defaults to the DSP UDO implementations. HTA hardware runs exclusively on quantized models and therefore as with the DSP runtime, a quantized model will be used. The command to quantize the DLC for AIP is:

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/
snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc dlc/inception_v3_udo.dlc --input_list data/cropped/raw_list.txt --udo_package_path SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/x86-64_linux_clang/ --output_dlc dlc/inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc --enable_hta

Now push the quantized model to device:

adb push dlc/inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo

Before executing using the AIP runtime, push the SNPE libraries for DSP to device with these commands:

adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib"
adb push $SNPE_ROOT/lib/dsp/*.so /data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib

Now push DSP-specific UDO libraries to device. Depending on DSP architecture specified in the config, dsp_v68 directory can be dsp_v60 or dsp (with older SNPE SDK).

cd $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3
adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp"
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/dsp_v68/*.so /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp
adb push SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp # Pushes reg lib

Then set required environment variables and run snpe-net-run on device:

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/data/local/tmp/inception_v3_udo/dsp/;/data/local/tmp/snpeexample/dsp/lib;/system/lib/rfsa/adsp;/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp;/dsp"
snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_udo_quantized.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --udo_package_path dsp/ --use_aip

Integration with Android APK

This portion of the tutorial outlines how to integrate SNPE UDO libraries and Java API for package registration into an Android application. Generally, for native shared libraries to be discoverable by the application they must be placed in the project under


Once the libraries are accessible by the application, the registration library can be registered using the provided Java API. This process will be replicated with the example Image Classifiers application. The following assumes that the rest of the example application setup has been followed. The tutorial will issue instructions for platforms with arm64-v8a ABI.

First, create the neccessary directories to contain the UDO libraries. The following steps will populate all runtime implementation libraries.

mkdir app/src/main/jniLibs/
cp -a $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/arm64-v8a/ app/src/main/jniLibs/

If DSP is to be used as the runtime, copy the implementation library with the following:

cp $SNPE_ROOT/models/inception_v3/SoftmaxUdoPackage/libs/dsp/*.so app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/

If not already done, running will add the Inception-V3 model enabled with UDO to the project.

bash ./

Now the Java API can be registered. Edit the file $SNPE_ROOT/examples/android/image-classifiers/app/src/main/java/com/qualcomm/qti/snpe/imageclassifiers/tasks/

To contain this line

    protected NeuralNetwork doInBackground(File... params) {
        NeuralNetwork network = null;
        try {
            SNPE.addOpPackage(mApplication,""); // Add this line to register package
            final SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder builder = new SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder(mApplication)

Now the APK can be built and exercised

./gradlew assembleDebug