Qualcomm FastCV Library  1.7.1
Image processing


FASTCV_API void fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dstImg)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 11x11 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int blurBorder)
 Blurs an image with 11x11 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst)
 3x3 Sobel edge filter
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterSobel3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 3x3 Sobel edge filter
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst, int lowThresh, int highThresh)
 Canny edge filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int lowThresh, int highThresh)
 Canny edge filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int16_t *__restrict gx, int16_t *__restrict gy, unsigned int gradStride, int lowThresh, int highThresh)
 Canny edge filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst)
 Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffs16 (const int16_t *__restrict src1, const int16_t *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Compute image difference src1-src2.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDifff32 (const float *__restrict src1, const float *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8f32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Performs image difference by promoting both src1 and src 2 to floating point values and then subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8s8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst = ( src1 >> 1) - ( src2 >> 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict gradients)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict gradients, unsigned int gradStride)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict gradients)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict gradients, unsigned int gradStride)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanars16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanars16_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict dx, float *__restrict dy)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanarf32_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict dx, float *__restrict dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 (const int8_t *__restrict kernel, const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst)
 3x3 correlation with non-separable kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorr3x3s8_v2 (const int8_t *__restrict kernel, const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 3x3 correlation with non-separable kernel.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8f32 (const float32_t *__restrict kernel, uint32_t N, const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, float32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8s16 (const int8_t *__restrict kernel, uint32_t N, int8_t shift, const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8 (const int8_t *__restrict kernel, uint32_t N, int8_t shift, const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict tmp, int16_t *dst)
 9x9 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 9x9 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dst)
 11x11 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 11x11 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dst)
 13x13 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 13x13 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dst)
 15x15 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 15x15 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dst)
 17x17 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 17x17 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSepNxNs16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, int knlSize, const int16_t *srcImg, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict tmpImg, int16_t *dstImg, unsigned int dstStride)
 NxN correlation with separable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrSepMxNu8 (const int8_t *kernelX, uint32_t knlSizeX, const int8_t *kernelY, uint32_t knlSizeY, int8_t shift, const uint8_t *srcImg, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *dstImg, uint32_t dstStride)
 MxN correlation with separable kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageIntensityStats (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, int xBegin, int yBegin, unsigned int recWidth, unsigned int recHeight, float *mean, float *variance)
 Calculates the mean and variance of intensities of a rectangle in a grayscale image.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageIntensityStats_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, int xBegin, int yBegin, uint32_t recWidth, uint32_t recHeight, float32_t *mean, float32_t *variance, fcvVarianceEstimator varianceEstimator)
 Calculates the mean and variance of intensities of a rectangle in a grayscale image.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageIntensityHistogram (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, int xBegin, int yBegin, unsigned int recWidth, unsigned int recHeight, int32_t *histogram)
 Creates a histogram of intensities for a rectangular region of a grayscale image. Bins each pixel into a histogram of size 256, depending on the intensity of the pixel (in the range 0 to 255).
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint32_t *__restrict dst)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit image and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint32_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit image and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatchu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int patchX, int patchY, unsigned int patchW, unsigned int patchH, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int patchX, int patchY, unsigned int patchW, unsigned int patchH, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvIntegratePatchu8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t patchX, uint32_t patchY, uint32_t patchW, uint32_t patchH, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t intgrlStride, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut, uint32_t intgrlSqrdStride)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int patchX, int patchY, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 12x12 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int patchX, int patchY, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 12x12 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int patchX, int patchY, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 18x18 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int patchX, int patchY, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlImgOut, uint32_t *__restrict intgrlSqrdImgOut)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 18x18 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageLineu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint16_t srcWidth, uint32_t *intgrl, uint32_t *intgrlSqrd)
 Integrates one line of an image or any portion of an image that is contiguous in memory.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageLine64u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint16_t *intgrl, uint32_t *intgrlSqrd)
 Integrates 64 contiguous pixels of an image.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdu8 (const uint8_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *dst, unsigned int threshold)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdu8_v2 (const uint8_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dstStride, unsigned int threshold)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdu8_v3 (const uint8_t *src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *dst, unsigned int dstStride, unsigned int threshold, uint8_t trueValue, uint8_t falseValue)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value. The binarized image will be in the two values selected by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 (const uint8_t *src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint8_t lowThresh, uint8_t highThresh)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on a pair of threshold values.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8_v2 (const uint8_t *src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint8_t lowThresh, uint8_t highThresh, uint8_t trueValue, uint8_t falseValue)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on a pair of threshold values. The binarized image will be in the two values selected by user.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst)
 Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterErode3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, uint8_t *__restrict dst)
 Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 neighborhood window.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride)
 Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 nbhd window.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 (const int16_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int16_t *__restrict dst, int blurBorder)
 Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16_v2 (const int16_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int blurBorder)
 Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 (const int32_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, int32_t *__restrict dst, int blurBorder)
 Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32_v2 (const int32_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int32_t *__restrict dst, unsigned int dstStride, int blurBorder)
 Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.
FASTCV_API uint32_t fcvImageSegmentationRegionGrow (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numChannel, uint32_t thresholdSplit, uint32_t thresholdMerge, uint32_t *__restrict segLabel, uint32_t segLabelStride, uint8_t *__restrict data)
 Segments an image (3 or 1 channel) into meaningful regions, depending on the color or gray scale uniformity of the neighborhood pixels.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreatef32 (const float *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int numLevels, fcvPyramidLevel *pyramid)
 Builds an image pyramid of float32 arising from a single original image - that are successively downscaled w.r.t. the pre-set levels.
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreatef32_v2 (const float32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numLevels, fcvPyramidLevel_v2 *pyramid)
 Builds an image pyramid (with stride).
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete_v2.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreateu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int numLevels, fcvPyramidLevel *pyramid)
 Builds an image pyramid of uint8_t arising from a single original image - that are successively downscaled w.r.t. the pre-set levels.
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numLevels, fcvPyramidLevel_v2 *pyramid)
 Builds an image pyramid (with stride).
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvPyramidCreateu8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numLevels, fcvPyramidScale scale, fcvPyramidLevel_v2 *__restrict pyramidGaussian)
 Builds a Gaussian image pyramid. DO NOT USE THIS API unless for testing purposes. This API can be removed without notice.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatei16 (const fcvPyramidLevel *imgPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dxPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dyPyr, unsigned int numLevels)
 Creates a gradient pyramid of int16_t from an image pyramid of uint8_t.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatef32 (const fcvPyramidLevel *imgPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dxPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dyPyr, unsigned int numLevels)
 Creates a gradient pyramid of float32 from an image pyramid of uint8_t.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatei8 (const fcvPyramidLevel *imgPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dxPyr, fcvPyramidLevel *dyPyr, unsigned int numLevels)
 Creates a gradient pyramid of integer8 from an image pyramid of uint8_t.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict gradients)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict gradients, unsigned int gradStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int16_t *__restrict gradients, unsigned int gradStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ]
Compared to the original and v2 functions, this v3 functions does not normalize
the gradients (divide by 8). It just returns the actual dx, dy values.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict gradients)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *__restrict gradients, unsigned int gradStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int8_t *__restrict dx, int8_t *__restrict dy)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, int8_t *__restrict dx, int8_t *__restrict dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *dx, float *dy)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *dx, float *dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 (const float *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *dx, float *dy)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32_v2 (const float *__restrict src, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight, unsigned int srcStride, float *dx, float *dy, unsigned int dxyStride)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].
FASTCV_API void fcvBitwiseOru8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint8_t *__restrict mask, uint32_t maskStride)
 Performs per-element bitwise-OR operation on two 8-bit single channel images. Two images should have the same size. dst(I)=src1(I) V src2(I) if mask(I) is not zero.
FASTCV_API void fcvBitwiseOrs32 (const int32_t *__restrict src1, const int32_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint8_t *__restrict mask, uint32_t maskStride)
 Performs per-element bitwise-OR operation on two 32-bit single channel images. Two images should have the same size. dst(I)=src1(I) V src2(I) if mask(I) is not zero.
FASTCV_API void fcvTiltedIntegralu8s32 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Integral of the image tilted by 45 degrees.
FASTCV_API void fcvConvValids16 (const int16_t *__restrict src1, uint32_t src1Width, uint32_t src1Height, uint32_t src1Stride, const int16_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t src2Width, uint32_t src2Height, uint32_t src2Stride, int32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Performs a valid convolution of two images.
FASTCV_API void fcvEdgeWeightings16 (int16_t *__restrict edgeMap, const uint32_t edgeMapWidth, const uint32_t edgeMapHeight, const uint32_t edgeMapStride, const uint32_t weight, const uint32_t edge_limit, const uint32_t hl_threshold, const uint32_t hh_threshold, const uint32_t edge_denoise_factor)
 Performs edge weighting on input image.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 3x3 Gaussian kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian5x5u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 5x5 Gaussian kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian11x11u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 11x11 Gaussian kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 3x3 mean.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean5x5u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 5x5 mean.
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean11x11u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t maxValue, fcvThreshType thresholdType, int32_t value, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 11x11 mean.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter3x3u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Smooth a uint8_t image with a 3x3 box filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter5x5u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Smooth a uint8_t image with a 5x5 box filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter11x11u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Smooth a uint8_t image with a 11x11 box filter.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilterNxNf32 (const float32_t *src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t N, float32_t *dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Smooth a float32_t image with a NxN box filter. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 bilateral smoothing with a 5x5 bilateral kernel
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, float32_t sigmaColor, float32_t sigmaSpace)
 bilateral smoothing with a 5x5 bilateral kernel
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Bilateral smoothing with 7x7 bilateral kernel.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, float32_t sigmaColor, float32_t sigmaSpace)
 Bilateral smoothing with 7x7 bilateral kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Bilateral smoothing with 9x9 bilateral kernel.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, float32_t sigmaColor, float32_t sigmaSpace)
 Bilateral smoothing with 9x9 bilateral kernel.
FASTCV_API void fcvSegmentFGMasku8 (uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t Polygonal, uint32_t perimScale)
 This function will remove small patches in the source image based on the input threshold.
FASTCV_API void fcvFloodfillSimpleu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint32_t xBegin, uint32_t yBegin, uint8_t newVal, fcvConnectedComponent *cc, uint8_t connectivity, void *lineBuffer)
 This function fills the image with a starting seed and neighborhood (4 or 8). It then returns the connected component (cc) that's filled.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFloodfillMergedu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, uint32_t xBegin, uint32_t yBegin, uint8_t newVal, fcvConnectedComponent *__restrict cc, uint8_t connectivity)
 This function fills the image with a starting seed and neighborhood (4 or 8). It then returns the connected component (cc) that's filled.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageYCbCr420PseudoPlanaru8 (const uint8_t *__restrict srcY, const uint8_t *__restrict srcC, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcYStride, uint32_t srcCStride, uint32_t *__restrict integralY, uint32_t *__restrict integralCb, uint32_t *__restrict integralCr, uint32_t integralYStride, uint32_t integralCbStride, uint32_t integralCrStride)
 This function calculates the integral image of a YCbCr image.
FASTCV_API void fcvFindForegroundIntegrateImageYCbCr420u32 (const uint32_t *__restrict bgIntegralY, const uint32_t *__restrict bgIntegralCb, const uint32_t *__restrict bgIntegralCr, const uint32_t *__restrict fgIntegralY, const uint32_t *__restrict fgIntegralCb, const uint32_t *__restrict fgIntegralCr, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcYStride, uint32_t srcCbStride, uint32_t srcCrStride, uint8_t *__restrict outputMask, uint32_t outputWidth, uint32_t outputHeight, uint32_t outputMaskStride, float32_t threshold)
 This function finds the foreground.
FASTCV_API void fcvAverages32 (const int32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, float32_t *__restrict avgValue)
 This function calculates the average value of an image.
FASTCV_API void fcvAverageu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, float32_t *__restrict avgValue)
 This function calculates the average value of an image.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdOtsuu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvThreshType thresholdType)
 Binarizes a grayscale image using Otsu's method.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8u64 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t *__restrict dstIntgrl, uint64_t *__restrict dstIntgrlSqrd, uint32_t dstIntgrlStride, uint32_t dstIntgrlSqrdStride)
 Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares. This function supports bigger size patch with u64 for squared integral output.
NOTE: No extra border lines, the integral output buffer size is the same as input image buffer size.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageHistogramEqualizeu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Normalize the image according to histogram value of the pixel intensity.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numPatterns, uint32_t grid_x, uint32_t grid_y, float32_t *__restrict histogram)
 Calculate histogram at image patches.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel3x3u8s16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, uint32_t dxyStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 3x3 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel5x5u8s16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, uint32_t dxyStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 5x5 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel7x7u8s16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dx, int16_t *__restrict dy, uint32_t dxyStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 7x7 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCannyu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t kernelSize, int32_t lowThresh, int32_t highThresh, fcvNormType normType, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, int16_t *__restrict gx, int16_t *__restrict gy, uint32_t gradStride)
 Canny edge detection with more controls to configurate the algorithm.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepthu8s16 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t shift, int16_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Converts the bit depth of a single-channel uint8 image to int16_t type.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepths16u8 (const int16_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t shift, fcvConvertPolicy policy, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Converts the bit depth of a single-channel int16_t image to uint8_t type.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilterRecursiveu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, float32_t sigmaColor, float32_t sigmaSpace)
 Recursive Bilateral Filtering.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageSegmentationSeedRegionGrows16 (const int16_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numChannel, uint32_t threshGrow, const uint32_t *__restrict pointVector, uint32_t numSeed, uint8_t mode, uint32_t *__restrict segLabel, uint32_t segLabelStride)
 Grow the seeds within the image to meaningful regions, depending on the color or gray scale uniformity of the neighborhood pixels from the seeds.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvNormalizeLocalBoxu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t patchWidth, uint32_t patchHeight, uint32_t useStdDev, int8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Calculate the local subtractive and contrastive normalization of the image. For each pixel of the image, the mean and optionally standard deviation is calculated for the patch centered around the pixel. Then the pixel is normalized by the local mean and optionally standard deviation.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32 (const float32_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t patchWidth, uint32_t patchHeight, uint32_t useStdDev, float32_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Calculate the local subtractive and contrastive normalization of the image. For each pixel of the image, the mean and optionally standard deviation is calculated for the patch centered around the pixel. Then the pixel is normalized by the local mean and optionally standard deviation.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine2Planesu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t src1Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t src2Stride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Combine two channels in an interleaved fashion.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine3Planesu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t src1Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t src2Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src3, uint32_t src3Stride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Combine three channels in an interleaved fashion.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine4Planesu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t src1Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t src2Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src3, uint32_t src3Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src4, uint32_t src4Stride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Combine four channels in an interleaved fashion.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelExtractu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src1, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t src1Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src2, uint32_t src2Stride, const uint8_t *__restrict src3, uint32_t src3Stride, fcvChannelType srcChannel, fcvImageFormat srcFormat, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Extract channel as a single uint8_t type plane from an interleaved or multi-planar image format.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterMedianMxNs16 (const int16_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t M, uint32_t N, int16_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Blurs an image with MxN median filter (M,N have to be odd numbers)
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterConvolveMxNu8s16 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, uint32_t M, uint32_t N, int8_t shift, const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, int16_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Computes the convolution of an image with an M x N Kernel.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterConvolveMxNu8 (const int16_t *__restrict kernel, uint32_t M, uint32_t N, int8_t shift, const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Computes the convolution of a image with an M x N Kernel.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBoxFilter3x3u8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Smooth a uint8_t image with a 3x3 box filter with border handling scheme specified by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 nbhd window with border handling scheme specified by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterErodeNxNu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t N, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of NxN neighborhood window.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window with border handling scheme specified by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterDilateNxNu8 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t N, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride)
 Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of NxN neighborhood window.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter with border handling scheme specified by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v3 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint8_t *__restrict dst, uint32_t dstStride, fcvBorderType borderType, uint8_t borderValue)
 Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter with border handling scheme specified by user.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8_v2 (const uint8_t *__restrict src, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcStride, uint32_t numPatterns, uint32_t grid_x, uint32_t grid_y, float32_t *__restrict histogram, float32_t normalize_factor)
 Calculate histogram at image patches.

Detailed Description

Image filtering, convolution and scaling operations

Function Documentation

FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian11x11u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 11x11 Gaussian kernel.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on cross-correlation with a 11x11 Gaussian kernel minus value (parameter). The standard deviation is used for Gaussian kernel. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted after the cross-correlation with Gaussian kernel. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 3x3 Gaussian kernel.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on cross-correlation with a 3x3 Gaussian kernel minus value (parameter). The standard deviation is used for Gaussian kernel. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted after the cross-correlation with Gaussian kernel. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdGaussian5x5u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 5x5 Gaussian kernel.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on cross-correlation with a 5x5 Gaussian kernel minus value (parameter). The standard deviation is used for Gaussian kernel. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted after the cross-correlation with Gaussian kernel. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean11x11u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 11x11 mean.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on the mean of 11x11 block centered on the pixel minus value (parameter). For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted from the mean. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 3x3 mean.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on the mean of 3x3 block centered on the pixel minus value (parameter). For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted from the mean. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAdaptiveThresholdMean5x5u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  maxValue,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType,
int32_t  value,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on an adaptive threshold value calculated from 5x5 mean.

For each pixel, the threshold is computed adaptively based on the mean of 5x5 block centered on the pixel minus value (parameter). For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.

srcPointer to the 8-bit input image.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
maxValueThe maximum integer value to be used. 0<maxValue<256.
thresholdTypeThreshold type. It could be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
valueThe constant value subtracted from the mean. It is usually positive but could be 0 or negative too.
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image. Destination iamge has the same size as input image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1).
FASTCV_API void fcvAverages32 ( const int32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
float32_t *__restrict  avgValue 

This function calculates the average value of an image.

This function sums all the pixel value in an image and divide the result by the number of pixels in the image.

srcThe input image/patch. Must be 32 bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
avgValueThe output average value.
No return value.
FASTCV_API void fcvAverageu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
float32_t *__restrict  avgValue 

This function calculates the average value of an image.

This function sums all the pixel value in an image and divide the result by the number of pixels in the image.

src8-bit image where keypoints are detected. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
avgValueThe output average value.
No return value.
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

bilateral smoothing with a 5x5 bilateral kernel

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 and the signature of fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 5-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. The filter sigma in color space is set to 50 and the sigma in coordinate space is set to 1.

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
float32_t  sigmaColor,
float32_t  sigmaSpace 

bilateral smoothing with a 5x5 bilateral kernel

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8, fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 5-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. If sigmaColor is set to 50 and sigmaSpace is set to 1, then fcvBilateralFilter5x5u8 is called

srcInput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstOutput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
sigmaColorFilter sigma in the color space. Typical value is 50.0f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of the neighboring pixels of more different Color to the smoothing result.
sigmaSpaceFilter sigma in the coordinate space. Typical value is 1.0f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of farther neighboring pixels within the kernel size distance to the smoothing result.
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Bilateral smoothing with 7x7 bilateral kernel.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 and the signature of fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 7-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. The filter sigma in color space is set to 50 and the sigma in coordinate space is set to 1.5 .

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
float32_t  sigmaColor,
float32_t  sigmaSpace 

Bilateral smoothing with 7x7 bilateral kernel.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8, fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 7-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. If sigmaColor is set to 50 and sigmaSpace is set to 1.5 then fcvBilateralFilter7x7u8 is called.

srcInput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstOutput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
sigmaColorFilter sigma in the color space. Typical value is 50.0f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of the neighboring pixels of more different Color to the smoothing result.
sigmaSpaceFilter sigma in the coordinate space. Typical value is 1.5f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of farther neighboring pixels within the kernel size distance to the smoothing result.
FASTCV_API void fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Bilateral smoothing with 9x9 bilateral kernel.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 and the signature of fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 9-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. The filter sigma in color space is set to 50 and the sigma in coordinate space is set to 2.

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
float32_t  sigmaColor,
float32_t  sigmaSpace 

Bilateral smoothing with 9x9 bilateral kernel.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8, fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

The bilateral filter applied here considered 9-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. If sigmaColor is set to 50 and sigmaSpace is set to 2, then fcvBilateralFilter9x9u8 is called.

srcInput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstOutput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
sigmaColorFilter sigma in the color space. Typical value is 50.0f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of the neighboring pixels of more different Color to the smoothing result.
sigmaSpaceFilter sigma in the coordinate space. Typical value is 2.0f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of farther neighboring pixels within the kernel size range to the smoothing result.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBilateralFilterRecursiveu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
float32_t  sigmaColor,
float32_t  sigmaSpace 

Recursive Bilateral Filtering.

The algorithm is described in paper Recursive Bilateral Filtering, ECCV2012 by Prof Yang Qingxiong Different from traditional bilateral filtering, the bilateral filtering in this algorithm is actually performed in gradient domain. The results are ususally better than tradition bilateral filters. Filtering is carried out in a recursive way, and it is efficient.

srcInput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstOutput uint8_t image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
sigmaColorFilter sigma in the color space. Typical value 0.03f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of the neighboring pixels of more different Color to the smoothing result.
sigmaSpaceFilter sigma in the coordinate space. Typical value 0.1f. Increasing this value means increasing the influence of farther pixels to the smoothing result.
FASTCV_API void fcvBitwiseOrs32 ( const int32_t *__restrict  src1,
const int32_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  mask,
uint32_t  maskStride 

Performs per-element bitwise-OR operation on two 32-bit single channel images. Two images should have the same size. dst(I)=src1(I) V src2(I) if mask(I) is not zero.

src1Pointer to the 32-bit source image 1.
src2Pointer to the 32-bit source image 2.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src1 and src2.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src1 and src2.
srcStrideStride of source images (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
maskPointer to the 8-bit single channel mask. It specifies elements of the destination array to be changed. The mask is optional. If there is no mask, the value is NULL.
maskStrideStride of the mask (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If there is no mask, the value is 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvBitwiseOru8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  mask,
uint32_t  maskStride 

Performs per-element bitwise-OR operation on two 8-bit single channel images. Two images should have the same size. dst(I)=src1(I) V src2(I) if mask(I) is not zero.

src1Pointer to the 8-bit source image 1.
src2Pointer to the 8-bit source image 2.
srcWidthWidth of source images pointed by src1 and src2.
srcHeightHeight of source images pointed by src1 and src2.
srcStrideStride of source images (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
dstPointer to the 8-bit destination image.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
maskPointer to the 8-bit single channel mask. It specifies elements of the destination array to be changed. The mask is optional. If there is no mask, the value is NULL.
maskStrideStride of the mask (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If there is no mask, the value is 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter11x11u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Smooth a uint8_t image with a 11x11 box filter.

smooth with 11x11 box kernel and normalize:

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Smooth a uint8_t image with a 3x3 box filter.

smooth with 3x3 box kernel and normalize:
[ 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 ]/9

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvBoxFilter3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Smooth a uint8_t image with a 3x3 box filter with border handling scheme specified by user.

smooth with 3x3 box kernel and normalize:
[ 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 ]/9

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values will be set to 0.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilter5x5u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Smooth a uint8_t image with a 5x5 box filter.

smooth with 5x5 box kernel and normalize:
[ 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 ]/25

srcInput uint8_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API void fcvBoxFilterNxNf32 ( const float32_t *  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  N,
float32_t *  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Smooth a float32_t image with a NxN box filter. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

smooth with NxN box kernel and normalize:

srcInput float32_t image.
srcWidthInput image width.
srcHeightInput image height.
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
NSeperable kernel size. N must be greater than 1.
dstOutput image which has the same type, and size as the input image. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row
No return value
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine2Planesu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  src1Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  src2Stride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Combine two channels in an interleaved fashion.

Interleave data from src1 and src2 to dst. Data in src1 [d0 d1 d2 d3...] Data in src2 [t0 t1 t2 t3...] Results in dst [d0 t0 d1 t1 d2 t2 d3 t3...]
NOTE: Perform the same functionality as fcvInterleaveu8.

src1One of the input images ( For example, Cb or Cr component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
widthWidth of the source image.
heightHeight of the source image.
src1StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src1Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src2One of the input images ( For example, Cb or Cr component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src2StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src2Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dstThe result image (uint8_t type).
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to width*2.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine3Planesu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  src1Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  src2Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src3,
uint32_t  src3Stride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Combine three channels in an interleaved fashion.

Interleave data from src1, src2 and src3 to dst. Data in src1 [d0 d1 d2 d3...] Data in src2 [t0 t1 t2 t3...] Data in src3 [s0 s1 s2 s3...] Results in dst [d0 t0 s0 d1 t1 s1 d2 t2 s2 d3 t3 s3...]

src1One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
widthWidth of the source image.
heightHeight of the source image.
src1StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src1Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src2One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src2StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src2Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src3One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src3StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src3Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dstThe result image (uint8_t type).
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to width*3.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelCombine4Planesu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  src1Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  src2Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src3,
uint32_t  src3Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src4,
uint32_t  src4Stride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Combine four channels in an interleaved fashion.

Interleave data from src1, src2, src3 and src4 to dst. Data in src1 [d0 d1 d2 d3...] Data in src2 [t0 t1 t2 t3...] Data in src3 [s0 s1 s2 s3...] Data in src3 [r0 r1 r2 r3...] Results in dst [d0 t0 s0 r0 d1 t1 s1 r1 d2 t2 s2 r2 d3 t3 s3 r3...]

src1One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B or A component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
widthWidth of the source image.
heightHeight of the source image.
src1StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src1Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src2One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B or A component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src2StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src2Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src3One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B or A component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src3StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src3Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src4One of the input images ( For example, R or G or B or A component)
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src4StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src4Stride is default to width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dstThe result image (uint8_t type).
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to width*4.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvChannelExtractu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  src1Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  src2Stride,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src3,
uint32_t  src3Stride,
fcvChannelType  srcChannel,
fcvImageFormat  srcFormat,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Extract channel as a single uint8_t type plane from an interleaved or multi-planar image format.

src1The first plane in source image. For example, an intervealved RGB/RGBA plane or the Y plane.
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
widthWidth of the source image.
heightHeight of the source image.
src1StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src1Stride is default to the size required by corresponding image format.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src2The second plane in souce image if available; otherwise, left at 0. For example, the intervealved CbCr plane in FASTCV_NV12/FASTCV_NV21; or the Cb plane in FASTCV_IYUV/FASTCV_YUV4.
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src2StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0, src2Stride is default to width for FASTCV_NV12/FASTCV_NV21/FASTCV_YUV4 and width/2 for FASTCV_IYUV.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
src3The third plane in souce image if available; otherwise, left at 0. For example, the Cr plane in FASTCV_IYUV/FASTCV_YUV4.
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
src3StrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 src3Stride is default to width for FASTCV_YUV4, and width/2 for FASTCV_IYUV.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcChannelThe index of the image channel to be extracted. Refer to fcvChannelType for details.
srcFormatThe format of the source image. Different image formats require different src and dst size. Refer to fcvImageFormat for details.
dstThe result image (a uint8_t type plane).
NOTE: array should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0, dstStride is default to the size required by corresponding image format.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepths16u8 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  shift,
fcvConvertPolicy  policy,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Converts the bit depth of a single-channel int16_t image to uint8_t type.

srcInput int16_t image. The size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthInput image width
srcHeightInput image height
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row if srcStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth*2
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
shiftThe number of bits to be left-shifted to adjust the output
NOTE: range from 0 to 15
policyConversion policy that decides how data overflow should be handled
dstOutput image which has the same dimension as the input image in uint8_t type
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row if dstStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvConvertDepthu8s16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  shift,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Converts the bit depth of a single-channel uint8 image to int16_t type.

srcInput uint8_t image. The size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthInput image width
srcHeightInput image height
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row if srcStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
shiftThe number of bits to be right-shifted to adjust the output
NOTE: range from 0 to 8
dstOutput image which has the same dimension as the input image in int16_t type
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row if dstStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth*2
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvConvValids16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src1,
uint32_t  src1Width,
uint32_t  src1Height,
uint32_t  src1Stride,
const int16_t *__restrict  src2,
uint32_t  src2Width,
uint32_t  src2Height,
uint32_t  src2Stride,
int32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Performs a valid convolution of two images.

This function does convolution of two images. Values are computed for the region where one image is completely within the other image.

src1First source image of int16 type
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src1WidthImage width.
src1HeightImage height.
src1StrideStride of source image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If set to 0, srcStride is srcWidth in bytes as default
src2Second source image of int16 type
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src2WidthImage width. Must meet this condition: src2Width <= src1Width
src2HeightImage height. Must meet this condition: src2Height <= src1Height
src2StrideStride of source images (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If set to 0, srcStride is src2Width in bytes as default
dstDestination image of int32 type. Size of destination is (src1Width-src2Width+1) x (src1Height-src2Height+1)
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
FASTCV_API void fcvEdgeWeightings16 ( int16_t *__restrict  edgeMap,
const uint32_t  edgeMapWidth,
const uint32_t  edgeMapHeight,
const uint32_t  edgeMapStride,
const uint32_t  weight,
const uint32_t  edge_limit,
const uint32_t  hl_threshold,
const uint32_t  hh_threshold,
const uint32_t  edge_denoise_factor 

Performs edge weighting on input image.

The following filtes are used for edge weighting.

[ 0 1 -1 ] Vertical edge filter: [ 0 2 -2 ] [ 0 1 -1 ]

[ 0 0 0 ] Horizontal edge filter: [ 1 2 1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]

edgeMapInput edge map data
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
edgeMapWidthInput edge map width
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
edgeMapHeightInput edge map height
edgeMapStrideStride of input edge map (i.e., number of bytes between column 0 of row 0 and column 0 of row 1). If left at 0, edgeMapStride is default to edgeMapWidth * 2.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
weightThe given edge weighting weight. It is set to be 6554 (0.2 in Q15 format).
edge_limitThe threshold to distinguish edges from noises. A pixel is from an edge if the filtered value is greater than the edge_limit.
hl_thresholdThe limit of a pixel value reduction in HL band.
hh_thresholdThe limit of a pixel value reduction in HH band.
edge_denoise_factorEdge denoising factor to make sure a pixel value is reduced only when the pixel is a noise pixel.
No return value
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
int  lowThresh,
int  highThresh 

Canny edge filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Canny edge detector applied to a 8 bit grayscale image. The min threshold is set to 0 and the max threshold is set to 15. The aperture size used is set to 3. This function will output the edge, since its working with a 3x3 window, it leaves one row/col of pixels at the corners map stored as a binarized image (0x0 - not an edge, 0xFF - edge). | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit image containing the edge detection results. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
lowThreshFor all the intermediate pixels along the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel locations should be greater than 'low' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > low, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient)
highThreshFor an edge starting point, i.e. either the first or last pixel of the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel should be greater than 'high' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > high, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  lowThresh,
int  highThresh 

Canny edge filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCanny3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCanny3x3u8, fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Canny edge detector applied to a 8 bit grayscale image. The Canny edge detector uses min/max threshold to classify an edge. The min threshold is set to 0 and the max threshold is set to 15. The aperture size used in the Canny edge detector will be same as the filter footprint in the Sobel edge detector and is set to 3. This function will output the edge map stored as a binarized image (0x0 - not an edge, 0xFF - edge), since it works with 3x3 windows, it leaves 1 row/col of pixels at the corners. | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image containing the edge detection results. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
lowThreshFor all the intermediate pixels along the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel locations should be greater than 'low' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > low, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient)
highThreshFor an edge starting point, i.e. either the first or last pixel of the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel should be greater than 'high' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > high, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gx,
int16_t *__restrict  gy,
unsigned int  gradStride,
int  lowThresh,
int  highThresh 

Canny edge filter.

ATTENTION: This function is in the extension lib.
ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCanny3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCanny3x3u8, fcvFilterCanny3x3u8_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Canny edge detector applied to a 8 bit grayscale image. The Canny edge detector uses min/max threshold to classify an edge. The min threshold is set to 0 and the max threshold is set to 15. The aperture size used in the Canny edge detector will be same as the filter footprint in the Sobel edge detector and is set to 3. This function will output the edge map stored as a binarized image (0x0 - not an edge, 0xFF - edge), since it works with 3x3 windows, it leaves 1 row/col of pixels at the corners. | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image containing the edge detection results. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gxgradient in X direction.
NOTE: use NULL if do not need the gradient output.
gygradient in Y direction.
NOTE: use NULL if do not need the gradient output.
gradStrideOutput stride for gx and gy.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth*2.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
lowThreshFor all the intermediate pixels along the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel locations should be greater than 'low' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > low, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient)
highThreshFor an edge starting point, i.e. either the first or last pixel of the edge, the magnitude of the gradient at the pixel should be greater than 'high' (sqrt(gx^2 + gy^2) > high, where gx and gy are X and Y gradient).
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCannyu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  kernelSize,
int32_t  lowThresh,
int32_t  highThresh,
fcvNormType  normType,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gx,
int16_t *__restrict  gy,
uint32_t  gradStride 

Canny edge detection with more controls to configurate the algorithm.

Canny edge detector applied to a 8 bit grayscale image. The results are stored as a binarized image (0x0 - not an edge, 0xFF - edge).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of the input image in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
kernelSizeThe Sobel kernel size for calculating gradient. Supported sizes are 3, 5 and 7.
lowThreshFor all the intermediate pixels along the edge, the norm of the gradient at the pixel locations should be greater than 'lowThresh'.
highThreshFor an edge starting point, i.e. either the first or last pixel of the edge, the norm of the gradient at the pixel should be greater than 'highThresh'.
normTypeThe norm definition to calculate the gradient magnitude. See fcvNormType.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image containing the edge detection results. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. Edges are marked with pixels of 0xFF. The rest pixels have values of 0.
dstStrideStride of the output image in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (gradStride)*(srcHeight) bytes in size.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
gyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (gradStride)*(srcHeight) bytes in size.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
gradStrideStride (in bytes) of 'gx' and 'gy' gradient arrays, is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the gradient arrays dx or dy. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 2 * srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterConvolveMxNu8 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
uint32_t  M,
uint32_t  N,
int8_t  shift,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Computes the convolution of a image with an M x N Kernel.

The function computes the convolution of an unsigned char input image with an M x N kernel of type short. The output is of type unsigned char and is of the same size as the input image. The convolution is computed based on the type of Border handling selected.

kernelInput M x N short kernel matrix. The size of buffer is M*N*sizeof(int16_t) bytes The kernel can be normalized before passing in by making use of the shift parameter.
MWidth of the kernel
NHeight of the kernel
shiftThis parameter can be used to normalize the input kernel by converting the data into fixed point values. Shift can be considered as Q factor of kernel.
srcInput uint8_t image. The size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthInput image width
srcHeightInput image height
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row. If srcStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
dstOutput image which has the same dimensions as the input matrix. The output is of type unsigned char, and must be allocated as dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row. If dstStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values will be set to 0.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterConvolveMxNu8s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
uint32_t  M,
uint32_t  N,
int8_t  shift,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Computes the convolution of an image with an M x N Kernel.

The function computes the convolution of an unsigned char input image with an M x N kernel of type short. The output is of type short and is of the same size as the input image. The convolution is computed based on the type of Border handling selected.

kernelInput M x N short kernel matrix. The size of buffer is M*N*sizeof(int16_t) bytes The kernel can be normalized before passing in by making use of the shift parameter.
MWidth of the kernel
NHeight of the kernel
shiftThis parameter can be used to normalize the input kernel by converting the data into fixed point values. Shift can be considered as Q factor of kernel.
srcInput uint8_t image. The size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthInput image width
srcHeightInput image height
srcStrideInput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row. If srcStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
dstOutput image which has the same dimensions as the input matrix. The output is of type short, and must be allocated as dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideOutput image stride, i.e. the gap (in terms of bytes) between the first element of a row and that of the successive row. If dstStride is equal to 0, it will be set to srcWidth * sizeof(int16_t).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values will be set to 0.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 to 255.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 ( const int8_t *__restrict  kernel,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst 

3x3 correlation with non-separable kernel.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorr3x3s8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorr3x3s8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 and the signature of fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel2-D 3x3 kernel.
NOTE: Normalized to Q4.4
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: must be an even number
srcHeightImage height.
NOTE: must be an even number
dstOutput convolution. Border values are ignored in this function. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorr3x3s8_v2 ( const int8_t *__restrict  kernel,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

3x3 correlation with non-separable kernel.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorr3x3s8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorr3x3s8, fcvFilterCorr3x3s8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorr3x3s8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel2-D 3x3 kernel.
NOTE: Normalized to Q4.4
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: must be an even number
srcHeightImage height.
NOTE: must be an even number
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput convolution. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8 ( const int8_t *__restrict  kernel,
uint32_t  N,
int8_t  shift,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.

kernel2-D NxN kernel of int8_t.
NDimension of kernel.
shiftThe right shift count used to normalize output. Shift can be considered as Q factor of kernel.
srcInput image of unit8_t. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideSrc image stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput correlation. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8f32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  kernel,
uint32_t  N,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
float32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.

kernel2-D NxN kernel of float32_t.
NDimension of kernel.
srcInput image of unit8_t. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideSrc image stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput correlation. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*sizeof(float32_t) bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t) if not 0.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrNxNu8s16 ( const int8_t *__restrict  kernel,
uint32_t  N,
int8_t  shift,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

NxN correlation with non-separable kernel. Border values are ignored in this function. The filling of dst starts at (N/2,N/2) and ends at (srcWidth-1-N/2,srcHeight-1-N/2).
NOTE: The border is N/2 wide pixel strips at top, bottom, left and right of image.

kernel2-D NxN kernel of int8_t.
NDimension of kernel.
shiftThe right shift count used to normalize output. Shift can be considered as Q factor of kernel.
srcInput image of unit8_t. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideSrc image stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput correlation. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*sizeof(int16_t) bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth*sizeof(int16_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*sizeof(int16_t) if not 0.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dst 

11x11 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 and the signature of fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: array must be >=12 elements with kernel[11]=0
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
NOTE: Normalized to Q1.15
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage height.
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

11x11 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16, fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorrSep11x11s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dst 

13x13 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 and the signature of fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: Normalized to Q1.15
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage height.
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

13x13 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16, fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorrSep13x13s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel1-D kernel.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dst 

15x15 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 and the signature of fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: array must be 16 elements with kernel[15]=0
NOTE: Normalized to Q1.15
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage height.
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

15x15 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16, fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorrSep15x15s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: array must be 16 elements with kernel[15]=0
NOTE: Normalized to Q1.15
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dst 

17x17 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 and the signature of fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: Normalized to Q1.15
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage height.
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstOutput correlation.. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

17x17 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16, fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorrSep17x17s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  tmp,
int16_t *  dst 

9x9 correlation with separable kernel. If src and dst point to the same address, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 and the signature of fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

kernel1-D kernel in Q15.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
WARNING: must be > 8.
srcHeightImage height.
tmpTemporary image buffer used internally. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: Must be same size as src
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

9x9 FIR filter (convolution) with seperable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16, fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterCorrSep9x9s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

kernel1-D kernel.
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Size = width * heigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterCorrSepMxNu8 ( const int8_t *  kernelX,
uint32_t  knlSizeX,
const int8_t *  kernelY,
uint32_t  knlSizeY,
int8_t  shift,
const uint8_t *  srcImg,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dstImg,
uint32_t  dstStride 

MxN correlation with separable kernel.

kernelX1-D kernel of int8_t. The kernel is first applied to rows. kernelX has Q factor equal to shift.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
knlSizeXSeperable kernel size of kernelX.
NOTE: kenrelX must be <= 32.
kernelY1-D kernel of int8_t. The kernel is applied to columns after kernelX is applied. It could be the same buffer as kernelX which makes it a NxN symetric kernel. kernelY has Q factor equal to shift.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
knlSizeYSeperable kernel size of kernelY.
shiftThe Q factor of kernels. Output is right-shifted by 2*shift to compensate for two rounds of filtering
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideSrc image stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstImgOutput correlation. Can do in-place filtering (i.e. dstImg=srcImg).
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStrideOutput stride, stride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterCorrSepNxNs16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  kernel,
int  knlSize,
const int16_t *  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  tmpImg,
int16_t *  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

NxN correlation with separable kernel. If srcImg and dstImg point to the same address and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.

kernel1-D kernel.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
knlSizeSeperable kernel size.
srcImgInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
srcWidthImage tile width.
srcHeightImage tile height.
srcStridesource Image width
tmpImgTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * ( height + knlSize - 1 )
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstImgOutput correlation. Border values are ignored in this function.
NOTE: Size = dstStride * srcHeigth
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
dstStridedst Image width
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst 

Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit dilated image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterDilate3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterDilate3x3u8, fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit dilated image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of 3x3 neighborhood window with border handling scheme specified by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterDilate3x3u8, fcvFilterDilate3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterDilate3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit dilated image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values will be set to 0.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterDilateNxNu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  N,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Dilate a grayscale image by taking the local maxima of NxN neighborhood window.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
NDimension of the neighborhood window.
WARNING: must be an odd number
dstOutput 8-bit dilated image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
tmpTemporary image scratch space used internally.
NOTE: Size = width * height
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterErode3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst 

Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 neighborhood window.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterErode3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterErode3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit eroded image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 nbhd window.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterErode3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterErode3x3u8, fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterErode3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterErode3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit eroded image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of 3x3 nbhd window with border handling scheme specified by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterErode3x3u8, fcvFilterErode3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterErode3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterErode3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit eroded image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values will be set to 255.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterErodeNxNu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  N,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Erode a grayscale image by taking the local minima of NxN neighborhood window.

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
NDimension of the neighborhood window.
WARNING: must be an odd number
dstOutput 8-bit eroded image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 11x11 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 and the signature of fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Convolution with 11x11 Gaussian kernel:
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
10 100 450 1200 2100 2520 2100 1200 450 100 10
45 450 2025 5400 9450 11340 9450 5400 2025 450 45
120 1200 5400 14400 25200 30240 25200 14400 5400 1200 120
210 2100 9450 25200 44100 52920 44100 25200 9450 2100 210
252 2520 11340 30240 52920 63504 52920 30240 11340 2520 252
210 2100 9450 25200 44100 52920 44100 25200 9450 2100 210
120 1200 5400 14400 25200 30240 25200 14400 5400 1200 120
45 450 2025 5400 9450 11340 9450 5400 2025 450 45
10 100 450 1200 2100 2520 2100 1200 450 100 10
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 , 1

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 5 pixel in the 11x11 case).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 11x11 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8, fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian11x11u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 11x11 Gaussian kernel:
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
10 100 450 1200 2100 2520 2100 1200 450 100 10
45 450 2025 5400 9450 11340 9450 5400 2025 450 45
120 1200 5400 14400 25200 30240 25200 14400 5400 1200 120
210 2100 9450 25200 44100 52920 44100 25200 9450 2100 210
252 2520 11340 30240 52920 63504 52920 30240 11340 2520 252
210 2100 9450 25200 44100 52920 44100 25200 9450 2100 210
120 1200 5400 14400 25200 30240 25200 14400 5400 1200 120
45 450 2025 5400 9450 11340 9450 5400 2025 450 45
10 100 450 1200 2100 2520 2100 1200 450 100 10
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 , 1

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 5 pixel in the 11x11 case).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Gaussian kernel:
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Destination buffer size is srcWidth*srcHeight.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 1 pixel in the 3x3 case).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8, fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 3x3 Gaussian kernel:
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as dstWidth if not 0.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 1 pixel in the 3x3 case).
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Blurs an image with 3x3 Gaussian filter with border handling scheme specified by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8, fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 3x3 Gaussian kernel:
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as dstWidth if not 0.
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values.
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
int  blurBorder 

Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 and the signature of fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 as it appears now, will be removed.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc).
NOTE: Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight*2 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput int data. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight*2 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
blurBorderIf set to 0, border is ignored. If set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16_v2 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  blurBorder 

Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16, fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian5x5s16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc). Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight*2 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth*2.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*2 if not 0.
dstOutput int data. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*2 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth*2.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*2 if not 0.
blurBorderIf set to 0, border is ignored. If set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 ( const int32_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int32_t *__restrict  dst,
int  blurBorder 

Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 and the signature of fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 as it appears now, will be removed.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc). Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput int data. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
blurBorderIf set to 0, border is ignored. If set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32_v2 ( const int32_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int32_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  blurBorder 

Blur with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32, fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian5x5s32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc). Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideInput Image stride in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth*sizeof(int32_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput int data. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput Image stride in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth*sizeof(int32_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
blurBorderIf set to 0, border is ignored. If set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 and the signature of fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc). Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 2 pixel in the 5x5 case).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
int  blurBorder 

Blurs an image with 5x5 Gaussian filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8, fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterGaussian5x5u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Convolution with 5x5 Gaussian kernel:
1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1

srcInput int data (can be sq. of gradient, etc). Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as dstWidth if not 0.
blurBorderIf set to 1, border is blurred by 0-padding adjacent values. If set to 0, borders up to half-kernel width are ignored (e.g. 2 pixel in the 5x5 case).
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dstImg 

Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Border values are ignored. The 3x3 mask convolves with the image area | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcImgInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
dstImgOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  srcImg,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dstImg,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterMedian3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterMedian3x3u8, fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Border values are ignored. The 3x3 mask convolves with the image area | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcImgInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstImgOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Blurs an image with 3x3 median filter with border handling scheme specified by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterMedian3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterMedian3x3u8, fcvFilterMedian3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterMedian3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Border values are extrapolated according to borderType. The 3x3 mask convolves with the whole image area.

srcImgInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstImgOutput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
borderTypeThis parameter specifies how the border is handled. Can be set to FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, FASTCV_BORDER_REPLICATE or FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED. In the case of FASTCV_BORDER_UNDEFINED, border values are ignored. The 3x3 mask convolves with the following image area | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |
borderValueUsed to define the border value in case FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT is chosen. For other modes, set this value as 0. Can take values between 0 and 255.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterMedianMxNs16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  M,
uint32_t  N,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Blurs an image with MxN median filter (M,N have to be odd numbers)

Borders of m pixels in horizontal direction and n in vertical direction are replaced with the source pixels, where m = (M-1)/2, n = (N-1)/2 The NxN median filter applies on the image area | a(n,m) , a(n,m+1), ..., a(n,srcWidth-m-1) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-n-1,m), ..., ..., a(srcHeight-n-1,srcWidth-m-1) |

srcInput 16-bit signed image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth * 2.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*2 if not 0.
MFilter kernel width
NOTE: kernel width should be an odd number
NFilter kernel height
NOTE: kernel height should be an odd number
dstOutput 16-bit image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight byte.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth * 2
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*2 if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst 

3x3 Sobel edge filter

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterSobel3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterSobel3x3u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 and the signature of fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

This function calculates an image derivative by convolving the image with an appropriate 3x3 kernel. Border values are ignored. The 3x3 mask convolves with the image area | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit image of |dx|+|dy|. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: dst is saturated to 255
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterSobel3x3u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

3x3 Sobel edge filter

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterSobel3x3u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterSobel3x3u8, fcvFilterSobel3x3u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

This function calculates an image derivative by convolving the image with an appropriate 3x3 kernel. Border values are ignored. The 3x3 mask convolves with the image area | a(1,1) , a12, ..., a(1,srcWidth-2) |
| ... , ..., ..., ... |
| a(srcHeight-2,1), ..., ..., a1(srcHeight-2,srcWidth-2) |

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit image of |dx|+|dy|. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: dst is saturated to 255
WARNING: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride.
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as dstWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel3x3u8s16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
uint32_t  dxyStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 3x3 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.

NOTE: it will replace the fcvFilterSobel3x3u8 in fastCV 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient. The number of pixels in a row.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the horizontal gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the vertical gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays, is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the gradient arrays dx or dy. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 2 * srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
borderTypeDefine the behavior at the border. See definition of fcvBorderType.
borderValueSpecifies the constant value for the borderType FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT. Ignored otherwise.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel5x5u8s16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
uint32_t  dxyStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 5x5 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient. The number of pixels in a row.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the horizontal gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the vertical gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays, is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the gradient arrays dx or dy. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 2 * srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
borderTypeDefine the behavior at the border. See definition of fcvBorderType.
borderValueSpecifies the constant value for the borderType FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT. Ignored otherwise.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterSobel7x7u8s16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
uint32_t  dxyStride,
fcvBorderType  borderType,
uint8_t  borderValue 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes the gradient of the input image by convolution with the 7x7 Sobel kernel. The Sobel kernel is not normalized in this function.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient. The number of pixels in a row.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the horizontal gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size. If NULL, the vertical gradient will not be calculated.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays, is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the gradient arrays dx or dy. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 2 * srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
borderTypeDefine the behavior at the border. See definition of fcvBorderType.
borderValueSpecifies the constant value for the borderType FASTCV_BORDER_CONSTANT. Ignored otherwise.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdOtsuu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
fcvThreshType  thresholdType 

Binarizes a grayscale image using Otsu's method.

Sets the pixel to max(255) if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, set the pixel to min(0). The threshold is searched that minimizes the intra-class variance (the variance within the class)

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
thresholdTypeThreshold type that can be either FCV_THRESH_BINARY or FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV.
NOTE: /// For FCV_THRESH_BINARY threshold type, the pixel is set as maxValue if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as zero. For FCV_THRESH_BINARY_INV threshold type, the pixel is set as zero if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, it is set as maxValue.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 ( const uint8_t *  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint8_t  lowThresh,
uint8_t  highThresh 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on a pair of threshold values.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 and the signature of fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Sets the pixel to min(0) if it's value is greater than the higher threshold or smaller than the lower threshold; else, set the pixel to max(255).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride (in bytes).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
lowThreshThe lower threshold value for binarization.
highThreshThe higher threshold value for binarization.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint8_t  lowThresh,
uint8_t  highThresh,
uint8_t  trueValue,
uint8_t  falseValue 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on a pair of threshold values. The binarized image will be in the two values selected by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8, fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterThresholdRangeu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Sets the pixel to min(0) if it's value is greater than the higher threshold or smaller than the lower threshold; else, set the pixel to max(255).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride (in bytes).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
lowThreshThe lower threshold value for binarization.
highThreshThe higher threshold value for binarization.
trueValueThe value in type of uint8_t assigned to the destination pixel if the source is within the range inclusively defined by the pair of threshold values
falseValueThe value in type of uint8_t assigned to the destination pixel if the source is out of the range defined by the pair of threshold values
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdu8 ( const uint8_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *  dst,
unsigned int  threshold 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterThresholdu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvFilterThresholdu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvFilterThresholdu8 and the signature of fcvFilterThresholdu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

Sets the pixel to max(255) if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, set the pixel to min(0).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
thresholdThreshold value for binarization.
WARNING: must be larger than 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvFilterThresholdu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
unsigned int  threshold 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterThresholdu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterThresholdu8, fcvFilterThresholdu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterThresholdu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterThresholdu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Sets the pixel to max(255) if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, set the pixel to min(0).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride (in bytes).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values), and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
thresholdThreshold value for binarization.
WARNING: must be larger than 0.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFilterThresholdu8_v3 ( const uint8_t *  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride,
unsigned int  threshold,
uint8_t  trueValue,
uint8_t  falseValue 

Binarizes a grayscale image based on a threshold value. The binarized image will be in the two values selected by user.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvFilterThresholdu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvFilterThresholdu8, fcvFilterThresholdu8_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvFilterThresholdu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvFilterThresholdu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

Sets the pixel to max(255) if it's value is greater than the threshold; else, set the pixel to min(0).

srcInput 8-bit image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput 8-bit binarized image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes. If src equals to dst and srcStride equals to dstStride, it will do in-place.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideOutput stride (in bytes).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values), and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
thresholdThreshold value for binarization.
WARNING: must be larger than 0.
trueValueThe value in type of uint8_t assigned to the destination pixel if the source is larger than threshold
falseValueThe value in type of uint8_t assigned to the destination pixel if the source is smaller than or equal to threshold
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFindForegroundIntegrateImageYCbCr420u32 ( const uint32_t *__restrict  bgIntegralY,
const uint32_t *__restrict  bgIntegralCb,
const uint32_t *__restrict  bgIntegralCr,
const uint32_t *__restrict  fgIntegralY,
const uint32_t *__restrict  fgIntegralCb,
const uint32_t *__restrict  fgIntegralCr,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcYStride,
uint32_t  srcCbStride,
uint32_t  srcCrStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  outputMask,
uint32_t  outputWidth,
uint32_t  outputHeight,
uint32_t  outputMaskStride,
float32_t  threshold 

This function finds the foreground.

This function tries to find a forgound in the current image (represented by: fgIntegralY, fgIntegralCb, fgIntegralCr) based on the current background model (represented by: bgIntegralY, bgIntegralCb, bgIntegralCr). For example, the tuple (bgIntegralY, bgIntegralCb, bgIntegralCr) may be from a picture shooting a wall. Then the tuple (fgIntegralY, fgIntegralCb, fgIntegralCr) may be the wall with a paint on it. Note that all the first six parameters are indicating integral images that's computed from a YUV420 image, which maybe computed from the function: fcvIntegrateImageYCbCr420PseudoPlanaru8. Generally the size of fgIntegralY and bgIntegralY are (srcWidth+1)*(srcHeight+1). And the size of fgIntegralU, fgIntegralV, bgIntegralU and bgIntegralV are (srcWidth/2+1)*(srcHeight/2+1). The value of the outputWidth and outputHeight are usually indicating the desired block size. For example, if the user wants a 20x15 blocks on a 800x480 image. Then outputWidth=800/20 and outputHeight=480/15. After return, if the value in the outputMask image is 255, then a moving block is indicated, otherwise a non-moving block is indicated.

bgIntegralYThe input image/patch that's indicating the Y channel of the integral image of the background image. Size of buffer is srcYStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
bgIntegralCbThe input image/patch that's indicating the Cb channel of the integral image of the background image. Size of buffer is srcCbStride*srcHeight/2 bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
bgIntegralCrThe input image/patch that's indicating the Cr channel of the integral image of the background image. Size of buffer is srcCrStride*srcHeight/2 bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
fgIntegralYThe input image/patch that's indicating the Y channel of the integral image of the image on which we want to find the foreground. Size of buffer is srcYStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
fgIntegralCbThe input image/patch that's indicating the Cb channel of the integral image of the image on which we want to find the foreground. Size of buffer is srcCbStride*srcHeight/2 bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
fgIntegralCrThe input image/patch that's indicating the Cr channel of the integral image of the image on which we want to find the foreground. Size of buffer is srcCrStride*srcHeight/2 bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row. See the details.
NOTE: must be a multiple of 16.
srcHeightThe height of the source image. See the details.
NOTE: must be a multiple of 2.
srcYStrideThe stride of the input source image's Y channel. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 srcStride is default to (srcWidth+8)*sizeof(uint32_t).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcCbStrideThe stride of the input source image's Cb channel. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 srcStride is default to (srcWidth>>1+8)*sizeof(uint32_t).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcCrStrideThe stride of the input source image's Cr channel. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 srcStride is default to (srcWidth>>1+8)*sizeof(uint32_t).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
outputMaskThe output mask image. Each pixel represent the motion condition for a block in the original image. Size of buffer is outputMaskStride*outputHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
outputWidthThe width of the output mask image.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
outputHeightThe height of the output mask image.
outputMaskStrideThe stride of the output mask image. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 outputMaskStride is default to outputWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
thresholdThe threshold that's used to decide if a block is moving or not. (recommend the value of 20).
No return value.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvFloodfillMergedu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint32_t  xBegin,
uint32_t  yBegin,
uint8_t  newVal,
fcvConnectedComponent *__restrict  cc,
uint8_t  connectivity 

This function fills the image with a starting seed and neighborhood (4 or 8). It then returns the connected component (cc) that's filled.

This function first obtains the grayscale value at the (xBegin,yBegin) position of the src image. Then it finds all the neighbor pixels that has the same value based on 4 or 8 connectivity. The corresponding positions of all of these pixels in the image dst then will be set to the newVal. The dst image will have the same value as src at all other positions.

srcThe input image/patch. Must be 8 bit grayscale image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
dstThe output image/patch. Must be 8 bit grayscale image.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideThe stride of the output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth.
xBeginThe x coordinate of the pixel where we start the floodfill.
yBeginThe y coordinate of the pixel where we start the floodfill.
newValThe new value that will be set on the dst image, correspoinding to the area that's floodfilled starting from the (xBegin,yBegin) position.
ccThe pointer that's pointing to the connected component that's representing the floodfilled area.
connectivityIt can be either 4 or 8, indicating whether we use a 4-neighborhood or 8-neighborhood to do the floodfill.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvFloodfillSimpleu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride,
uint32_t  xBegin,
uint32_t  yBegin,
uint8_t  newVal,
fcvConnectedComponent cc,
uint8_t  connectivity,
void *  lineBuffer 

This function fills the image with a starting seed and neighborhood (4 or 8). It then returns the connected component (cc) that's filled.

This function first obtains the grayscale value at the (xBegin,yBegin) position of the src image. Then it finds all the neighbor pixels that has the same value based on 4 or 8 connectivity. The corresponding positions of all of these pixels in the image dst then will be set to the new value. Note that the new value cannot be zero since zero is indicating a mask background here. The dst image will have the new value at the corresponding positions and 0 at all other positions.

srcThe input image/patch. Must be 8 bit grayscale image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
dstThe output image/patch. Must be 8 bit grayscale image.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideThe stride of the output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth.
xBeginThe x coordinate of the pixel where we start the floodfill.
yBeginThe y coordinate of the pixel where we start the floodfill.
newValThe new value that will be set on the dst image, correspoinding to the area that's floodfilled starting from the (xBegin,yBegin) position.
ccThe pointer that's pointing to the connected component that's representing the floodfilled area.
connectivityIt can be either 4 or 8, indicating whether we use a 4-neighborhood or 8-neighborhood to do the floodfill.
lineBufferThe input scratch buffer that needs to be allocated by the user and passed in. The size of the buffer must be: Max(srcWidth,srcHeight)*48 bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
No return value.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDifff32 ( const float *__restrict  src1,
const float *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.

src1First source image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight*4 bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src2Second source image, must be same size as src1.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of input image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstDestination. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src1 and src2.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffs16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src1,
const int16_t *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Compute image difference src1-src2.

src1Input image1 of int16 type. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight*2 bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src2Input image2, must have same size as src1
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthInput image width
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
srcHeightInput image height
srcStrideStride of input image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstOutput image, saturated for int16 type. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*2 bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, dstStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst 

Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageDiffu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageDiffu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageDiffu8 and the signature of fcvImageDiffu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

dst[i,j] = (uint8_t) max( min((short)(src1[i,j]-src2[i,j]), 255), 0 );

src1First source image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src2Second source image, must be same size as src1.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
dstDestination. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src1 and src2.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageDiffu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageDiffu8, fcvImageDiffu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageDiffu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageDiffu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

dst[i,j] = (uint8_t) max( min((short)(src1[i,j]-src2[i,j]), 255), 0 );

src1First source image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
src2Second source image, must be same size as src1.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of input image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dstDestination. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: Must be same size as src1 and src2.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as dstWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as dstWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8f32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Performs image difference by promoting both src1 and src 2 to floating point values and then subracting src2 from src1. dst=src1-src2.

src1First source image
src2Second source image, must be same size as src1.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of input image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstDestination image in float type
NOTE: Must be same size as src1 and src2.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageDiffu8s8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src1,
const uint8_t *__restrict  src2,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int8_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Performs image difference by subracting src2 from src1. dst = ( src1 >> 1) - ( src2 >> 1).

src1First source image
src2Second source image, must be same size as src1.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of input image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstDestination image in int8 type
NOTE: Must be same size as src1 and src2.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  gradients 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 and the signature of fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
gradientsBuffer to store gradient. Must be 2*(width-1)*(height-1) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  gradients,
unsigned int  gradStride 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32, fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientInterleavedf32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gradientsBuffer to store gradient. Must be 2*(width-1)*(height-1) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
gradStrideStride (in bytes) of the interleaved gradients array.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as (srcWidth-2)*2*sizeof(float).
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 ( 8 * 4-byte values ), and at least as much as 8 * srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gradients 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gradientsBuffer to store gradient. Must be 2*(width-1)*(height-1) in size.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gradients,
unsigned int  gradStride 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16, fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientInterleaveds16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gradientsBuffer to store gradient. Must be 2*(width-1)*(height-1) in size.
gradStrideStride in bytes of the interleaved gradients array.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as 4*(srcWidth-2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 16 ( 8 * 2-byte values ), and at least as much as 4*(srcWidth-2) if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  dx,
float *__restrict  dy 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientPlanarf32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientPlanarf32_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 and the signature of fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanarf32_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  dx,
float *__restrict  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientPlanarf32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientPlanarf32, fcvImageGradientPlanarf32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientPlanarf32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride of Gradient values ('dx' and 'dy' arrays) measured in bytes.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as 4*srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-bytes per gradient value), and at least as much as 4*srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanars16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientPlanars16_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientPlanars16_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientPlanars16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientPlanars16 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientPlanars16_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates 2D gradient from source illuminance data. This function considers only the left/right neighbors for x-gradients and top/bottom neighbors for y-gradients.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientPlanars16() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientPlanars16, fcvImageGradientPlanars16_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientPlanars16 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientPlanars16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (srcWidth)*(srcHeight) in size.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' arrays.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 16 (8 * 2-bytes per gradient value), and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  gradients 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
gradientsBuffer to store horizontal and vertical gradient. Must be (width-2)*(height-2) *2 floats in size. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *__restrict  gradients,
unsigned int  gradStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32, fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelInterleavedf32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gradientsBuffer to store horizontal and vertical gradient. Must be gradStride*(height-2) *2 bytes in size. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
gradStrideStride (in bytes) of the interleaved gradients array.
NOTE: if 0, gradStride is set as (srcWidth-2)*2*sizeof(float).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as (srcWidth-2)*2*sizeof(float) if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gradients 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
gradientsBuffer to store horizontal and vertical gradient. Must be (width-2)*(height-2) *2 in size. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gradients,
unsigned int  gradStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 and fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v2 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
gradientsBuffer to store horizontal and vertical gradient. Must be gradStride*(height-2) *2 bytes in size. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
gradStrideStride (in bytes) of the interleaved gradients array.
NOTE: if 0, gradStride is set as (srcWidth-2)*2*sizeof(int16_t).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as 4*srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  gradients,
unsigned int  gradStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel. The output is in interleaved format (i.e.) [dx][dy][dx][dy]....

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ]
Compared to the original and v2 functions, this v3 functions does not normalize
the gradients (divide by 8). It just returns the actual dx, dy values.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v2() with a change in behavior: no normalization at the end of the calculation. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16, fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v2 and fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 and fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16_v3 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelInterleaveds16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient. The number of pixels in a row.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
gradientsBuffer to store horizontal and vertical gradient. Must be gradStride*(height-2) *2 bytes in size.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
gradStrideStride (in bytes) is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the interleaved gradients array. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 4 * (srcWidth-2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *  dx,
float *  dy 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *  dx,
float *  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays.
NOTE: if 0, dxyStride is set as 4*srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-bytes per gradient value),and at least as much as srcWidth*sizeof(float) if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 ( const float *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *  dx,
float *  dy 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight floats.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels (not bytes) between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (width)*(height) floats in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (width)*(height) floats in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32_v2 ( const float *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
float *  dx,
float *  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32()() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32(), fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanarf32f32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight floats.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride (in bytes) of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-bytes), and at least as much as srcWidth*sizeof(float) if not 0.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth*4.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays.
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-bytes per gradient value).
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-bytes), and at least as much as srcWidth*sizeof(float) if not 0.
NOTE: if 0, dxyStride is set as srcWidth*4.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2 and fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays.
NOTE: if 0, dxyStride is set as (srcWidth*sizeof(int16_t)).
WARNING: should be multiple of 16 (8 * 2-bytes per gradient value), and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int16_t *__restrict  dx,
int16_t *__restrict  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data without normalization. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2() with a change in behavior: no normalization at the end of the calculation. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2 and fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 and fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient. The number of pixels in a row.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays, is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in the gradient arrays dx or dy. If left at 0 gradStride is default to 2 * srcWidth.
NOTE: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int8_t *__restrict  dx,
int8_t *__restrict  dy 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 and the signature of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (width)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int8_t *__restrict  dx,
int8_t *__restrict  dy,
unsigned int  dxyStride 

Creates a 2D gradient image from source luminance data. This function computes central differences on 3x3 neighborhood and then convolves the result with Sobel kernel

[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ]
dx = [ -2 0 +2 ] * src dy = [ 0 0 0 ] * src
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ].

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8, fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcInput image/patch. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of src data to create gradient.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightHeight of src data to create gradient.
srcStrideStride of image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
dxBuffer to store horizontal gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dyBuffer to store vertical gradient. Must be (dxyStride)*(height) bytes in size.
NOTE: a border of 1 pixel in size on top, bottom, left, and right contains undefined values. Gradient output is scaled by 1/8.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
dxyStrideStride (in bytes) of 'dx' and 'dy' gradient arrays.
NOTE: if 0, srcStride is set as srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth if not 0.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageHistogramEqualizeu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Normalize the image according to histogram value of the pixel intensity.

srcPointer to grayscale image with one byte per pixel
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width
srcHeightImage height
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
dstPointer to output image with one byte per pixel
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageIntensityHistogram ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
int  xBegin,
int  yBegin,
unsigned int  recWidth,
unsigned int  recHeight,
int32_t *  histogram 

Creates a histogram of intensities for a rectangular region of a grayscale image. Bins each pixel into a histogram of size 256, depending on the intensity of the pixel (in the range 0 to 255).

srcpointer to 8-bit grayscale image
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of source image
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
xBeginx coordinate of top left of rectangle
yBeginy coordinate of top left of rectangle
recWidthWidth of rectangular region
recHeightHeight of rectangular region
histogramArray of size 256 for storing the histogram
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageIntensityStats ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
int  xBegin,
int  yBegin,
unsigned int  recWidth,
unsigned int  recHeight,
float *  mean,
float *  variance 

Calculates the mean and variance of intensities of a rectangle in a grayscale image.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageIntensityStats_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageIntensityStats_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageIntensityStats and the signature of fcvImageIntensityStats as it appears now, will be removed. This API is the same as fcvImageIntensityStats_v2 with FASTCV_UNBIASED_VARIANCE_ESTIMATOR

srcpointer to 8-bit grayscale image
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of source image
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
xBeginx coordinate of top left of rectangle
yBeginy coordinate of top left of rectangle
recWidthwidth of rectangular region
recHeightheight of rectangular region
meanoutput of mean of region
varianceoutput of variance of region
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageIntensityStats_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
int  xBegin,
int  yBegin,
uint32_t  recWidth,
uint32_t  recHeight,
float32_t *  mean,
float32_t *  variance,
fcvVarianceEstimator  varianceEstimator 

Calculates the mean and variance of intensities of a rectangle in a grayscale image.

srcpointer to 8-bit grayscale image
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of source image
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
xBeginx coordinate of top left of rectangle
yBeginy coordinate of top left of rectangle
recWidthwidth of rectangular region
recHeightheight of rectangular region
meanoutput of mean of region
varianceoutput of variance of region
varianceEstimatorvariance estimator
FASTCV_API uint32_t fcvImageSegmentationRegionGrow ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numChannel,
uint32_t  thresholdSplit,
uint32_t  thresholdMerge,
uint32_t *__restrict  segLabel,
uint32_t  segLabelStride,
uint8_t *__restrict  data 

Segments an image (3 or 1 channel) into meaningful regions, depending on the color or gray scale uniformity of the neighborhood pixels.

srcPointer to 8-bit color (3-channel) or grayscale (1-channel) image.
srcWidthWidth of src image, measured by pixels.
srcHeightHeight of src image, measured by pixels.
srcStrideStride of src image, measured by bytes. WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*numChannel if not 0.
numChannelNumber of channels of src image. 1 for gray scale and 3 for color image.
thresholdSplitThreshold for region split. Higher value: larger uniform region segmented. Range of 3-channel image segmentation 20~500: 20~50 for heavy over-segmentation, 50~100 for median over-segmentation, 100~150 for light over-segmentation, 150~250 for normal segmentation, 250~400 for light under-segmentation, 400~500 for heavy under-segmentation. Range of 1-channel image segmentation 3~150: 3~10 for heavy over-segmentation, 10~15 for median over-segmentation, 15~25 for light over-segmentation, 25~50 for normal segmentation, 50~75 for light under-segmentation, 75~150 for heavy under-segmentation.
thresholdMergeThreshold for region merge, measured by the region area (pixels). Higher value: larger uniform region segmented. Range 10~1000 for VGA size image. Range of 3-channel image segmentation 10~1000: 10~30 for heavy over-segmentation, 30~60 for median over-segmentation, 60~150 for light over-segmentation, 150~400 for normal segmentation, 400~600 for light under-segmentation, 600~1000 for heavy under-segmentation. Same for the 1-channel image. For other image size, please tune the thresholdMerge value proportional to the VGA size.
segLabelSegmented labels. 1 channel with same size of src. Pixel belonging to the same region is uniformly labeled by a non-zero number.
segLabelStrideStride of segmented labels, measured by bytes. WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*4 if not 0.
datadata buffer for inner function buffer allocation. The buffer size is recommended below, for 3-channel image: *data = (uint8_t *) malloc ( srcWidth*srcHeight*18*sizeof(uint8_t) ); for 1-channel image: *data = (uint8_t *) malloc ( srcWidth*srcHeight*16*sizeof(uint8_t) );
0 if successful.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageSegmentationSeedRegionGrows16 ( const int16_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numChannel,
uint32_t  threshGrow,
const uint32_t *__restrict  pointVector,
uint32_t  numSeed,
uint8_t  mode,
uint32_t *__restrict  segLabel,
uint32_t  segLabelStride 

Grow the seeds within the image to meaningful regions, depending on the color or gray scale uniformity of the neighborhood pixels from the seeds.

srcPointer to 16-bit color (3-channel) or grayscale (1-channel) image.
srcWidthWidth of src image, measured by pixels.
srcHeightHeight of src image, measured by pixels.
srcStrideStride of src image, measured by bytes. WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*numChannel if not 0.
numChannelNumber of channels of src image. 1 for gray scale and 3 for color image.
threshGrowThreshold to grow the seed into a region. Higher value: larger uniform region grown. Range of 3-channel image segmentation: 10~150. Range of 1-channel image segmentation: 3~25.
pointVectorA 2D point vector of seeds (provided by user) within the image. For N seeds, it is saved as [x0,y0,x1,y1,...,xN-1,yN-1].
numSeedNumber of seed points, equal to N used in pointVector.
modeMode of seed grow. 0: distance measured with neighborhood pixel. 1: distance measured with seed pixel only.
segLabelSegmented labels. 1 channel with same size of src. Pixel belonging to the same region is uniformly labeled by a non-zero number. Pixels not grown from any seeds are labeled 0.
segLabelStrideStride of segmented labels, measured by bytes. WARNING: should be multiple of 8, and at least as much as srcWidth*4 if not 0.
0 if successful.
FASTCV_API void fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numPatterns,
uint32_t  grid_x,
uint32_t  grid_y,
float32_t *__restrict  histogram 

Calculate histogram at image patches.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 and the signature of fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcPointer to grayscale image with one byte per pixel
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width
srcHeightImage height
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
numPatternsNumber of patterns to be computed in the histogram
grid_xThe number of grids along x dimension
grid_yThe number of grids along y dimension
histogramOutput histogram
NOTE: Memory must be at least numPatterns*grid_x*grid_y*sizeof(float32_t)
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numPatterns,
uint32_t  grid_x,
uint32_t  grid_y,
float32_t *__restrict  histogram,
float32_t  normalize_factor 

Calculate histogram at image patches.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8, fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvImageSpatialHistogramu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcPointer to grayscale image with one byte per pixel
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width
srcHeightImage height
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
numPatternsNumber of patterns to be computed in the histogram
grid_xThe number of grids along x dimension
grid_yThe number of grids along y dimension
histogramOutput histogram
NOTE: Memory must be at least numPatterns*grid_x*grid_y*sizeof(float32_t)
normalize_factorScale factor with float32_t type to normalize result. When set to 0, the result is normalized by (srcWidth/grid_x) * (srcHeight/grid_y)
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageLine64u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint16_t *  intgrl,
uint32_t *  intgrlSqrd 

Integrates 64 contiguous pixels of an image.

srcInput image.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
intgrlSum of values from specified pixels.
intgrlSqrdSum of squared values from specified pixels.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageLineu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint16_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t *  intgrl,
uint32_t *  intgrlSqrd 

Integrates one line of an image or any portion of an image that is contiguous in memory.

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthNumber of pixels.
NOTE: bit width enforces numPxls < 2^16
intgrlSum of values from specified pixels.
intgrlSqrdSum of squared values from specified pixels.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
uint32_t *__restrict  dst 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit image and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvIntegratePatchu8 and the signature of fcvIntegratePatchu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
NOTE: height must be <= 2048
dstOutput integral-image. Should point to a memory of size (width+1)*(height+1). Zero borders for 1st column.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
uint32_t *__restrict  dst,
unsigned int  dstStride 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit image and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvIntegrateImageu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvIntegrateImageu8, fcvIntegrateImageu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvIntegrateImageu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvIntegrateImageu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
NOTE: height must be <= 2048
srcStrideStride (in bytes) of the image (i.e., how many pixels between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
dstOutput integral-image. Should point to a memory of size at least (width+1)*(height+1). Zero borders for 1st column.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride (in bytes) of integral image.
WARNING: should be multiple of 32 (8 * 4-byte values).
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageu8u64 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t *__restrict  dstIntgrl,
uint64_t *__restrict  dstIntgrlSqrd,
uint32_t  dstIntgrlStride,
uint32_t  dstIntgrlSqrdStride 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares. This function supports bigger size patch with u64 for squared integral output.
NOTE: No extra border lines, the integral output buffer size is the same as input image buffer size.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<=X,y<=Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
dstIntgrlIntegral image.
NOTE: Memory must be >= srcWidth*srcHeight*4 bytes
dstIntgrlSqrdIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be >= srcWidth*srcHeight*8 bytes
dstIntgrlStridedstIntgrl Image stride (in bytes). Stride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth*4.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
dstIntgrlSqrdStridedstIntgrlSqrd Image stride (in bytes). Stride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth*8.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegrateImageYCbCr420PseudoPlanaru8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  srcY,
const uint8_t *__restrict  srcC,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcYStride,
uint32_t  srcCStride,
uint32_t *__restrict  integralY,
uint32_t *__restrict  integralCb,
uint32_t *__restrict  integralCr,
uint32_t  integralYStride,
uint32_t  integralCbStride,
uint32_t  integralCrStride 

This function calculates the integral image of a YCbCr image.

This function calculates the integral images of a YCbCr420 image, where the input YCbCr420 has UV interleaved. The output is 3 seperate channels. The output integralY will be (srcWidth+1)x(srcHeight+1). IntegralU and IntegralV are (srcWidth/2+1)x(srcHeight/2+1).

srcYThe input image/patch Y in planar format. Size of buffer is srcYStride*srcHeight bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcCThe input image/patch. Pointer to CbCr are interleaved. Size of buffer is srcCStride*srcHeight/2 bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
NOTE: must be a multiple of 16.
srcHeightImage height.
NOTE: must be a multiple of 2.
srcYStrideThe stride of the input source image's Y channel. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 srcYStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: must be a multiple of 16.
srcCStrideThe stride of the input source image's CbCr channel. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 srcCStride is default to srcWidth.
NOTE: must be a multiple of 16.
integralYThe output integral image/patch for Y channel. Must be 32 bit image. The size will be (srcWidth+1)x(srcHeight+1). Size of buffer is integralYStride*(srcHeight+1) bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
integralCbThe output integral image/patch for Cb channel. Must be 32 bit image. The size will be (srcWidth/2+1)x(srcHeight/2+1). Size of buffer is integralCbStride*(srcHeight/2+1) bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
integralCrThe output integral image/patch for Cr channel. Must be 32 bit image. The size will be (srcWidth/2+1)x(srcHeight/2+1). Size of buffer is integralCrStride*(srcHeight/2+1) bytes
NOTE: should be 128-bit aligned.
integralYStrideThe stride of integralY. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 integralYStride is default to (srcWidth+8)*sizeof(uint32_t)
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
integralCbStrideThe stride of integralCb. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 integralCbStride is default to (srcWidth>>1+8) *sizeof(uint32_t)
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
integralCrStrideThe stride of integralCr. (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If left at 0 integralCrStride is default to (srcWidth>>1+8) *sizeof(uint32_t)
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8.
No return value.
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 12x12 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 and the signature of fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (12+1)(12+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (12+1)(12+1)
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 12x12 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8, fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvIntegratePatch12x12u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)
WARNING: do not use - under construction.

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride (in bytes).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (12+1)(12+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (12+1)(12+1)
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 18x18 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8_v2 will be renamed to fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 and the signature of fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 as it appears now, will be removed.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
srcWidthImage srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (18+1)(18+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (18+1)(18+1)
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 18x18 8-bit patch values and their squares. It also adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8, fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvIntegratePatch18x18u8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srStride*srcHeight bytes.
srcWidthImage srcWidth.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideImage stride (in bytes).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (18+1)(18+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (18+1)(18+1)
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatchu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
unsigned int  patchW,
unsigned int  patchH,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvIntegratePatchu8 and the signature of fcvIntegratePatchu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
WARNING: height must be <= 2048
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchWPatch width.
patchHPatch height.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
FASTCV_API void fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  srcStride,
int  patchX,
int  patchY,
unsigned int  patchW,
unsigned int  patchH,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvIntegratePatchu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvIntegratePatchu8, fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvIntegratePatchu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvIntegratePatchu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
WARNING: height must be <= 2048
srcStrideImage stride (in bytes).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 (8 * 1-byte values).
patchXPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchYPatch location on image of upper-left patch corner.
patchWPatch width.
WARNING: (patchW * patchH) should be less than 66051, to avoid overflow.
patchHPatch height.
WARNING: (patchW * patchH) should be less than 66051, to avoid overflow.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvIntegratePatchu8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  patchX,
uint32_t  patchY,
uint32_t  patchW,
uint32_t  patchH,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlImgOut,
uint32_t  intgrlStride,
uint32_t *__restrict  intgrlSqrdImgOut,
uint32_t  intgrlSqrdStride 

Builds an integral image of the incoming 8-bit patch values and their squares and adds an unfilled border on top and to the left.
NOTE: border usually zero filled elsewhere.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvIntegratePatchu8() and fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvIntegratePatchu8, fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 and fcvIntegratePatchu8_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvIntegratePatchu8 and fcvIntegratePatchu8_v2 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvIntegratePatchu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

sum (X,Y) = sum_{x<X,y<Y} I(x,y)

srcInput image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
srcHeightImage height.
WARNING: height must be <= 2048
srcStrideImage stride (in bytes).
WARNING: should be multiple of 8 .
patchXX coordinate of upper-left patch corner.
patchYY coordinate of upper-left patch corner.
patchWPatch width.
WARNING: (patchW * patchH) should be less than 66051, to avoid overflow.
patchHPatch height.
WARNING: (patchW * patchH) should be less than 66051, to avoid overflow.
intgrlImgOutIntegral image. Zero borders for 1st column.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
intgrlStrideStride in bytes of the Integral Image
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
intgrlSqrdImgOutIntegral image of squared values.
NOTE: Memory must be > (patchW+1)(patchH+1)
intgrlSqrdStrideStride in bytes of the Squared Integral Image
WARNING: should be multiple of 8.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32 ( const float32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  patchWidth,
uint32_t  patchHeight,
uint32_t  useStdDev,
float32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Calculate the local subtractive and contrastive normalization of the image. For each pixel of the image, the mean and optionally standard deviation is calculated for the patch centered around the pixel. Then the pixel is normalized by the local mean and optionally standard deviation.

srcThe input image. Must be 32-bit float image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight*sizeof(float32_t) bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of src image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
patchWidthWidth in pixels of the patch to calculate local mean and standard deviation.
patchHeightHeight in pixels of the patch to calculate local mean and standard deviation.
useStdDev(0 or 1) if 1, the dst will be normalized with standard deviation.
dstThe output image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight*sizeof(float32_t) bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideThe stride of the output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t).
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvNormalizeLocalBoxu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  patchWidth,
uint32_t  patchHeight,
uint32_t  useStdDev,
int8_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Calculate the local subtractive and contrastive normalization of the image. For each pixel of the image, the mean and optionally standard deviation is calculated for the patch centered around the pixel. Then the pixel is normalized by the local mean and optionally standard deviation.

srcThe input image. Must be 8 bit grayscale image. Size of buffer is srcStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width, the number of pixels in a row
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of src image is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory.
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 srcStride is default to srcWidth.
patchWidthWidth in pixels of the patch to calculate local mean and standard deviation.
patchHeightHeight in pixels of the patch to calculate local mean and standard deviation.
useStdDev(0 or 1) if 1, the dst will be normalized with standard deviation.
dstThe output image. Size of buffer is dstStride*srcHeight bytes.
NOTE:should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideThe stride of the output image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
NOTE: should be a multiple of 8. If left at 0 dstStride is default to srcWidth.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success, other values upon failure.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreatef32 ( const float *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  numLevels,
fcvPyramidLevel pyramid 

Builds an image pyramid of float32 arising from a single original image - that are successively downscaled w.r.t. the pre-set levels.
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvPyramidCreatef32_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvPyramidCreatef32_v2 will be renamed to fcvPyramidCreatef32 and the signature of fcvPyramidCreatef32 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcBase image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight*4 bytes.
NOTE: data should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthWidth of base image
WARNING: must be a multiple of 2^numLevels
srcHeightHeight of base image
WARNING: must be a multiple of 2^numLevels
numLevelsNumber of levels of the pyramid
pyramidOutput pyramid of numLevels+1 images of the same type as src . pyramid[0] will be the same as src . pyramid[1] is the next pyramid layer, a smoothed and down-sized src , and so on.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreatef32_v2 ( const float32_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numLevels,
fcvPyramidLevel_v2 pyramid 

Builds an image pyramid (with stride).
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete_v2.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvPyramidCreatef32() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvPyramidCreatef32, fcvPyramidCreatef32_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvPyramidCreatef32 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvPyramidCreatef32 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcbase image
srcWidthwidth of base image
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevels
srcHeightheight of base image
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevel
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory (base image).
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevels
NOTE: If left at 0, pyramid (non-base) image stride is the same as its srcWidth*sizeof(float32_t)
numLevelsNumber of levels of the pyramid
fcvPyramidLevel_v2output pyramid (with stride) of numLevels+1 images of the same type as src . pyramid[0] will be the same as src . pyramid[1] is the next pyramid layer, a smoothed and down-sized src , and so on.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreateu8 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
unsigned int  srcWidth,
unsigned int  srcHeight,
unsigned int  numLevels,
fcvPyramidLevel pyramid 

Builds an image pyramid of uint8_t arising from a single original image - that are successively downscaled w.r.t. the pre-set levels.
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.

ATTENTION: This function's signature will become OBSOLETE in a future release of this library (2.0.0). The new interface is specified in the function: fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2(). In the 2.0.0 release, fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2 will be renamed to fcvPyramidCreateu8 and the signature of fcvPyramidCreateu8 as it appears now, will be removed.

srcBase image. Size of buffer is srcWidth*srcHeight bytes.
srcWidthWidth of base image
WARNING: must be a multiple of 2^(numLevels-1)
srcHeightheight of base image
NOTE: must be a multiple of 2^(numLevels-1)
numLevelsNumber of levels of the pyramid
pyramidOutput pyramid of numLevels+1 images of the same type as src . pyramid[0] will be the same as src . pyramid[1] is the next pyramid layer, a smoothed and down-sized src , and so on.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numLevels,
fcvPyramidLevel_v2 pyramid 

Builds an image pyramid (with stride).
NOTE: Memory should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete.

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvPyramidCreateu8() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvPyramidCreateu8, fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvPyramidCreateu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvPyramidCreateu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcbase image
srcWidthwidth of base image
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevels
srcHeightheight of base image
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevel
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory (base image).
NOTE: Needs to be a multiple of 2^numLevels
NOTE: Pyramid (non-base) image stride is the same as its width
numLevelsNumber of levels of the pyramid
fcvPyramidLevel_v2output pyramid (with stride) of numLevels+1 images of the same type as src . pyramid[0] will be the same as src . pyramid[1] is the next pyramid layer, a smoothed and down-sized src , and so on.
FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvPyramidCreateu8_v3 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint32_t  numLevels,
fcvPyramidScale  scale,
fcvPyramidLevel_v2 *__restrict  pyramidGaussian 

Builds a Gaussian image pyramid. DO NOT USE THIS API unless for testing purposes. This API can be removed without notice.

This function builds a Gaussian image Pyramid given an input image. Each level of the pyramid is computed by first applying a gaussian filter on the previous level, and then scaling the image based on the type of scale factor selected. The memory for the pyramid must be allocated using fcvPyramidAllocate_v3(), and should be deallocated using fcvPyramidDelete_v2()

ATTENTION: This function is a duplication of fcvPyramidCreateu8_v2() with the addition of extra parameters. This function has been added to allow for backward compatibility with the original function. When the 2.0.0 release of this library is made, this function will be renamed to: fcvPyramidCreateu8, fcvPyramidCreateu8_v3 will be removed, and the current signature for fcvPyramidCreateu8 will be removed. Until 2.0.0, the developer should use this implementation with the expectation of renaming it to fcvPyramidCreateu8 when transitioning to 2.0.0.

srcbase image
srcWidthWidth of base image
srcHeightHeight of base image
srcStrideStride is the number of bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2 in data memory (base image).
NOTE: The stride of pyramid levels other than the base are set to be the same as their width
numLevelsNumber of levels of the pyramid
scaleDefines the type of scaling used for each pyramid level. FASTCV_PYRAMID_SCALE_HALF downscales each level of the pyramid by a factor of 2. FASTCV_PYRAMID_SCALE_ORB downscales each level of the pyramid by a factor of 1/(2)^(1/4), which is approximated as 0.8408964f
pyramidGaussianoutput pyramid of "numLevels" images of the same type as src . pyramidGaussian[0] will be the same as src . pyramidGaussian[1] is the next pyramid layer, a smoothed and scaled src, and so on.
FASTCV_SUCCESS upon success. Other status codes upon failure.
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatef32 ( const fcvPyramidLevel imgPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dxPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dyPyr,
unsigned int  numLevels 

Creates a gradient pyramid of float32 from an image pyramid of uint8_t.

imgPyrinput Image Pyramid
dxPyrHorizontal Sobel gradient pyramid
dyPyrVerical Sobel gradient pyramid
numLevelsNumber of levels in the pyramids
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatei16 ( const fcvPyramidLevel imgPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dxPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dyPyr,
unsigned int  numLevels 

Creates a gradient pyramid of int16_t from an image pyramid of uint8_t.

imgPyrInput Image Pyramid
dxPyrHorizontal Sobel gradient pyramid
dyPyrVerical Sobel gradient pyramid
numLevelsNumber of levels in the pyramids
FASTCV_API int fcvPyramidSobelGradientCreatei8 ( const fcvPyramidLevel imgPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dxPyr,
fcvPyramidLevel dyPyr,
unsigned int  numLevels 

Creates a gradient pyramid of integer8 from an image pyramid of uint8_t.

imgPyrinput Image Pyramid
dxPyrHorizontal Sobel gradient pyramid
dyPyrVerical Sobel gradient pyramid
numLevelsNumber of levels in the pyramids
FASTCV_API void fcvSegmentFGMasku8 ( uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
uint8_t  Polygonal,
uint32_t  perimScale 

This function will remove small patches in the source image based on the input threshold.

The function will remove the small contoured area of the source image. The input is a 8 bit grayscale image, where zero value denotes the background.

srcThe input image/patch. Must be 8 bit grayscale and zero value indicates the background.
srcWidthThe width of the input source image.
srcHeightThe height of the input source image.
srcStrideThe stride of the input source image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
PolygonalIf it is 0 then we use convex hull to do approximation on the original contour, otherwise we do polygonal approximation. Currently it simple use the original contour, the parameter will be valid after the convex hull or polygonal approximation function is ready.
perimScaleThe minimum perimscale of the contours; If a contour's perimeter is smaller than this value, It will be removed from the original source image.
No return value.
FASTCV_API void fcvTiltedIntegralu8s32 ( const uint8_t *__restrict  src,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcStride,
int32_t *__restrict  dst,
uint32_t  dstStride 

Integral of the image tilted by 45 degrees.

Calculates the tilted integral image of an input image and adds an zero-filled border on top. Left border not zero. dst[i,j]=sum (src[m,n]), where n<j, abs(m-i+1) <= j-n-1

srcSource image, single channel, unsigned char type
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
srcWidthImage width.
srcHeightImage height.
srcStrideStride of source image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2). If set to 0, srcStride is srcWidth in bytes as default
dstDestination image of size (srcWidth+1)*(srcHeight+1)
WARNING: should be 128-bit aligned.
dstStrideStride of destination image (i.e., how many bytes between column 0 of row 1 and column 0 of row 2).
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