Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.45.0

Data Structures

class  telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener
 A listener class for getting remote SIM notifications. More...
class  telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager
 IRemoteSimManager provides APIs for remote SIM related operations. This allows a device to use a SIM card on another device for its WWAN modem functionality. The SIM provider service is the endpoint that interfaces with the SIM card (e.g. over bluetooth) and sends/receives data to the other endpoint, the modem. The modem sends requests to the SIM provider service to interact with the SIM card (e.g. power up, transmit APDU, etc.), and is notified of events (e.g. card errors, resets, etc.). This API is used by the SIM provider endpoint to provide a SIM card to the modem. More...


enum  telux::tel::CardErrorCause {
  telux::tel::CardErrorCause::INVALID = -1, telux::tel::CardErrorCause::UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0, telux::tel::CardErrorCause::NO_LINK_ESTABLISHED = 1, telux::tel::CardErrorCause::COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 2,
  telux::tel::CardErrorCause::POWER_DOWN = 3

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to Remote SIM operations.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener

A listener class for getting remote SIM notifications.

The methods in listener can be invoked from multiple different threads. The implementation should be thread safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onApduTransfer (const unsigned int id, const std::vector< uint8_t > &apdu)
virtual void onCardConnect ()
virtual void onCardDisconnect ()
virtual void onCardPowerUp ()
virtual void onCardPowerDown ()
virtual void onCardReset ()
virtual ~IRemoteSimListener ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::common::IServiceStatusListener
virtual void onServiceStatusChange (ServiceStatus status)
virtual ~IServiceStatusListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::~IRemoteSimListener ( )

Destructor of IRemoteSimListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onApduTransfer ( const unsigned int  id,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  apdu 

This function is called when the modem wants to transmit a command APDU.

[in]idIdentifier for a command and response APDU pair
[in]apduAPDU request sent to the control point (max size = 261, per ETSI TS 102 221, section 10.1.4)
virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onCardConnect ( )

This function is called when the modem wants to establish a connection.

virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onCardDisconnect ( )

This function is called when the modem wants to tear down a connection.

virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onCardPowerUp ( )

This function is called when the modem wants to power up the card.

virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onCardPowerDown ( )

This function is called when the modem wants to power down the card.

virtual void telux::tel::IRemoteSimListener::onCardReset ( )

This function is called when the modem wants to warm reset the card.

class telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager

IRemoteSimManager provides APIs for remote SIM related operations. This allows a device to use a SIM card on another device for its WWAN modem functionality. The SIM provider service is the endpoint that interfaces with the SIM card (e.g. over bluetooth) and sends/receives data to the other endpoint, the modem. The modem sends requests to the SIM provider service to interact with the SIM card (e.g. power up, transmit APDU, etc.), and is notified of events (e.g. card errors, resets, etc.). This API is used by the SIM provider endpoint to provide a SIM card to the modem.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendReset (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendConnectionAvailable (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendConnectionUnavailable (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendCardReset (const std::vector< uint8_t > &atr, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendCardError (const CardErrorCause cause=CardErrorCause::INVALID, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendCardInserted (const std::vector< uint8_t > &atr, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendCardRemoved (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendCardWakeup (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status sendApdu (const unsigned int id, const std::vector< uint8_t > &apdu, const bool isSuccess=true, const unsigned int totalSize=0, const unsigned int offset=0, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< IRemoteSimListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterListener (std::weak_ptr< IRemoteSimListener > listener)=0
virtual int getSlotId ()=0
virtual ~IRemoteSimManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::~IRemoteSimManager ( )

Destructor of IRemoteSimManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of remote SIM subsystem and returns the result.

True if remote SIM subsystem is ready for service otherwise false.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for remote SIM subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when remote SIM subsystem is ready.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendReset ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Send reset command to the modem to reset state variables.

[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendReset.
Status of sendReset i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendConnectionAvailable ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Send connection available event to the modem.

[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response.
Status of sendConnectionAvailable i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendConnectionUnavailable ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Send connection unavailable event to the modem.

[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response.
Status of sendConnectionUnavailable i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendCardReset ( const std::vector< uint8_t > &  atr,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Send card reset event to the modem.

[in]atrAnswer to Reset bytes (max size = 32, per ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 section 8.1).
[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendCardReset.
Status of sendCardReset i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendCardError ( const CardErrorCause  cause = CardErrorCause::INVALID,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Send card error event to the modem.

[in]causeCard Error cause.
[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendCardError.
Status of sendCardError i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendCardInserted ( const std::vector< uint8_t > &  atr,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Send card inserted event to the modem.

[in]atrAnswer to Reset bytes (max size = 32, per ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 section 8.1).
[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendCardInserted.
Status of sendCardInserted i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendCardRemoved ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Send card removed event to the modem.

[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendCardRemoved.
Status of sendCardRemoved i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendCardWakeup ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

Send card wakeup event to the modem.

[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendCardWakeup.
Status of sendCardWakeup i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::sendApdu ( const unsigned int  id,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  apdu,
const bool  isSuccess = true,
const unsigned int  totalSize = 0,
const unsigned int  offset = 0,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Sends an APDU message to the modem, in response to a previous APDU sent by the modem.

[in]idIdentifier for command and response APDU pair.
[in]apduResponse APDU (max size = 1024).
[in]isSuccessWhether APDU transaction completed successfully.
[in]totalSizeTotal length of the APDU message (used when the response is larger than 1024 bytes and must be passed in multiple segments).
[in]offsetOffset of this APDU segment in the original message.
[out]callbackCallback function pointer to get the response of sendApdu.
Status of sendApdu i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< IRemoteSimListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for specific updates from the modem.

[in]listenerPointer of IRemoteSimListener object that processes the notification
Status of registerListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::deregisterListener ( std::weak_ptr< IRemoteSimListener listener)
pure virtual

Deregister the previously added listener.

[in]listenerPreviously registered IRemoteSimListener that needs to be deregistered
Status of deregisterListener success or suitable status code
virtual int telux::tel::IRemoteSimManager::getSlotId ( )
pure virtual

Get associated slot ID for the RemoteSimManager

The slot ID associated with this IRemoteSimManager

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines the card error cause, sent to the modem by the SIM provider


Card error cause value will not be passed to modem


Unknown error


No link was established


Command timeout


Error due to a card power down