Telematics SDK - API Reference  v1.65.0


 Audio Manager
 Audio Streams
 Audio player

Data Structures

class  telux::audio::AudioFactory

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to audio.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::audio::AudioFactory

Allows the creation of an IAudioManager instance.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::shared_ptr< IAudioManagergetAudioManager (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::ErrorCode getAudioPlayer (std::shared_ptr< IAudioPlayer > &audioPlayer)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static AudioFactorygetInstance ()

Member Function Documentation

static AudioFactory& telux::audio::AudioFactory::getInstance ( )

Gets the AudioFactory instance.

virtual std::shared_ptr<IAudioManager> telux::audio::AudioFactory::getAudioManager ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Gets the IAudioManager instance.

[in]callbackOptional, callback to know the status of the AudioManager initialization
IAudioManager instance
virtual telux::common::ErrorCode telux::audio::AudioFactory::getAudioPlayer ( std::shared_ptr< IAudioPlayer > &  audioPlayer)
pure virtual

Gets the IAudioPlayer instance.

[out]audioPlayerIAudioPlayer instance
telux::common::ErrorCode::SUCCESS, if the IAudioPlayer instance is created successfully, telux::common::ErrorCode::OPERATION_TIMEOUT if the audio service does not become available for functional operation, an appropriate error code in all other cases.