Qualcomm FastCV Library  1.7.1
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
fcvBGCodeWordDefines a struct of code word
fcvBox2DDefines a struct of 2D box used for tracking
fcvCircleDefines a struct for circle
fcvCorrespondencesDefines a structure to contain points correspondence data
fcvDepthFusionBlockConfigParameters for fusing a depth map into a cuboid fusion block
fcvKDTreeBranchf32Structure describing a branch (subtree)
fcvKDTreeBranchs32Fixed point kdtrees structure describing a branch (subtree)
fcvKDTreeDatas8f32Structure with KDTrees data
fcvKDTreeDatas8s32Fixed point kdtrees Structure with KDTrees data
fcvKDTreeNodef32Structure describing node of a tree; Assumption is that nodes of all trees are stored in in a single array and all indices refer to this array
fcvKDTreeNodes32Fixed point kdtrees Structure describing node of tree; Assumption is that nodes of all trees are stored in in a single array and all indices refer to this array
fcvLineSegmentDefines a struct for parameters for line segment detection
fcvMomentsDefines a struct of image moments
fcvPyramidLevelStructure representing an image pyramid level
fcvPyramidLevel_v2Structure representing an image pyramid level (version2 with stride)
fcvRectangleIntDefines a struct of rectangle
fcvTermCriteriaDefines a struct of termination criteria
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