Telematics SDK - API Reference  v1.55.13

Data Structures

struct  v2x_status_info_t
struct  v2x_radio_status_t
struct  v2x_pool_status_t
struct  v2x_radio_status_ex_t
struct  trusted_ue_info_t
struct  tx_pool_id_info_t
struct  v2x_iface_capabilities_t
struct  v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t
struct  v2x_chan_meas_params_t
struct  v2x_chan_measurements_t
struct  v2x_radio_calls_t
struct  v2x_sps_mac_details_t
struct  v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t
struct  v2x_slss_sync_ref_ue_info_t
struct  v2x_slss_rx_info_t
struct  v2x_tx_flow_info_t
struct  v2x_sock_info_t
struct  v2x_sid_list_t
struct  v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t
struct  socket_info_t
struct  src_l2_filter_info_t
struct  v2x_rf_tx_info_t
struct  v2x_tx_status_report_t


#define V2X_RADIO_HANDLE_BAD   (-1)
#define V2X_MAX_RADIO_SESSIONS   (10)
#define V2X_RX_WILDCARD_PORTNUM   (9000)
#define MAX_POOL_IDS_LIST_LEN   (20)
#define MAX_FILTER_IDS_LIST_LEN   (50)
#define V2X_MAX_TX_POOL_NUM   (2)
#define V2X_MAX_RX_POOL_NUM   (4)
#define V2X_MAX_SLSS_SYNC_REF_UE_NUM   (16)


typedef int v2x_radio_handle_t
typedef traffic_ip_type_t traffic_ip_type
typedef struct src_l2_filter_info_t src_l2_filter_info
typedef void(* v2x_tx_status_report_listener) (const v2x_tx_status_report_t info)
typedef void(* v2x_ext_radio_status_listener) (const v2x_radio_status_ex_t *status)
typedef void(* v2x_slss_rx_listener) (const v2x_slss_rx_info_t *info)


enum  v2x_concurrency_sel_t { V2X_WWAN_NONCONCURRENT = 0, V2X_WWAN_CONCURRENT = 1 }
enum  v2x_event_t {
enum  v2x_priority_et {
  V2X_PRIO_MOST_URGENT = 0, V2X_PRIO_1 = 1, V2X_PRIO_2 = 2, V2X_PRIO_3 = 3,
  V2X_PRIO_4 = 4, V2X_PRIO_5 = 5, V2X_PRIO_6 = 6, V2X_PRIO_BACKGROUND = 7
enum  v2x_service_status_t { SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 0, SERVICE_AVAILABLE = 1, SERVICE_FAILED = 2 }
enum  v2x_radio_cause_type_t {
enum  v2x_slss_sync_pattern_t {
enum  traffic_ip_type_t { TRAFFIC_IP = 0, TRAFFIC_NON_IP = 1 }
enum  rf_status_t { INACTIVE, OPERATIONAL, FAULT }
enum  v2x_segment_type_t { FIRST, LAST, MIDDLE, ONLY_ONE }
enum  v2x_tx_type_t { V2X_NEW_TX, V2X_RE_TX, V2X_SLSS_TX }


uint16_t v2x_convert_priority_to_traffic_class (v2x_priority_et priority)
v2x_priority_et v2x_convert_traffic_class_to_priority (uint16_t traffic_class)
v2x_api_ver_t v2x_radio_api_version ()
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_query_capabilities (v2x_iface_capabilities_t *caps)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_deinit (v2x_radio_handle_t handle)
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, int *sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *rx_sockaddr)
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v2 (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, int id_ist_len, uint32_t *id_list, int *sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *rx_sockaddr)
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3 (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, uint16_t port_num, int id_ist_len, uint32_t *id_list, int *sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *rx_sockaddr)
int v2x_radio_enable_rx_meta_data (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, bool enable, int id_list_len, uint32_t *id_list)
int v2x_radio_sock_create_and_bind (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t *tx_flow_info, v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t *calls, int tx_sps_portnum, int tx_event_portnum, int rx_portnum, v2x_sid_list_t *rx_id_list, v2x_sock_info_t *tx_sps_sock, v2x_sock_info_t *tx_event_sock, v2x_sock_info_t *rx_sock)
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t *res, v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t *calls, int sps_portnum, int event_portnum, int *sps_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *sps_sockaddr, int *event_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *event_sockaddr)
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t *res, v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t *calls, int sps_portnum, int *sps_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *sps_sockaddr)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change (int *sps_sock, v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t *updated_reservation)
int v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind (const char *interface, int v2x_id, int event_portnum, struct sockaddr_in6 *event_sock_addr, int *sock)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_start_measurements (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_chan_meas_params_t *measure_this_way)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_stop_measurements (v2x_radio_handle_t handle)
int v2x_radio_sock_close (int *sock_fd)
void v2x_radio_set_log_level (int new_level, int use_syslog)
v2x_event_t cv2x_status_poll (uint64_t *status_age_useconds)
int v2x_radio_trigger_l2_update (v2x_radio_handle_t handle)
int v2x_radio_update_trusted_ue_list (unsigned int malicious_list_len, unsigned int malicious_list[MAX_MALICIOUS_IDS_LIST_LEN], unsigned int trusted_list_len, trusted_ue_info_t trusted_list[MAX_TRUSTED_IDS_LIST_LEN])
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2 (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t *sps_flow_info, v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t *calls, int sps_portnum, int event_portnum, int *sps_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *sps_sockaddr, int *event_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *event_sockaddr)
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create_v2 (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t *sps_flow_info, v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t *calls, int sps_portnum, int *sps_sock, struct sockaddr_in6 *sps_sockaddr)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change_v2 (int *sps_sock, v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t *updated_flow_info)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_event_flow_info_change (int *sock, v2x_tx_flow_info_t *updated_flow_info)
v2x_status_enum_type start_v2x_mode ()
v2x_status_enum_type stop_v2x_mode ()
v2x_radio_handle_t v2x_radio_init_v2 (traffic_ip_type_t ip_type, v2x_concurrency_sel_t mode, v2x_radio_calls_t *callbacks_p, void *ctx_p)
int v2x_radio_init_v3 (v2x_concurrency_sel_t mode, v2x_radio_calls_t *callbacks_p, void *ctx_p, v2x_radio_handle_t *ip_handle_p, v2x_radio_handle_t *non_ip_handle_p)
int v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v3 (traffic_ip_type_t ip_type, int v2x_id, int event_portnum, v2x_tx_flow_info_t *event_flow_info, struct sockaddr_in6 *event_sockaddr, int *sock)
v2x_status_enum_type get_iface_name (traffic_ip_type_t ip_type, char *iface_name, size_t buffer_len)
int v2x_radio_tcp_sock_create_and_bind (v2x_radio_handle_t handle, const v2x_tx_flow_info_t *event_info, const socket_info_t *sock_info, int *sock_fd, struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_peak_tx_power (int8_t txPower)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_l2_filters (uint32_t list_len, src_l2_filter_info *list_array)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_remove_l2_filters (uint32_t list_len, uint32_t *l2_id_list)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_tx_status_report_listener (uint16_t port, v2x_tx_status_report_listener callback)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_deregister_tx_status_report_listener (uint16_t port)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_global_IPaddr (uint8_t prefix_len, uint8_t *ipv6_addr)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_ip_routing_info (uint8_t *dest_mac_addr)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_get_ext_radio_status (v2x_radio_status_ex_t *status)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_ext_radio_status_listener (v2x_ext_radio_status_listener callback)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_get_slss_rx_info (v2x_slss_rx_info_t *slss_info)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_slss_rx_listener (v2x_slss_rx_listener callback)
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_deregister_slss_rx_listener (v2x_slss_rx_listener callback)

Detailed Description

This section contains C Radio APIs related to Cellular-V2X operation. Applications need to have "radio" Linux group permissions to be able to operate successfully with underlying services. For any new CV2x development, it is recommended to use the C++ telux::cv2x::* APIs.

Abstraction of the radio driver parameters for a V2X broadcast socket interface, including 3GPP CV2X QoS bandwidth contracts.

Data Structure Documentation

struct v2x_status_info_t

Encapsulates CV2X Tx/Rx status and cause of failure.

Data Fields
v2x_radio_status_type_t status

Tx/Rx status

v2x_radio_cause_type_t cause

Cause of failure

struct v2x_radio_status_t

Encapsulates status of CV2X radio.

Data Fields
v2x_status_info_t tx_status

TX status

v2x_status_info_t rx_status

RX status

struct v2x_pool_status_t

Encapsulates status for single TX/RX pool.

Data Fields
uint8_t pool_id

pool ID

v2x_status_info_t status

Tx/Rx pool status

struct v2x_radio_status_ex_t

V2X overall radio status and per pool status.

Data Fields
v2x_radio_status_t status

CV2X overall TX/RX status

uint8_t tx_pool_size

Number of Tx pools in array of pool_status.

v2x_pool_status_t tx_pool_status[V2X_MAX_TX_POOL_NUM]

CV2X Tx pool status.

uint8_t rx_pool_size

Number of Rx pools in array of pool_status.

v2x_pool_status_t rx_pool_status[V2X_MAX_RX_POOL_NUM]

CV2X Rx pool status.

struct trusted_ue_info_t

Contains time confidence, position confidence, and propagation delay for a trusted UE.

Data Fields
uint32_t source_l2_id

L2 ID of the trusted source

float time_uncertainty

Time uncertainty in milliseconds.

uint16_t time_confidence_level

Deprecated. Use time_uncertainty instead.

Confidence level of the time period.

Supported values:

0 through 127, where 0 is invalid or unavailable and 127 is the most confident

uint16_t position_confidence_level

Confidence level of the position.

Supported values:

0 through 127, where 0 is invalid or unavailable and 127 is the most confident

uint32_t propagation_delay

Propagation delay in microseconds.

struct tx_pool_id_info_t

Contains minimum and maximum EARFCNs for a Tx pool ID. Multiple Tx Pools allow the same radio and overall frequency range to be shared for multiple types of traffic like V2V and V2X. Each pool ID and frequency range corresponds to a certain type of traffic. Both edge guard bands are not included in the EARFCN range reported. The calculation for the full bandwidth includes both edge guard bands is: bandwidth(MHz) = (max_freq-min_freq)/9. This struct is used in v2x_iface_capabilities_t.

Data Fields
uint8_t pool_id

ID of the Tx pool.

uint16_t min_freq

Minimum EARFCN of this pool.

uint16_t max_freq

Maximum EARFCN of this pool.

struct v2x_iface_capabilities_t

Contains information on the capabilities of a Radio interface.

Data Fields
int link_ip_MTU_bytes

Maximum data payload length (in bytes) of a packet supported by the IP Radio interface.

int link_non_ip_MTU_bytes

Maximum data payload length (in bytes) of a packet supported by the non-IP Radio interface.

v2x_concurrency_sel_t max_supported_concurrency

Indicates whether this interface supports concurrent WWAN with V2X (PC5).

uint16_t non_ip_tx_payload_offset_bytes

Byte offset in a non-IP Tx packet before the actual payload begins. In 3GPP CV2X, the first byte after the offset is the 1-byte V2X Family ID.

This offset is to the left for a per-packet Tx header that includes Tx information that might be inserted in front of the packet payload (in subsequent releases).

An example of Tx information is MAC/Phy parameters (power, rate, retransmissions policy, and so on).

Currently, this value is expected to be 0. But it is reserved to support possible per-packet Tx/Rx headers that might be added in future releases of this API.

uint16_t non_ip_rx_payload_offset_bytes

Byte offset in a non-IP Rx packet before the actual payload begins.

Initially, this value is zero. But it allows for later insertion of per-packet Rx information (sometimes called metadata) to be added to the front of the data payload. An example of Rx information is MAC/Phy measurements (receive signal strength, timestamps, and so on).

The V2X Family ID is considered as part of the payload in the 3GPP CV2X. Higher layers (applications that are clients to this API) must remove or advance past that 1 byte to get to the more familiar actual WSMP/Geonetworking payload.

uint16_t int_min_periodicity_multiplier_ms

Lowest number of milliseconds requested for a bandwidth.

This value is also the basis for all possible bandwidth reservation periods. For example, if this multiplier=100 ms, applications can only reserve bandwidths of 100 ms, 200 ms, up to 1000 ms.

uint16_t int_maximum_periodicity_ms

Least frequent bandwidth periodicity that is supported. Above this value, use event-driven periodic messages of a period larger than this value.

unsigned supports_10ms_periodicity: 1

Indicates whether n*10 ms periodicities are supported.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Not supported
  • 1 – Supported
unsigned supports_20ms_periodicity: 1

Indicates whether an n*20 ms bandwidth reservation is supported.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Not supported
  • 1 – Supported
unsigned supports_50ms_periodicity: 1

Indicates whether 50 ms periodicity is supported.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Not supported
  • 1 – Supported
unsigned supports_100ms_periodicity: 1

Indicates whether the basic minimum periodicity of 100 ms is supported.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Not supported
  • 1 – Supported
unsigned max_quantity_of_auto_retrans: 4

Maximum number automatic retransmissions.

Supported values:

0 through 15

unsigned size_of_layer2_mac_address: 4

Size of the L2 MAC address.

Different Radio Access Technologies have different-sized L2 MAC addresses: 802.11 has 6 bytes, whereas 3GPP PC5 has only 3 bytes.

Because a randomized MAC address comes from an HSM with good pseudo random entropy, higher layers must know how many bytes of the MAC address to generate.

uint16_t v2x_number_of_priority_levels

Number of different priority levels supported. For example, 8 is the current 3GPP standard (where a lower number means a higher priority).

uint16_t highest_priority_value

Least urgent priority number supported by this radio.

Higher numbers are lower priority, so if the full range is supported, this value is V2X_PRIO_BACKGROUND.

uint16_t lowest_priority_value

Highest priority value (most urgent traffic).

Lower numbers are higher priority, so if the highest level supported this value is V2X_PRIO_MOST_URGENT.

uint16_t max_qty_SPS_flows

Maximum number of supported SPS reservations.

uint16_t max_qty_non_SPS_flows

Maximum number of supported event flows (non-SPS ports).

int32_t max_tx_pwr

Maximum supported transmission power in dBm.

int32_t min_tx_pwr

Minimum supported transmission power in dBm.

uint32_t tx_pool_ids_supported_len

Length of the tx_pool_ids_supported array.

tx_pool_id_info_t tx_pool_ids_supported[MAX_POOL_IDS_LIST_LEN]

Array of Tx pool IDs and their associated minimum and maximum frequencies.

struct v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t

Used when requesting a QoS bandwidth contract, which is implemented in PC5 3GPP V2-X radio as a Semi Persistent Flow (SPS).

The underlying radio providing the interface might support periodicities of various granularity in 100 ms integer multiples (such as 200 ms, 300 ms, and 400 ms).

The reservation is also used internally as a handle.

Data Fields
int v2xid

Variable length 4-byte PSID or ITS_AID, or another application ID.

v2x_priority_et priority

Specifies one of the 3GPP levels of priority for the traffic that is pre-reserved on the SPS flow.

Use v2x_radio_query_capabilities() to get the exact number of supported priority levels.

int period_interval_ms

Bandwidth-reserved periodicity interval in milliseconds.

There are limits on which intervals the underlying radio supports. Use the capabilities query method to discover the int_min_periodicity_multiplier_ms and int_maximum_periodicity_ms supported intervals.

int tx_reservation_size_bytes

Number of Tx bandwidth bytes that are sent every periodicity interval.

struct v2x_chan_meas_params_t

Contains the measurement parameters for configuring the MAC/Phy radio channel measurements (such as CBR utilization).

The radio chip contains requests on radio measurement parameters that API clients can use to specify the following:

  • How their higher-level application requires the CBR/CBP to be measured
  • Over which time window
  • When to send a report
Data Fields
int channel_measurement_interval_us

Duration in microseconds of the sliding window size.

int rs_threshold_decidbm

Parameter to the radio CBR measurement that is used for determining how busy the channel is.

Signals weaker than the specified receive strength (RSRP, or RSSI) are not considered to be in use (busy).

struct v2x_chan_measurements_t

Periodically returned by the radio with all measurements about the radio channel, such as the amount of noise and bandwidth saturation (channel_busy_percentage, or CBR).

Data Fields
float channel_busy_percentage

No measurement parameters are supplied.

float noise_floor

Measurement of the background noise for a quiet channel.

float time_uncertainty

V2X time uncertainty in milliseconds.

struct v2x_radio_calls_t

Contains callback functions used in a v2x_radio_init() and v2x_radio_init_v2 call.

The radio interface uses these callback functions for events such as completion of initialization, a Layer-02 MAC address change, or a status event (loss of sufficient GPS time precision to transmit).

These callbacks are related to a specific radio interface, and its MAC/Phy parameters, such as transmit power, bandwidth utilization, and changes in radio status.

Data Fields

void(* v2x_radio_init_complete )(v2x_status_enum_type status, void *context)
void(* v2x_radio_status_listener )(v2x_event_t event, void *context)
void(* v2x_radio_chan_meas_listener )(v2x_chan_measurements_t *measurements, void *context)
void(* v2x_radio_l2_addr_changed_listener )(int new_l2_address, void *context)
void(* v2x_radio_macphy_change_complete_cb )(void *context)
void(* v2x_radio_capabilities_listener )(v2x_iface_capabilities_t *caps, void *context)
void(* v2x_service_status_listener )(v2x_service_status_t status, void *context)

Field Documentation

void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_init_complete) (v2x_status_enum_type status, void *context)

Callback that indicates initialization is complete.

Associated data types
[in]statusUpdated current radio status that indicates whether transmit and receive are ready.
[in]contextPointer to the context that was supplied during initial registration.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_status_listener) (v2x_event_t event, void *context)

Callback made when the status in the radio changes. For example, in response to a fault when there is a loss of GPS timing accuracy.

This callback is deprecated, please consider use v2x_ext_radio_status_listener instead.
Associated data types
[in]eventDelivery of the event that just occurred, such losing the ability to transmit.
[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_chan_meas_listener) (v2x_chan_measurements_t *measurements, void *context)

Callback made from lower layers when periodic radio measurements are prepared.

Associated data types
[in]measurementsPointer to the periodic measurements.
[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_l2_addr_changed_listener) (int new_l2_address, void *context)

Callback made by the platform SDK when the MAC address (L2 SRC address) changes.

[in]new_l2_addressNew L2 source address as an integer (because the L2 address is 3 bytes).
[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_macphy_change_complete_cb) (void *context)

Callback made to indicate that the requested radio MAC/Phy change (such as channel/frequency and power) has completed.

[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_capabilities_listener) (v2x_iface_capabilities_t *caps, void *context)

Callback made when V2X capabilities change.

Associated data types
[in]capsPointer to the capabilities of this interface.
[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
void(* v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_service_status_listener) (v2x_service_status_t status, void *context)

Callback made when the service status changes.

Associated data types
[in]statusService status.
[in]contextPointer to the context of the caller who originally registered for this callback.
struct v2x_sps_mac_details_t

Contains MAC information that is reported from the actual MAC SPS in the radio. The offsets can periodically change on any given transmission report.

Data Fields
uint32_t periodicity_in_use_ns

Actual transmission interval period (in nanoseconds) scheduled relative to 1PP 0:00.00 time.

uint16_t currently_reserved_periodic_bytes

Actual number of bytes currently reserved at the MAC layer. This number can be slightly larger than original request.

uint32_t tx_reservation_offset_ns

Actual offset, from a 1PPS pulse and Tx flow periodicity, that the MAC selected and is using for the transmit reservation.

If data goes to the radio with enough time, it can be transmitted on the medium in the next immediately scheduled slot.

uint64_t utc_time_ns

Absolute UTC start time of next selected grant, in nanoseconds.

struct v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t

Callback functions used in v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind() calls.

Data Fields

void(* v2x_radio_l2_reservation_change_complete_cb )(void *context, v2x_sps_mac_details_t *details)
void(* v2x_radio_sps_offset_changed )(void *context, v2x_sps_mac_details_t *details)

Field Documentation

void(* v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t::v2x_radio_l2_reservation_change_complete_cb) (void *context, v2x_sps_mac_details_t *details)

Callback made upon completion of a reservation change that a v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change() call initiated for a MAC/Phy contention.

The current SPS offset and reservation parameter are passed in the details structure returned by the pointer details.

Associated data types
[in]contextPointer to the application context.
[in]detailsPointer to the MAC information.
void(* v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t::v2x_radio_sps_offset_changed) (void *context, v2x_sps_mac_details_t *details)

Callback periodically made when the MAC SPS timeslot changes. The new reservation offset is in the details structure returned by pointer details.

Associated data types
[in]measurementsPointer to the channel measurements.
[in]contextPointer to the context.
Detailed description
This callback can occur when a MAC contention triggers a new reservation time slot to be selected. It is relevant only to connections opened with v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind().
struct v2x_slss_sync_ref_ue_info_t

Encapsulates parameters of an SLSS sync reference UE. Used in v2x_slss_rx_info_t.

Data Fields
uint16_t slss_id

The SLSS ID of the sync reference UE that is defined in 3GPP TS 36.331 chapter 6.3.8.

bool in_coverage

Indicates whether or not the UE is in coverage of GNSS that is defined in 3GPP TS 36.331 chapter 6.5.2.

v2x_slss_sync_pattern_t pattern

Indicates the SLSS sync pattern of the UE that is defined in 3GPP TS 36.331 chapter 6.3.8.

uint8_t rsrp

SLSS RSRP value of the UE in dBm is ((float)rsrp - 256)/2.

bool selected

Indicates whether or not the sync reference UE has been selected as the timing source.

struct v2x_slss_rx_info_t

Encapsulates parameters of CV2X SLSS Rx Information.

Used in v2x_get_slss_rx_info and v2x_slss_rx_info_listener.

Data Fields
uint32_t num_ue

The number of SLSS sync reference UEs in array ueInfo.

v2x_slss_sync_ref_ue_info_t ue_info[V2X_MAX_SLSS_SYNC_REF_UE_NUM]

Array of detected SLSS sync reference UEs.

struct v2x_tx_flow_info_t

Advanced parameters that can be specified for Tx SPS and event-driven flows.

Data Fields
v2x_auto_retransmit_policy_t retransmit_policy

V2X retransmit policy.

uint8_t default_tx_power_valid

Indicates whether the default Tx power is specified.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Default power is not specified
  • 1 – Default power is specified and is valid
int32_t default_tx_power

Default power used for transmission.

uint8_t mcs_index_valid

Indicates whether the MCS index is specified.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Index is not specified
  • 1 – Index is specified and is valid
uint8_t mcs_index

MCS index number

uint8_t tx_pool_id_valid

Indicates whether the Tx pool ID is valid.

Supported values:
  • 0 – ID is not specified
  • 1 – ID is specified and is valid
uint8_t tx_pool_id

ID of the Tx pool.

uint8_t is_unicast_valid

Indicates whether is_unicast is specified.

Supported values:
  • 0 – Is unicast is not specified
  • 1 – Is unicast is specified and is valid
uint8_t is_unicast

Non zero if requested flow is unicast. Note: Unicast flows ignore subscribed Service Ids

struct v2x_sock_info_t

Parameters to identify a Tx or Rx socket.

Data Fields
int sock

Pointer to the file descriptor for the socket.

struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr

IPv6 socket address. The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function.

struct v2x_sid_list_t

Parameters to identify a service ID list.

Data Fields
int length

number of services IDs included in the array of sid.


array of service IDs.

struct v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t

Advanced parameters that can be specified for Tx SPS flows.

Data Fields
v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t reservation

Transmit reservation information.

v2x_tx_flow_info_t flow_info

Transmit resource information about the SPS Tx flow.

struct socket_info_t

Parameters that can be specified for the creation of CV2X socket.

Data Fields
uint32_t service_id

V2X service ID bound to the CV2X socket.

uint16_t local_port

Local port number of the CV2X socket used for binding.

struct src_l2_filter_info_t

Contains remote UE source L2 ID that expecting to filter.

Data Fields
uint32_t src_l2_id

< remote UE L2 addr to filter. Duration, in millisec (resolution 100 msec).

uint32_t duration_ms

/* Proximity service per packet priority (PPPP), packets with priority above this value will be dropped. Range 0-7, 0 mean all of the pkts will be dropped.

uint8_t pppp
struct v2x_rf_tx_info_t

Tx status per Tx chain and Tx power per Tx antenna for a specific transport block.

Data Fields
rf_status_t status

Fault detection status for a specific Tx chain.

int32_t power

The target Tx power after MPR/AMPR reduction for a specific Tx antenna in dBm*10 format. Invalid value is -700, it means the corresponding antenna is not being used for the transmission of this transport block.

struct v2x_tx_status_report_t

Information on Tx status of a V2X transport block that is reported from low layer.

  1. A V2X Tx packet might trigger multiple reports because of the segmentaion and re-Tx in low layer.
  2. If a transport block is dropped in low layer, no report will be triggered for that transport block.
  3. The power in the array of rfInfo is the target Tx power value in dBm*10 after MPR/AMPR reduction for a specific Tx antenna. The status in the array of rfInfo is the fault detection status for a specific Tx chain.
    • In CDD mode, two antennas have transmission for a specific transport block, both rfInfo[0].power and rfInfo[1].power are valid (not -700), rfInfo[i].status is reflecting the status of Tx chain/Tx antenna i.
    • In TXD mode, data transmission swtiches between two antennas/chains and only one antenna/chain has transmission for a specific transport block, the Tx antenna being used has valid power (not -700) in the array of rfInfo, rfInfo[i].status is reflecting the status of Tx chain i or the status of the Tx antenna i whose power is valid (not -700) in the array of rfInfo. Used in v2x_tx_status_report_listener
Data Fields
v2x_rf_tx_info_t rf_info[V2X_MAX_ANTENNAS_SUPPORTED]

Tx status per Tx chain and Tx power per Tx antenna.

uint8_t num_rb

Number of resource blocks used for the transport block.

uint8_t start_rb

Start resource block index used for the transport block.

uint8_t mcs

Modulation and coding scheme used for the transport block that is defined in 3GPP TS 36.213.

uint8_t seg_num

Total number of segments of a V2X packet.

v2x_segment_type_t seg_type

Segment type of the transport block.

v2x_tx_type_t tx_type

Indication of new Tx or re-Tx of the transport block.

uint16_t ota_timing

OTA timing in format of system frame number*10 + subframe number.

uint16_t port

Port number that can be used to link the report to a specific Tx flow which has the same source port number.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define V2X_RADIO_HANDLE_BAD   (-1)

Invalid handle returned by v2x_radio_init() and v2x_radio_init_v2() upon an error.

#define V2X_MAX_RADIO_SESSIONS   (10)

Limit on the number of simultaneous RmNet Radio interfaces this library can have open at once.

Typically, there are only a few actual radios. On the same radio however, one interface can be for IP traffic, and another interface can be for non-IP traffic.

#define V2X_RX_WILDCARD_PORTNUM   (9000)

Wildcard value for a port number. When the wildcard is used, all V2X received traffic is routed.

#define MAX_POOL_IDS_LIST_LEN   (20)

Maximum length of the pool ID list that is returned in v2x_iface_capabilities_t.


Maximum length of the malicious ID list that can be passed in v2x_radio_update_trusted_ue_list().


Maximum length of the trusted ID list that can be passed in v2x_radio_update_trusted_ue_list().


Maximum length for the subscribed service ID list that can be passed in v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v2().

#define MAX_FILTER_IDS_LIST_LEN   (50)

Maximum length for the L2 ID list that can be passed in v2x_set_l2_filters() and v2x_cancel_l2_filters.


Maximum number of antennas that is supported. Used in v2x_tx_status_report_t

#define V2X_MAX_TX_POOL_NUM   (2)

Maximum number of V2X Tx pools that is supported. Used in v2x_radio_status_ex_t

#define V2X_MAX_RX_POOL_NUM   (4)

Maximum number of V2X Rx pools that is supported. Used in v2x_radio_status_ex_t

#define V2X_MAX_SLSS_SYNC_REF_UE_NUM   (16)

Maximum number of detected SLSS sync reference UEs. Used in v2x_slss_rx_info_t

Typedef Documentation

typedef int v2x_radio_handle_t

Radio data handle to the interface.

Contains remote UE source L2 ID that expecting to filter.

typedef void(* v2x_tx_status_report_listener) (const v2x_tx_status_report_t info)

Callback made when a CV2X transport block is transmitted in low layer if a listener has been registered by calling v2x_register_tx_status_report_listener.

Associated data types
[in]infoV2X Tx status report information.
typedef void(* v2x_ext_radio_status_listener) (const v2x_radio_status_ex_t *status)

Callback made when CV2X Tx/Rx status is changed and a listener has been registered by calling v2x_register_ext_radio_status_listener.

Associated data types
[out]statusPointer to V2X overall Tx/Rx status and per pool status.
typedef void(* v2x_slss_rx_listener) (const v2x_slss_rx_info_t *info)

Called when CV2X SLSS Rx is enabled and any of below events has occurred:

  • A new SLSS synce reference UE is detected, lost, or selected as the timing source, report the present sync reference UEs.
  • UE timing source switches from SLSS to GNSS, report 0 sync reference UE.
  • SLSS Rx is disabled, report 0 sync reference UE.
  • Cv2x is stopped, report 0 sync reference UE.
Associated data types
[out]infoPointer to V2X SLSS Rx information.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Describes whether the radio chip modem should attempt or support concurrent 3GPP CV2X operation with a WWAN 4G/5G data call.

Some chips are only capable of operating on CV2X. In this case:

  • The callers can only request V2X_WWAN_NONCONCURRENT.
  • The interface parameters that are returned list v2x_concurrency_sel_t as the value for V2X_WAN_NONCONCURRENT.

No simultaneous WWAN + CV2X on this interface.


Interface allows requests for concurrent support of WWAN + CV2X connections.

Event indications sent asynchronously from the radio via callbacks that indicate the state of the radio. The state can change in response to the loss of timing precision or a geofencing change.

This enum type is deprecated, please consider use v2x_radio_status_ex_t instead.

V2X communication is disabled.


V2X communication is enabled. Transmit and receive are possible.


Small loss of timing precision occurred. Transmit is no longer supported.


Radio can no longer receive any messages.


Radio can no longer transmit or receive for some reason.

Range of supported priority levels, where a lower number means a higher priority. For example, 8 is the current 3GPP standard.


Highest priority.


Lowest priority.

Valid service availability states.


Defines possible values for CV2X radio RX/TX status.

  1. If Rx is in inactive state, Tx should also be in inactive state.
  2. If Rx is in active state, Tx should be in active(normal case) or suspended state(sensing or tunnel mode).
  3. If Rx is in suspended state, Tx should be in suspended state. Used in v2x_status_info_t

RX/TX is inactive


RX/TX is active


RX/TX is suspended


RX/TX status unknown

Defines possible values for cause of CV2X radio failure. The cause code is only associated with cv2x suspend/inactive status, if cv2x is active, the cause code has no meaning. Used in v2x_status_info_t


CV2X is suspended due to the outage of timing reference.


CV2X is inactive due to v2x.xml is missing, invalid, or expired.


CV2X is inactive due to CV2X mode is not started.


CV2X is inactive due to UE enters a geo-polygon that does not support cv2x.


CV2X is suspended when the device's temperature is high.


CV2X is suspended when the device's temperature is high and emergency call is ongoing.


CV2X is suspended when UE switches to a new geopolygon that also supports CV2X and UE is already in CV2X active status, CV2X status will change to active after the update is done.


CV2X Tx is suspended when GNSS signal recovers or CV2X mode just starts. UE needs sensing for 1 second before Tx can begin, Tx status will change to active after sensing is done.


CV2X is inactive when UE enters Low Power Mode.


CV2X is inactive due to CV2X is disabled in the EFS.


CV2X is inactive due to GNSS signal is not available when starting CV2X.


CV2X is inactive due to invalid license.


Invalid cause type only used internally.

V2X Tx retransmission policies supported by the modem.


Retransmit mode is disabled.


Retransmit mode is enabled.


Modem falls back to its default behavior.

Defines possible values for SLSS sync pattern. Used in v2x_slss_sync_ref_ue_info_t


UE transmits SLSS in subframes indicated by the syncOffsetIndicator1 specified in V2X configuration.


UE transmits SLSS in subframes indicated by the syncOffsetIndicator2 specified in V2X configuration.


UE transmits SLSS in subframes indicated by the syncOffsetIndicator3 specified in V2X configuration.


UE transmits SLSS in odd-numbered reserved subframes.


UE transmits SLSS in even-numbered reserved subframes.


Unkown SLSS sync pattern.

V2X Ip Types


Use Ip type traffic.


Use Non-Ip type traffic.

Fault detection for Tx chain that including PA and front end.


The Tx chain is not working.


The Tx chain is operational.


Fault detected on the Tx chain.

Defines possible values for the segment type of a transport block.


V2X packet is segmented, it's the first transport block.


V2X packet is segmented, it's the last transport block.


V2X packet is segmented, it's a transport block between first and last.


V2X packet is not segmented, it's the only one transport block.

Defines new Tx or re-Tx type relevant to a transport block.


New Tx of the V2X transport block.


Re-Tx of the V2X transport block.


Tx of SLSS.

Function Documentation

uint16_t v2x_convert_priority_to_traffic_class ( v2x_priority_et  priority)

Converts a traffic priority to one of the 255 IPv6 traffic class bytes that are used in the data plane to indicate per-packet priority on non-SPS (event driven) data ports.

Associated data types
[in]priorityPacket priority that is to be converted to an IPv6 traffic class.

This priority is between the lowest and highest priority values returned in v2x_iface_capabilities_t.
Detailed description
This function is symmetric and is a reverse operation.
The traffic priority is one of the values between min_priority_value and max_priority_value returned in the v2x_iface_capabilities_t query.
IPv6 traffic class for achieving the calling input parameter priority level.
v2x_priority_et v2x_convert_traffic_class_to_priority ( uint16_t  traffic_class)

Maps an IPv6 traffic class to a V2X priority value.

[in]traffic_classIPv6 traffic classification that came in a packet from the radio.
Detailed description
This function is the inverse of the v2x_convert_priority_to_traffic_class() function. It is symmetric and is a reverse operation.
Priority level (between highest and lowest priority values) equivalent to the input IPv6 traffic class parameter.
v2x_api_ver_t v2x_radio_api_version ( )

Method used to query the platform SDK for its version number, build information, and build date.

v2x_api_ver_t – Contains the build date and API version number.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_query_capabilities ( v2x_iface_capabilities_t caps)

Gets the capabilities of CV2X radio.

Associated data types
[out]capsPointer to the v2x_iface_capabilities_t structure, which contains the capabilities of this specific interface.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS – The radio is ready for data-plane sockets to be created and bound.
Error code – If there is a problem (see v2x_status_enum_type).
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_deinit ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle)

De-initializes a specific Radio interface.

Associated data types
[in]handleHandle to the Radio that was initialized.
Indication of success or failure (see v2x_status_enum_type).
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
int *  sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  rx_sockaddr 

Opens a new V2X radio receive socket, and initializes the given sockaddr buffer. The socket is also bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface.
[out]sockPointer to the socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]rx_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket. The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind.
Detailed description
You can execute any sockopts that are appropriate for this type of socket (AF_INET6).
The port number for the receive path is not exposed, but it is in the sockaddr_in6 structure (if the caller is interested).
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v2 ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
int  id_ist_len,
uint32_t *  id_list,
int *  sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  rx_sockaddr 

Opens a new V2X radio receive socket with specific service IDs for subscription, and initializes the given sockaddr buffer. The socket is also bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface.
[in]id_ist_lenIdentifies the length of service ID list.
[in]id_listPointer to the service ID list for subscription, subscribe wildcard if input nullptr.
[out]sockPointer to the socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]rx_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket. The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind.
Detailed description
You can execute any sockopts that are appropriate for this type of socket (AF_INET6).
This API can be used to subscribe wildcard, catchall port, or specifc service IDs. The Rx port should be set with v2x_set_rx_port() before any subscription via this API, otherwise a default port number 9000 will be used.
Wildcard is used to receive all traffic. Only one port can be registered as wildcard port. Once wildcard is registered successfully, all received packets will be directed to wildcard port, and any subscription for specific service IDs or catchall port at other ports will be invalid. The parameter id_list of this API should be set to a null list for wildcard subscription.
Catchall port is used to receive packets with non-registered service IDs (via specific service IDs subscription). Only one port can be registered as catchall port. If catchall port is registered successfully, received packets with non-registered service ID will be directed to catchall port. All specific service IDs subscription (if any) should be performed before catchall port subscription. The parameter id_list of this API should include all non-registered service IDs for catchall port subscription.
Any port different from catchall port can be used to receive packets with specific service IDs. Only one port can be registered for a single service ID, a list of service IDs can be registered at a single port. To subscribe specific service IDs at a given Rx port, a Tx flow must be pre-setup with the Tx service ID set to any service ID included in the list of specific service IDs and the Tx source port set to the same port number as Rx port. The parameter id_list of this API should include all interested service IDs for the given Rx port.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function. The Rx port must be pre-set with v2x_set_rx_port(), otherwise a default port number will be used. For any specific service ID subscription, a Tx flow must be pre-setup using one of the following methods:
int v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3 ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
uint16_t  port_num,
int  id_ist_len,
uint32_t *  id_list,
int *  sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  rx_sockaddr 

Opens a new V2X radio receive socket with specific service IDs for subscription and specifc port number for the receive path, and initializes the given sockaddr buffer. The socket is also bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

This v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3() method differs from v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v2() in that you can use the port_num parameter to specify the port number for the receive path.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface.
[in]port_numIdentifies the port number for the receive path.
[in]id_ist_lenIdentifies the length of service ID list.
[in]id_listPointer to the service ID list for subscription, subscribe wildcard if input nullptr.
[out]sockPointer to the socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]rx_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket. The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind.
Detailed description
You can execute any sockopts that are appropriate for this type of socket (AF_INET6).
This API can be used to subscribe wildcard, catchall port, or specifc service IDs.
Wildcard is used to receive all traffic. Only one port can be registered as wildcard port. Once wildcard is registered successfully, all received packets will be directed to wildcard port, and any subscription for specific service IDs or catchall port at other ports will be invalid. The parameter id_list of this API should be set to a null list for wildcard subscription.
Catchall port is used to receive packets with non-registered service IDs (via specific service IDs subscription). Only one port can be registered as catchall port. If catchall port is registered successfully, received packets with non-registered service ID will be directed to catchall port. All specific service IDs subscription (if any) should be performed before catchall port subscription. The parameter id_list of this API should include all non-registered service IDs for catchall port subscription.
Any port different from catchall port can be used to receive packets with specific service IDs. Only one port can be registered for a single service ID, a list of service IDs can be registered at a single port. To subscribe specific service IDs at a given Rx port, a Tx flow must be pre-setup with the Tx service ID set to any service ID included in the list of specific service IDs and the Tx source port set to the same port number as Rx port. The parameter id_list of this API should include all interested service IDs for the given Rx port.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function. For any specific service ID subscription, a Tx flow must be pre-setup using one of the following methods:
int v2x_radio_enable_rx_meta_data ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
bool  enable,
int  id_list_len,
uint32_t *  id_list 

Enable or disable the meta data report for the packets corresponding to the service IDs.

If enabled, the meta data report would be generated in addition to the actual OTA payload packet, and it comes from the same data interface as the OTA packet itself, it consist of RF RSSI (received signal strength indicator) status, 32-bit SCI Format 1 (3GPP TS 36.213, section 14.1), packet delay estimation, L2 destination ID, and the resource blocks used for the packet's transmission: subframe, subchannel index.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_INFO permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface.
[in]enableenable or disable the meta data
[in]id_list_lennumber of the service IDs provided in the id_list
[in]id_listPointer to the Rx service ID list
Detailed description
This function extracts the received packet's meta data from the payload, currently only NON-IP packets can have the meta data reported, it is not supported yet for IP packets.
If the meta data report is enabled for certain services, call v2x_parse_rx_meta_data to extract the meta data by providing a pointer to a object of type rx_packet_meta_data_t, and the real payload.
0 – On success.
int v2x_radio_sock_create_and_bind ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t tx_flow_info,
v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t calls,
int  tx_sps_portnum,
int  tx_event_portnum,
int  rx_portnum,
v2x_sid_list_t rx_id_list,
v2x_sock_info_t tx_sps_sock,
v2x_sock_info_t tx_event_sock,
v2x_sock_info_t rx_sock 

Creates Tx SPS socket, Tx Event socket and Rx socket with specified parameters. The socket is also bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

This v2x_radio_sock_create_and_bind() method is the combination of function v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2()/v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v2 in the transmit direction and function v2x_radio_rx_sock_create_and_bind_v3() in the receiving direction.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface.
[in]tx_flow_infoPointer to the Tx SPS or event flow information. To create event flow, set reservation.v2xid and flow_info in this structure.
[in]callsPointer to reservation callbacks or listeners.

This parameter is called when underlying radio MAC parameters change related to the SPS bandwidth contract. For example, the callback after a reservation change, or if the timing offset of the SPS adjusts itself in response to traffic.

This parameter passes NULL if no callbacks are required.
[in]tx_sps_portnumRequested Tx source port number for SPS transmissions, or -1 for no Tx sps flow.
[in]tx_event_portnumRequested Tx source port number for event transmissions, or -1 for no Tx event flow.
[in]rx_portnumRequested Rx destination port number, or -1 for no Rx subscription.
[in]rx_id_listPointer to the Rx service ID list for subscription, subscribe wildcard if input nullptr.
[out]tx_sps_sockPointer to the Tx sps socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor and the IPv6 socket address. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]tx_event_sockPointer to the Tx event socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor and the IPv6 socket address. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]rx_sockPointer to the Rx socket that, on success, returns the socket descriptor and the IPv6 socket address. The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
Detailed description
You can execute any sockopts that are appropriate for this type of socket (AF_INET6).
This API can be used for the registeration of both Tx and Rx. It sets up sockets on the requested port numbers. A negative port number corresponds to no actions for Tx or Rx.
Wildcard is used to receive all traffic. Only one port can be registered as wildcard port. Once wildcard is registered successfully, all received packets will be directed to wildcard port, and any subscription for specific service IDs or catchall port at other ports will be invalid. The parameter rx_id_list of this API should be set to a null list for wildcard subscription.
Catchall port is used to receive packets with non-registered service IDs (via specific service IDs subscription). Only one port can be registered as catchall port. If catchall port is registered successfully, received packets with non-registered service ID will be directed to catchall port. All specific service IDs subscription (if any) should be performed before catchall port subscription. The parameter rx_id_list of this API should include all non-registered service IDs for catchall port subscription.
Any port different from catchall port can be used to receive packets with specific service IDs. Only one port can be registered for a single service ID, a list of service IDs can be registered at a single port. To subscribe specific service IDs at a given Rx port, a Tx flow should also be set up using this API. The parameter rx_id_list should include all interested service IDs for the given Rx port, the parameter tx_flow_info.reservation.v2xid should be set to one of the service ID included in rx_id_list, the parmenter tx_sps_portnum or tx_event_portnum should be set to the same port number as rx_portnum.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t res,
v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t calls,
int  sps_portnum,
int  event_portnum,
int *  sps_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  sps_sockaddr,
int *  event_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  event_sockaddr 

Creates and binds a socket with a bandwidth-reserved (SPS) Tx flow with the requested ID, priority, periodicity, and size on a specified source port number. The socket is created as an IPv6 UDP socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface on which this data connection is made.
[in]resPointer to the parameter structure (how often the structure is sent, how many bytes are reserved, and so on).
[in]callsPointer to reservation callbacks or listeners.

This parameter is called when underlying radio MAC parameters change related to the SPS bandwidth contract. For example, the callback after a reservation change, or if the timing offset of the SPS adjusts itself in response to traffic.

This parameter passes NULL if no callbacks are required.
[in]sps_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved SPS transmissions.
[in]event_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved event transmissions, or -1 for no event port.
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the requested port for Tx with reserved bandwidth.
[out]sps_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
[out]event_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the event-driven transmission port.
[out]event_sockaddrPointer to the IPV6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
Detailed description
The radio attempts to reserve the flow with the specified size and rate passed in the request parameters.
This function is used only for Tx. It sets up two UDP sockets on the requested two HLOS port numbers.
For only a single SPS flow, indicate the event port number by using a negative number or NULL for the event_sockaddr. For a single event-driven port, use v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind() instead.
Because the modem endpoint requires a specific global address, all data sent on these sockets must have a configurable IPv6 destination address for the non-IP traffic.
The Priority parameter of the SPS reservation is used only for the reserved Tx bandwidth (SPS) flow. The non-SPS/event-driven data sent to the event_portnum parameter is prioritized on the air, based on the IPv67 Traffic Class of the packet.
The caller is expected to identify two unused local port numbers to use for binding: one for the event-driven flow and one for the SPS flow.
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the sockets are ready to use, assuming there is no error.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t res,
v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t calls,
int  sps_portnum,
int *  sps_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  sps_sockaddr 

Creates a socket with a bandwidth-reserved (SPS) Tx flow.

Only SPS transmissions are to be implemented for the socket, which is created as an IPv6 UDP socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface on which this data connection is made.
[in]resPointer to the parameter structure (how often the structure is sent, how many bytes are reserved, and so on).
[in]callsPointer to reservation callbacks or listeners.

This parameter is called when underlying radio MAC parameters change related to the SPS bandwidth contract. For example, the callback after a reservation change, or if the timing offset of the SPS adjusts itself in response to traffic.

This parameter passes NULL if no callbacks are required.
[in]sps_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved SPS transmissions.
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the requested port for Tx with reserved bandwidth.
[out]sps_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
Detailed description
The radio attempts to reserve the flow with the specified size and rate passed in the request parameters.
This function is used only for Tx. It sets up a UDP socket on the requested HLOS port number. Because the modem endpoint requires a specific global address, all data sent on the socket must have a configurable IPv6 destination address for the non-IP traffic.
The Priority parameter of the SPS reservation is used only for the reserved Tx bandwidth (SPS) flow.
The caller is expected to identify an unused local port number for the SPS flow.
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the socket is ready to use, assuming there is no error.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EINVAL – On failure to find the interface or get bad parameters.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change ( int *  sps_sock,
v2x_tx_bandwidth_reservation_t updated_reservation 

Adjusts the reservation for transmit bandwidth.

Associated data types
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket bound to the requested port.
[in]updated_reservationPointer to a bandwidth reservation with new reservation information.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Detailed description
This function will not update reservation priority. Can be used as follows:
  • When the bandwidth requirement changes in periodicity (for example, due to an application layer DCC algorithm)
  • Because the packet size is increasing (for example, due to a growing path history size in a BSM).
When the reservation change is complete, a callback to the structure is passed in a v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2() call.
Error code – If there is a problem (see v2x_status_enum_type).
An SPS flow must have been successfully initialized with the v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind().
int v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind ( const char *  interface,
int  v2x_id,
int  event_portnum,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  event_sock_addr,
int *  sock 

Opens and binds an event-driven socket (one with no bandwidth reservation). The socket is bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

[in]interfacePointer to the operating system name to use. This interface is an RmNet interface (HLOS).
[in]v2x_idUsed for transmissions that are ultimately mapped to an L2 destination address.
[in]event_portnumLocal port number to which the socket is bound. Used for transmissions of this ID.
[out]event_sock_addrPointer to the sockaddr_ll structure buffer to be initialized.
[out]sockPointer to the file descriptor. Loaded when the function is successful.
Detailed description
This function is used only for Tx when no periodicity is available for the application type. If you know your transmit data periodicity, use v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind() instead.
These event-driven sockets pay attention to QoS parameters in the IP socket.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_start_measurements ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_chan_meas_params_t measure_this_way 

Requests a channel utilization (CBP/CBR) measurement result on a channel.

Associated data types
[in]handleHandle to the port.
[in]measure_this_wayIndicates how and what to measure, and how often to send results.

Some higher-level standards (like J2945/1 and ETSI TS102687 DCC) have specific time windows and items to measure.
Detailed description
This function uses the callbacks passed in during initialization to deliver the measurements. Measurement callbacks continue until the Radio interface is closed.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS – The radio is now ready for data-plane sockets to be created and bound.
V2X_STATUS_FAIL – CBR measurement is not supported yet.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_stop_measurements ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle)

Discontinues any periodic MAC/Phy channel measurements and the reporting of them via listener calls.

Associated data types
[in]handleHandle to the radio measurements to be stopped.
The measurements must have been started with v2x_radio_start_measurements().
int v2x_radio_sock_close ( int *  sock_fd)

Closes a specified socket file descriptor and deregisters any modem resources associated with it (such as reserved SPS bandwidth contracts).

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

[in]sock_fdSocket file descriptor.
Detailed description
This function works on receive, SPS, or event-driven sockets.
The socket file descriptor must be closed when the client exits. We recommend using a trap to catch controlled shutdowns.
Integer value of the close(sock) operation.
The socket must have been opened with one of the following methods:
void v2x_radio_set_log_level ( int  new_level,
int  use_syslog 

Configures the V2X log level and destination for SDK and lower layers.

[in]new_levelLog level to set to one of the standard syslog levels (LOG_ERR, LOG_INFO, and so on).
[in]use_syslogDestination: send to stdout (0) or syslog (otherwise).
v2x_event_t cv2x_status_poll ( uint64_t *  status_age_useconds)

Polls for the recent V2X status.

[out]status_age_usecondsPointer to the age in microseconds of the last event (radio status) that is being reported.
Detailed description
This function does not generate any modem control traffic. For efficiency, it simply returns the most recently cached value that was reported from the modem (often reported at a high rate or frequent rate from the modem).
Indication of success or failure (see v2x_status_enum_type).
int v2x_radio_trigger_l2_update ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle)

Triggers the modem to change its source L2 address by randomly generating a new address.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleInitialized Radio interface on which this data connection is made.
Detailed description
When the change is complete, clients are notified of the new L2 address via the v2x_radio_calls_t::v2x_radio_l2_addr_changed_listener() callback function.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
int v2x_radio_update_trusted_ue_list ( unsigned int  malicious_list_len,
unsigned int  malicious_list[MAX_MALICIOUS_IDS_LIST_LEN],
unsigned int  trusted_list_len,
trusted_ue_info_t  trusted_list[MAX_TRUSTED_IDS_LIST_LEN] 

Updates the list of malicious and trusted IDs tracked by the modem.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]malicious_list_lenNumber of malicious IDs in malicious_list.
[in]malicious_listList of malicious IDs.
[in]trusted_list_lenNumber of trusted IDs in trusted_list.
[in]trusted_listList of trusted IDs.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2 ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t sps_flow_info,
v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t calls,
int  sps_portnum,
int  event_portnum,
int *  sps_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  sps_sockaddr,
int *  event_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  event_sockaddr 

Creates and binds a socket with a bandwidth-reserved (SPS) Tx flow with the requested ID, priority, periodicity, and size on a specified source port number. The socket is created as an IPv6 UDP socket.

This v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2() method differs from v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind() in that you can use the sps_flow_info parameter to specify transmission resource information about the Tx flow.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface on which this data connection is made.
[in]sps_flow_infoPointer to the flow information in the v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t structure.
[in]callsPointer to reservation callbacks or listeners.

This parameter is called when underlying radio MAC parameters change related to the SPS bandwidth contract. For example, the callback after a reservation change, or if the timing offset of the SPS adjusts itself in response to traffic.

This parameter passes NULL if no callbacks are required.
[in]sps_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved SPS transmissions.
[in]event_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved event transmissions, or -1 for no event port.
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the requested port for Tx with reserved bandwidth.
[out]sps_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
[out]event_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the event-driven transmission port.
[out]event_sockaddrPointer to the IPV6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
Detailed description
The radio attempts to reserve the flow with the specified size and rate passed in the request parameters.
This function is used only for Tx. It sets up two UDP sockets on the requested two HLOS port numbers.
For only a single SPS flow, indicate the event port number by using a negative number or NULL for the event_sockaddr. For a single event-driven port, use v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind() or v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v2() or v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v3() instead.
Because the modem endpoint requires a specific global address, all data sent on these sockets must have a configurable IPv6 destination address for the non-IP traffic.
The Priority parameter of the SPS reservation is used only for the reserved Tx bandwidth (SPS) flow. The non-SPS/event-driven data sent to the event_portnum parameter is prioritized on the air, based on the IPv67 Traffic Class of the packet.
The caller is expected to identify two unused local port numbers to use for binding: one for the event-driven flow and one for the SPS flow.
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the sockets are ready to use, assuming there is no error.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
int v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create_v2 ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t sps_flow_info,
v2x_per_sps_reservation_calls_t calls,
int  sps_portnum,
int *  sps_sock,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  sps_sockaddr 

Creates a socket with a bandwidth-reserved (SPS) Tx flow.

Only SPS transmissions are to be implemented for the socket, which is created as an IPv6 UDP socket.

This v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create_v2() method differs from v2x_radio_tx_sps_only_create() in that you can use the sps_flow_info parameter to specify transmission resource information about the Tx flow.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface on which this data connection is made.
[in]sps_flow_infoPointer to the flow information in the v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t structure.
[in]callsPointer to reservation callbacks or listeners.

This parameter is called when underlying radio MAC parameters change related to the SPS bandwidth contract. For example, the callback after a reservation change, or if the timing offset of the SPS adjusts itself in response to traffic.

This parameter passes NULL if no callbacks are required.
[in]sps_portnumRequested source port number for the bandwidth reserved SPS transmissions.
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket that is bound to the requested port for Tx with reserved bandwidth.
[out]sps_sockaddrPointer to the IPv6 UDP socket.

The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind() function. The caller can then use the buffer for subsequent sendto() function calls.
Detailed description
The radio attempts to reserve the flow with the specified size and rate passed in the request parameters.
This function is used only for Tx. It sets up a UDP socket on the requested HLOS port number. Because the modem endpoint requires a specific global address, all data sent on the socket must have a configurable IPv6 destination address for the non-IP traffic.
The caller is expected to identify an unused local port number to use for binding the SPS flow.
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the socket is ready to use, assuming there is no error.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EINVAL – On failure to find the interface or get bad parameters.
The interface must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change_v2 ( int *  sps_sock,
v2x_tx_sps_flow_info_t updated_flow_info 

Adjusts the reservation for transmit bandwidth.

This v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change_v2() method differs from v2x_radio_tx_reservation_change() in that you can use the updated_flow_info parameter to specify transmission resource information about the Tx flow.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[out]sps_sockPointer to the socket bound to the requested port.
[in]updated_flow_infoPointer to the new reservation information.
Detailed description
This function will not update reservation priority. Can be used as follows:
  • When the bandwidth requirement changes in periodicity (for example, due to an application layer DCC algorithm)
  • Because the packet size is increasing (for example, due to a growing path history size in a BSM).
When the reservation change is complete, a callback to the structure is passed in a v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2() call.
Error code – On failure (see v2x_status_enum_type).
An SPS flow must have been successfully initialized with v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind() or v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2().
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_radio_tx_event_flow_info_change ( int *  sock,
v2x_tx_flow_info_t updated_flow_info 

Adjusts the flow parameters for an existing Tx event socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

Associated data types
[out]sockPointer to the socket bound to the requested port.
[in]updated_flow_infoPointer to the new flow parameters.
Detailed description
When the reservation change is complete, a callback to the structure is passed in a v2x_radio_init() or v2x_radio_init_v2() call.
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the socket is ready to be use, assuming there is no error.
Error code – On failure (see v2x_status_enum_type).
An event flow must have been successfully initialized with v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind() or v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v2() v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v3().
v2x_status_enum_type start_v2x_mode ( )

Starts V2X mode.

The V2X radio status must be INACTIVE. If the status is ACTIVE or SUSPENDED (see v2x_event_t), call stop_v2x_mode() first.

This call is a blocking call. When it returns, V2X mode has been started, assuming there is no error.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

V2X radio status must be V2X_INACTIVE (v2x_event_t).
v2x_status_enum_type stop_v2x_mode ( )

Stops V2X mode.

The V2X radio status must be ACTIVE or SUSPENDED (see v2x_event_t). If the status is INACTIVE, call start_v2x_mode() first.

This call is a blocking call. When it returns, V2X mode has been stopped, assuming there is no error.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

v2x_radio_handle_t v2x_radio_init_v2 ( traffic_ip_type_t  ip_type,
v2x_concurrency_sel_t  mode,
v2x_radio_calls_t callbacks_p,
void *  ctx_p 
This API has been deprecated. Please use v2x_radio_init_v3() instead.

Initializes the Radio interface and sets the callback that will be used when events in the radio change (including when radio initialization is complete).

Associated data types
[in]ip_typeThe Ip or non-Ip interface.
[in]modeWAN concurrency mode, although the radio might not support concurrency. Errors can be generated.
[in]callbacks_pPointer to the v2x_radio_calls_t structure that is prepopulated with function pointers used during radio events (such as loss of time synchronization or accuracy) for subscribers.

This parameter also points to a callback for this initialization function.
[in]ctx_pVoluntary pointer to the first parameter on the callback.
Detailed description
This function call is a blocking, and it is a control plane action.
Use v2x_radio_deinit() when radio operations are complete.
Callback is made when initialization is complete.
Handle to the specified initialized radio. The handle is used for reconfiguring, opening or changing, and closing reservations.
V2X_RADIO_HANDLE_BAD – If there is an error. No initialization callback is made.
int v2x_radio_init_v3 ( v2x_concurrency_sel_t  mode,
v2x_radio_calls_t callbacks_p,
void *  ctx_p,
v2x_radio_handle_t ip_handle_p,
v2x_radio_handle_t non_ip_handle_p 

Initializes Cv2x radio and sets the callback that will be used when events in the radio change (including when radio initialization is complete). The callers can get the handles of Cv2x IP and non-IP interface on success. The handle of interface is used for reconfiguring, opening or changing, and closing reservations.

Associated data types
[in]modeWAN concurrency mode, although the radio might not support concurrency. Errors can be generated.
[in]callbacks_pPointer to the v2x_radio_calls_t structure that is prepopulated with function pointers used during radio events (such as loss of time synchronization or accuracy) for subscribers.

This parameter also points to a callback for this initialization function.
[in]ctx_pVoluntary pointer to the first parameter on the callback.
[out]ip_handle_pPointer to the handle of IP interface. Pass nullptr if IP interface is not used.
[out]non_ip_handle_pPointer to the handle of non-IP interface. Pass nullptr if non-IP interface is not used.
Detailed description
This function call is a blocking, and it is a control plane action.
Use v2x_radio_deinit() with either IP or non-IP handle when radio operations are complete.
Callback is made when initialization is complete.
0 – On success.
  • EINVAL – Invalid input parmaters.
  • EPERM – Radio initialization failed.
This API might fail if the underlying Cv2x status is currently in an inactive state. Use v2x_register_ext_radio_status_listener to register a listener for CV2X overall Tx/Rx status, then use v2x_get_ext_radio_status to get current V2X overall radio status.
int v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v3 ( traffic_ip_type_t  ip_type,
int  v2x_id,
int  event_portnum,
v2x_tx_flow_info_t event_flow_info,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  event_sockaddr,
int *  sock 

Opens and binds an event-driven socket (one with no bandwidth reservation). The socket is bound as an AF_INET6 UDP type socket.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

This v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v3() method differs from v2x_radio_tx_event_sock_create_and_bind_v2() in that you can use the traffic_ip_type_t parameter to specify traffic ip type instead of requiring the interface name.

Associated data types
v2x_tx_flow_info_t traffic_ip_type_t
[in]v2x_idUsed for transmissions that are ultimately mapped to an L2 destination address.
[in]event_portnumLocal port number to which the socket is bound. Used for transmissions of this ID.
[in]event_flow_infoPointer to the event flow parameters.
[out]event_sockaddrPointer to the sockaddr_ll structure buffer to be initialized.
[out]sockPointer to the file descriptor. Loaded when the function is successful.
Detailed description
This function is used only for Tx when no periodicity is available for the application type. If you know your transmit data periodicity, use v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind() or v2x_radio_tx_sps_sock_create_and_bind_v2() instead.
These event-driven sockets pay attention to QoS parameters in the IP socket.
0 – On success.
  • EPERM – Socket creation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
  • EAFNOSUPPORT – On failure to find the interface.
  • EACCES – On failure to get the MAC address of the device.
v2x_status_enum_type get_iface_name ( traffic_ip_type_t  ip_type,
char *  iface_name,
size_t  buffer_len 

Returns interface name set during radio initialization.

Associated data types
[out]iface_namepointer to buffer for interface name
[in]buffer_lenlength of the buffer passed for interface name. Must be at least the max buffer size for an interface name (IFNAMSIZE).
Detailed description
This function should only be called after successfully initializing a radio.
V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error. Interface name will be an empty string.
int v2x_radio_tcp_sock_create_and_bind ( v2x_radio_handle_t  handle,
const v2x_tx_flow_info_t event_info,
const socket_info_t sock_info,
int *  sock_fd,
struct sockaddr_in6 *  sockaddr 

Creates a TCP socket for event Tx and Rx. The socket is bound as an AF_INET6 TCP type socket.

This v2x_radio_tcp_sock_create_and_bind() API creates a new TCP socket and binds the socket to the IPv6 address of local IP interface with specified source port. Additionally, this API also registers a Tx event flow and subscribes Rx with specified service ID to enable TCP control and data packets in both transmitting and receiving directions.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_FLOW_OPS permission to successfully invoke this API.

If the created socket is expected to work as TCP client mode, the caller must establish a connection to the address specifed using function connect(), and then use the socket for send() and recv() on successful connection. The caller must release the created socket and associated resources with v2x_radio_sock_close().
If the created socket is expected to work as TCP server mode, the caller must mark the created socket as a listening socket with function listen(), that is, as a socket that will be used to accept incoming connection requests using accept(). The caller can then use the connected socket returned by accept() for send() and recv(). The caller must close all connected sockets returned by accept() with function close() first, and then release the listening socket and associated resources with v2x_radio_sock_close().
This call is a blocking call. When it returns, the created TCP socket is ready to use, assuming there is no error.
Associated data types
[in]handleIdentifies the initialized Radio interface. The caller must specify IP interface for raido initilization.
[in]event_infoPointer to the Tx event flow information.
[in]sock_infoPointer to the TCP socket information.

[out]sock_fdPointer to the socket that, on success, returns the TCP socket descriptor.

The caller must release this socket with v2x_radio_sock_close().
[out]sockaddrPointer to the address of TCP socket. The sockaddr_in6 buffer is initialized with the IPv6 source address and source port that are used for the bind.
Detailed description
You can execute any sockopts that are appropriate for this type of socket (AF_INET6).
0 – On success.
  • EINVAL – On failure to find the interface or get bad parameters.
  • EPERM – Socket operation failed; for more details, check errno.h.
The interface used for IP communication must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init(). The handle from that function must be used as the parameter in this function.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_peak_tx_power ( int8_t  txPower)

Set RF peak cv2x transmit power. This affects the power for all existing flows and for any flow created int the future.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

Precondition – v2x mode enabled.

[in]txPowerDesired global Cv2x peak tx power in dbm
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_l2_filters ( uint32_t  list_len,
src_l2_filter_info list_array 

Set src L2 ID list for filtering. This affects/disables receiving packets from the src L2 IDs in the list.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

[in]list_lennumber of rc L2 IDs, max value 50
[in]list_arrayarray that stores the src L2 IDs, durations and pppp values for filter
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_remove_l2_filters ( uint32_t  list_len,
uint32_t *  l2_id_list 

Remove specific src L2 ID list for filtering. This affects/enables receiving packets from the src L2 IDs in the list.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

[in]list_lennumber of rc L2 IDs, max value 50
[in]l2_id_listarray that stores the src L2 IDs
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_tx_status_report_listener ( uint16_t  port,
v2x_tx_status_report_listener  callback 

Registers a listener for CV2X Tx status report.

Associated data types
[in]portSet this value to the port number of registered Tx Flow if user wants to receive Tx status report associated with its own Tx flow. If user wants to receive Tx status report associated with all Tx flows in system, set this value to 0.
[in]callbackCallback function of v2x_tx_status_report_listener structure that is called on Tx status reports.

V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error.
CV2X radio must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init_v2() or v2x_radio_init_v3().
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_deregister_tx_status_report_listener ( uint16_t  port)

Deregisters a listener for CV2X Tx status report.

Associated data types
[in]portPort number of previously registered v2x_tx_status_report_listener that is to be deregistered. If the listener is registered with port number 0, set this value to 0 to deregister the listener.

Detailed description
User will not receive Tx status reports after the deregistration.
V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error.
CV2X radio must be pre-initialized with v2x_radio_init_v2() or v2x_radio_init_v3().
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_global_IPaddr ( uint8_t  prefix_len,
uint8_t *  ipv6_addr 

Set CV2X global IP address for the IP interface.

On platforms with access control enabled, the caller needs to have TELUX_CV2X_CONFIG permission to successfully invoke this API.

[in]prefix_lenCV2X global IP address prefix length in bits, range [64, 128]
[in]ipv6_addrCV2X global IP address.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_set_ip_routing_info ( uint8_t *  dest_mac_addr)

Set CV2X IP interface global IP unicast routing information.

[in]dest_mac_addrCV2X destination L2 address for unicast routing purpose. expecting a 6 bytes array address, in which the L2 addr stored in the last 3 entries in big endian order.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_get_ext_radio_status ( v2x_radio_status_ex_t status)

Get current V2X overall radio status and per pool status.

[out]statusPointer to structure v2x_radio_status_ex_t, which contains V2X overall radio status and per pool status on success.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_ext_radio_status_listener ( v2x_ext_radio_status_listener  callback)

Registers a listener for CV2X overall Tx/Rx status and per pool status.

Associated data types
[in]callbackCallback function of v2x_ext_radio_status_listener structure that is called on CV2X Tx/Rx status change.

V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_get_slss_rx_info ( v2x_slss_rx_info_t slss_info)

Get the current V2X SLSS Rx information.

[out]slss_infoPointer to structure v2x_slss_rx_info_t, which contains V2X SLSS Rx information on success.
V2X_STATUS_SUCCESS on success. Error status otherwise.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_register_slss_rx_listener ( v2x_slss_rx_listener  callback)

Registers a listener for CV2X SLSS Rx information.

Associated data types
[in]callbackCallback function of v2x_slss_rx_listener structure that is called on SLSS Rx information change.
V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error.
v2x_status_enum_type v2x_deregister_slss_rx_listener ( v2x_slss_rx_listener  callback)

Deregisters a listener for CV2X SLSS Rx information.

Associated data types
[in]callbackPreviously registered v2x_slss_rx_listener that is to be deregistered.
V2X_STATUS_FAIL – If there is an error.