Forums - Native OpenGLES Development

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Native OpenGLES Development
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Join Date: 10 Aug 12
Posts: 2081
Posted: Thu, 2010-05-27 17:11

Q: Can I do native OpenGLES development on Android?

A: Yes you can.  You will need to use the Android NDK in order to compile your native code and incorporate it into your Android project.

Full details including installation are available from Google at

Q. What is the Android NDK?

A. The Android NDK tools allow for code developed natively in C and C++ to be  incorporated into your Android application.  This is useful for including code that has been developed across platforms or to take advantage of optimizations that can only be done in native code.

Q. Will I have to modify my existing native code to use the Android NDK?

A. That all depends how your existing code is organized.  Ultimately your code will need to be prepared as a library that gets compiled into the Java code.  Some calls will have to be built with wrappers that are given specialized names that correspond to the Java packages which call them.  These files will need to be placed into a separate "jni" directory in your Android project, and some scripts will need to be run to allow your project to recognize them.  This is all explained in greater detail on the Android site.

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Join Date: 28 Sep 13
Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 2013-10-02 06:40

I want to use Snapdragon LLVM Compiler for Android v3.3

Can I use OpenGL ES 3.0 to speed up my app by GPU, and Snapdragon LLVM Compiler will compile the OpenGL ES functions and really use the GPU resource (not only use CPU)?

Thank you.


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