Telematics SDK - API Reference  v1.62.0
TCU Activity Manager

Data Structures

class  telux::power::PowerFactory
 PowerFactory allows creation of TCU-activity manager instance. More...
struct  telux::power::ClientInstanceConfig
class  telux::power::ITcuActivityListener
 Listener class for getting notifications related to TCU-activity state and also the updates related to TCU-activity service status. The client needs to implement these methods as briefly as possible and avoid blocking calls in it. The methods in this class can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that the implementation is thread-safe. More...
class  telux::power::ITcuActivityManager
 ITcuActivityManager provides interface to register and de-register listeners to get TCU-activity state updates. And also API to initiate TCU-activity state transition. More...


typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > telux::power::ClientInfo


enum  telux::power::TcuActivityState { telux::power::TcuActivityState::UNKNOWN, telux::power::TcuActivityState::SUSPEND, telux::power::TcuActivityState::RESUME, telux::power::TcuActivityState::SHUTDOWN }
enum  telux::power::StateChangeResponse { telux::power::StateChangeResponse::ACK, telux::power::StateChangeResponse::NACK }
enum  telux::power::ClientType { telux::power::ClientType::SLAVE, telux::power::ClientType::MASTER }
enum  telux::power::MachineEvent { telux::power::MachineEvent::AVAILABLE, telux::power::MachineEvent::UNAVAILABLE }
enum  telux::power::TcuActivityStateAck { telux::power::TcuActivityStateAck::SUSPEND_ACK, telux::power::TcuActivityStateAck::SHUTDOWN_ACK }


static const std::string telux::power::ALL_MACHINES = "ALL_MACHINES"
static const std::string telux::power::LOCAL_MACHINE = "LOCAL_MACHINE"

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to TCU activity state management.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::power::PowerFactory

PowerFactory allows creation of TCU-activity manager instance.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::shared_ptr< ITcuActivityManagergetTcuActivityManager (ClientInstanceConfig config, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)=0
virtual std::shared_ptr< ITcuActivityManagergetTcuActivityManager (ClientType clientType=ClientType::SLAVE, common::ProcType procType=common::ProcType::LOCAL_PROC, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static PowerFactorygetInstance ()

Member Function Documentation

static PowerFactory& telux::power::PowerFactory::getInstance ( )

API to get the factory instance for TCU-activity management

virtual std::shared_ptr<ITcuActivityManager> telux::power::PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager ( ClientInstanceConfig  config,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Gets the TCU-activity manager instance.

[in]configTCU-activity manager configuration
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialization.
Pointer to ITcuActivityManager object.
This API is recommended for both hypervisor and non-hypervisor based systems.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::shared_ptr<ITcuActivityManager> telux::power::PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager ( ClientType  clientType = ClientType::SLAVE,
common::ProcType  procType = common::ProcType::LOCAL_PROC,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Gets the TCU-activity manager instance.

[in]clientTypeType of the client that is going to access ITcuActivityManager APIs ClientType
[in]procTypeRequired processor type on which the operations will be performed telux::common::ProcType telux::common::ProcType::REMOTE_PROC is not supported
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialization.
Pointer of ITcuActivityManager object.
This API cannot be used on virtual machines or on systems with hypervisor. The alternative API PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager( ClientInstanceConfig config,telux::common::InitResponseCb callback) should be used.
Use PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager(ClientInstanceConfig config, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback) API instead
struct telux::power::ClientInstanceConfig

TCU-activity Manager configuration

Data Fields
ClientType clientType

Type of the client that is going to access ITcuActivityManager APIs ClientType. There will be a single ClientType::MASTER across all available machines.

string clientName

Identifies the client that is retrieving an instance of the TcuActivityManager. This is a mandatory field and it needs to be unique across all TcuActivityManager clients across all machines in the system. To make it unique, one example could be machineName_ProcessName_ProcessId. This field will be used to provide a list of client names to the master via ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate in case any slave client does not acknowledge or provide a nack via ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck for state transition triggered by the master via ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState

string machineName

This field is unnecessary for clients of type ClientType::MASTER. For clients of type ClientType::SLAVE this field specifies whether the slave is interested in the power state transition of all machines or only the machine where the slave is running. For interest in all machines, this field should be assigned ALL_MACHINES and for local machine assign LOCAL_MACHINE. For slaves, if this field is not provided, then the local machine name will be used as the default.

class telux::power::ITcuActivityListener

Listener class for getting notifications related to TCU-activity state and also the updates related to TCU-activity service status. The client needs to implement these methods as briefly as possible and avoid blocking calls in it. The methods in this class can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that the implementation is thread-safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onTcuActivityStateUpdate (TcuActivityState state, std::string machineName)
virtual void onSlaveAckStatusUpdate (const telux::common::Status status, const std::string machineName, const std::vector< ClientInfo > unresponsiveClients, const std::vector< ClientInfo > nackResponseClients)
virtual void onMachineUpdate (const std::string machineName, const MachineEvent machineEvent)
virtual void onSlaveAckStatusUpdate (telux::common::Status status)
virtual void onTcuActivityStateUpdate (TcuActivityState state)
virtual ~ITcuActivityListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::~ITcuActivityListener ( )

Destructor of ITcuActivityListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate ( TcuActivityState  state,
std::string  machineName 

This function is called when the TCU activity state of the machine(that the client is registered for) is going to change. When the master triggers state change of a machine using ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState, the slave clients interested in that machine will receive this notification. This notification will not be received by the Master. State change of ALL_MACHINES via ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState could lead to an individual machine's state change, resulting in a notification to clients of all machines. Slave clients who got this indication must acknowledge it with ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck.

[in]stateTCU-activity state that the machine is about to enter
[in]machineNameMachine name that is undergoing the state change. Assigned ALL_MACHINES for a global state change and LOCAL_MACHINE for a local state change.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backward compatibility.
virtual void telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate ( const telux::common::Status  status,
const std::string  machineName,
const std::vector< ClientInfo unresponsiveClients,
const std::vector< ClientInfo nackResponseClients 

Informs the master with the consolidated acknowledgement from all slave clients for the state change previously triggered by the master client.

This API will be invoked only for the MASTER client.

On platforms with access control enabled, the client needs to have TELUX_POWER_CONTROL_STATE permission for this listener API to be invoked.

[in]statusThis is the status of acknowledgements corresponding to a particular request. If any slave doesn't acknowledge within the configured timeout, then Status::EXPIRED is reported. If any slave sends a negative acknowledgement, then Status::NOTREADY is reported. If both types of acknowledgement errors exist, then the status code corresponding to most number of clients is reported.
[in]machineNameMachine name that is undergoing the state change. Assigned ALL_MACHINES for a global state change and LOCAL_MACHINE for a local state change.
[in]unresponsiveClientsList of client and respective machine names that have not responded via sendActivityStateAck for state transitions of suspend or shutdown triggered by the master via ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState.
[in]nackResponseClientsList of client and respective machine name who responded with TcuActivityStateChangeResponse::NACK for state transitions of suspend or shutdown triggered by the master via ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState.
This API is recommended for systems with and without hypervisor.
virtual void telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onMachineUpdate ( const std::string  machineName,
const MachineEvent  machineEvent 

This API will be invoked if any machine availability changes with respect to power management.

User can use ITcuActivityManager::getAllMachineNames() to get all updated available machines. It will be useful for the master client if they are interested in setting the TCUActivityState of a specific machine ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState().

This API is meant for clients that have instantiated the ITcuActivityManager instance using ClientType::MASTER

[in]machineNameName of the machine
[in]machineEventMachine event ( MachineEvent)
virtual void telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate ( telux::common::Status  status)

This function is called with the overall acknowledgement status from all the SLAVE clients, for state change triggered previously by MASTER client.

This API will be invoked only for the MASTER client. If at least one SLAVE client does not acknowledge within the configured timeout, then Status::EXPIRED would be reported.

On platforms with Access control enabled, the client needs to have TELUX_POWER_CONTROL_STATE permission for this listener API to be invoked.

[in]statusStatus of the SLAVE clients' acknowledgements
This API should not be used on virtual machines or on systems with hypervisor. The alternative API onSlaveAckStatusUpdate(telux::common::Status status, std::string machineName, std::vector<std::string> unresponsiveClients, std::vector<std::string> nackResponseClients) should be used.
Use onSlaveAckStatusUpdate(const telux::common::Status status, const std::string machineName, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> unresponsiveClients, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> nackResponseClients) API instead
virtual void telux::power::ITcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate ( TcuActivityState  state)

This function is called when the TCU-activity state is going to change.

[in]stateTCU-activity state that system is about to enter
Use onTcuActivityStateUpdate(TcuActivityState state, bool isGlobalStateChange) API instead
class telux::power::ITcuActivityManager

ITcuActivityManager provides interface to register and de-register listeners to get TCU-activity state updates. And also API to initiate TCU-activity state transition.

An application can get the appropriate TCU-activity manager (i.e. ClientType::SLAVE or ClientType::MASTER) object from the power factory. The TCU-activity manager configured as the ClientType::MASTER is responsible for triggering state transitions. TCU-activity manager configured as a ClientType::SLAVE is responsible for listening to state change indications and acknowledging when it performs necessary tasks and prepares for the state transition. A machine in this power management framework represents an application processor subsystem or a host/guest virtual machine on hypervisor based platforms.

  • Only one ClientType::MASTER is allowed in the system, and currently we only support allowing the ClientType::MASTER on the primary/host machine and not on the guest virtual machine.
  • It is expected that all processes interested in a TCU-activity state change should register as ClientType::SLAVE.
  • When the ClientType::MASTER changes the TCU-activate state, ClientType::SLAVEs connected to the impacted machine are notified.
  • ClientType::MASTER can trigger the TCU-activity state change of a specific machine or all machines at once.
  • If the ClientType::SLAVE wants to differentiate between a state change indication that is the result of a trigger for all machines or a trigger for its specific machines, it can be detected using the machine name provided in the listener API.
  • When the ClientType::MASTER triggers an all machines TCU-activity state change, only the machines that are not in the desired state will undergo the state transition, and the ClientType::SLAVEs to those machines will be notified.
  • In the case of 
    • TcuActivityState::SUSPEND or TcuActivityState::SHUTDOWN trigger: 
      • After becoming ready for state change, all ClientType::SLAVE should acknowledge back.
      • The ClientType::MASTER will get notification about the consolidated acknowledgement status of all ClientType::SLAVEs.
      • On getting a successful consolidated acknowledgement from all the ClientType::SLAVE for the suspend trigger, the power framework allows the respective machine to suspend. On getting a successful consolidated acknowledgement from all the ClientType::SLAVEs for the shutdown trigger, the power framework triggers the respective machine shutdown without waiting further.
      • If the ClientType::SLAVE sends a NACK to indicate that it is not ready for state transition or fails to acknowledge before the configured time, then the ClientType::MASTER will get to know via a consolidated/slave acknowledgement status notification.
      • In such failed cases, if the ClientType::MASTER wants to stop the state transition considering the information in the consolidated acknowledgement, then the ClientType::MASTER is allowed to trigger a new TCU-activity state change, or else the state transition will proceed after the configured timeout.
    • TcuActivityState::RESUME trigger:
      • Power framework will prevent the respective machine from going into suspend.
      • No acknowledgement will be required from ClientType::SLAVE and the ClientType::MASTER will not be getting consolidated/slave acknowledgement as machine will be already resumed. 

When the application is notified about the service being unavailable, the TCU-activity state notifications will be inactive. After the service becomes available, the existing listener registrations will be maintained.

Public Member Functions

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< ITcuActivityListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterListener (std::weak_ptr< ITcuActivityListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerServiceStateListener (std::weak_ptr< telux::common::IServiceStatusListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterServiceStateListener (std::weak_ptr< telux::common::IServiceStatusListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getMachineName (std::string &machineName)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getAllMachineNames (std::vector< std::string > &machineNames)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setActivityState (TcuActivityState state, std::string machineName, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual TcuActivityState getActivityState ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendActivityStateAck (StateChangeResponse ack, TcuActivityState state)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setModemActivityState (TcuActivityState state)=0
virtual bool isReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status setActivityState (TcuActivityState state, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendActivityStateAck (TcuActivityStateAck ack)=0
virtual ~ITcuActivityManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::~ITcuActivityManager ( )

Destructor of ITcuActivityManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the ITcuActivityManager object is in a usable state.

virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< ITcuActivityListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for updates on TCU-activity state changes.

[in]listenerPointer of ITcuActivityListener object that processes the notification
Status of registerListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::deregisterListener ( std::weak_ptr< ITcuActivityListener listener)
pure virtual

Remove a previously registered listener.

[in]listenerPreviously registered ITcuActivityListener that needs to be removed
Status of deregisterListener, success or suitable status code
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::registerServiceStateListener ( std::weak_ptr< telux::common::IServiceStatusListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for updates on TCU-activity management service status.

[in]listenerPointer of IServiceStatusListener object that processes the notification
Status of registerServiceStateListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::deregisterServiceStateListener ( std::weak_ptr< telux::common::IServiceStatusListener listener)
pure virtual

Remove a previously registered listener for service status updates.

[in]listenerPreviously registered IServiceStatusListener that needs to be removed
Status of deregisterServiceStateListener, success or suitable status code
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::getMachineName ( std::string &  machineName)
pure virtual

This API allows the caller to get the machine name where the client is running. It is intended to identify the local machine name on a platform where multiple machines are available in the power framework.

[out]machineNameMachine name where the process is running
Status of getMachineName, success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::getAllMachineNames ( std::vector< std::string > &  machineNames)
pure virtual

Enumerates all machines in the system that are available and ready to be managed by the power framework.

This API is meant for clients that have instantiated the ITcuActivityManager instance using ClientType::MASTER. If the platform has multiple machines available, knowing their names will be useful if the master is interested in individually modifying the activity state of any available machine using setActivityState.

[out]machineNamesList of machine names that are available for power management.
Status of getAllMachineNames, success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState ( TcuActivityState  state,
std::string  machineName,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiates a TCU-activity state transition.

This API also initiates the relevant internal operation if the platform is configured to change the modem activity state automatically when the TCU activity state changes.

This API needs to be used cautiously, as it could change the power-state of the system and may affect other processes. For example, if a master sets the SUSPEND state, all SLAVE processes will suspend their activity, allowing the system to suspend.

This API can only be invoked by clients that have instantiated the ITcuActivityManager instance using ClientType::MASTER.

Based on the final acknowledgements from all the slaves ITcuActivityListener::onSlaveAckStatusUpdate,

  1. If the acknowledgement status is SUCCESS, then the framework attempts to state transition(SUSPEND/SHUTDOWN) immediately on the relevant machines.
  2. If the acknowledgement status is not SUCCESS, then the framework waits for a configured timeout before attempting the state transition(SUSPEND/SHUTDOWN) on the relevant machines.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_POWER_CONTROL_STATE permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]stateTCU-activity state that the system is intended to enter
[in]machineNameMachine name if the state transition is intended for the specific machine only. If assigned to ALL_MACHINES, then the state applies to the whole system.
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response for the TCU-activity state transition command
Status of setActivityState i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual TcuActivityState telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::getActivityState ( )
pure virtual

Get the current TCU-activity state.

virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck ( StateChangeResponse  ack,
TcuActivityState  state 
pure virtual

Sends the acknowledgement after processing a TCU-activity state notification. This indicates that the client is prepared for the state transition. Only one acknowledgement should be sent per ClientType::SLAVE instance of ITcuActivityManager, even if multiple listeners are registered with that instance.

All slave clients that received a state change notification via TcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate must acknowledge using this API.

[in]ackAcknowledgement for a TCU-activity state notification StateChangeResponse.
[in]stateRepresents the TCU activity state transition event corresponding to this acknowledgement.
Status of sendActivityStateAck i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::setModemActivityState ( TcuActivityState  state)
pure virtual

Explicitly sets the modem state change.

The platform could be configured to automatically manage the modem state when setTcuActivityState is called. For example, when suspend is called, the implementation will also set the modem to suspend. In that case, this API need not be invoked after setting the TCU state.

This API needs to be used cautiously, as it could affect WWAN functionalities.

This API is meant for clients that have instantiated the ITcuActivityManager instance using ClientType::MASTER

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_POWER_CONTROL_STATE permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]stateActivity state that the modem is intended to enter TcuActivityState SUSPEND - Reduce/Throttle the modem activities RESUME - Restore the activities that were throttled earlier Any other input is considered invalid.
Status of setModemActivityState i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual bool telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::isReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of TCU-activity services, if other APIs are ready for use, and returns the results.

True if the services are ready; otherwise, false.
Use ITcuActivityManager::getServiceStatus() API. telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::getServiceStatus
virtual std::future<bool> telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::onReady ( )
pure virtual

Waits for TCU-activity services to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when TCU-activity services are ready.
Use InitResponseCb in PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager instead, to get get notified about subsystem readiness telux::power::PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::setActivityState ( TcuActivityState  state,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiates a TCU-activity state transition. If platform is configured to change modem activity state automatically when TCU activity state is changed, this API initiates the relevant internal operation.

This API needs to be used cautiously, as it could change the power-state of the system and may affect other processes.

This API should only be invoked by a client that has instantiated the ITcuActivityManager instance using ClientType::MASTER

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_POWER_CONTROL_STATE permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]stateTCU-activity state that the system is intended to enter
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response for the TCU-activity state transition command
Status of setActivityState i.e. success or suitable status code.
This API should not be used on virtual machines or on systems with hypervisor. The alternative API setActivityState( TcuActivityState state, std::string machineName = "",telux::common::ResponseCallback callback = nullptr) should be used.
Use setActivityState(TcuActivityState state, std::string machineName, telux::common::ResponseCallback) API instead
virtual telux::common::Status telux::power::ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck ( TcuActivityStateAck  ack)
pure virtual

Sends acknowledgement after processing a TCU activity state notification. This indicates that the client is prepared for state transition. Only one acknowledgement is expected from a single client process, although it may have multiple listeners.

All slave clients that received a state change notification via TcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate must acknowledge using this API.

[in]ackAcknowledgement for a TCU-activity state notification.
Status of sendActivityStateAck i.e. success or suitable status code.
Use sendActivityStateAck( TcuActivityState state, StateChangeResponse ack) API instead

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> telux::power::ClientInfo

Client information includes the client's name and the machine name on which the client is registered. Client name is the first item in the pair, followed by machine name.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines the supported TCU-activity states that the listeners will be notified about.


To indicate that system state information is not available


System is going to SUSPEND state


System is going to RESUME state


System is going to SHUTDOWN

Defines the acknowledgements to TCU-activity state transition. The client process sends this response via ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck after processing the TCU-activity state change notification received via ITcuActivityListener::onTcuActivityStateUpdate.

The framework does not require slave clients to respond when changing the state to TcuActivityState::RESUME.


Processed TCU-activity state change


Not prepared/ready for TCU-activity state change

Defines the type of client that would be using the ITcuActivityManager APIs. Client that just needs the TcuActivityState notifications needs to choose ClientType::SLAVE. And the client that determines the TcuActivityState would choose ClientType::MASTER. Only a Master client can set the TcuActivityState. In a system, there should be a single Master client.

The ClientType needs to be chosen while instantiating the ITcuActivityManager, using the API PowerFactory::getTcuActivityManager


Client is a slave and interested in state change notification


Client makes the decision on when the TcuActivityState should change

Defines the type of event with respect to machine availability. This only represents the availability of the machine to manage its activity state and not whether the machine itself is enabled.

ITcuActivityListener::onMachineUpdate() can be used to listen to changes in machine availability.


New machine available for power management


machine unavailable for power management

Defines the acknowledgements to TCU-activity states. The client process sends this after processing the TcuActivityState notification, indicating that it is prepared for state transition

Acknowledgement for TcuActivityState::RESUME is not required, as the state transition has already happened.

The API ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck (TCUActivityStateAck) that uses this enum is deprecated. Instead, use ITcuActivityManager::sendActivityStateAck (StateChangeResponse, TcuActivityState).

processed TcuActivityState::SUSPEND notification


processed TcuActivityState::SHUTDOWN notification

Variable Documentation

const std::string telux::power::ALL_MACHINES = "ALL_MACHINES"

This special name represents all the machines on the platform. A client could specify this name when using ClientInstanceConfig::machineName to mean all machines as opposed to a specific machine name.

const std::string telux::power::LOCAL_MACHINE = "LOCAL_MACHINE"

This special name represents the machine name where the process is running. A client could specify this name when using ClientInstanceConfig::machineName to mean local machine's name. "LOCAL_MACHINE" in case of a hypervisor environment specifies that the client is interested in the virtual machine the client is running on.