Telematics SDK - API Reference  v1.61.0

Data Structures

class  telux::tel::ICall
 ICall represents a call in progress. An ICall cannot be directly created by the client, rather it is returned as a result of instantiating a call or from the PhoneListener when receiving an incoming call. More...
class  telux::tel::ICallListener
 A listener class for monitoring changes in call, including call state change and ECall state change. Override the methods for the state that you wish to receive updates for. More...
class  telux::tel::ICallManager
 Call Manager is the primary interface for call related operations Allows to conference calls, swap calls, make normal voice call and emergency call, send and update MSD pdu. More...
class  telux::tel::IMakeCallCallback
 Interface for Make Call callback object. Client needs to implement this interface to get single shot responses for commands like make call. More...


using telux::tel::MakeCallCallback = std::function< void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, std::shared_ptr< ICall > call)>
using telux::tel::ECallHlapTimerStatusCallback = std::function< void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, int phoneId, ECallHlapTimerStatus timersStatus)>
using telux::tel::EcbmStatusCallback = std::function< void(telux::tel::EcbMode ecbMode, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using telux::tel::ECallHlapTimerCallback = std::function< void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, uint32_t timeDuration)>


enum  telux::tel::CallDirection { telux::tel::CallDirection::INCOMING, telux::tel::CallDirection::OUTGOING, telux::tel::CallDirection::NONE }
enum  telux::tel::CallState {
  telux::tel::CallState::CALL_IDLE = -1, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_ACTIVE, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_ON_HOLD, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_DIALING,
  telux::tel::CallState::CALL_INCOMING, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_WAITING, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_ALERTING, telux::tel::CallState::CALL_ENDED
enum  telux::tel::CallEndCause {
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER = 1, telux::tel::CallEndCause::NO_ROUTE_TO_DESTINATION = 3, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CHANNEL_UNACCEPTABLE = 6, telux::tel::CallEndCause::OPERATOR_DETERMINED_BARRING = 8,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::NORMAL = 16, telux::tel::CallEndCause::BUSY = 17, telux::tel::CallEndCause::NO_USER_RESPONDING = 18, telux::tel::CallEndCause::NO_ANSWER_FROM_USER = 19,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::NOT_REACHABLE = 20, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CALL_REJECTED = 21, telux::tel::CallEndCause::NUMBER_CHANGED = 22, telux::tel::CallEndCause::PREEMPTION = 25,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER = 27, telux::tel::CallEndCause::INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT = 28, telux::tel::CallEndCause::FACILITY_REJECTED = 29, telux::tel::CallEndCause::RESP_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY = 30,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED = 31, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CONGESTION = 34, telux::tel::CallEndCause::NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER = 38, telux::tel::CallEndCause::TEMPORARY_FAILURE = 41,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::QOS_UNAVAILABLE = 49, telux::tel::CallEndCause::REQUESTED_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCRIBED = 50, telux::tel::CallEndCause::INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_WITHIN_CUG = 55, telux::tel::CallEndCause::BEARER_CAPABILITY_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 57,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::BEARER_CAPABILITY_UNAVAILABLE = 58, telux::tel::CallEndCause::SERVICE_OPTION_NOT_AVAILABLE = 63, telux::tel::CallEndCause::BEARER_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 65, telux::tel::CallEndCause::ACM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 68,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG = 87, telux::tel::CallEndCause::INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION = 88, telux::tel::CallEndCause::INVALID_TRANSIT_NW_SELECTION = 91, telux::tel::CallEndCause::SEMANTICALLY_INCORRECT_MESSAGE = 95,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::INVALID_MANDATORY_INFORMATION = 96, telux::tel::CallEndCause::MESSAGE_TYPE_NON_IMPLEMENTED = 97, telux::tel::CallEndCause::MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PROTOCOL_STATE = 98, telux::tel::CallEndCause::INFORMATION_ELEMENT_NON_EXISTENT = 99,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::CONDITIONAL_IE_ERROR = 100, telux::tel::CallEndCause::MESSAGE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PROTOCOL_STATE = 101, telux::tel::CallEndCause::RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRED = 102, telux::tel::CallEndCause::PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 111,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::INTERWORKING_UNSPECIFIED = 127, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CALL_BARRED = 240, telux::tel::CallEndCause::FDN_BLOCKED = 241, telux::tel::CallEndCause::IMSI_UNKNOWN_IN_VLR = 242,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTED = 243, telux::tel::CallEndCause::DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_USSD = 244, telux::tel::CallEndCause::DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_SS = 245, telux::tel::CallEndCause::DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL = 246,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_LOCKED_UNTIL_POWER_CYCLE = 1000, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_DROP = 1001, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_INTERCEPT = 1002, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_REORDER = 1003,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_SO_REJECT = 1004, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_RETRY_ORDER = 1005, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_ACCESS_FAILURE = 1006, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_PREEMPTED = 1007,
  telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_NOT_EMERGENCY = 1008, telux::tel::CallEndCause::CDMA_ACCESS_BLOCKED = 1009, telux::tel::CallEndCause::ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 0xffff

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to Call.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::tel::ICall

ICall represents a call in progress. An ICall cannot be directly created by the client, rather it is returned as a result of instantiating a call or from the PhoneListener when receiving an incoming call.

Public Member Functions

virtual telux::common::Status answer (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status hold (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status resume (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status reject (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status reject (const std::string &rejectSMS, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status hangup (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status playDtmfTone (char tone, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status startDtmfTone (char tone, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status stopDtmfTone (std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual CallState getCallState ()=0
virtual int getCallIndex ()=0
virtual CallDirection getCallDirection ()=0
virtual std::string getRemotePartyNumber ()=0
virtual CallEndCause getCallEndCause ()=0
virtual int getPhoneId ()=0
virtual bool isMultiPartyCall ()=0
virtual ~ICall ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ICall::~ICall ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::answer ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Allows the client to answer the call. This is only applicable for CallState::INCOMING and CallState::WAITING calls. If a Waiting call is being answered and the existing call is Active, then existing call will move to Hold state.If the existing call is on Hold already, then it will remain on Hold. The waiting call state transition from Waiting to Active.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of answer request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of hold function i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::hold ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Puts the ongoing call on hold.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of hold request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of hold function i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::resume ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Resumes this call from on-hold state to active state

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of resume request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of resume function i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::reject ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Reject the incoming/waiting call. Only applicable for CallState::INCOMING and CallState::WAITING calls.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of reject request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of reject function i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::reject ( const std::string &  rejectSMS,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Reject the call and send an SMS to caller. Only applicable for CallState::INCOMING and CallState::WAITING calls.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]rejectSMSSMS string used to send in response to a call rejection.
[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of rejectwithSMS request below are possible error codes for callback response
This API not being supported
Status of success for call reject() or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::hangup ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Hangup the call if the call state is either active, hold, dialing, waiting or alerting.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of hangup request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of hangup i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::playDtmfTone ( char  tone,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Play a DTMF tone and stop it. The interval for which the tone is played is dependent on the system implementation. If continuous DTMF tone is playing, it will be stopped. This API is used to play DTMF tone on TX path so that it is heard on far end. For DTMF playback on local device on the RX path use telux::audio::IAudioVoiceStream::playDtmfTone

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]tone- a single character with one of 12 values: 0-9, *, #.
[in]callback- Optional callback pointer to get the result of playDtmfTones function
Status of playDtmfTones i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::startDtmfTone ( char  tone,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Starts a continuous DTMF tone. To terminate the continous DTMF tone,stopDtmfTone API needs to be invoked explicitly. This API is used to play DTMF tone on TX path so that it is heard on far end. For DTMF playback on local device on the RX path use telux::audio::IAudioVoiceStream::playDtmfTone

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]tone- a single character with one of 12 values: 0-9, *, #.
[in]callback- Optional callback pointer to get the result of startDtmfTone function.
Status of startDtmfTone i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICall::stopDtmfTone ( std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Stop the currently playing continuous DTMF tone.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callback- Optional callback pointer to get the result of stopDtmfTone function.
Status of stopDtmfTone i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual CallState telux::tel::ICall::getCallState ( )
pure virtual

Get the current state of the call, such as ringing, in progress etc.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to invoke this API successfully.

CallState - enumeration representing call State
virtual int telux::tel::ICall::getCallIndex ( )
pure virtual

Get the unique index of the call assigned by Telephony subsystem

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

Call Index
virtual CallDirection telux::tel::ICall::getCallDirection ( )
pure virtual

Get the direction of the call

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

CallDirection - enumeration representing call direction i.e. INCOMING/ OUTGOING
virtual std::string telux::tel::ICall::getRemotePartyNumber ( )
pure virtual

Get the dailing number

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_PRIVATE_INFO permission to invoke this API successfully.

Phone Number to which the call was dialed out. Empty string in case of INCOMING call direction.
virtual CallEndCause telux::tel::ICall::getCallEndCause ( )
pure virtual

Get the cause of the termination of the call.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to invoke this API successfully.

Enum representing call end cause.
virtual int telux::tel::ICall::getPhoneId ( )
pure virtual

Get id of the phone object which represents the network/SIM on which the call is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to invoke this API successfully.

Phone Id.
virtual bool telux::tel::ICall::isMultiPartyCall ( )
pure virtual

To check if call is in multi party call(conference) or not

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to invoke this API successfully.

True if call is in conference otherwise false.
class telux::tel::ICallListener

A listener class for monitoring changes in call, including call state change and ECall state change. Override the methods for the state that you wish to receive updates for.

The methods in listener can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onIncomingCall (std::shared_ptr< ICall > call)
virtual void onCallInfoChange (std::shared_ptr< ICall > call)
virtual void onECallMsdTransmissionStatus (int phoneId, telux::common::ErrorCode errorCode)
virtual void onECallMsdTransmissionStatus (int phoneId, telux::tel::ECallMsdTransmissionStatus msdTransmissionStatus)
virtual void OnMsdUpdateRequest (int phoneId)
virtual void onECallHlapTimerEvent (int phoneId, ECallHlapTimerEvents timersStatus)
virtual void onEmergencyNetworkScanFail (int phoneId)
virtual void onEcbmChange (telux::tel::EcbMode mode)
virtual ~ICallListener ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::common::IServiceStatusListener
virtual void onServiceStatusChange (ServiceStatus status)
virtual ~IServiceStatusListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ICallListener::~ICallListener ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onIncomingCall ( std::shared_ptr< ICall call)

This function is called when device receives an incoming/waiting call.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to receive this notification.

[in]call- Pointer to ICall instance
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onCallInfoChange ( std::shared_ptr< ICall call)

This function is called when there is a change in call attributes

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to receive this notification.

[in]call- Pointer to ICall instance
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onECallMsdTransmissionStatus ( int  phoneId,
telux::common::ErrorCode  errorCode 

This function is called when device completes MSD Transmission.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to receive this notification.

[in]phoneId- Unique Id of phone on which MSD Transmission Status is being reported
[in]errorCode- Indicates MSD Transmission status i.e. success or failure
Use another onECallMsdTransmissionStatus() API with argument ECallMsdTransmissionStatus
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onECallMsdTransmissionStatus ( int  phoneId,
telux::tel::ECallMsdTransmissionStatus  msdTransmissionStatus 

This function is called when there is Minimum Set of Data (MSD) transmission. The MSD transmission happens at call connect and also when the modem or client responds to MSD pull request from PSAP.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to receive this notification.

[in]phoneId- Unique Id of phone on which MSD Transmission Status is being reported
[in]msdTransmissionStatus- Indicates MSD Transmission status ECallMsdTransmissionStatus
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::OnMsdUpdateRequest ( int  phoneId)

This function is called when MSD update is requested by PSAP.

Client is expected to update the MSD using telux::tel::ICallManager::updateECallMsd upon receiving this notification. Modem updates its internal cache and responds to PSAP with the new MSD. In situations, where the client fails to update the MSD, modem will time out and send the outdated MSD from its cache.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to receive this notification.

[in]phoneId- Unique Id of phone on which MSD update request is received.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onECallHlapTimerEvent ( int  phoneId,
ECallHlapTimerEvents  timersStatus 

This function is called when the eCall High Level Application Protocol(HLAP) timers status is changed.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to receive this notification.

[in]phoneId- Unique Id of phone on which HLAP timer status is being reported
[in]timersStatus- Indicates the HLAP timer event ECallHlapTimerEvents
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onEmergencyNetworkScanFail ( int  phoneId)

This function is called whenever there is a scan failure after one round of network scan during origination of emergency call or at any time during the emergency call.

During origination of an ecall or in between an ongoing ecall, if the UE is in an area of no/poor coverage and loses service, the modem will perform network scan and try to register on any available network. If the scan completes successfully and the device finds a suitable cell, the ecall will be placed and the call state changes to the active state. If the network scan fails then this function will be invoked after one round of network scan.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to receive this notification.

[in]phoneId- Unique Id of phone on which network scan failure reported.
virtual void telux::tel::ICallListener::onEcbmChange ( telux::tel::EcbMode  mode)

This function is called whenever emergency callback mode(ECBM) changes.

[in]mode- Indicates the status of the ECBM. EcbMode
class telux::tel::ICallManager

Call Manager is the primary interface for call related operations Allows to conference calls, swap calls, make normal voice call and emergency call, send and update MSD pdu.

Public Member Functions

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeCall (int phoneId, const std::string &dialNumber, std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const ECallMsdData &eCallMsdData, int category, int variant, std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const std::string dialNumber, const ECallMsdData &eCallMsdData, int category, std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const std::string dialNumber, const std::vector< uint8_t > &msdPdu, CustomSipHeader header={telux::tel::CONTENT_HEADER,""}, MakeCallCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const std::vector< uint8_t > &msdPdu, int category, int variant, MakeCallCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const std::string dialNumber, const std::vector< uint8_t > &msdPdu, int category, MakeCallCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, int category, int variant, MakeCallCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status makeECall (int phoneId, const std::string dialNumber, int category, MakeCallCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status updateECallMsd (int phoneId, const ECallMsdData &eCallMsd, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status updateECallMsd (int phoneId, const std::vector< uint8_t > &msdPdu, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestECallHlapTimerStatus (int phoneId, ECallHlapTimerStatusCallback callback)=0
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ICall > > getInProgressCalls ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status conference (std::shared_ptr< ICall > call1, std::shared_ptr< ICall > call2, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status swap (std::shared_ptr< ICall > callToHold, std::shared_ptr< ICall > callToActivate, std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback > callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status hangupForegroundResumeBackground (int phoneId, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status hangupWaitingOrBackground (int phoneId, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestEcbm (int phoneId, EcbmStatusCallback callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status exitEcbm (int phoneId, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestNetworkDeregistration (int phoneId, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status updateEcallHlapTimer (int phoneId, HlapTimerType type, uint32_t timeDuration, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestEcallHlapTimer (int phoneId, HlapTimerType type, ECallHlapTimerCallback callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setECallConfig (EcallConfig config)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getECallConfig (EcallConfig &config)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::shared_ptr< telux::tel::ICallListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeListener (std::shared_ptr< telux::tel::ICallListener > listener)=0
virtual ~ICallManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ICallManager::~ICallManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::tel::ICallManager::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the ICallManager object is in a usable state.

SERVICE_AVAILABLE - If CallManager is ready for service. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - If CallManager is temporarily unavailable. SERVICE_FAILED - If CallManager encountered an irrecoverable failure.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeCall ( int  phoneId,
const std::string &  dialNumber,
std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate a voice call. This API can also be used for e911/e112 type of regular emergency call. This is not meant for an automotive eCall. Regular voice call will be blocked by device while eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which on make call operation is performed
[in]dialNumberString representing the dialing number
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of makeCall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeCall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const ECallMsdData eCallMsdData,
int  category,
int  variant,
std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive eCall. Regular voice calls will be blocked by device while eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which make eCall operation is performed
[in]eCallMsdDataThe structure containing required fields to create eCall Minimum Set of Data (MSD)
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const std::string  dialNumber,
const ECallMsdData eCallMsdData,
int  category,
std::shared_ptr< IMakeCallCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive Third Party Service(TPS) eCall over CS technologies only (i.e. not IMS) to the specified phone number with Minimum Set of Data(MSD) at call connect. It will be treated like a regular voice call by the UE and the network.

It is the responsibility of application to make sure that another call is not dialed while Third Party Service eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which make eCall operation is performed
[in]dialNumberString representing the dialing number
[in]eCallMsdDataThe structure containing required fields to create eCall Minimum Set of Data (MSD)
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const std::string  dialNumber,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  msdPdu,
CustomSipHeader  header = {telux::tel::CONTENT_HEADER,""},
MakeCallCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive Third Party Service(TPS) eCall over IMS to the specified phone number with Minimum Set of Data(MSD) at call connect. It will be treated like a regular voice call over IMS by the UE and the network.

Application is expected to dial only one Third Party Service eCall per subscription. It is the responsibility of application to make sure that another call is not dialed while Third Party Service eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permissionto invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which make eCall operation is performed
[in]dialNumberString representing the dialing number
[in]msdPduEncoded MSD(Minimum Set of Data) PDU as per spec EN 15722 2015 or GOST R 54620-2011/33464-2015 Max size 255 bytes
[in]headerOptional SIP headers intended to be sent in the SIP invite message to the network for PSAP
[in]callbackOptional callback function to get the response of makeECall request.
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  msdPdu,
int  category,
int  variant,
MakeCallCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive eCall with raw MSD pdu. Regular voice calls will be blocked by device while eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which on make eCall operation is performed
[in]msdPduEncoded MSD(Minimum Set of Data) PDU as per spec EN 15722 2015 or GOST R 54620-2011/33464-2015
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const std::string  dialNumber,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  msdPdu,
int  category,
MakeCallCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive eCall with raw MSD pdu, to the specified phone number for TPS eCall over CS Technologies only (i.e. not IMS). It will be treated like a regular voice call by the UE and the network.

It is the responsibility of application to make sure that another call is not dialed while Third Party Service eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which on make eCall operation is performed
[in]dialNumberString representing the dialing number
[in]msdPduEncoded MSD(Minimum Set of Data) PDU as per spec EN 15722 2015 or GOST R 54620-2011/33464-2015
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
int  category,
int  variant,
MakeCallCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive eCall without transmitting Minimum Set of Data (MSD) at call connect. Regular voice calls will be blocked by device while eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which make eCall operation is performed
[in]callbackOptional callback function to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::makeECall ( int  phoneId,
const std::string  dialNumber,
int  category,
MakeCallCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Initiate an automotive eCall to the specified phone number for TPS eCall over CS technologies only (i.e. not IMS), without transmitting Minimum Set of Data(MSD) at call connect. It will be treated like a regular voice call by the UE and the network.

It is the responsibility of application to make sure that another call is not dialed while Third Party Service eCall is in progress.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which make eCall operation is performed
[in]dialNumberString representing the dialing number
[in]callbackOptional callback function to get the response of makeECall request. Possible(not exhaustive) error codes for callback response
Status of makeECall i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::updateECallMsd ( int  phoneId,
const ECallMsdData eCallMsd,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Update the eCall MSD in modem to be sent to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) when requested.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which updateECallMsd operation is performed
[in]eCallMsdThe data structure represents the Minimum Set of Data (MSD)
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of updateECallMsd.
Status of updateECallMsd i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::updateECallMsd ( int  phoneId,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  msdPdu,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback 
pure virtual

This API could be used to explicitly send MSD to PSAP in response to MSD pull request from the PSAP.The modem will not automatically update MSD to the Public Safety Answering Point(PSAP) telux::tel::ICallListener::OnMsdUpdateRequest.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding to which updateECallMsd operation is performed
[in]msdPduEncoded MSD(Minimum Set of Data) PDU as per spec EN 15722 2015 or GOST R 54620-2011/33464-2015 For Third Party Service(TPS) eCall over IMS technology: Maximum length allowed for MSD is 255 bytes For all other types of eCall: Maximum length allowed for MSD is 140 bytes
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of updateECallMsd.
Status of updateECallMsd i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::requestECallHlapTimerStatus ( int  phoneId,
ECallHlapTimerStatusCallback  callback 
pure virtual

Request for status of eCall High Level Application Protocol(HLAP) timers that are maintained by the UE state machine. This does not retrieve status of timers maintained by the PSAP. The provided timers are as per EN 16062:2015 standard.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents phone corresponding on which requestECallHlapTimerStatus operation is performed
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of requestECallHlapTimerStatus
Status of requestECallHlapTimerStatus i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ICall> > telux::tel::ICallManager::getInProgressCalls ( )
pure virtual

Get in-progress calls.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_INFO_READ permission to invoke this API successfully.

List of active calls.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::conference ( std::shared_ptr< ICall call1,
std::shared_ptr< ICall call2,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Merge two calls in a conference.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]call1Call object to conference.
[in]call2Call object to conference.
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the result of conference function
Status of conference i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::swap ( std::shared_ptr< ICall callToHold,
std::shared_ptr< ICall callToActivate,
std::shared_ptr< telux::common::ICommandResponseCallback callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Swap calls to make one active and put the another on hold.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]callToHoldActive call object to swap to hold state.
[in]callToActivateHold call object to swap to active state.
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the result of swap function
Status of swap i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::hangupForegroundResumeBackground ( int  phoneId,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Hangup all the foreground call(s) if any and accept the background call as the active call. The foreground call here could be active call, incoming call or multiple active calls in case of conference and background call could be held call or waiting call.

If a call(s) is active, the active call(s) will be terminated or if a call is waiting, the waiting call will be accepted and becomes active. Otherwise, if a held call is present, the held call becomes active. In case of hold and waiting calls, the hold call will still be on hold and waiting call will be accepted. In case of hold, active and waiting scenario, the hold call will still be on hold, active call will be ended and waiting call will be accepted.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneId- Represents phone corresponding to which this operation is performed.
[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of hangup request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of hangupForegroundResumeBackground i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::hangupWaitingOrBackground ( int  phoneId,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Hangup all the waiting or background call(s). The background call here could be waiting call, hold call or multiple hold calls in case of conference.

If a call(s) is hold, the hold call(s) will be terminated or if a call is waiting, the waiting call will be be terminated as well. In case of hold, active and waiting scenario, the active call will still be on active, hold and waiting call will be ended.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_CALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneId- Represents phone corresponding to which this operation is performed.
[in]callback- optional callback pointer to get the response of hangup request below are possible error codes for callback response
Status of hangupWaitingOrBackground i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::requestEcbm ( int  phoneId,
EcbmStatusCallback  callback 
pure virtual

Request for emergency callback mode

[in]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the emergency callback mode(ECBM) status is requested.
[in]callbackCallback pointer to get the result of ECBM status request
Status of requestEcbm i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::exitEcbm ( int  phoneId,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Exit emergency callback mode.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_EMERGENCY_OPS permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the emergency callback mode(ECBM) exit is requested.
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the result of exit ECBM request
Status of exitEcbm i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::requestNetworkDeregistration ( int  phoneId,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Deregister from the network after an eCall when the modem is in eCall-only mode. This is typically done after the T9 eCall HLAP timer has expired to stop the T10 eCall HLAP timer and deregister from the serving network.

To invoke this API on platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission.

[in]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the network deregistration will be performed.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of the request. The response is sent after the operation is complete.
Status of requestNetworkDeregistration request, i.e., success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::updateEcallHlapTimer ( int  phoneId,
HlapTimerType  type,
uint32_t  timeDuration,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Set the value of an eCall HLAP timer. Only the T10 Timer is supported currently.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the value of T10 eCall HLAP timer updated will be performed.
[in]timeDurationRepresents the time duration for the HLAP timer. T10 timer is in units of minutes, and the supported range is from 60 to 720.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of the request. The response is sent after the operation is complete.
Status of updateEcallHlapTimer i.e., success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::requestEcallHlapTimer ( int  phoneId,
HlapTimerType  type,
ECallHlapTimerCallback  callback 
pure virtual

Get the value of an eCall HLAP timer. Only the T10 Timer is supported currently.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permission to invoke this API successfully.

[in]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the value of eCall HLAP timer query will be performed.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the response of the request. The response is sent after the operation is complete.
Status of requestEcallHlapTimer i.e., success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::setECallConfig ( EcallConfig  config)
pure virtual

Set the configuration related to emergency call. The configuration is persistent and takes effect when the next emergency call is dialed.

Minimum value of EcallConfig.t9Timer value should be 3600000. If a lesser value is provided, this API will still succeed but the actual value would be set to 3600000.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permissionto invoke this API successfully.

[in]configeCall configuration to be set EcallConfig
Status of setECallConfig i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::getECallConfig ( EcallConfig config)
pure virtual

Get the configuration related to emergency call.

On platforms with Access control enabled, Caller needs to have TELUX_TEL_ECALL_MGMT permissionto invoke this API successfully.

[out]configParameter to hold the fetched eCall configuration EcallConfig
Status of getECallConfig i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::registerListener ( std::shared_ptr< telux::tel::ICallListener listener)
pure virtual

Add a listener to listen for incoming call, call info change and eCall MSD transmission status change.

[in]listenerPointer to ICallListener object which receives event corresponding to phone
Status of registerListener i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICallManager::removeListener ( std::shared_ptr< telux::tel::ICallListener listener)
pure virtual

Remove a previously added listener.

[in]listenerListener to be removed.
Status of removeListener i.e. success or suitable error code.
class telux::tel::IMakeCallCallback

Interface for Make Call callback object. Client needs to implement this interface to get single shot responses for commands like make call.

The methods in callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void makeCallResponse (telux::common::ErrorCode error, std::shared_ptr< ICall > call=nullptr)
virtual ~IMakeCallCallback ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::common::ICommandCallback
virtual ~ICommandCallback ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::IMakeCallCallback::~IMakeCallCallback ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::tel::IMakeCallCallback::makeCallResponse ( telux::common::ErrorCode  error,
std::shared_ptr< ICall call = nullptr 

This function is called with the response to makeCall API.

[out]callPointer to Call object or nullptr in case of failure

Typedef Documentation

using telux::tel::MakeCallCallback = typedef std::function<void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, std::shared_ptr<ICall> call)>

This function is called with the response to make normal call and emergency call.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[out]callPointer to Call object or nullptr in case of failure
using telux::tel::ECallHlapTimerStatusCallback = typedef std::function<void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, int phoneId, ECallHlapTimerStatus timersStatus)>

This function is called with response to request for eCall High Level Application Protocol(HLAP) timers status.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[out]phoneIdRepresents the phone corresponding to which the response is being reported.
using telux::tel::EcbmStatusCallback = typedef std::function<void(telux::tel::EcbMode ecbMode, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with response to request for ECBM(requestEcbm API).

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[out]ecbModeIndicates the status of the ECBM. EcbMode
using telux::tel::ECallHlapTimerCallback = typedef std::function<void(telux::common::ErrorCode error, uint32_t timeDuration)>

This function is called with the response to request for the HLAP timer configuration.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[out]timeDurationRepresents the time duration for the HLAP timer.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines type of call like incoming, outgoing and none.

enum telux::tel::CallState

Defines the states a call can be in


idle call, default state of a newly created call object


active call


on hold call


out going call, in dialing state and not yet connected, MO Call only


incoming call, not yet answered


waiting call


alerting call, MO Call only


call ended / disconnected

Reason for the recently terminated call (either normally ended or failed)
