Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.46.66
Phone Factory

Data Structures

class  telux::tel::PhoneFactory
 PhoneFactory is the central factory to create all Telephony SDK Classes and services. More...

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to PhoneFactory.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::tel::PhoneFactory

PhoneFactory is the central factory to create all Telephony SDK Classes and services.

Public Member Functions

std::shared_ptr< IPhoneManagergetPhoneManager ()
std::shared_ptr< ISmsManagergetSmsManager (int phoneId=DEFAULT_PHONE_ID, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< ICallManagergetCallManager (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< ICardManagergetCardManager ()
std::shared_ptr< ISapCardManagergetSapCardManager (int slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)
std::shared_ptr< ISubscriptionManagergetSubscriptionManager ()
std::shared_ptr< IServingSystemManagergetServingSystemManager (int slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< INetworkSelectionManagergetNetworkSelectionManager (int slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< IRemoteSimManagergetRemoteSimManager (int slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)
std::shared_ptr< IMultiSimManagergetMultiSimManager ()
std::shared_ptr< ICellBroadcastManagergetCellBroadcastManager (SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)
std::shared_ptr< ISimProfileManagergetSimProfileManager ()
std::shared_ptr< IImsSettingsManagergetImsSettingsManager (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< IHttpTransactionManagergetHttpTransactionManager (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< IImsServingSystemManagergetImsServingSystemManager (SlotId slotId, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
virtual std::shared_ptr< ISuppServicesManagergetSuppServicesManager (SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)

Static Public Member Functions

static PhoneFactorygetInstance ()

Member Function Documentation

static PhoneFactory& telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getInstance ( )

Get Phone Factory instance.

std::shared_ptr<IPhoneManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getPhoneManager ( )

Get Phone Manager instance. Phone Manager is the main entry point into the telephony subsystem.

Pointer of IPhoneManager object.
std::shared_ptr<ISmsManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getSmsManager ( int  phoneId = DEFAULT_PHONE_ID,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get SMS Manager instance for Phone ID. SMSManager used to send and receive SMS messages.

[in]phoneIdUnique identifier for the phone
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get response of SMS Manager initialization. It will be invoked when initialization is either succeeded or failed. In case of failure response, the provided SMS Manager object will no more be a valid object.
Pointer of ISmsManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
std::shared_ptr<ICallManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getCallManager ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)

Get Call Manager instance to determine state of active calls and perform other functions like dial, conference, swap call.

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get response of CallManager initialization. It will be invoked when initialization is either succeeded or failed. In case of failure response, the provided Call Manager object will no more be a valid object.
Pointer of ICallManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
std::shared_ptr<ICardManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getCardManager ( )

Get Card Manager instance to handle services such as transmitting APDU, SIM IO and more.

Pointer of ICardManager object.
std::shared_ptr<ISapCardManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getSapCardManager ( int  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)

Get Sap Card Manager instance associated with the provided slot id. This object will handle services in SAP mode such as APDU, SIM Power On/Off and SIM reset.

[in]slotIdUnique identifier for the SIM slot
Pointer of ISapCardManager object.
std::shared_ptr<ISubscriptionManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getSubscriptionManager ( )

Get Subscription Manager instance to get device subscription details

Pointer of ISubscriptionManager object.
std::shared_ptr<IServingSystemManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getServingSystemManager ( int  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get Serving System Manager instance to get and set preferred network type.

[in]slotIdUnique identifier for the SIM slot
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of IServingSystemManager object.
std::shared_ptr<INetworkSelectionManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getNetworkSelectionManager ( int  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get Network Selection Manager instance to get and set selection mode, get and set preferred networks and scan available networks.

[in]slotIdUnique identifier for the SIM slot
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of INetworkSelectionManager object.
std::shared_ptr<IRemoteSimManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getRemoteSimManager ( int  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)

Get Remote SIM Manager instance to handle services like exchanging APDU, SIM Power On/Off, etc.

[in]slotIdUnique identifier for the SIM slot
Pointer of IRemoteSimManager object.
std::shared_ptr<IMultiSimManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getMultiSimManager ( )

Get Multi SIM Manager instance to handle operations like high capabilty switch.

Pointer of IMultiSimManager object.
std::shared_ptr<ICellBroadcastManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getCellBroadcastManager ( SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)

Get CellBroadcast Manager instance for Slot ID. CellBroadcast manager used to receive broacast messages and configure broadcast messages.

Pointer of ICellBroadcastManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
std::shared_ptr<ISimProfileManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getSimProfileManager ( )

Get SimProfileManager. SimProfileManager is a primary interface for remote eUICC(eSIM) provisioning and local profile assistance.

Pointer of ISimProfileManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
std::shared_ptr<IImsSettingsManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getImsSettingsManager ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)

Get Ims Settings Manager instance to handle IMS service enable configuation parameters like enable/disable voIMS.

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of IImsSettingsManager object.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
std::shared_ptr<IHttpTransactionManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getHttpTransactionManager ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)

Get HttpTransactionManager instance to handle HTTP related requests from the modem for SIM profile update related operations.

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of IHttpTransactionManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
std::shared_ptr<IImsServingSystemManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getImsServingSystemManager ( SlotId  slotId,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get IMS Serving System Manager instance to query IMS registration status

Pointer of IImsServingSystemManager object or nullptr in case of failure.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::shared_ptr<ISuppServicesManager> telux::tel::PhoneFactory::getSuppServicesManager ( SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get Supplementary service manager instance to set/get preference for supplementary services like call waiting, call forwarding etc.

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of ISuppServicesManager object.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.