Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.46.0
Remote SIM Provisioning

Data Structures

struct  telux::tel::CustomHeader
class  telux::tel::IHttpTransactionListener
 The interface listens for indication to perform HTTP request and send back the response for HTTP request to modem. More...
class  telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager
 IHttpTransactionManager is the interface to service HTTP related requests from the modem for SIM profile update related operations. More...
class  telux::tel::SimProfile
 SimProfile class represents single eUICC profile on the card. More...
class  telux::tel::ISimProfileListener
 The interface listens for profile download indication and keep track of download and install progress of profile. More...
class  telux::tel::ISimProfileManager
 ISimProfileManager is a primary interface for remote eUICCs (eSIMs or embedded SIMs) provisioning.This interface provides APIs to add, delete, set profile, update nickname, provide user consent, get Eid on the eUICC. More...


using telux::tel::PolicyRuleMask = std::bitset< 16 >
using telux::tel::ProfileListResponseCb = std::function< void(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SimProfile >> &profiles, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using telux::tel::EidResponseCb = std::function< void(std::string eid, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using telux::tel::ServerAddressResponseCb = std::function< void(std::string smdpAddress, std::string smdsAddress, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>


enum  telux::tel::HttpResult {
  telux::tel::HttpResult::TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFUL = 0, telux::tel::HttpResult::UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1, telux::tel::HttpResult::HTTP_SERVER_ERROR = 2, telux::tel::HttpResult::HTTP_TLS_ERROR = 3,
  telux::tel::HttpResult::HTTP_NETWORK_ERROR = 4
enum  telux::tel::ProfileType { telux::tel::ProfileType::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::tel::ProfileType::REGULAR = 0, telux::tel::ProfileType::EMERGENCY }
enum  telux::tel::IconType { telux::tel::IconType::NONE = 0, telux::tel::IconType::JPEG, telux::tel::IconType::PNG }
enum  telux::tel::ProfileClass { telux::tel::ProfileClass::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::tel::ProfileClass::TEST = 0, telux::tel::ProfileClass::PROVISIONING, telux::tel::ProfileClass::OPERATIONAL }
enum  telux::tel::DownloadStatus { telux::tel::DownloadStatus::DOWNLOAD_ERROR = 0, telux::tel::DownloadStatus::DOWNLOAD_INSTALLATION_COMPLETE }
enum  telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause {
  telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::GENERIC = 1, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::SIM, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::NETWORK, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::MEMORY,
  telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE_CLASS, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::PPR_NOT_ALLOWED, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::END_USER_REJECTION, telux::tel::DownloadErrorCause::END_USER_POSTPONED
enum  telux::tel::UserConsentReasonType { telux::tel::UserConsentReasonType::END_USER_REJECTION = 0, telux::tel::UserConsentReasonType::END_USER_POSTPONED }
enum  telux::tel::PolicyRuleType { telux::tel::PROFILE_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED = (1 << 0), telux::tel::PROFILE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED = (1 << 1), telux::tel::PROFILE_DELETE_ON_DISABLE = (1 << 2) }

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to Remote SIM provisioning.

Data Structure Documentation

struct telux::tel::CustomHeader

Header information to be sent along with HTTP post request.

Data Fields
string name

Header name

string value

Header value

class telux::tel::IHttpTransactionListener

The interface listens for indication to perform HTTP request and send back the response for HTTP request to modem.

The methods in the listener can be invoked from multiple threads. It is client's responsibility to make sure the implementation is thread safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onNewHttpRequest (const std::string &url, uint32_t tokenId, const std::vector< CustomHeader > &headers, const std::vector< uint8_t > &reqPayload)
virtual ~IHttpTransactionListener ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::common::IServiceStatusListener
virtual void onServiceStatusChange (ServiceStatus status)
virtual ~IServiceStatusListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::IHttpTransactionListener::~IHttpTransactionListener ( )

Destructor of IHttpTransactionListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::tel::IHttpTransactionListener::onNewHttpRequest ( const std::string &  url,
uint32_t  tokenId,
const std::vector< CustomHeader > &  headers,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  reqPayload 

An application handling this indication should perform the HTTP request and call the IHttpTransactionManager::sendHttpTransactionReq to provide the result of the HTTP transaction.

[in]urlURL to sent HTTP post request.
[in]tokenIdToken identifier.
[in]headersHeader information to be sent along with HTTP post request.
[in]reqPayloadRequest payload.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager

IHttpTransactionManager is the interface to service HTTP related requests from the modem for SIM profile update related operations.

Public Member Functions

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendHttpTransactionResult (uint32_t token, HttpResult result, const std::vector< CustomHeader > &headers, const std::vector< uint8_t > &response, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< IHttpTransactionListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterListener (std::weak_ptr< IHttpTransactionListener > listener)=0
virtual ~IHttpTransactionManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager::~IHttpTransactionManager ( )

Destructor for IHttpTransactionManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the IHttpTransactionManager object is in a usable state.

SERVICE_AVAILABLE - If HTTP transaction manager is ready for service. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - If HTTP transaction manager is temporarily unavailable. SERVICE_FAILED - If HTTP transaction manager encountered an irrecoverable failure.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager::sendHttpTransactionResult ( uint32_t  token,
HttpResult  result,
const std::vector< CustomHeader > &  headers,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  response,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Send the result of HTTP Post request transaction to modem.

[in]tokenToken identifier for request and response pair.
[in]resultHTTP transaction request result.
[in]headersCustom Headers in HTTP Response.
[in]responseHTTP response payload.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of send HTTP transaction request.
Status of send HTTP transaction result i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< IHttpTransactionListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for specific events like perform HTTP Post request.

[in]listenerPointer of IHttpTransactionListener object that processes the notification.
Status of registerHttpListener success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IHttpTransactionManager::deregisterListener ( std::weak_ptr< IHttpTransactionListener listener)
pure virtual

De-register the listener.

[in]listenerPointer of IHttpTransactionListener object that needs to be deregistered.
Status of deregisterHttpListener success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::tel::SimProfile

SimProfile class represents single eUICC profile on the card.

Public Member Functions

 SimProfile (int profileId, ProfileType profileType, const std::string &iccid, bool isActive, const std::string &nickName, const std::string &spn, const std::string &name, IconType iconType, std::vector< uint8_t > icon, ProfileClass profileClass, PolicyRuleMask policyRuleMask)
int getSlotId ()
int getProfileId ()
ProfileType getType ()
const std::string & getIccid ()
bool isActive ()
const std::string & getNickName ()
const std::string & getSPN ()
const std::string & getName ()
IconType getIconType ()
std::vector< uint8_t > getIcon ()
ProfileClass getClass ()
PolicyRuleMask getPolicyRule ()
std::string toString ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

telux::tel::SimProfile::SimProfile ( int  profileId,
ProfileType  profileType,
const std::string &  iccid,
bool  isActive,
const std::string &  nickName,
const std::string &  spn,
const std::string &  name,
IconType  iconType,
std::vector< uint8_t >  icon,
ProfileClass  profileClass,
PolicyRuleMask  policyRuleMask 

Member Function Documentation

int telux::tel::SimProfile::getSlotId ( )

Get slot id associated for this profile

int telux::tel::SimProfile::getProfileId ( )

Get profile identifier. The profile identifier is not persistently unique. It is unique for given snapshot of SIM profiles state. The profile identifier could change when any profile is deleted and added.

unique identifier for the profile
ProfileType telux::tel::SimProfile::getType ( )

Get profile Type.

profile type
const std::string& telux::tel::SimProfile::getIccid ( )

Get profile ICCID.

profile ICCID coded as in EF-ICCID
bool telux::tel::SimProfile::isActive ( )

Indicates the profile state whether active or not.

true if profile is Active
const std::string& telux::tel::SimProfile::getNickName ( )

Get profile nick name.

profile nick name
const std::string& telux::tel::SimProfile::getSPN ( )

Get profile service provider name.

profile service provider name.
const std::string& telux::tel::SimProfile::getName ( )

Get profile name.

profile name
IconType telux::tel::SimProfile::getIconType ( )

Get profile icon type.

profile icon type
std::vector<uint8_t> telux::tel::SimProfile::getIcon ( )

Get profile icon content.

profile icon content
ProfileClass telux::tel::SimProfile::getClass ( )

Get profile class.

profile class
PolicyRuleMask telux::tel::SimProfile::getPolicyRule ( )

Get profile policy rules.

mask of profile policy rules
std::string telux::tel::SimProfile::toString ( )

Get the text related informative representation of this object.

String containing informative string.
class telux::tel::ISimProfileListener

The interface listens for profile download indication and keep track of download and install progress of profile.

The methods in the listener can be invoked from multiple threads. It is client's responsibility to make sure the implementation is thread safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onDownloadStatus (SlotId slotId, DownloadStatus status, DownloadErrorCause cause)
virtual void onUserDisplayInfo (SlotId slotId, bool userConsentRequired, PolicyRuleMask mask)
virtual void onConfirmationCodeRequired (SlotId slotId, std::string profileName)
virtual ~ISimProfileListener ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::common::IServiceStatusListener
virtual void onServiceStatusChange (ServiceStatus status)
virtual ~IServiceStatusListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::~ISimProfileListener ( )

Destructor of ISimProfileListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::onDownloadStatus ( SlotId  slotId,
DownloadStatus  status,
DownloadErrorCause  cause 

This function is called when indication about status of profile download and installation comes.

[in]slotIdSlot on which profile get downloaded and installed.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual void telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::onUserDisplayInfo ( SlotId  slotId,
bool  userConsentRequired,
PolicyRuleMask  mask 

This function is invoked when information about user consent and profile policy rules is received. The client application is expected to provide user consent for download and install profile by calling telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::provideUserConsent if user consent is expected.

[in]slotIdSlot on which profile get downloaded and installed.
[in]userConsentRequiredUser consent required or not. If true it means user is expected to provide consent for download and install.
[in]masktelux::tel::PprMask (Profile policy rules Mask)
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual void telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::onConfirmationCodeRequired ( SlotId  slotId,
std::string  profileName 

This function is invoked when confirmation code is required. The client application is expected to provide confirmation code for download and install profile by calling telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::provideConfirmationCode

[in]slotIdSlot on which profile get downloaded and installed.
[in]profileNameProfile name corresponding to which confirmation code is required.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::tel::ISimProfileManager

ISimProfileManager is a primary interface for remote eUICCs (eSIMs or embedded SIMs) provisioning.This interface provides APIs to add, delete, set profile, update nickname, provide user consent, get Eid on the eUICC.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status addProfile (SlotId slotId, const std::string &activationCode, const std::string &confirmationCode="", bool userConsentSupported=false, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deleteProfile (SlotId slotId, int profileId, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setProfile (SlotId slotId, int profileId, bool enable=false, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status updateNickName (SlotId slotId, int profileId, const std::string &nickName, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestProfileList (SlotId slotId, ProfileListResponseCb callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestEid (SlotId slotId, EidResponseCb callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status provideUserConsent (SlotId slotId, bool userConsent, UserConsentReasonType reason, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status provideConfirmationCode (SlotId slotId, std::string code, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestServerAddress (SlotId slotId, ServerAddressResponseCb callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setServerAddress (SlotId slotId, const std::string &smdpAddress, common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< ISimProfileListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterListener (std::weak_ptr< ISimProfileListener > listener)=0
virtual ~ISimProfileManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::~ISimProfileManager ( )

Destructor for ISimProfileManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the eUICC subsystem is ready.

True if ISimProfileManager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for eUICC subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when card manager is ready.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::addProfile ( SlotId  slotId,
const std::string &  activationCode,
const std::string &  confirmationCode = "",
bool  userConsentSupported = false,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add new profile to eUICC card and download and install the profile on eUICC.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]activationCodeActivation code.
[in]confirmationCodeOptional confirmation code required for downloading the profile.
[in]userConsentSupportedOptional User consent supported or not.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of add profile.
Status of add profile i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::deleteProfile ( SlotId  slotId,
int  profileId,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Delete profile from eUICC card.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]profileIdProfile identifier
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of delete profile.
Status of delete profile i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::setProfile ( SlotId  slotId,
int  profileId,
bool  enable = false,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Enable or disable profile which allows to switch to other profile on eUICC card.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]profileIdProfile identifier.
[in]enableIndicates whether a profile must be enabled or disabled. true - Enable and false - Disable.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of set profile.
Status of set profile i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::updateNickName ( SlotId  slotId,
int  profileId,
const std::string &  nickName,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Update nick name of the profile

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]profileIdProfile identifier
[in]nickNameNew nick name for profile.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of update nickname.
Status of update nick name i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::requestProfileList ( SlotId  slotId,
ProfileListResponseCb  callback 
pure virtual

Request list of profiles supported by the eUICC card.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of request profile list.
Status of request profile list i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::requestEid ( SlotId  slotId,
EidResponseCb  callback 
pure virtual

Request eUICC identifier(EID) for the slot.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of request EID.
Status of request EID.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::provideUserConsent ( SlotId  slotId,
bool  userConsent,
UserConsentReasonType  reason,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Provide user consent required for downloading and installing profile. This API should be called in response to telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::onUserDisplayInfo.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]userConsentConsent for proļ¬le download and install. True means user consent given to download and install.
[in]reasonReason for not providing user consent to download and install. telux::tel::UserConsentReasonType
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of user consent request.
Status of user consent request i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::provideConfirmationCode ( SlotId  slotId,
std::string  code,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Provide confirmation code required for downloading and installing profile. This API should be called in response to telux::tel::ISimProfileListener::onConfirmationCodeRequired.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]codeConfirmation code for profile download and install.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of confirmation request.
Status of provide confirmation code i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::requestServerAddress ( SlotId  slotId,
ServerAddressResponseCb  callback 
pure virtual

Get Subscription Manager Data Preparation (SM-DP+) address and the Subscription Manager Discovery Server (SMDS) address configured on the eUICC.

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]callbackCallback function to get the result of server address request.
Status of server address request i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::setServerAddress ( SlotId  slotId,
const std::string &  smdpAddress,
common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Set Subscription Manager Data Preparation (SM-DP+) address on the eUICC. If SMDP+ address length is zero then the existing SM-DP+ address on the eUICC is removed

[in]slotIdSlot identifier corresponding to the card.
[in]smdpAddressSM-DP+ address to be configured on the eUICC.
[in]callbackOptional Callback function to get the result of set SM-DP+ request.
Status of set server address request i.e. success or suitable error code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< ISimProfileListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener to listen for status of specific events like download and installation of profile on eUICC.

[in]listenerPointer of ISimProfileListener object that processes the notification.
Status of registerListener success or suitable status code
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ISimProfileManager::deregisterListener ( std::weak_ptr< ISimProfileListener listener)
pure virtual

De-register the listener.

[in]listenerPointer of ISimProfileListener object that needs to be removed
Status of deregisterListener success or suitable status code

Typedef Documentation

using telux::tel::PolicyRuleMask = typedef std::bitset<16>

16 bit mask that denotes which of the profile policy rules(PPR) defined in Policy Rule Type enum are used.

using telux::tel::ProfileListResponseCb = typedef std::function<void( const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SimProfile>> &profiles, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to requestProfileList API.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[in]infoProfiles information telux::tel::SimProfile.
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode.
using telux::tel::EidResponseCb = typedef std::function<void(std::string eid, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to requestEid API.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[in]eideUICC identifier.
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode.
using telux::tel::ServerAddressResponseCb = typedef std::function<void(std::string smdpAddress, std::string smdsAddress, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to requestServerAddress API.

The callback can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

[in]smdpAddressConfigured SM-DP+ address on the eUICC.
[in]smdsAddressConfigured SMDS address on the eUICC.
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines the HTTP request result.


HTTP request successful


Unknown error


Server error


TLS error


Network error

Indicates profile type of card


Regular profile


Emergency profile

enum telux::tel::IconType

Indicates profile icon type.


No icon information


JPEG icon


PNG icon

Indicates profile class.


No info about profile class


Test profile


Provisioning profile


Operational profile

Indicates profile download status.


Profile download error


Profile download and installation is complete

Indicates profile download error cause.


Generic error


Error from the SIM card


Error from the network


Error due to no memory


Unsupported profile class


Profile policy rules not allowed


End user rejection


End user postponed

Indicates the reason for user consent not provided.


End user rejection


End user postponed

Defines profile policy rules(PPR). Each value represents corresponding bit for PprMask bitset.


Disabling of the profile is not allowed


Deletion of the profile is not allowed


Deletion of the profile is required on successful disabling