Telematics SDK - API Reference  v1.60.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Ctelux::tel::CellBroadcastMessageCell Broadcast message
 Ctelux::config::ConfigFactoryConfigFactory allows creation of config related classes
 Ctelux::cv2x::prop::CongestionControlUtilityUtility class for congestion control logging and testing purposes
 Ctelux::sec::ConnectionSecurityFactoryConnectionConnectionSecurityFactory allows creation of CellularSecurityManager
 Ctelux::cv2x::Cv2xFactoryCv2xFactory is the factory that creates the Cv2x Radio
 Ctelux::data::DataFactoryDataFactory is the central factory to create all data classes
 Ctelux::data::DataProfileDataProfile class represents single data profile on the modem
 Ctelux::tel::DeleteInfoSpecify delete information used for deleting message on storage
 Ctelux::platform::hardware::IAntennaManagerIAntennaManager provides an interface to set and get the active antenna's configuration
 Ctelux::wlan::IApInterfaceManagerManager class for configuring Wlan Access Points
 Ctelux::data::net::IBridgeManagerIBridgeManager provides APIs to enable/disable and set/get/delete software bridges for various WLAN and Ethernet interfaces. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::tel::ICallICall represents a call in progress. An ICall cannot be directly created by the client, rather it is returned as a result of instantiating a call or from the PhoneListener when receiving an incoming call
 Ctelux::tel::ICallManagerCall Manager is the primary interface for call related operations Allows to conference calls, swap calls, make normal voice call and emergency call, send and update MSD pdu
 Ctelux::tel::ICardICard represents currently inserted UICC or eUICC
 Ctelux::tel::ICardAppRepresents a single card application
 Ctelux::tel::ICardFileHandlerICardFileHandler provides APIs for reading from an elementary file(EF) on SIM and writing to EF on SIM. Provide API to get EF attributes like file size, record size, and the number of records in EF
 Ctelux::tel::ICellBroadcastManagerCellBroadcastManager class is primary interface to configure and activate emergency broadcast messages and receive broadcast messages
 Ctelux::config::IConfigManagerIConfigManager provides APIs to retrieve an instance of the manager, APIs for processes to update and retrieve configurations dynamically
 Ctelux::cv2x::prop::ICongestionControlListenerCongestion Control listeners implement this interface
 Ctelux::cv2x::prop::ICongestionControlManagerCongestionControl Manager is a primary interface for CongestionControl related functionality
 Ctelux::therm::ICoolingDeviceICoolingDevice provides interface to get type of the cooling device, the maximum throttle state and the currently requested throttle state of the cooling device
 Ctelux::sec::ICryptoManagerICryptoManager provides key management and crypto operation support. It uses trusted hardware bound cryptography. All keys generated are bound to the device cryptographically
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xConfigCv2xConfig provide operations to update or request cv2x configuration
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xConfigListenerListeners for ICv2xConfig must implement this interface
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioListenerListeners for Cv2xRadio must implement this interface
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xRadioManagerCv2xRadioManager manages instances of Cv2xRadio
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xThrottleManagerThrottleManager provides throttle manager client interface
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xThrottleManagerListenerListener class for getting filter rate update notification
 Ctelux::cv2x::ICv2xTxStatusReportListenerListeners for CV2X Tx status report must implement this interface
 Ctelux::data::IDataCallRepresents single established data call on the device
 Ctelux::data::IDataConnectionManagerIDataConnectionManager is a primary interface for cellular connectivity This interface provides APIs for start and stop data call connections, get data call information and listener for monitoring data calls. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::data::IDataFilterManagerIDataFilterManager class provides interface to enable/disable the data restrict filters and register for data restrict filter. The filtering can be done at any time. One such use case is to do it when we want the AP to suspend so that we are not waking up the AP due to spurious incoming messages. Also to make sure the DataRestrict mode is enabled
 Ctelux::data::IDataProfileListenerListener class for getting profile change notification
 Ctelux::data::IDataSettingsManagerData Settings Manager class provides APIs related to the data subsystem settings. For example, ability to reset current network settings to factory settings, setting backhaul priority, and enabling roaming per PDN
 Ctelux::platform::IDeviceInfoManagerIDeviceInfoManager provides interface to to retrieve IMEI and platform version operations
 Ctelux::loc::IDgnssManagerIRtcmManager provides interface to inject RTCM data into modem, register event listener reported by cdfw(correction data framework)
 Ctelux::loc::IDgnssStatusListenerListener class for getting RTCM injection event notification information
 Ctelux::tel::IEcallManagerIEcallManager allows operations related to automotive emergency call management and its related configurations
 Ctelux::data::net::IFirewallEntryFirewall entry class is used for configuring firewall rules
 Ctelux::data::net::IFirewallManagerFirewallManager is a primary interface that filters and controls the network traffic on a pre-configured set of rules. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::platform::IFsManagerIFsManager provides interface to to control and get notified about file system operations. This includes Embedded file system (EFS) operations
 Ctelux::loc::IGnssSignalInfoIGnssSignalInfo provides interface to retrieve GNSS data information like jammer metrics and automatic gain control for satellite signal type
 Ctelux::loc::IGnssSVInfoIGnssSVInfo provides interface to retrieve the list of SV info available and whether altitude is assumed or calculated
 Ctelux::tel::IHttpTransactionManagerIHttpTransactionManager is the interface to service HTTP related requests from the modem for SIM profile update related operations
 Ctelux::tel::IImsServingSystemManagerIMS Serving System Manager is the primary interface for IMS related operations Allows to query IMS registration status
 Ctelux::tel::IImsSettingsListenerListener class for getting IMS service configuration change notifications. The listener method can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that implementation is thread-safe
 Ctelux::tel::IImsSettingsManagerImsSettingsManager allows IMS settings. For example enabling or disabling IMS service, VOIMS service
 Ctelux::data::IIpFilterA IP filter class to add specific filters like what data will be allowed from the modem to the application processor. Only data packets that match the filter will be sent to the apps processor. Also used to configure Firewall rules
 Ctelux::data::net::IL2tpManagerL2tpManager is a primary interface for configuring L2TP Service. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::loc::ILocationConfigListenerILocationConfigListener interface is used to receive notifications related to configuration events
 Ctelux::loc::ILocationConfiguratorILocationConfigurator allows general engine configurations (example: TUNC, PACE etc), configuration of specific engines like SPE (example: minSVElevation, minGPSWeek etc) or DRE, deletion of warm and cold aiding data, NMEA configuration and support for XTRA feature. ILocationConfigurator APIs strictly adheres to the principle of single client per process
 Ctelux::loc::ILocationInfoBaseILocationInfoBase provides interface to get basic position related information like latitude, longitude, altitude, timestamp
 Ctelux::loc::ILocationListenerListener class for getting location updates and satellite vehicle information
 Ctelux::loc::ILocationManagerILocationManager provides interface to register and remove listeners. It also allows to set and get configuration/ criteria for position reports. The new APIs(registerListenerEx, deRegisterListenerEx, startDetailedReports, startBasicReports) and old/deprecated APIs(registerListener, removeListener, setPositionReportTimeout, setHorizontalAccuracyLevel, setMinIntervalForReports) should not be used interchangebly, either the new APIs should be used or the old APIs should be used
 Ctelux::config::IModemConfigManagerIModemConfigManager provides interface to list config files present in modem's storage. load a new config file in modem, activate a config file, get active config file information, deactivate a config file, delete config file from the modem's storage, get and set mode of config auto selection, register and deregister listener for config update in modem. The config files are also referred to as MBNs
 Ctelux::tel::IMultiSimManagerMultiSimManager allows to perform operation pertaining to devices which have more than one SIM/UICC card. Clients should check if the subsystem is ready before invoking any of the APIs as follows
 Ctelux::data::net::INatManagerNatManager is a primary interface for configuring static network address translation(SNAT) and DMZ (demilitarized zone). It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::tel::INetworkSelectionManagerNetwork Selection Manager class provides the interface to get and set network selection mode, preferred network list and scan available networks
 Ctelux::tel::IPhoneThis class allows getting system information and registering for system events. Each Phone instance is associated with a single SIM. So on a dual SIM device you would have 2 Phone instances
 Ctelux::tel::IPhoneManagerPhone Manager creates one or more phones based on SIM slot count, it allows clients to register for notification of system events. Clients should check if the subsystem is ready before invoking any of the APIs
 Ctelux::tel::IRemoteSimManagerIRemoteSimManager provides APIs for remote SIM related operations. This allows a device to use a SIM card on another device for its WWAN modem functionality. The SIM provider service is the endpoint that interfaces with the SIM card (e.g. over bluetooth) and sends/receives data to the other endpoint, the modem. The modem sends requests to the SIM provider service to interact with the SIM card (e.g. power up, transmit APDU, etc.), and is notified of events (e.g. card errors, resets, etc.). This API is used by the SIM provider endpoint to provide a SIM card to the modem
 Ctelux::tel::ISapCardManagerISapCardManager provide APIs for SAP related operations
 Ctelux::sensor::ISensorClientISensorClient interface is used to access the different services provided by the sensor framework to configure, activate and acquire sensor data
 Ctelux::sensor::ISensorEventListenerISensorEventListener interface is used to receive notifications related to sensor events and configuration updates
 Ctelux::sensor::ISensorFeatureEventListenerISensorFeatureEventListener interface is used to receive notifications related to sensor feature events
 Ctelux::sensor::ISensorFeatureManagerSensor Feature Manager class provides APIs to interact with the sensor framework to list the available features, enable them or disable them. The availability of sensor features depends on the capabilities of the underlying hardware
 Ctelux::sensor::ISensorManagerSensor Manager class provides APIs to interact with the sensor sub-system and get access to other sensor objects which can be used to configure, activate or get data from the individual sensors available - Gyro, Accelero, etc
 Ctelux::data::IServingSystemListenerListener class for data serving system change notification
 Ctelux::data::IServingSystemManagerServing System Manager class provides APIs related to the serving system for data functionality. For example, ability to query or be notified about the state of the platform's WWAN PS data serving information
 Ctelux::tel::ISimProfileManagerISimProfileManager is a primary interface for remote eUICCs (eSIMs or embedded SIMs) provisioning.This interface provides APIs to add, delete, set profile, update nickname, provide user consent, get Eid on the eUICC
 Ctelux::tel::ISmsManagerSmsManager class is the primary interface to manage SMS operations such as send and receive an SMS text and raw encoded PDU(s). This class handles single part and multi-part messages
 Ctelux::data::net::ISocksManagerSocksManager is a primary interface for configuring legacy Socks proxy server. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::wlan::IStaInterfaceManagerManager class for configuring Wlan Station Mode
 Ctelux::tel::ISubscriptionSubscription returns information about network operator subscription details pertaining to a SIM card
 Ctelux::tel::ISuppServicesManagerISuppServicesManager is the interface to provide supplementary services like call forwarding and call waiting
 Ctelux::loc::ISVInfoISVInfo provides interface to retrieve information about Satellite Vehicles, their position and health status
 Ctelux::power::ITcuActivityListenerListener class for getting notifications related to TCU-activity state and also the updates related to TCU-activity service status. The client needs to implement these methods as briefly as possible and avoid blocking calls in it. The methods in this class can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that the implementation is thread-safe
 Ctelux::power::ITcuActivityManagerITcuActivityManager provides interface to register and de-register listeners to get TCU-activity state updates. And also API to initiate TCU-activity state transition
 Ctelux::therm::IThermalManagerIThermalManager provides interface to get thermal zone and cooling device information
 Ctelux::therm::IThermalShutdownManagerIThermalShutdownManager class provides interface to enable/disable automatic thermal shutdown. Additionally it facilitates to register for notifications when the automatic shutdown mode changes
 Ctelux::therm::IThermalZoneIThermalZone provides interface to get type of the sensor, the current temperature reading, trip points and the cooling devices binded etc
 Ctelux::platform::ITimeListenerListener class for getting time information. The client needs to implement these methods as briefly as possible and avoid blocking calls in it. The methods in this class can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that the implementation is thread-safe
 Ctelux::platform::ITimeManagerITimeManager provides interface to retrieve time information
 Ctelux::therm::ITripPointITripPoint provides interface to get trip point type, trip point temperature and hysteresis value for that trip point
 Ctelux::data::net::IVlanManagerVlanManager is a primary interface for configuring VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). it provide APIs for create, query, remove VLAN interfaces and associate or disassociate with profile IDs. It also provides interface to Subsystem Restart events by registering as listener. Notifications will be received when modem is ready/not ready
 Ctelux::wlan::IWlanDeviceManagerWlanDeviceManager is a primary interface for configuring Wireless LAN. it provide APIs to enable, configure, activate, and modify modes
 Ctelux::loc::LocationFactoryLocationFactory allows creation of location manager
 Ctelux::tel::MessageAttributesContains structure of message attributes like encoding type, number of segments, characters left in last segment
 Ctelux::tel::MessagePartInfoStructure containing information about the part of multi-part SMS such as concatenated message reference number, number of segments and segment number. During concatenation this information along with originating address helps in associating each part of the multi-part message to the corresponding multi-part message
 Ctelux::sensor::MotionSensorDataStructure of a single sample from a motion sensor
 Ctelux::tel::PhoneFactoryPhoneFactory is the central factory to create all Telephony SDK Classes and services
 Ctelux::platform::PlatformFactoryPlatformFactory allows creation of Platform services related classes
 Ctelux::power::PowerFactoryPowerFactory allows creation of TCU-activity manager instance
 Ctelux::data::RoamingStatusRoaming Status
 Ctelux::sec::SecurityFactorySecurityFactory allows creation of ICryptoManager and ICryptoAcceleratorManager
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorConfigurationConfigurable parameters of a sensor
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorEventStructure of a single sensor event
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorFactorySensorFactory is the central factory to create instances of sensor objects
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorFeatureFeature offered by sensor hardware and/or software framework
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorFeatureEventStructure of an event that is generated from a sensor feature
 Ctelux::sensor::SensorInfoInformation related to sensor
 Ctelux::data::ServiceStatusData Service Status Info
 Ctelux::tel::SimProfileSimProfile class represents single eUICC profile on the card
 Ctelux::tel::SmsMessageData structure represents an incoming SMS. This is applicable for single part message or part of the multipart message
 Ctelux::tel::SmsMetaInfoProvides certain attributes of an SMS message
 Ctelux::therm::ThermalFactoryThermalFactory allows creation of thermal manager
 Ctelux::sensor::UncalibratedMotionSensorDataStructure of a single sample from uncalibrated motion sensor
 Ctelux::cv2x::prop::V2xPropFactoryV2xPropFactory allows creation of ICongestionControlManager
 Ctelux::common::VersionProvides version of SDK
 Ctelux::wlan::WlanFactoryWlanFactory is the central factory to create all wlan classes