Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.45.0
Location Services

Data Structures

class  telux::loc::IDgnssStatusListener
 Listener class for getting RTCM injection event notification information. More...
class  telux::loc::IDgnssManager
 IRtcmManager provides interface to inject RTCM data into modem, register event listener reported by cdfw(correction data framework). More...
class  telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator
 ILocationConfigurator allows for the enablement/disablement of the APIs such as CTunc, PACE, deleteAllAidingData, configureLeverArm, configureConstellations, configureRobustLocation, configureMinGpsWeek, requestMinGpsWeek, deleteAidingData, configureMinSVElevation, requestMinSVElevation, requestRobustLocation, configureSecondaryBand, requestSecondaryBandConfig, configureDR. ILocationConfigurator APIs strictly adheres to the principle of single client per process. ILocationConfigurator APIs follow the non persistence scheme, meaning when the processor crashes/reboots the settings need to be set again via the respective APIs. More...
struct  telux::loc::GnssKinematicsData
struct  telux::loc::LLAInfo
struct  telux::loc::TimeInfo
struct  telux::loc::GlonassTimeInfo
union  telux::loc::SystemTimeInfo
struct  telux::loc::SystemTime
struct  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementInfo
struct  telux::loc::SvUsedInPosition
struct  telux::loc::GnssData
struct  telux::loc::SvBlackListInfo
struct  telux::loc::LeverArmParams
struct  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsData
struct  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsClock
struct  telux::loc::GnssMeasurements
struct  telux::loc::LeapSecondChangeInfo
struct  telux::loc::LeapSecondInfo
struct  telux::loc::LocationSystemInfo
struct  telux::loc::GnssEnergyConsumedInfo
struct  telux::loc::RobustLocationVersion
struct  telux::loc::RobustLocationConfiguration
struct  telux::loc::BodyToSensorMountParams
struct  telux::loc::DREngineConfiguration
class  telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase
 ILocationInfoBase provides interface to get basic position related information like latitude, longitude, altitude, timestamp. More...
class  telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx
 ILocationInfoEx provides interface to get richer position related information like latitude, longitude, altitude and other information like time stamp, session status, dop, reliabilities, uncertainities etc. More...
class  telux::loc::ISVInfo
 ISVInfo provides interface to retrieve information about Satellite Vehicles, their position and health status. More...
class  telux::loc::IGnssSVInfo
 IGnssSVInfo provides interface to retrieve the list of SV info available and whether altitude is assumed or calculated. More...
class  telux::loc::IGnssSignalInfo
 IGnssSignalInfo provides interface to retrieve GNSS data information like jammer metrics and automatic gain control for satellite signal type. More...
class  telux::loc::LocationFactory
 LocationFactory allows creation of location manager. More...
class  telux::loc::ILocationListener
 Listener class for getting location updates and satellite vehicle information. More...
class  telux::loc::ILocationSystemInfoListener
class  telux::loc::ILocationManager
 ILocationManager provides interface to register and remove listeners. It also allows to set and get configuration/ criteria for position reports. The new APIs(registerListenerEx, deRegisterListenerEx, startDetailedReports, startBasicReports) and old/deprecated APIs(registerListener, removeListener, setPositionReportTimeout, setHorizontalAccuracyLevel, setMinIntervalForReports) should not be used interchangebly, either the new APIs should be used or the old APIs should be used. More...


using telux::loc::SbasCorrection = std::bitset< SBAS_COUNT >
using telux::loc::GnssPositionTech = uint32_t
using telux::loc::KinematicDataValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssTimeValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::TimeValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssSignal = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationTechnology = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationInfoValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationInfoExValidity = uint64_t
using telux::loc::GnssDataValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::DrCalibrationStatus = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocReqEngine = uint16_t
using telux::loc::PositioningEngine = uint32_t
typedef std::vector< SvBlackListInfo > telux::loc::SvBlackList
typedef std::unordered_map< LeverArmType, LeverArmParams > telux::loc::LeverArmConfigInfo
using telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsDataValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsStateValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsAdrStateValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsClockValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LeapSecondInfoValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationSystemInfoValidity = uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssEnergyConsumedInfoValidity = uint16_t
using telux::loc::AidingData = uint32_t
using telux::loc::TerrestrialTechnology = uint32_t
using telux::loc::NmeaSentenceConfig = uint32_t
using telux::loc::RobustLocationConfig = uint16_t
using telux::loc::DRConfigValidity = uint16_t
typedef std::unordered_set< GnssConstellationType > telux::loc::ConstellationSet


enum  telux::loc::DgnssDataFormat { telux::loc::DgnssDataFormat::DATA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, telux::loc::DgnssDataFormat::DATA_FORMAT_RTCM_3 = 1, telux::loc::DgnssDataFormat::DATA_FORMAT_3GPP_RTK_R15 = 2 }
enum  telux::loc::DgnssStatus {
  telux::loc::DgnssStatus::DATA_SOURCE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 1, telux::loc::DgnssStatus::DATA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2, telux::loc::DgnssStatus::OTHER_SOURCE_IN_USE = 3, telux::loc::DgnssStatus::MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR = 4,
  telux::loc::DgnssStatus::DATA_SOURCE_NOT_USABLE = 5
enum  telux::loc::HorizontalAccuracyLevel { telux::loc::HorizontalAccuracyLevel::LOW = 1, telux::loc::HorizontalAccuracyLevel::MEDIUM = 2, telux::loc::HorizontalAccuracyLevel::HIGH = 3 }
enum  telux::loc::LocationReliability {
  telux::loc::LocationReliability::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::LocationReliability::NOT_SET = 0, telux::loc::LocationReliability::VERY_LOW = 1, telux::loc::LocationReliability::LOW = 2,
  telux::loc::LocationReliability::MEDIUM = 3, telux::loc::LocationReliability::HIGH = 4
enum  telux::loc::SbasCorrectionType {
enum  telux::loc::AltitudeType { telux::loc::AltitudeType::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::AltitudeType::CALCULATED = 0, telux::loc::AltitudeType::ASSUMED = 1 }
enum  telux::loc::GnssConstellationType {
  telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::GPS = 1, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::GALILEO = 2, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::SBAS = 3,
  telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::COMPASS = 4, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::GLONASS = 5, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::BDS = 6, telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::QZSS = 7,
  telux::loc::GnssConstellationType::NAVIC = 8
enum  telux::loc::SVHealthStatus { telux::loc::SVHealthStatus::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::SVHealthStatus::UNHEALTHY = 0, telux::loc::SVHealthStatus::HEALTHY = 1 }
enum  telux::loc::SVStatus { telux::loc::SVStatus::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::SVStatus::IDLE = 0, telux::loc::SVStatus::SEARCH = 1, telux::loc::SVStatus::TRACK = 2 }
enum  telux::loc::SVInfoAvailability { telux::loc::SVInfoAvailability::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::SVInfoAvailability::YES = 0, telux::loc::SVInfoAvailability::NO = 1 }
enum  telux::loc::GnssPositionTechType {
  telux::loc::GNSS_DEFAULT = 0, telux::loc::GNSS_SATELLITE = (1 << 0), telux::loc::GNSS_CELLID = (1 << 1), telux::loc::GNSS_WIFI = (1 << 2),
  telux::loc::GNSS_SENSORS = (1 << 3), telux::loc::GNSS_REFERENCE_LOCATION = (1 << 4), telux::loc::GNSS_INJECTED_COARSE_POSITION = (1 << 5), telux::loc::GNSS_AFLT = (1 << 6),
  telux::loc::GNSS_HYBRID = (1 << 7), telux::loc::GNSS_PPE = (1 << 8)
enum  telux::loc::KinematicDataValidityType {
  telux::loc::HAS_LONG_ACCEL = (1 << 0), telux::loc::HAS_LAT_ACCEL = (1 << 1), telux::loc::HAS_VERT_ACCEL = (1 << 2), telux::loc::HAS_YAW_RATE = (1 << 3),
  telux::loc::HAS_PITCH = (1 << 4), telux::loc::HAS_LONG_ACCEL_UNC = (1 << 5), telux::loc::HAS_LAT_ACCEL_UNC = (1 << 6), telux::loc::HAS_VERT_ACCEL_UNC = (1 << 7),
  telux::loc::HAS_YAW_RATE_UNC = (1 << 8), telux::loc::HAS_PITCH_UNC = (1 << 9), telux::loc::HAS_PITCH_RATE_BIT = (1<<10), telux::loc::HAS_PITCH_RATE_UNC_BIT = (1<<11),
  telux::loc::HAS_ROLL_BIT = (1<<12), telux::loc::HAS_ROLL_UNC_BIT = (1<<13), telux::loc::HAS_ROLL_RATE_BIT = (1<<14), telux::loc::HAS_ROLL_RATE_UNC_BIT = (1<<15),
  telux::loc::HAS_YAW_BIT = (1<<16), telux::loc::HAS_YAW_UNC_BIT = (1<<17)
enum  telux::loc::GnssSystem {
  telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GPS = 1, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GALILEO = 2, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_SBAS = 3,
  telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_COMPASS = 4, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_GLONASS = 5, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_BDS = 6, telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_QZSS = 7,
  telux::loc::GnssSystem::GNSS_LOC_SV_SYSTEM_NAVIC = 8
enum  telux::loc::GnssTimeValidityType {
  telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_TIME_WEEK_VALID = (1 << 0), telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_TIME_WEEK_MS_VALID = (1 << 1), telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_CLK_TIME_BIAS_VALID = (1 << 2), telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_CLK_TIME_BIAS_UNC_VALID = (1 << 3),
  telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_REF_FCOUNT_VALID = (1 << 4), telux::loc::GNSS_SYSTEM_NUM_CLOCK_RESETS_VALID = (1 << 5)
enum  telux::loc::GlonassTimeValidity {
  telux::loc::GNSS_CLO_DAYS_VALID = (1 << 0), telux::loc::GNSS_GLOS_MSEC_VALID = (1 << 1), telux::loc::GNSS_GLO_CLK_TIME_BIAS_VALID = (1 << 2), telux::loc::GNSS_GLO_CLK_TIME_BIAS_UNC_VALID = (1 << 3),
  telux::loc::GNSS_GLO_REF_FCOUNT_VALID = (1 << 4), telux::loc::GNSS_GLO_NUM_CLOCK_RESETS_VALID = (1 << 5), telux::loc::GNSS_GLO_FOUR_YEAR_VALID = (1 << 6)
enum  telux::loc::GnssSignalType {
  telux::loc::GPS_L1CA = (1<<0), telux::loc::GPS_L1C = (1<<1), telux::loc::GPS_L2 = (1<<2), telux::loc::GPS_L5 = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::GLONASS_G1 = (1<<4), telux::loc::GLONASS_G2 = (1<<5), telux::loc::GALILEO_E1 = (1<<6), telux::loc::GALILEO_E5A = (1<<7),
  telux::loc::GALILIEO_E5B = (1<<8), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B1 = (1<<9), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B2 = (1<<10), telux::loc::QZSS_L1CA = (1<<11),
  telux::loc::QZSS_L1S = (1<<12), telux::loc::QZSS_L2 = (1<<13), telux::loc::QZSS_L5 = (1<<14), telux::loc::SBAS_L1 = (1<<15),
  telux::loc::BEIDOU_B1I = (1<<16), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B1C = (1<<17), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B2I = (1<<18), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B2AI = (1<<19),
  telux::loc::NAVIC_L5 = (1<<20), telux::loc::BEIDOU_B2AQ = (1<<21)
enum  telux::loc::LocationTechnologyType {
  telux::loc::LOC_GNSS = (1 << 0), telux::loc::LOC_CELL = (1 << 1), telux::loc::LOC_WIFI = (1 << 2), telux::loc::LOC_SENSORS = (1 << 3),
  telux::loc::LOC_REFERENCE_LOCATION = (1 << 4), telux::loc::LOC_INJECTED_COARSE_POSITION = (1 << 5), telux::loc::LOC_AFLT = (1 << 6), telux::loc::LOC_HYBRID = (1 << 7),
  telux::loc::LOC_PPE = (1 << 8), telux::loc::LOC_VEH = (1 << 9), telux::loc::LOC_VIS = (1 << 10)
enum  telux::loc::LocationValidityType {
  telux::loc::HAS_LAT_LONG_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::HAS_ALTITUDE_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::HAS_SPEED_BIT = (1<<2), telux::loc::HAS_HEADING_BIT = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::HAS_HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY_BIT = (1<<4), telux::loc::HAS_VERTICAL_ACCURACY_BIT = (1<<5), telux::loc::HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY_BIT = (1<<6), telux::loc::HAS_HEADING_ACCURACY_BIT = (1<<7),
  telux::loc::HAS_TIMESTAMP_BIT = (1<<8)
enum  telux::loc::LocationInfoExValidityType {
  telux::loc::HAS_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL = (1ULL << 0), telux::loc::HAS_DOP = (1ULL << 1), telux::loc::HAS_MAGNETIC_DEVIATION = (1ULL << 2), telux::loc::HAS_HOR_RELIABILITY = (1ULL << 3),
  telux::loc::HAS_VER_RELIABILITY = (1ULL << 4), telux::loc::HAS_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_SEMI_MAJOR = (1ULL << 5), telux::loc::HAS_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_SEMI_MINOR = (1ULL << 6), telux::loc::HAS_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_AZIMUTH = (1ULL << 7),
  telux::loc::HAS_GNSS_SV_USED_DATA = (1ULL << 8), telux::loc::HAS_NAV_SOLUTION_MASK = (1ULL << 9), telux::loc::HAS_POS_TECH_MASK = (1ULL << 10), telux::loc::HAS_SV_SOURCE_INFO = (1ULL << 11),
  telux::loc::HAS_POS_DYNAMICS_DATA = (1ULL << 12), telux::loc::HAS_EXT_DOP = (1ULL << 13), telux::loc::HAS_NORTH_STD_DEV = (1ULL << 14), telux::loc::HAS_EAST_STD_DEV = (1ULL << 15),
  telux::loc::HAS_NORTH_VEL = (1ULL << 16), telux::loc::HAS_EAST_VEL = (1ULL << 17), telux::loc::HAS_UP_VEL = (1ULL << 18), telux::loc::HAS_NORTH_VEL_UNC = (1ULL << 19),
  telux::loc::HAS_EAST_VEL_UNC = (1ULL << 20), telux::loc::HAS_UP_VEL_UNC = (1ULL << 21), telux::loc::HAS_LEAP_SECONDS = (1ULL << 22), telux::loc::HAS_TIME_UNC = (1ULL << 23),
  telux::loc::HAS_NUM_SV_USED_IN_POSITION = (1ULL << 24), telux::loc::HAS_CALIBRATION_CONFIDENCE_PERCENT = (1ULL << 25), telux::loc::HAS_CALIBRATION_STATUS = (1ULL << 26), telux::loc::HAS_OUTPUT_ENG_TYPE = (1ULL << 27),
  telux::loc::HAS_OUTPUT_ENG_MASK = (1ULL << 28), telux::loc::HAS_CONFORMITY_INDEX_FIX = (1ULL << 29), telux::loc::HAS_LLA_VRP_BASED = (1ULL << 30), telux::loc::HAS_ENU_VELOCITY_VRP_BASED = (1ULL << 31),
  telux::loc::HAS_ALTITUDE_TYPE = (1ULL << 32), telux::loc::HAS_REPORT_STATUS = (1ULL << 33)
enum  telux::loc::GnssDataSignalTypes {
  telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 0, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_GPS_L1C = 1, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_GPS_L2C_L = 2, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_GPS_L5_Q = 3,
  telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_BEIDOU_B2A_I = 12, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_QZSS_L1CA = 13, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_QZSS_L1S = 14, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_QZSS_L2C_L = 15,
  telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_QZSS_L5_Q = 16, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_SBAS_L1_CA = 17, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_NAVIC_L5 = 18, telux::loc::GNSS_DATA_SIGNAL_TYPE_BEIDOU_B2A_Q = 19,
enum  telux::loc::GnssDataValidityType { telux::loc::HAS_JAMMER = (1ULL << 0), telux::loc::HAS_AGC = (1ULL << 1) }
enum  telux::loc::DrCalibrationStatusType {
  telux::loc::DR_ROLL_CALIBRATION_NEEDED = (1<<0), telux::loc::DR_PITCH_CALIBRATION_NEEDED = (1<<1), telux::loc::DR_YAW_CALIBRATION_NEEDED = (1<<2), telux::loc::DR_ODO_CALIBRATION_NEEDED = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::DR_GYRO_CALIBRATION_NEEDED = (1<<4)
enum  telux::loc::LocReqEngineType { telux::loc::LOC_REQ_ENGINE_FUSED_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::LOC_REQ_ENGINE_SPE_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::LOC_REQ_ENGINE_PPE_BIT = (1<<2) }
enum  telux::loc::LocationAggregationType { telux::loc::LOC_OUTPUT_ENGINE_FUSED = 0, telux::loc::LOC_OUTPUT_ENGINE_SPE = 1, telux::loc::LOC_OUTPUT_ENGINE_PPE = 2 }
enum  telux::loc::PositioningEngineType { telux::loc::STANDARD_POSITIONING_ENGINE = (1 << 0), telux::loc::DEAD_RECKONING_ENGINE = (1 << 1), telux::loc::PRECISE_POSITIONING_ENGINE = (1 << 2) }
enum  telux::loc::LeverArmType { telux::loc::LEVER_ARM_TYPE_GNSS_TO_VRP = 1, telux::loc::LEVER_ARM_TYPE_DR_IMU_TO_GNSS = 2, telux::loc::LEVER_ARM_TYPE_VEPP_IMU_TO_GNSS = 3, telux::loc::LEVER_ARM_TYPE_VPE_IMU_TO_GNSS = 3 }
enum  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsDataValidityType {
  telux::loc::SV_ID_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::SV_TYPE_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::STATE_BIT = (1<<2), telux::loc::RECEIVED_SV_TIME_BIT = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::RECEIVED_SV_TIME_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<4), telux::loc::CARRIER_TO_NOISE_BIT = (1<<5), telux::loc::PSEUDORANGE_RATE_BIT = (1<<6), telux::loc::PSEUDORANGE_RATE_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<7),
  telux::loc::ADR_STATE_BIT = (1<<8), telux::loc::ADR_BIT = (1<<9), telux::loc::ADR_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<10), telux::loc::CARRIER_FREQUENCY_BIT = (1<<11),
  telux::loc::CARRIER_CYCLES_BIT = (1<<12), telux::loc::CARRIER_PHASE_BIT = (1<<13), telux::loc::CARRIER_PHASE_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<14), telux::loc::MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_BIT = (1<<15),
  telux::loc::SIGNAL_TO_NOISE_RATIO_BIT = (1<<16), telux::loc::AUTOMATIC_GAIN_CONTROL_BIT = (1<<17)
enum  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsStateValidityType {
  telux::loc::UNKNOWN_BIT = 0, telux::loc::CODE_LOCK_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::BIT_SYNC_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::SUBFRAME_SYNC_BIT = (1<<2),
  telux::loc::TOW_DECODED_BIT = (1<<3), telux::loc::MSEC_AMBIGUOUS_BIT = (1<<4), telux::loc::SYMBOL_SYNC_BIT = (1<<5), telux::loc::GLO_STRING_SYNC_BIT = (1<<6),
  telux::loc::GLO_TOD_DECODED_BIT = (1<<7), telux::loc::BDS_D2_BIT_SYNC_BIT = (1<<8), telux::loc::BDS_D2_SUBFRAME_SYNC_BIT = (1<<9), telux::loc::GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK_BIT = (1<<10),
  telux::loc::GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK_BIT = (1<<11), telux::loc::GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC_BIT = (1<<12), telux::loc::SBAS_SYNC_BIT = (1<<13)
enum  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsAdrStateValidityType { telux::loc::UNKNOWN_STATE = 0, telux::loc::VALID_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::RESET_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::CYCLE_SLIP_BIT = (1<<2) }
enum  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsMultipathIndicator { telux::loc::UNKNOWN_INDICATOR = 0, telux::loc::PRESENT = 1, telux::loc::NOT_PRESENT = 2 }
enum  telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsClockValidityType {
  telux::loc::LEAP_SECOND_BIT = (1<<0), telux::loc::TIME_BIT = (1<<1), telux::loc::TIME_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<2), telux::loc::FULL_BIAS_BIT = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::BIAS_BIT = (1<<4), telux::loc::BIAS_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<5), telux::loc::DRIFT_BIT = (1<<6), telux::loc::DRIFT_UNCERTAINTY_BIT = (1<<7),
enum  telux::loc::LeapSecondInfoValidityType { telux::loc::LEAP_SECOND_SYS_INFO_CURRENT_LEAP_SECONDS_BIT = (1ULL << 0), telux::loc::LEAP_SECOND_SYS_INFO_LEAP_SECOND_CHANGE_BIT = (1ULL << 1) }
enum  telux::loc::LocationSystemInfoValidityType { telux::loc::LOCATION_SYS_INFO_LEAP_SECOND = (1ULL << 0) }
enum  telux::loc::GnssEnergyConsumedInfoValidityType { telux::loc::ENERGY_CONSUMED_SINCE_FIRST_BOOT_BIT = (1<<0) }
enum  telux::loc::AidingDataType { telux::loc::AIDING_DATA_EPHEMERIS = (1 << 0), telux::loc::AIDING_DATA_DR_SENSOR_CALIBRATION = (1 << 1) }
enum  telux::loc::TerrestrialTechnologyType { telux::loc::GTP_WWAN = (1 << 0) }
enum  telux::loc::NmeaSentenceType {
  telux::loc::GGA = (1 << 0), telux::loc::RMC = (1 << 1), telux::loc::GSA = (1 << 2), telux::loc::VTG = (1 << 3),
  telux::loc::GNS = (1 << 4), telux::loc::DTM = (1 << 5), telux::loc::GPGSV = (1 << 6), telux::loc::GLGSV = (1 << 7),
  telux::loc::GAGSV = (1 << 8), telux::loc::GQGSV = (1 << 9), telux::loc::GBGSV = (1 << 10), telux::loc::GIGSV = (1 << 11),
  telux::loc::ALL = 0xffffffff
enum  telux::loc::RobustLocationConfigType { telux::loc::VALID_ENABLED = (1<<0), telux::loc::VALID_ENABLED_FOR_E911 = (1<<1), telux::loc::VALID_VERSION = (1<<2) }
enum  telux::loc::DRConfigValidityType {
  telux::loc::BODY_TO_SENSOR_MOUNT_PARAMS_VALID = (1<<0), telux::loc::VEHICLE_SPEED_SCALE_FACTOR_VALID = (1<<1), telux::loc::VEHICLE_SPEED_SCALE_FACTOR_UNC_VALID = (1<<2), telux::loc::GYRO_SCALE_FACTOR_VALID = (1<<3),
  telux::loc::GYRO_SCALE_FACTOR_UNC_VALID = (1<<4)
enum  telux::loc::EngineType {
  telux::loc::EngineType::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::EngineType::SPE = 1, telux::loc::EngineType::PPE = 2, telux::loc::EngineType::DRE = 3,
  telux::loc::EngineType::VPE = 4
enum  telux::loc::LocationEngineRunState { telux::loc::LocationEngineRunState::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::LocationEngineRunState::SUSPENDED = 1, telux::loc::LocationEngineRunState::RUNNING = 2 }
enum  telux::loc::ReportStatus { telux::loc::ReportStatus::UNKNOWN = -1, telux::loc::ReportStatus::SUCCESS = 0, telux::loc::ReportStatus::INTERMEDIATE = 1, telux::loc::ReportStatus::FAILURE = 2 }


const float telux::loc::UNKNOWN_CARRIER_FREQ = -1
const int telux::loc::UNKNOWN_SIGNAL_MASK = 0
const uint64_t telux::loc::UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP = 0
const float telux::loc::DEFAULT_TUNC_THRESHOLD = 0.0
const int telux::loc::DEFAULT_TUNC_ENERGY_THRESHOLD = 0
const uint64_t telux::loc::INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMED = 0xffffffffffffffff

Detailed Description

This section contains APIs related to Location Services.

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::loc::IDgnssStatusListener

Listener class for getting RTCM injection event notification information.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onDgnssStatusUpdate (DgnssStatus status)
virtual ~IDgnssStatusListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::IDgnssStatusListener::~IDgnssStatusListener ( )

Destructor of IRTCMStatusListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::loc::IDgnssStatusListener::onDgnssStatusUpdate ( DgnssStatus  status)

This function is called asynchronously to report RTCM injection status

[in]status- the status enum.
class telux::loc::IDgnssManager

IRtcmManager provides interface to inject RTCM data into modem, register event listener reported by cdfw(correction data framework).

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< IDgnssStatusListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deRegisterListener (void)=0
virtual telux::common::Status createSource (DgnssDataFormat dataFormat)=0
virtual telux::common::Status releaseSource (void)=0
virtual telux::common::Status injectCorrectionData (const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bufferSize)=0
virtual ~IDgnssManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::IDgnssManager::~IDgnssManager ( )

Destructor of IRtcmManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::loc::IDgnssManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of location subsystems and returns the result.

True if location subsystem is ready for service otherwise false.
use getServiceStatus()
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::loc::IDgnssManager::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the object is in a usable state.

SERVICE_AVAILABLE - If Dgnss manager is ready for service. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - If Dgnss manager is temporarily unavailable. SERVICE_FAILED - If Dgnss manager encountered an irrecoverable failure.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::loc::IDgnssManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for location subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when location subsystem is ready.
The callback mechanism introduced in the LocationFactory::getDgnssManager() API will provide the similar notification mechanism as onSubsystemReady(). This API will soon be removed from further releases.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::IDgnssManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< IDgnssStatusListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for Dgnss injection status update.

[in]listener- Pointer of IDgnssStatusListener object that processes the notification.
Status of registerListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::IDgnssManager::deRegisterListener ( void  )
pure virtual

deRegister a listener for Dgnss injection status update.

Status of registerListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::IDgnssManager::createSource ( DgnssDataFormat  dataFormat)
pure virtual

Create a Dgnss injection source. Only one source is permitted at any given time. If a new source is to be used, user must call releaseSource() to release previous source before calling this function.

[in]formatDgnss injection data format.
Success of suitable status code
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::IDgnssManager::releaseSource ( void  )
pure virtual

Release current Dgnss injection source (previously created by createSource() call) This function is to be called if it's determined that current injection data is not suitable anymore, and a new source will be created and used as injection source.

virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::IDgnssManager::injectCorrectionData ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint32_t  bufferSize 
pure virtual

Inject correction data This function is to be called when a source has been created, either through a explicit call to createSource(), or after DgnssManager object was instantiated through the factory method(The factory method create a default source for DgnssManager object).

[in]bufferbuffer contains the data to be injected.
[in]bufferSizesize of the buffer.
success or suitable status code.
class telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator

ILocationConfigurator allows for the enablement/disablement of the APIs such as CTunc, PACE, deleteAllAidingData, configureLeverArm, configureConstellations, configureRobustLocation, configureMinGpsWeek, requestMinGpsWeek, deleteAidingData, configureMinSVElevation, requestMinSVElevation, requestRobustLocation, configureSecondaryBand, requestSecondaryBandConfig, configureDR. ILocationConfigurator APIs strictly adheres to the principle of single client per process. ILocationConfigurator APIs follow the non persistence scheme, meaning when the processor crashes/reboots the settings need to be set again via the respective APIs.

Public Types

using GetSecondaryBandCallback = std::function< void(const telux::loc::ConstellationSet set, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using GetMinGpsWeekCallback = std::function< void(uint16_t minGpsWeek, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using GetMinSVElevationCallback = std::function< void(uint8_t minSVElevation, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using GetRobustLocationCallback = std::function< void(const telux::loc::RobustLocationConfiguration rLConfig, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureCTunc (bool enable, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, float timeUncertainty=DEFAULT_TUNC_THRESHOLD, uint32_t energyBudget=DEFAULT_TUNC_ENERGY_THRESHOLD)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configurePACE (bool enable, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deleteAllAidingData (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureLeverArm (const LeverArmConfigInfo &info, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureConstellations (const SvBlackList &list, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, bool resetToDefault=false)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureSecondaryBand (const ConstellationSet &set, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestSecondaryBandConfig (GetSecondaryBandCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureRobustLocation (bool enable, bool enableForE911=false, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestRobustLocation (GetRobustLocationCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureMinGpsWeek (uint16_t minGpsWeek, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestMinGpsWeek (GetMinGpsWeekCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureMinSVElevation (uint8_t minSVElevation, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestMinSVElevation (GetMinSVElevationCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deleteAidingData (AidingData aidingDataMask, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureDR (const DREngineConfiguration &config, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureEngineState (const EngineType engineType, const LocationEngineRunState engineState, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning (bool userConsent, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status configureNmeaTypes (const NmeaSentenceConfig nmeaType, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual ~ILocationConfigurator ()

Member Typedef Documentation

This function is called with the response to requestSecondaryBandConfig API.

[in]set- disabled secondary band constellation configuration used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE).
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.
using telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::GetMinGpsWeekCallback = std::function<void(uint16_t minGpsWeek, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to requestMinGpsWeek API.

[in]minGpsWeek- minimum gps week.
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.
using telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::GetMinSVElevationCallback = std::function<void(uint8_t minSVElevation, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to requestMinSVElevation API.

[in]minSVElevation- minimum SV Elevation angle in units of degree.
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.

This function is called with the response to requestRobustLocation API.

[in]rLConfig- robust location settings information.
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::~ILocationConfigurator ( )

Destructor of ILocationConfigurator

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of location configuration subsystems and returns the result.

True if location configuration subsystem is ready for service otherwise false.
use getServiceStatus()
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the object is in a usable state.

SERVICE_AVAILABLE - If location configurator is ready for service. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - If location configurator is temporarily unavailable. SERVICE_FAILED - If location configurator encountered an irrecoverable failure.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for location configuration subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when location configuration subsystem is ready.
The callback mechanism introduced in the LocationFactory::getLocationConfigurator() API will provide the similar notification mechanism as onSubsystemReady(). This API will soon be removed from further releases.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureCTunc ( bool  enable,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
float  timeUncertainty = DEFAULT_TUNC_THRESHOLD,
uint32_t  energyBudget = DEFAULT_TUNC_ENERGY_THRESHOLD 
pure virtual

This API enables or disables the constrained time uncertainty(C-TUNC) feature. When the vehicle is turned off this API helps to put constraint on the time uncertainty. For multiple invocations of this API, client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received before issuing a second configureCTunc command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureCTunc without waiting for the finish of the previous configureCTunc request.

[in]enable- true for enable C-TUNC feature and false for disable C-TUNC feature.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of enablement/disablement of C-TUNC.
[in]timeUncertainty- specifies the time uncertainty threshold that gps engine needs to maintain, in unit of milli-seconds. This parameter is ignored when the request is to disable this feature.
[in]energyBudget- specifies the power budget that the GPS engine is allowed to spend to maintain the time uncertainty, in the unit of 100 micro watt second. If the power exceeds the energyBudget then this API is disabled. This is a cumulative energy budget. This parameter is ignored when the request is to disable this feature.
Status of configureCTunc i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configurePACE ( bool  enable,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API enables or disables position assisted clock estimator feature. For multiple invocations of this API, client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received before issuing a second configurePACE command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configurePACE without waiting for the finish of the previous configurePACE request.

[in]enable- to enable/disable position assisted clock estimator feature.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of enablement/disablement of PACE.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::deleteAllAidingData ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

This API deletes all forms of aiding data from all position engines. This API deletes all assistance data used by GPS engine and force engine to do a cold start for next session. Invoking this API will trigger cold start of all position engines on the device and will cause significant delay for the position engines to produce next fix and may have other performance impact. So, this API should only be exercised with caution and only for very limited usage scenario, e.g.: for performance test and certification process.

[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of delete aiding data.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureLeverArm ( const LeverArmConfigInfo info,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API sets the lever arm parameters for the vehicle. LeverArm is sytem level parameters and it is not expected to change. So, it is needed to issue configureLeverArm once for every application processor boot-up. For multiple invocations of this API client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received before issuing a second configureLeverArm command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureLeverArm without waiting for the finish of the previous configureLeverArm request.

[in]info- lever arm configuration info regarding below three types of lever arm info: a: GNSS Antenna with respect to the origin at the IMU (inertial measurement unit) for DR engine b: GNSS Antenna with respect to the origin at the IMU (inertial measurement unit) for VEPP engine c: VRP (Vehicle Reference Point) with respect to the origin (at the GNSS Antenna). Vehicle manufacturers prefer the position output to be tied to a specific point in the vehicle rather than where the antenna is placed (midpoint of the rear axle is typical).
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configure lever arm.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureConstellations ( const SvBlackList list,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
bool  resetToDefault = false 
pure virtual

This API blacklists some constellations or subset of SVs from the constellation from being used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE). Supported constellations for this API are GLONASS, QZSS, BEIDOU, GALILEO and SBAS. For other constellations NOTSUPPORTED status will be returned. For SBAS, SVs are not used in positioning by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE) by default. Blacklisting SBAS SV only blocks SBAS data demodulation and will not disable SBAS cross-correlation detection algorithms as they are necessary for optimal GNSS standard position engine (SPE) performance. When resetToDefault is false then the list is expected to contain the constellations or SVs that should be blacklisted. An empty list could be specified to allow all constellations/SVs (i.e. none will be blacklisted) in determining the fix. When resetToDefault is set to true, the device will revert to the default list of SV/ constellations to be blacklisted. For multiple invocations of this API, client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received before issuing a second configureConstellations command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureConstellations without waiting for the finish of the previous configureConstellations request. This API call is not incremental and the new settings will completely overwrite the previous call.

[in]list- specify the set of constellations and SVs that should not be used by the GNSS engine on modem. Constellations and SVs not specified in blacklistedSvList could get used by the GNSS engine on modem.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configure constellations.
[in]resetToDefault- when set to true, the device will revert to the default list of SV/constellation to be blacklisted. When set to false, list will be inspected to determine what should be blacklisted.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureSecondaryBand ( const ConstellationSet set,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API configures the secondary band constellations used by the GNSS standard position engine. This API call is not incremental and the new settings will completely overwrite the previous call. The set specifies the supported constellations whose secondary band information should be disabled. The absence of a constellation in the set will result in the secondary band being enabled for that constellation. The modem has its own configuration in NV (persistent memory) about which constellation's secondary bands are allowed to be enabled. When a constellation is omitted when this API is invoked the secondary band for that constellation will only be enabled if the modem configuration allows it. If not allowed then this API would be a no-op for that constellation. Passing an empty set to this API will result in all constellations as allowed by the modem configuration to be enabled. For multiple invocations of this API, client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback recieved, before issuing a second configureSecondaryBand command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureSecondaryBand without waiting for the finish of the previous configureSecondaryBand request.

[in]set- specifies the set of constellations whose secondary bands need to be disabled.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configureSecondaryBand.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::requestSecondaryBandConfig ( GetSecondaryBandCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API retrieves the secondary band configurations for constellation used by the standard GNSS engine (SPE).

[in]cb- callback to retrieve secondary band information about constellations.
Status of requestSecondaryBandConfig i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureRobustLocation ( bool  enable,
bool  enableForE911 = false,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API enables/disables robust location 2.0 feature and enables/disables robust location while device is on E911. When this API is enabled it reports confidence of the GNSS spoofing by the getConformityIndex() API defined in the ILocationInfoEx class, which is a measure of robustness of the underlying navigation solution. It indicates how well the various input data considered for navigation solution conform to expectations. In the presence of detected spoofed inputs, the navigation solution may take corrective actions to mitigate the spoofed inputs and improve robustness of the solution.

[in]enable- true to enable robust location and false to disable robust location.
[in]enableForE911- true to enable robust location when the device is on E911 session and false to disable on E911 session. This parameter is only valid if robust location is enabled.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configure robust location.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::requestRobustLocation ( GetRobustLocationCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API retrieves the robust location 2.0 settings and version info used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE).

[in]cb- callback to retrieve robust location information.
Status of requestRobustLocation i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureMinGpsWeek ( uint16_t  minGpsWeek,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API configures the minimum GPS week used by the modem GNSS standard position engine (SPE). If this API is called while GNSS standard position engine(SPE) is in middle of a session, ResponseCallback will still be invoked shortly to indicate the setting has been accepted by SPE engine, however the actual setting can not be applied until the current session ends, and this may take up to 255 seconds in poor GPS signal condition. Client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received before issuing a second configureMinGpsWeek command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureMinGpsWeek without waiting for the previous configureMinGpsWeek to finish.

[in]minGpsWeek- minimum GPS week to be used by modem GNSS engine.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configure minimum GPS week.
Status of configureMinGpsWeek i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::requestMinGpsWeek ( GetMinGpsWeekCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API retrieves the minimum GPS week configuration used by the modem GNSS standard position engine (SPE). If this API is called right after configureMinGpsWeek, the returned setting may not match the one specified in configureMinGpsWeek, as the setting configured via configureMinGpsWeek can not be applied to the GNSS standard position engine(SPE) when the engine is in middle of a session. In poor GPS signal condition, the session may take up to 255 seconds to finish. If after 255 seconds of invoking configureMinGpsWeek, the returned value still does not match, then the caller need to reapply the setting by invoking configureMinGpsWeek again.

[in]cb- callback to retrieve the minimum gps week.
Status of requestMinGpsWeek i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureMinSVElevation ( uint8_t  minSVElevation,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API configures the minimum SV elevation angle setting used by the GNSS standard position engine. Configuring minimum SV elevation setting will not cause SPE to stop tracking low elevation SVs. It only controls the list of SVs that are used in the filtered position solution, so SVs with elevation below the setting will be excluded from use in the filtered position solution. Configuring this setting to large angle will cause more SVs to get filtered out in the filtered position solution and will have negative performance impact.

This setting does not impact the SV information and SV measurement reports retrieved from APIs such as IGnssSvINfo::getSVInfoList, ILocationListener::onGnssMeasurementsInfo.

To apply the setting, the GNSS standard position engine(SPE) will require GNSS measurement engine and position engine to be turned off briefly. This may cause glitch for on-going tracking session and may have other performance impact. So, it is advised to use this API with caution and only for very limited usage scenario, e.g.: for performance test and certification process and for one-time device configuration.

Client should wait for the command to finish, e.g.: via ResponseCallback received, before issuing a second configureMinElevation command. If this API is called while the GNSS Position Engine is in the middle of a session, ResponseCallback will still be invoked shortly to indicate the setting has been received by the SPE engine. However the actual setting can not be applied until the current session ends, and this may take up to 255 seconds in poor GPS signal condition.

[in]minSVElevation- minimum SV elevation to be used by GNSS standard position engine (SPE). Valid range is [0, 90] in unit of degree.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configure minimum SV Elevation angle.
Status of configureMinSVElevation i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::requestMinSVElevation ( GetMinSVElevationCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API retrieves the minimum SV Elevation configuration used by the modem GNSS SPE engine. If this API is invoked right after the configureMinSVElevation, the returned setting may not match the one specified in configureMinSVElevation, as the setting received via configureMinSVElevation might not have been applied yet as it takes time to apply the setting if the GNSS SPE engine has an on-going session. In poor GPS signal condition, the session may take up to 255 seconds to finish. If after 255 seconds of invoking configureMinSVElevation, the returned value still does not match, then the caller need to reapply the setting by invoking configureMinSVElevation again.

[in]cb- callback to retrieve the minimum SV elevation.
Status of requestMinSVElevation i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::deleteAidingData ( AidingData  aidingDataMask,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API deletes specified aiding data from all position engines on the device. For example, removing ephemeris data may trigger GNSS engine to do a warm start. Invoking this API may cause noticeable delay for the position engine to produce first fix and may have other performance impact. So, this API should only be exercised with caution and only for very limited usage scenario, e.g.: for performance test and certification process.

[in]aidingDataMask- specify the set of aiding data to be deleted from all position engines. Currently, only ephemeris deletion is supported.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of delete aiding data.
Status of deleteAidingData i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureDR ( const DREngineConfiguration config,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API configures various parameters for dead reckoning position engine. Clients should wait for the command to finish e.g.: via ResponseCallback to be received before issuing a second configureDR command. Behavior is not defined if client issues a second request of configureDR without waiting for the completion of the previous configureDR request.

[in]config- specify dead reckoning engine configuration.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configureDR.
Status of configureDR i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureEngineState ( const EngineType  engineType,
const LocationEngineRunState  engineState,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API is used to instruct the specified engine to be in the suspended/running state. When the engine is placed in suspended state, the engine will stop. If there is an on-going session, engine will no longer produce fixes. In the suspended state, calling API to delete aiding data from the paused engine may not have effect. Request to delete Aiding data shall be issued after engine resume.

Currently, only DR engine will support this request. The request to suspend/running DR engine can be made with or without an on-going session. With DR engine, on resume, GNSS position & heading re-acquisition may be needed for DR to engage.

[in]engineType- the engine that is instructed to change its run state.
[in]engineState- the new engine run state that the engine is instructed to be in.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configureEngineState.
Status of configureEngineState i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning ( bool  userConsent,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Clients can request Terrestrial Positioning using ILocationManager::getTerrestrialPosition. Terrestrial Positioning requires sending device data to the cloud to get the position. This functionality requires user consent. This API needs to be invoked to provide the user consent.

The consent will remain effective across power cycles, until this API is called with a different value.

[in]userConsent- true indicates user consents to sending device data to cloud, false indicates user does not consent.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning.
Status of provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationConfigurator::configureNmeaTypes ( const NmeaSentenceConfig  nmeaType,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API is used to configure the NMEA sentence types that clients will receive via ILocationManager::startDetailedReports or ILocationManager::startDetailedEngineReports. Without prior invocation to this API, all NMEA sentences supported in the system will get generated and delivered to all the clients that register to receive NMEA sentences. The NMEA sentence type configuration is common across all clients and updating it will affect all clients. This API call is not incremental and the new NMEA sentence types will completely overwrite the previous call to this API.

[in]nmeaType- specify the set of NMEA sentences
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of configureNmeaTypes.
Status of configureNmeaTypes i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
struct telux::loc::GnssKinematicsData

Specifies kinematics related information related to device body frame parameters.

Data Fields
KinematicDataValidity bodyFrameDataMask

Contains Body frame data valid bits.

float longAccel

Forward Acceleration in body frame (meters/second^2)

float latAccel

Sideward Acceleration in body frame (meters/second^2)

float vertAccel

Vertical Acceleration in body frame (meters/second^2)

float yawRate

Heading Rate (Radians/second)

float pitch

Body pitch (Radians)

float longAccelUnc

Uncertainty of Forward Acceleration in body frame (meters/second^2) Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float latAccelUnc

Uncertainty of Side-ward Acceleration in body frame meters/second^2) Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float vertAccelUnc

Uncertainty of Vertical Acceleration in body frame (meters/second^2) Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float yawRateUnc

Uncertainty of Heading Rate (Radians/second) Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float pitchUnc

Uncertainty of Body pitch (Radians) Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float pitchRate

Body pitch rate, in unit of radians/second.

float pitchRateUnc

Uncertainty of pitch rate, in unit of radians/second. Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float roll

Roll of body frame, clockwise is positive, in unit of radian.

float rollUnc

Uncertainty of roll, in unit of radian. Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float rollRate

Roll rate of body frame, clockwise is positive, in unit of radian/second.

float rollRateUnc

Uncertainty of roll rate, in unit of radian/second. Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

float yaw

Yaw of body frame, clockwise is positive, in unit of radian.

float yawUnc

Uncertainty of yaw, in unit of radian. Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

struct telux::loc::LLAInfo

The location info is calculated according to the vehicle's GNSS antenna where as Vehicle Reference Point(VRP) refers to a point on the vehicle where the display of the car sits. The VRP based info is calculated by adding that extra difference between GNSS antenna and the VRP on the top where the location info is recieved. The VRP parameters can be configured through ILocationConfigurator::configureLeverArm. LLAInfo specifies latitude, longitude and altitude info of location for VRP-based.

Data Fields
double latitude

Latitude, in unit of degrees, range [-90.0, 90.0].

double longitude

Longitude, in unit of degrees, range [-180.0, 180.0].

float altitude

Altitude above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid, in unit of meters.

struct telux::loc::TimeInfo

Specify non-Glonass Gnss system time info.

Data Fields
GnssTimeValidity validityMask

Validity mask for below fields

uint16_t systemWeek

Extended week number at reference tick. Unit: Week. Set to 65535 if week number is unknown. For GPS: Calculated from midnight, Jan. 6, 1980. OTA decoded 10 bit GPS week is extended to map between: [NV6264 to (NV6264 + 1023)]. For BDS: Calculated from 00:00:00 on January 1, 2006 of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For GAL: Calculated from 00:00 UT on Sunday August 22, 1999 (midnight between August 21 and August 22).

uint32_t systemMsec

Time in to the current week at reference tick. Unit: Millisecond. Range: 0 to 604799999.

float systemClkTimeBias

System clock time bias Units: Millisecond Note: System time (TOW Millisecond) = systemMsec - systemClkTimeBias.

float systemClkTimeUncMs

Single sided maximum time bias uncertainty Units: Millisecond

uint32_t refFCount

FCount (free running HW timer) value. Don't use for relative time purpose due to possible discontinuities. Unit: Millisecond

uint32_t numClockResets

Number of clock resets/discontinuities detected, affecting the local hardware counter value.

struct telux::loc::GlonassTimeInfo

Specifies Glonass system time info.

Data Fields
uint16_t gloDays

GLONASS day number in four years. Refer to GLONASS ICD. Applicable only for GLONASS and shall be ignored for other constellations. If unknown shall be set to 65535

TimeValidity validityMask

Validity mask for GlonassTimeInfo fields

uint32_t gloMsec

GLONASS time of day in Millisecond. Refer to GLONASS ICD. Units: Millisecond.

float gloClkTimeBias

GLONASS clock time bias. Units: Millisecond Note: GLO time (TOD Millisecond) = gloMsec - gloClkTimeBias. Check for gloClkTimeUncMs before use.

float gloClkTimeUncMs

Single sided maximum time bias uncertainty Units: Millisecond

uint32_t refFCount

FCount (free running HW timer) value. Don't use for relative time purpose due to possible discontinuities. Unit: Millisecond

uint32_t numClockResets

Number of clock resets/discontinuities detected, affecting the local hardware counter value.

uint8_t gloFourYear

GLONASS four year number from 1996. Refer to GLONASS ICD. Applicable only for GLONASS and shall be ignored for other constellations.

union telux::loc::SystemTimeInfo

Union to hold GNSS system time from different constellations in SystemTime.

Data Fields
TimeInfo gps

System time info from GPS constellation.

TimeInfo gal

System time info from GALILEO constellation.

TimeInfo bds

System time info from BEIDOU constellation.

TimeInfo qzss

System time info from QZSS constellation.

GlonassTimeInfo glo

System time info from GLONASS constellation.

TimeInfo navic

System time info from NAVIC constellation.

struct telux::loc::SystemTime

GNSS system time in ILocationInfoEx.

Data Fields
GnssSystem gnssSystemTimeSrc

Specify the source constellation for GNSS system time.

SystemTimeInfo time

Specify the GNSS system time corresponding to the source.

struct telux::loc::GnssMeasurementInfo

Specify the satellite vehicle measurements that are used to calculate location in ILocationInfoEx.

Data Fields
GnssSignal gnssSignalType

GnssSignalType mask

GnssSystem gnssConstellation

Specifies GNSS Constellation Type

uint16_t gnssSvId

GNSS SV ID. For GPS: 1 to 32. For GLONASS: [65, 96] or [97, 110]. [65, 96] if orbital slot number(OSN) is known. [97, 110] as frequency channel number(FCN) [-7, 6] plus 104. i.e. encode FCN (-7) as 97, FCN (0) as 104, FCN (6) as 110. For SBAS: 120 to 158 and 183 to 191. For QZSS: 193 to 197. For BDS: 201 to 263. For GAL: 301 to 336. For NAVIC: 401 to 414.

struct telux::loc::SvUsedInPosition

Specify the set of SVs that are used to calculate location in ILocationInfoEx.

Data Fields
uint64_t gps

Specify the set of SVs from GPS constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 31 corresponds to GPS SV id 1 to 32.

uint64_t glo

Specify the set of SVs from GLONASS constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 31 corresponds to GLO SV id 65 to 96.

uint64_t gal

Specify the set of SVs from GALILEO constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 35 corresponds to GAL SV id 301 to 336.

uint64_t bds

Specify the set of SVs from BEIDOU constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 62 corresponds to BDS SV id 201 to 263.

uint64_t qzss

Specify the set of SVs from QZSS constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 4 corresponds to QZSS SV id 193 to 197.

uint64_t navic

Specify the set of SVs from NAVIC constellation that are used to compute the position. Bit 0 to Bit 13 corresponds to NAVIC SV id 401 to 414.

struct telux::loc::GnssData

Specify the additional GNSS data that can be provided during a tracking session, currently jammer and automatic gain control data are available.

Data Fields
GnssDataValidity gnssDataMask[GnssDataSignalTypes::GNSS_DATA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SIGNAL_TYPES]

bitwise OR of GnssDataValidityType

double jammerInd[GnssDataSignalTypes::GNSS_DATA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SIGNAL_TYPES]

Jammer Indication for each signal type. Each index represents the signal type in GnssDataSignalTypes.

double agc[GnssDataSignalTypes::GNSS_DATA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SIGNAL_TYPES]

Automatic gain control for each signal type. Each index corresponds to the signal type in GnssDataSignalTypes.

struct telux::loc::SvBlackListInfo

Specify parameters related to enable/disable SVs

Data Fields
GnssConstellationType constellation

constellation for the sv

uint32_t svId

sv id for the constellation: 0 means blacklist for all SVIds of a given constellation type GLONASS SV id range: 65 to 96 QZSS SV id range: 193 to 197 BDS SV id range: 201 to 237 GAL SV id range: 301 to 336 SBAS SV id range: 120 to 158 and 183 to 191

struct telux::loc::LeverArmParams

Specify parameters related to lever arm

Data Fields
float forwardOffset

Offset along the vehicle forward axis, in unit of meters

float sidewaysOffset

Offset along the vehicle starboard axis, in unit of meters

float upOffset

Offset along the vehicle up axis, in unit of meters

struct telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsData

Specify the signal measurement information such as satellite vehicle pseudo range, satellite vehicle time, carrier phase measurement etc. from GNSS positioning engine.

Data Fields
GnssMeasurementsDataValidity valid

Bitwise OR of GnssMeasurementsDataValidityType to specify the valid fields in GnssMeasurementsData.

int16_t svId

Specify satellite vehicle ID number.

GnssConstellationType svType

SV constellation type.

double timeOffsetNs

Time offset when the measurement was taken, in unit of nanoseconds.

GnssMeasurementsStateValidity stateMask

Bitwise OR of GnssMeasurementsStateValidityType to specify the GNSS measurement state.

int64_t receivedSvTimeNs

Received GNSS time of the week in nanoseconds when the measurement was taken.

int64_t receivedSvTimeUncertaintyNs

Satellite time. All SV times in the current measurement block are already propagated to a common reference time epoch, in unit of nano seconds.

double carrierToNoiseDbHz

Signal strength, carrier to noise ratio, in unit of dB-Hz.

double pseudorangeRateMps

Uncorrected pseudorange rate, in unit of metres/second.

double pseudorangeRateUncertaintyMps

Uncorrected pseudorange rate uncertainty, in unit of meters/second.

GnssMeasurementsAdrStateValidity adrStateMask

Bitwise OR of GnssMeasurementsAdrStateValidityType.

double adrMeters

Accumulated delta range, in unit of meters.

double adrUncertaintyMeters

Accumulated delta range uncertainty, in unit of meters.

float carrierFrequencyHz

Carrier frequency of the tracked signal, in unit of Hertz.

int64_t carrierCycles

The number of full carrier cycles between the receiver and the satellite.

double carrierPhase

The RF carrier phase that the receiver has detected.

double carrierPhaseUncertainty

The RF carrier phase uncertainty.

GnssMeasurementsMultipathIndicator multipathIndicator

Multipath indicator, could be unknown, present or not present.

double signalToNoiseRatioDb

Signal to noise ratio, in unit of dB.

double agcLevelDb

Automatic gain control level, in unit of dB.

struct telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsClock

Specify GNSS measurements clock. The main equation describing the relationship between various components is: utcTimeNs = timeNs - (fullBiasNs + biasNs) - leapSecond * 1,000,000,000

Data Fields
GnssMeasurementsClockValidity valid

Bitwise OR of GnssMeasurementsClockValidityType.

int16_t leapSecond

Leap second, in unit of seconds.

int64_t timeNs

Time, monotonically increasing as long as the power is on, in unit of nanoseconds.

double timeUncertaintyNs

Time uncertainty (one sigma), in unit of nanoseconds.

int64_t fullBiasNs

Full bias, in uint of nanoseconds.

double biasNs

Sub-nanoseconds bias, in unit of nonoseconds.

double biasUncertaintyNs

Bias uncertainty (one sigma), in unit of nanoseconds.

double driftNsps

Clock drift, in unit of nanoseconds/second.

double driftUncertaintyNsps

Clock drift uncertainty (one sigma), in unit of nanoseconds/second.

uint32_t hwClockDiscontinuityCount

HW clock discontinuity count - incremented for each discontinuity in HW clock.

struct telux::loc::GnssMeasurements

Specify GNSS measurements clock and data. GnssMeasurementInfo is used to convey the satellite vehicle info whose measurements are actually used to generate the current position report. While GnssMeasurements contains the satellite measurements that device observed during tracking session, regardless the measurement is used or not used to compute the fix. Furthermore GnssMeasurements contains much richer set of information which can enable other third party engines to utilize the measurements and compute the position by itself.

Data Fields
GnssMeasurementsClock clock

GNSS measurements clock info.

vector< GnssMeasurementsData > measurements

GNSS measurements data.

struct telux::loc::LeapSecondChangeInfo

Specify leap second change event info.

Data Fields
TimeInfo timeInfo

GPS timestamp that corrresponds to the last known leap second change event. The info can be available on two scenario: 1: This leap second change event has been scheduled and yet to happen 2: This leap second change event has already happened and next leap second change event has not yet been scheduled.

uint8_t leapSecondsBeforeChange

Number of leap seconds prior to the leap second change event that corresponds to the timestamp at timeInfo.

uint8_t leapSecondsAfterChange

Number of leap seconds after the leap second change event that corresponds to the timestamp at timeInfo.

struct telux::loc::LeapSecondInfo

Specify leap second info, including current leap second and leap second change event info if available.

Data Fields
LeapSecondInfoValidity valid

Validity of LeapSecondInfo fields.

uint8_t current

Current leap seconds, in unit of seconds. This info will only be available only if the leap second change info is not available.

LeapSecondChangeInfo info

Leap second change event info. The info can be available on two scenario: 1: this leap second change event has been scheduled and yet to happen 2: this leap second change event has already happened and next leap second change event has not yet been scheduled. If leap second change info is available, to figure out the current leap second info, compare current gps time with LeapSecondChangeInfo::timeInfo to know whether to choose leapSecondBefore or leapSecondAfter as current leap second.

struct telux::loc::LocationSystemInfo

Specify location system information.

Data Fields
LocationSystemInfoValidity valid

validity of LocationSystemInfo::info

LeapSecondInfo info

Current leap second and leap second info.

struct telux::loc::GnssEnergyConsumedInfo

Specify the info regarding energy consumed by GNSS engine.

Data Fields
GnssEnergyConsumedInfoValidity valid

Bitwise OR of GnssEnergyConsumedInfoValidityType to specify the valid fields in GnssEnergyConsumedInfo.

uint64_t energySinceFirstBoot

Energy consumed by the modem GNSS engine since device first ever bootup, in unit of 0.1 milli watt seconds. For an invalid reading, INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMED is returned.

struct telux::loc::RobustLocationVersion

Specify the versioning info of robust location module for the GNSS standard position engine (SPE).

Data Fields
uint8_t major

Major version number.

uint16_t minor

Minor version number.

struct telux::loc::RobustLocationConfiguration

Specify the robust location configuration used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE)

Data Fields
RobustLocationConfig validMask

Validity mask

bool enabled

Specify whether robust location feature is enabled or not.

bool enabledForE911

Specify whether robust location feature is enabled or not when device is on E911 call.

RobustLocationVersion version

Specify the version info of robust location module used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE).

struct telux::loc::BodyToSensorMountParams

Specify vehicle body-to-Sensor mount parameters for use by dead reckoning positioning engine.

Data Fields
float rollOffset

The misalignment of the sensor board along the horizontal plane of the vehicle chassis measured looking from the vehicle to forward direction. In unit of degrees. Range: [-180.0, 180.0].

float yawOffset

The misalignment along the horizontal plane of the vehicle chassis measured looking from the vehicle to the right side. Positive pitch indicates vehicle is inclined such that forward wheels are at higher elevation than rear wheels. In unit of degrees. Range: [-180.0, 180.0].

float pitchOffset

The angle between the vehicle forward direction and the sensor axis as seen from the top of the vehicle, and measured in counterclockwise direction. In unit of degrees. Range: [-180.0, 180.0].

float offsetUnc

Single uncertainty number that may be the largest of the uncertainties for roll offset, pitch offset and yaw offset. In unit of degrees. Range: [-180.0, 180.0].

struct telux::loc::DREngineConfiguration

Specify the dead reckoning engine configuration parameters.

Data Fields
DRConfigValidity validMask

Specify the valid fields.

BodyToSensorMountParams mountParam

Body to sensor mount parameters used by dead reckoning positioning engine.

float speedFactor

Vehicle Speed Scale Factor configuration input for the dead reckoning positioning engine. The multiplicative scale factor is applied to the received Vehicle Speed value (in meter/second) to obtain the true Vehicle Speed. Range is [0.9 to 1.1]. Note: The scale factor is specific to a given vehicle make & model.

float speedFactorUnc

Vehicle Speed Scale Factor Uncertainty (68% confidence) configuration input for the dead reckoning positioning engine. Range is [0.0 to 0.1]. Note: The scale factor uncertainty is specific to a given vehicle make & model.

float gyroFactor

Gyroscope Scale Factor configuration input for the dead reckoning positioning engine. The multiplicative scale factor is applied to received gyroscope value to obtain the true value. Range is [0.9 to 1.1]. Note: The scale factor is specific to the Gyroscope sensor and typically derived from either sensor data-sheet or from actual calibration.

float gyroFactorUnc

Gyroscope Scale Factor uncertainty (68% confidence) configuration input for the dead reckoning positioning engine. Range is [0.0 to 0.1]. Note: The scale factor uncertainty is specific to the Gyroscope sensor and typically derived from either sensor data-sheet or from actual calibration.

class telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase

ILocationInfoBase provides interface to get basic position related information like latitude, longitude, altitude, timestamp.

Public Member Functions

virtual LocationInfoValidity getLocationInfoValidity ()=0
virtual LocationTechnology getTechMask ()=0
virtual float getSpeed ()=0
virtual double getLatitude ()=0
virtual double getLongitude ()=0
virtual double getAltitude ()=0
virtual float getHeading ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalUncertainty ()=0
virtual float getVerticalUncertainty ()=0
virtual uint64_t getTimeStamp ()=0
virtual float getSpeedUncertainty ()=0
virtual float getHeadingUncertainty ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual LocationInfoValidity telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getLocationInfoValidity ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves the validity of the Location basic Info.

Location basic validity mask.
virtual LocationTechnology telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getTechMask ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves technology used in computing this fix.

Location technology mask.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getSpeed ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves Speed.

speed in meters per second.
virtual double telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getLatitude ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves latitude. Positive and negative values indicate northern and southern latitude respectively

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: -90.0 to 90.0
Latitude if available else returns NaN.
virtual double telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getLongitude ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves longitude. Positive and negative values indicate eastern and western longitude respectively

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: -180.0 to 180.0
Longitude if available else returns NaN.
virtual double telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getAltitude ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves altitude above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid.

  • Units: Meters
Altitude if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getHeading ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves heading/bearing.

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: 0 to 359.999
Heading if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getHorizontalUncertainty ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves the horizontal uncertainty.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
Horizontal uncertainty.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getVerticalUncertainty ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves the vertical uncertainty.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
Vertical uncertainty if available else returns NaN.
virtual uint64_t telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getTimeStamp ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves UTC timeInfo for the location fix.

  • Units: Milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
TimeStamp in milliseconds if available else returns UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP which is zero(as UTC timeStamp has elapsed since January 1, 1970, it cannot be 0)
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getSpeedUncertainty ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves 3-D speed uncertainty/accuracy.

  • Units: Meters per Second Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
Speed uncertainty if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase::getHeadingUncertainty ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves heading uncertainty.

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: 0 to 359.999 Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
Heading uncertainty if available else returns NaN.
class telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx

ILocationInfoEx provides interface to get richer position related information like latitude, longitude, altitude and other information like time stamp, session status, dop, reliabilities, uncertainities etc.

Public Member Functions

virtual LocationInfoExValidity getLocationInfoExValidity ()=0
virtual float getAltitudeMeanSeaLevel ()=0
virtual float getPositionDop ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalDop ()=0
virtual float getVerticalDop ()=0
virtual float getGeometricDop ()=0
virtual float getTimeDop ()=0
virtual float getMagneticDeviation ()=0
virtual LocationReliability getHorizontalReliability ()=0
virtual LocationReliability getVerticalReliability ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalUncertaintySemiMajor ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalUncertaintySemiMinor ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalUncertaintyAzimuth ()=0
virtual float getEastStandardDeviation ()=0
virtual float getNorthStandardDeviation ()=0
virtual uint16_t getNumSvUsed ()=0
virtual SvUsedInPosition getSvUsedInPosition ()=0
virtual void getSVIds (std::vector< uint16_t > &idsOfUsedSVs)=0
virtual SbasCorrection getSbasCorrection ()=0
virtual GnssPositionTech getPositionTechnology ()=0
virtual GnssKinematicsData getBodyFrameData ()=0
virtual std::vector< GnssMeasurementInfogetmeasUsageInfo ()=0
virtual SystemTime getGnssSystemTime ()=0
virtual float getTimeUncMs ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status getLeapSeconds (uint8_t &leapSeconds)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getVelocityEastNorthUp (std::vector< float > &velocityEastNorthUp)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getVelocityUncertaintyEastNorthUp (std::vector< float > &velocityUncertaintyEastNorthUp)=0
virtual uint8_t getCalibrationConfidencePercent ()=0
virtual DrCalibrationStatus getCalibrationStatus ()=0
virtual LocationAggregationType getLocOutputEngType ()=0
virtual PositioningEngine getLocOutputEngMask ()=0
virtual float getConformityIndex ()=0
virtual LLAInfo getVRPBasedLLA ()=0
virtual std::vector< float > getVRPBasedENUVelocity ()=0
virtual AltitudeType getAltitudeType ()=0
virtual ReportStatus getReportStatus ()=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from telux::loc::ILocationInfoBase
virtual LocationInfoValidity getLocationInfoValidity ()=0
virtual LocationTechnology getTechMask ()=0
virtual float getSpeed ()=0
virtual double getLatitude ()=0
virtual double getLongitude ()=0
virtual double getAltitude ()=0
virtual float getHeading ()=0
virtual float getHorizontalUncertainty ()=0
virtual float getVerticalUncertainty ()=0
virtual uint64_t getTimeStamp ()=0
virtual float getSpeedUncertainty ()=0
virtual float getHeadingUncertainty ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual LocationInfoExValidity telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getLocationInfoExValidity ( )
pure virtual

Retrives the validity of the location info ex. It provides the validity of various information like dop, reliabilities, uncertainities etc.

Location ex validity mask
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getAltitudeMeanSeaLevel ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves the altitude with respect to mean sea level.

  • Units: Meters
Altitude with respect to mean sea level if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getPositionDop ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves position dilution of precision.

Position dilution of precision if available else returns NaN. Range: 1 (highest accuracy) to 50 (lowest accuracy)
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getHorizontalDop ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves horizontal dilution of precision.

Horizontal dilution of precision if available else returns NaN. Range: 1 (highest accuracy) to 50 (lowest accuracy)
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVerticalDop ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves vertical dilution of precision.

Vertical dilution of precision if available else returns NaN Range: 1 (highest accuracy) to 50 (lowest accuracy)
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getGeometricDop ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves geometric dilution of precision.

geometric dilution of precision.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getTimeDop ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves time dilution of precision.

Time dilution of precision.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getMagneticDeviation ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves the difference between the bearing to true north and the bearing shown on magnetic compass. The deviation is positive when the magnetic north is east of true north.

  • Units: Degrees
Magnetic Deviation if available else returns NaN
virtual LocationReliability telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getHorizontalReliability ( )
pure virtual

Specifies the reliability of the horizontal position.

LocationReliability of the horizontal position if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual LocationReliability telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVerticalReliability ( )
pure virtual

Specifies the reliability of the vertical position.

LocationReliability of the vertical position if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getHorizontalUncertaintySemiMajor ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves semi-major axis of horizontal elliptical uncertainty.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 39% confidence level.
Semi-major horizontal elliptical uncertainty if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getHorizontalUncertaintySemiMinor ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves semi-minor axis of horizontal elliptical uncertainty.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 39% confidence level.
Semi-minor horizontal elliptical uncertainty if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getHorizontalUncertaintyAzimuth ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves elliptical horizontal uncertainty azimuth of orientation.

  • Units: Decimal degrees
  • Range: 0 to 180 Confidence for uncertainty is not specified.
Elliptical horizontal uncertainty azimuth of orientation if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getEastStandardDeviation ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves east standard deviation.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
East Standard Deviation.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getNorthStandardDeviation ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves north standard deviation.

  • Units: Meters Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.
North Standard Deviation.
virtual uint16_t telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getNumSvUsed ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves number of satellite vehicles used in position report.

number of Sv used.
virtual SvUsedInPosition telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getSvUsedInPosition ( )
pure virtual

Retrives the set of satellite vehicles that are used to calculate position.

set of satellite vehicles for different constellations.
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getSVIds ( std::vector< uint16_t > &  idsOfUsedSVs)
pure virtual

Retrieves GNSS Satellite Vehicles used in position data.

[out]idsOfUsedSVsVector of Satellite Vehicle identifiers.
virtual SbasCorrection telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getSbasCorrection ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves navigation solution mask used to indicate SBAS corrections.

- SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) Correction mask used.
virtual GnssPositionTech telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getPositionTechnology ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves position technology mask used to indicate which technology is used.

- Position technology used in computing this fix.
virtual GnssKinematicsData telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getBodyFrameData ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves position related information.

virtual std::vector<GnssMeasurementInfo> telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getmeasUsageInfo ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves gnss measurement usage info.

virtual SystemTime telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getGnssSystemTime ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves type of gnss system.

- Type of Gnss System.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getTimeUncMs ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves time uncertainity. For PVT report from SPE engine, confidence level is at 99%. For PVT reports from other engines, confidence level is undefined.

- Time uncertainty in milliseconds.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getLeapSeconds ( uint8_t &  leapSeconds)
pure virtual

Retrieves leap seconds if available.

[out]leapSeconds- leap seconds
  • Units: Seconds
Status of leap seconds.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVelocityEastNorthUp ( std::vector< float > &  velocityEastNorthUp)
pure virtual

Retrieves east, North, Up velocity if available.

[out]velocityEastNorthUp- east, North, Up velocity
  • Units: Meters/second
Status of availability of east, North, Up velocity.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVelocityUncertaintyEastNorthUp ( std::vector< float > &  velocityUncertaintyEastNorthUp)
pure virtual

Retrieves east, North, Up velocity uncertainty if available. Uncertainty is defined with 68% confidence level.

[out]velocityUncertaintyEastNorthUp- east, North, Up velocity uncertainty
  • Units: Meters/second
Status of availability of east, North, Up velocity uncertainty.
virtual uint8_t telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getCalibrationConfidencePercent ( )
pure virtual

Sensor calibration confidence percent, range [0, 100].

the percentage of calibration taking all the parameters into account.
virtual DrCalibrationStatus telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getCalibrationStatus ( )
pure virtual

Sensor calibration status.

mask indicating the calibration status with respect to different parameters.
virtual LocationAggregationType telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getLocOutputEngType ( )
pure virtual

Location engine type. When the type is set to LOC_ENGINE_SRC_FUSED, the fix is the propagated/aggregated reports from all engines running on the system (e.g.: DR/SPE/PPE) based QTI algorithm. To check which location engine contributes to the fused output, check for locOutputEngMask.

the type of engine that was used for calculating the position fix.
virtual PositioningEngine telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getLocOutputEngMask ( )
pure virtual

When loc output eng type is set to fused, this field indicates the set of engines contribute to the fix.

the combination of position engines used in calculating the position report when the loc output end type is set to fused.
virtual float telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getConformityIndex ( )
pure virtual

When robust location is enabled, this field will indicate how well the various input data considered for navigation solution conforms to expectations.

values in the range [0.0, 1.0], with 0.0 for least conforming and 1.0 for most conforming.
virtual LLAInfo telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVRPBasedLLA ( )
pure virtual

Vehicle Reference Point(VRP) based latitude, longitude and altitude information.

virtual std::vector<float> telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getVRPBasedENUVelocity ( )
pure virtual

VRP-based east, north and up velocity information.

- vector of directional velocities in this order {east velocity, north velocity, up velocity}
virtual AltitudeType telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getAltitudeType ( )
pure virtual

Determination of altitude is assumed or calculated. ASSUMED means there may not be enough satellites to determine the precise altitude.

altitude type ASSUMED/CALCULATED or if not avalilable then UNKNOWN.
virtual ReportStatus telux::loc::ILocationInfoEx::getReportStatus ( )
pure virtual

Indicates the status of this report in terms of how optimally the report was calculated by the engine.

Status of the report. Returns ReportStatus::UNKNOWN if status is unavailable.
class telux::loc::ISVInfo

ISVInfo provides interface to retrieve information about Satellite Vehicles, their position and health status.

Public Member Functions

virtual GnssConstellationType getConstellation ()=0
virtual uint16_t getId ()=0
virtual SVHealthStatus getSVHealthStatus ()=0
virtual SVStatus getStatus ()=0
virtual SVInfoAvailability getHasEphemeris ()=0
virtual SVInfoAvailability getHasAlmanac ()=0
virtual SVInfoAvailability getHasFix ()=0
virtual float getElevation ()=0
virtual float getAzimuth ()=0
virtual float getSnr ()=0
virtual float getCarrierFrequency ()=0
virtual GnssSignal getSignalType ()=0
virtual uint16_t getGlonassFcn ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual GnssConstellationType telux::loc::ISVInfo::getConstellation ( )
pure virtual

Indicates to which constellation this satellite vehicle belongs.

GnssConstellationType if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual uint16_t telux::loc::ISVInfo::getId ( )
pure virtual

GNSS satellite vehicle ID. SV id range of each supported constellations mentioned in GnssMeasurementInfo.

Identifier of the satellite vehicle otherwise 0(as 0 is not an ID for any of the SVs)
virtual SVHealthStatus telux::loc::ISVInfo::getSVHealthStatus ( )
pure virtual

Health status of satellite vehicle.

HealthStatus of Satellite Vehicle if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual SVStatus telux::loc::ISVInfo::getStatus ( )
pure virtual

Status of satellite vehicle.

This API is work-in-progress and is subject to change.
Satellite Vehicle Status if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual SVInfoAvailability telux::loc::ISVInfo::getHasEphemeris ( )
pure virtual

Indicates whether ephemeris information(which allows the receiver to calculate the satellite's position) is available.

SVInfoAvailability if Ephemeris exists or not else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual SVInfoAvailability telux::loc::ISVInfo::getHasAlmanac ( )
pure virtual

Indicates whether almanac information(which allows receivers to know which satellites are available for tracking) is available.

SVInfoAvailability if almanac exists or not else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual SVInfoAvailability telux::loc::ISVInfo::getHasFix ( )
pure virtual

Indicates whether the satellite is used in computing the fix.

SVInfoAvailability, if satellite used or not else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual float telux::loc::ISVInfo::getElevation ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves satellite vehicle elevation angle.

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: 0 to 90
Elevation if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ISVInfo::getAzimuth ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves satellite vehicle azimuth angle.

  • Units: Degrees
  • Range: 0 to 360
Azimuth if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ISVInfo::getSnr ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves satellite vehicle signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Units: dB-Hz
SNR if available else returns NaN.
virtual float telux::loc::ISVInfo::getCarrierFrequency ( )
pure virtual

Indicates the carrier frequency of the signal tracked.

carrier frequency in Hz else returns UNKNOWN_CARRIER_FREQ frequency when not supported.
virtual GnssSignal telux::loc::ISVInfo::getSignalType ( )
pure virtual

Indicates the validity for different types of signal for gps, galileo, beidou etc.

signalType mask else return UNKNOWN_SIGNAL_MASK when not supported.
virtual uint16_t telux::loc::ISVInfo::getGlonassFcn ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves GLONASS frequency channel number in the range [1, 14] which is calculated as FCN [-7, 6] + 8.

GLONASS frequency channel number.
class telux::loc::IGnssSVInfo

IGnssSVInfo provides interface to retrieve the list of SV info available and whether altitude is assumed or calculated.

Public Member Functions

virtual AltitudeType getAltitudeType ()=0
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ISVInfo > > getSVInfoList ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual AltitudeType telux::loc::IGnssSVInfo::getAltitudeType ( )
pure virtual

Indicates whether altitude is assumed or calculated.

AltitudeType if available else returns UNKNOWN.
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ISVInfo> > telux::loc::IGnssSVInfo::getSVInfoList ( )
pure virtual

Pointer to satellite vehicles information for all GNSS constellations except GPS.

Vector of pointer of ISVInfo object if available else returns empty vector.
class telux::loc::IGnssSignalInfo

IGnssSignalInfo provides interface to retrieve GNSS data information like jammer metrics and automatic gain control for satellite signal type.

Public Member Functions

virtual GnssData getGnssData ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual GnssData telux::loc::IGnssSignalInfo::getGnssData ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves jammer metric and Automatic Gain Control(AGC) corresponding to signal types.Jammer metric is linearly proportional to the sum of jammer and noise power at the GNSS antenna port.

List of jammer metric and a list of automatic gain control for signal type.
class telux::loc::LocationFactory

LocationFactory allows creation of location manager.

Public Member Functions

std::shared_ptr< ILocationManagergetLocationManager (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< ILocationConfiguratorgetLocationConfigurator (telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)
std::shared_ptr< IDgnssManagergetDgnssManager (DgnssDataFormat dataFormat=DgnssDataFormat::DATA_FORMAT_RTCM_3, telux::common::InitResponseCb callback=nullptr)

Static Public Member Functions

static LocationFactorygetInstance ()

Member Function Documentation

static LocationFactory& telux::loc::LocationFactory::getInstance ( )

Get Location Factory instance.

std::shared_ptr<ILocationManager> telux::loc::LocationFactory::getLocationManager ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)

Get instance of Location Manager

[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response of the manager initialization.
Pointer of ILocationManager object.
std::shared_ptr<ILocationConfigurator> telux::loc::LocationFactory::getLocationConfigurator ( telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr)

Get instance of Location Configurator.

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of ILocationConfigurator object.
std::shared_ptr<IDgnssManager> telux::loc::LocationFactory::getDgnssManager ( DgnssDataFormat  dataFormat = DgnssDataFormat::DATA_FORMAT_RTCM_3,
telux::common::InitResponseCb  callback = nullptr 

Get instance of Dgnss manager

[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response of the manager initialisation.
Pointer of IDgnssManager object.
class telux::loc::ILocationListener

Listener class for getting location updates and satellite vehicle information.

The methods in listener can be invoked from multiple different threads. Client needs to make sure that implementation is thread-safe.

Public Member Functions

virtual void onBasicLocationUpdate (const std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoBase > &locationInfo)
virtual void onDetailedLocationUpdate (const std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoEx > &locationInfo)
virtual void onDetailedEngineLocationUpdate (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoEx > > &locationEngineInfo)
virtual void onGnssSVInfo (const std::shared_ptr< IGnssSVInfo > &gnssSVInfo)
virtual void onGnssSignalInfo (const std::shared_ptr< IGnssSignalInfo > &info)
virtual void onGnssNmeaInfo (uint64_t timestamp, const std::string &nmea)
virtual void onGnssMeasurementsInfo (const telux::loc::GnssMeasurements &measurementInfo)
virtual ~ILocationListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::ILocationListener::~ILocationListener ( )

Destructor of ILocationListener

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onBasicLocationUpdate ( const std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoBase > &  locationInfo)

This function is called when device receives location update. When there are multiple engines running on the system, the received location information is fused report from all engines.

[in]locationInfo- Location information like latitude, longitude, timeInfo other information such as heading, altitude and velocity etc.
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onDetailedLocationUpdate ( const std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoEx > &  locationInfo)

This function is called when device receives Gnss location update. When there are multiple engines running on the system, the received location information is fused report from all engines.

[in]locationInfo- Contains richer set of location information like latitude, longitude, timeInfo, heading, altitude, velocity and other information such as deviations, elliptical accuracies etc.
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onDetailedEngineLocationUpdate ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoEx > > &  locationEngineInfo)

This function is called when device receives multiple Gnss location update from the different engine types requested, which are SPE/PPE/FUSED. This API will be called ONLY if we use startDetailedEngineReports.

[in]locationInfo- Contains a list of location infos. Each element in the list corresponds to one of SPE/PPE/FUSED.
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssSVInfo ( const std::shared_ptr< IGnssSVInfo > &  gnssSVInfo)

This function is called when device receives GNSS satellite information.

[in]gnssSVInfo- GNSS satellite information
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssSignalInfo ( const std::shared_ptr< IGnssSignalInfo > &  info)

This function is called when device receives GNSS data information like jammer metrics and automatic gain control for satellite signal type.

[in]info- GNSS signal info
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssNmeaInfo ( uint64_t  timestamp,
const std::string &  nmea 

This function is called when device receives GNSS NMEA sentences.

[in]timestamp- Timestamp
[in]nmea- Nmea sentence
virtual void telux::loc::ILocationListener::onGnssMeasurementsInfo ( const telux::loc::GnssMeasurements measurementInfo)

This function is called when device receives signal measurement information such as satellite vehicle pseudo range, satellite vehicle clock time, carrier phase measurement etc.

[in]measurementInfo- GNSS measurement information
class telux::loc::ILocationSystemInfoListener

Public Member Functions

virtual void onLocationSystemInfo (const LocationSystemInfo &locationSystemInfo)
virtual ~ILocationSystemInfoListener ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::ILocationSystemInfoListener::~ILocationSystemInfoListener ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void telux::loc::ILocationSystemInfoListener::onLocationSystemInfo ( const LocationSystemInfo locationSystemInfo)

This function is called when device receives location related system information such as leap second change.

[in]locationSystemInfo- contains location system information such as current leap seconds change
class telux::loc::ILocationManager

ILocationManager provides interface to register and remove listeners. It also allows to set and get configuration/ criteria for position reports. The new APIs(registerListenerEx, deRegisterListenerEx, startDetailedReports, startBasicReports) and old/deprecated APIs(registerListener, removeListener, setPositionReportTimeout, setHorizontalAccuracyLevel, setMinIntervalForReports) should not be used interchangebly, either the new APIs should be used or the old APIs should be used.

Public Types

using GetEnergyConsumedCallback = std::function< void(telux::loc::GnssEnergyConsumedInfo energyConsumed, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using GetYearOfHwCallback = std::function< void(uint16_t yearOfHw, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using GetTerrestrialInfoCallback = std::function< void(const std::shared_ptr< ILocationInfoBase > terrestrialInfo)>

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus getServiceStatus ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListenerEx (std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deRegisterListenerEx (std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status startDetailedReports (uint32_t interval, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status startDetailedEngineReports (uint32_t interval, LocReqEngine engineType, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status startBasicReports (uint32_t distanceInMeters, uint32_t intervalInMs, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerForSystemInfoUpdates (std::weak_ptr< ILocationSystemInfoListener > listener, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deRegisterForSystemInfoUpdates (std::weak_ptr< ILocationSystemInfoListener > listener, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestEnergyConsumedInfo (GetEnergyConsumedCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status stopReports (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getYearOfHw (GetYearOfHwCallback cb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status getTerrestrialPosition (uint32_t timeoutMsec, TerrestrialTechnology techMask, GetTerrestrialInfoCallback cb, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest (telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual ~ILocationManager ()

Member Typedef Documentation

This function is called with the response to getEnergyConsumedInfoUpdate API.

[in]energyConsumed- Information regarding energy consumed by Gnss engine.
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.
using telux::loc::ILocationManager::GetYearOfHwCallback = std::function<void(uint16_t yearOfHw, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called with the response to getYearOfHw API.

[in]yearOfHw- Year of hardware information.
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::loc::ILocationManager::GetTerrestrialInfoCallback = std::function<void( const std::shared_ptr<ILocationInfoBase> terrestrialInfo)>

This function is called with the response to getTerrestrialPosition API.

[in]terrestrialInfo- basic position related information.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::loc::ILocationManager::~ILocationManager ( )

Destructor of ILocationManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::loc::ILocationManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of location subsystems and returns the result.

True if location subsystem is ready for service otherwise false.
use getServiceStatus()
virtual telux::common::ServiceStatus telux::loc::ILocationManager::getServiceStatus ( )
pure virtual

This status indicates whether the object is in a usable state.

SERVICE_AVAILABLE - If location manager is ready for service. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - If location manager is temporarily unavailable. SERVICE_FAILED - If location manager encountered an irrecoverable failure.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::loc::ILocationManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for location subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when location subsystem is ready.
The callback mechanism introduced in the LocationFactory::getLocationManager() API will provide the similar notification mechanism as onSubsystemReady(). This API will soon be removed from further releases.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::registerListenerEx ( std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for specific updates from location manager like location, jamming info and satellite vehicle info. If enhanced position, using Dead Reckoning etc., is enabled, enhanced fixes will be provided. Otherwise raw GNSS fixes will be provided. The position reports will start only when startDetailedReports or startBasicReports is invoked.

[in]listener- Pointer of ILocationListener object that processes the notification.
Status of registerListener i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::deRegisterListenerEx ( std::weak_ptr< ILocationListener listener)
pure virtual

Remove a previously registered listener.

[in]listener- Previously registered ILocationListener that needs to be removed.
Status of removeListener success or suitable status code
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedReports ( uint32_t  interval,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Starts the richer location reports by configuring the time between them as the interval. Any of the 3 APIs that is startDetailedReports or startDetailedEngineReports or startBasicReports can be called one after the other irrespective of order, without calling stopReports in between any of them and the API which is called last will be honored for providing the callbacks. In case of multiple clients invoking this API with different intervals, if the platforms is configured, then the clients will receive the reports at their requested intervals. If not configured then all the clients will be serviced at the smallest interval among all clients' intervals. The supported periodicities are 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, nsec and a periodicity that a caller send which is not one of these will result in the implementation picking one of these periodicities. This Api enables the onDetailedLocationUpdate, onGnssSVInfo, onGnssSignalInfo, onGnssNmeaInfo and onGnssMeasurementsInfo Apis on the listener.

[in]interval- Minimum time interval between two consecutive reports in milliseconds.

E.g. If minInterval is 1000 milliseconds, reports will be provided with a periodicity of 1 second or more depending on the number of applications listening to location updates.

[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of set minimum interval for reports.
Status of startDetailedReports i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::startDetailedEngineReports ( uint32_t  interval,
LocReqEngine  engineType,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Starts a session which may provide richer default combined position reports and position reports from other engines. The fused position report type will always be supported if at least one engine in the system is producing valid report. Any of the 3 APIs that is startDetailedReports or startDetailedEngineReports or startBasicReports can be called one after the other irrespective of order, without calling stopReports in between any of them and the API which is called last will be honored for providing the callbacks. In case of multiple clients invoking this API with different intervals, if the platforms is configured, then the clients will receive the reports at their requested intervals. If not configured then all the clients will be serviced at the smallest interval among all clients' intervals. The supported periodicities are 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, nsec and a periodicity that a caller send which is not one of these will result in the implementation picking one of these periodicities. This Api enables the onDetailedLocationUpdate, onGnssSVInfo, onGnssSignalInfo, onGnssNmeaInfo and onGnssMeasurementsInfo Apis on the listener.

[in]interval- Minimum time interval between two consecutive reports in milliseconds.

E.g. If minInterval is 1000 milliseconds, reports will be provided with a periodicity of 1 second or more depending on the number of applications listening to location updates.

[in]engineType- The type of engine requested for fixes such as SPE or PPE or FUSED. The FUSED includes all the engines that are running to generate the fixes such as reports from SPE, PPE and DRE.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of set minimum interval for reports.
Status of startDetailedEngineReports i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::startBasicReports ( uint32_t  distanceInMeters,
uint32_t  intervalInMs,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Starts the Location report by configuring the time and distance between the consecutive reports. Any of the 3 APIs that is startDetailedReports or startDetailedEngineReports or startBasicReports can be called one after the other irrespective of order, without calling stopReports in between any of them and the API which is called last will be honored for providing the callbacks. In case of multiple clients invoking this API with different intervals, if the platforms is configured, then the clients will receive the reports at their requested intervals. If not configured then all the clients will be serviced at the smallest interval among all clients' intervals. The supported periodicities are 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, nsec and a periodicity that a caller send which is not one of these will result in the implementation picking one of these periodicities. This Api enables the onBasicLocationUpdate Api on the listener.

[in]distanceInMeters- distanceInMeters between two consecutive reports in meters. intervalInMs - Minimum time interval between two consecutive reports in milliseconds.

E.g. If intervalInMs is 1000 milliseconds and distanceInMeters is 100m, reports will be provided according to the condition that happens first. So we need to provide both the parameters for evaluating the report.

The underlying system may have a minimum distance threshold(e.g. 1 meter). Effective distance will not be smaller than this lower bound.

The effective distance may have a granularity level higher than 1 m, e.g. 5 m. So distanceInMeters being 59 may be honored at 60 m, depending on the system.

Where there is another application in the system having a session with shorter distance, this client may benefit and receive reports at that distance.

[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of set minimum distance for reports.
Status of startBasicReports i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::registerForSystemInfoUpdates ( std::weak_ptr< ILocationSystemInfoListener listener,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API registers a ILocationSystemInfoListener listener and will receive information related to location system that are not tied with location fix session, e.g.: next leap second event. The startBasicReports, startDetailedReports, startDetailedEngineReports does not need to be called before calling this API, in order to receive updates.

[in]listener- Pointer of ILocationSystemInfoListener object.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of location system info.
Status of getLocationSystemInfo i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::deRegisterForSystemInfoUpdates ( std::weak_ptr< ILocationSystemInfoListener listener,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API removes a previously registered listener and will also stop receiving informations related to location system for that particular listener.

[in]listener- Previously registered ILocationSystemInfoListener that needs to be removed.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of location system info.
Status of deRegisterForSystemInfoUpdates success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::requestEnergyConsumedInfo ( GetEnergyConsumedCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API receives information on energy consumed by modem GNSS engine. If this API is called on this object while this is already a pending request, then it will overwrite the callback to be invoked and the callback from the previous invocation will not be called.

[in]cb- callback to get the information of Gnss energy consumed.
Status of requestEnergyConsumedInfo i.e success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::stopReports ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

This API will stop reports started using startDetailedReports or startBasicReports or registerListener or setMinIntervalForReports.

[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of stop reports.
Status of stopReports i.e. success or suitable status code.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::getYearOfHw ( GetYearOfHwCallback  cb)
pure virtual

This API retrieves the year of hardware information.

[in]cb- callback to get information of year of hardware.
Status of getYearOfHw i.e success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::getTerrestrialPosition ( uint32_t  timeoutMsec,
TerrestrialTechnology  techMask,
GetTerrestrialInfoCallback  cb,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

This API retrieves single-shot terrestrial position using the set of specified terrestrial technologies. This API can be invoked even while there is an on-going tracking session that was started using startBasicReports/startDetailedReports/startDetailedEngineReports. If this API is invoked while there is already a pending request for terrestrial position, the request will fail and ResponseCallback will get invoked with ErrorCode::OP_IN_PROGRESS. To cancel a pending request, use ILocationManager::cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest. Before using this API, user consent needs to be set true via ILocationConfigurator::provideConsentForTerrestrialPositioning.

[in]timeoutMsec- the time in milliseconds within which the client is expecting a response. If the system is unable to provide a report within this time, the ResponseCallback will be invoked with ErrorCode::OPERATION_TIMEOUT.
[in]techMask- the set of terrestrial technologies that are allowed to be used for producing the position.
[in]cb- callback to receive terrestrial position. This callback will only be invoked when ResponseCallback is invoked with SUCCESS.
[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of getTerrestrialPosition.
Status of getTerrestrialPosition i.e success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::loc::ILocationManager::cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest ( telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr)
pure virtual

This API cancels the pending request invoked by ILocationManager::getTerrestrialPosition. If this API is invoked while there is no pending request for terrestrial position from ILocationManager::getTerrestrialPosition, then ResponseCallback will be invoked with ErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENTS.

[in]callback- Optional callback to get the response of cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest.
Status of cancelTerrestrialPositionRequest i.e success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Typedef Documentation

using telux::loc::SbasCorrection = typedef std::bitset<SBAS_COUNT>

8 bit mask that denotes which of the SBAS corrections in SbasCorrection used to improve the performance of GNSS output.

using telux::loc::GnssPositionTech = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::KinematicDataValidity = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssTimeValidity = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::TimeValidity = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::GnssSignal = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationTechnology = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationInfoValidity = typedef uint32_t
using telux::loc::LocationInfoExValidity = typedef uint64_t
using telux::loc::GnssDataValidity = typedef uint32_t

Specifies GnssDataValidityType mask

using telux::loc::DrCalibrationStatus = typedef uint32_t

Specifies DrCalibrationStatusType mask

using telux::loc::LocReqEngine = typedef uint16_t

Specifies LocReqEngineType mask

using telux::loc::PositioningEngine = typedef uint32_t

Specifies PositioningEngineType mask

typedef std::vector<SvBlackListInfo> telux::loc::SvBlackList
typedef std::unordered_map<LeverArmType, LeverArmParams> telux::loc::LeverArmConfigInfo
using telux::loc::GnssMeasurementsDataValidity = typedef uint32_t

Specifies GnssMeasurementsDataValidityType.

Specifies GnssMeasurementsStateValidityType.

Specifies GnssMeasurementsAdrStateValidityType.

Specifies GnssMeasurementsClockValidityType.

using telux::loc::LeapSecondInfoValidity = typedef uint32_t

Specifies LeapSecondInfoValidityType mask

using telux::loc::LocationSystemInfoValidity = typedef uint32_t

Specifies LocationSystemInfoValidityType mask

Specifies GnssEnergyConsumedInfoValidityType

using telux::loc::AidingData = typedef uint32_t

Specifies AidingDataType mask

using telux::loc::TerrestrialTechnology = typedef uint32_t

Specifies TerrestrialTechnologyType mask

using telux::loc::NmeaSentenceConfig = typedef uint32_t

Specifies NmeaSentenceType mask

using telux::loc::RobustLocationConfig = typedef uint16_t

Specifies RobustLocationConfigType mask

using telux::loc::DRConfigValidity = typedef uint16_t

Specifies DRConfigValidityType

typedef std::unordered_set<GnssConstellationType> telux::loc::ConstellationSet

Define the set of constellations for secondary band.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Defines RTCM injection data format


Source data format is unknown


Source data format is RTCM_3


Source data format is 3GPP RTK Rel-15

Defines status reported by cdfw for RTCM injection.


Dgnss subsystem doesn't support the data source


Dgnss subsystem doesn't support the data format


After the source injects the data, dgnss subsystem discovers there is another higher priority source injecting the data at the same time, and the current injected data is dropped


There is a parsing error such as unrecognized format, CRC check failure, value range check failure, etc.; the injected data is dropped


Data source is not usable anymore

Defines the horizontal accuracy level of the fix.


Client requires low horizontal accuracy


Client requires medium horizontal accuracy


Client requires high horizontal accuracy

Specifies the reliability of the position.


Unknown location reliability


Location reliability is not set. The reliability of this position report could not be determined. It could be unreliable/reliable


Location reliability is very low


Location reliability is low, little or no cross-checking is possible


Location reliability is medium, limited cross-check passed


Location reliability is high, strong cross-check passed

Specify set of navigation solutions that contribute to Gnss Location. Defines Satellite Based Augmentation System(SBAS) corrections. SBAS contributes to improve the performance of GNSS system.


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS ionospheric correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS fast correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS long correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS integrity information is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS DGNSS correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS RTK correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS PPP correction is used


Bit mask to specify whether SBAS RTK fixed correction is used


Bit mask to specify only SBAS corrected SV is used



Indicates whether altitude is assumed or calculated.


Unknown altitude type


Altitude is calculated


Altitude is assumed, there may not be enough satellites to determine the precise altitude

Defines constellation type of GNSS.


Unknown constellation type


GPS satellite


GALILEO satellite


SBAS satellite


COMPASS satellite.

constellation type is not supported.

GLONASS satellite


BDS satellite


QZSS satellite


NAVIC satellite

Health status indicates whether satellite is operational or not. This information comes from the most recent data transmitted in satellite almanacs.


Unknown sv health status


satellite is not operational and cannot be used in position calculations


satellite is fully operational

enum telux::loc::SVStatus

Satellite vehicle processing status.


Unknown sv status


SV is not being actively processed


The system is searching for this SV


SV is being tracked

Indicates whether Satellite Vehicle info like ephemeris and almanac are present or not


Unknown sv info availability


Ephemeris or Almanac exits


Ephemeris or Almanac doesn't exist

Specifies which position technology was used to generate location information in the ILocationInfoEx.


Technology used to generate location info is unknown.


Satellites-based technology was used to generate location info.


Cell towers were used to generate location info.


Wi-Fi access points were used to generate location info.


Sensors were used to generate location info.


Reference location was used to generate location info.


Coarse position injected into the location engine was used to generate location info.


AFLT was used to generate location info.


GNSS and network-provided measurements were used to generate location info.


Precise position engine was used to generate location info.

Specifies related kinematics mask


Navigation data has Forward Acceleration


Navigation data has Sideward Acceleration


Navigation data has Vertical Acceleration


Navigation data has Heading Rate


Navigation data has Body pitch


Navigation data has Forward Acceleration


Navigation data has Sideward Acceleration


Navigation data has Vertical Acceleration


Navigation data has Heading Rate


Navigation data has Body pitch


Navigation data has Body pitch rate


Navigation data has Body pitch rate uncertainty


Navigation data has roll


Navigation data has roll uncertainty


Navigation data has roll rate


Navigation data has roll rate uncertainty


Navigation data has yaw


Navigation data has yaw uncertainty

Specify the different types of constellation supported.


UNKNOWN satellite.


GPS satellite.


GALILEO satellite.


SBAS satellite.


COMPASS satellite.

constellation type is not supported.

GLONASS satellite.


BDS satellite.


QZSS satellite.


NAVIC satellite.

Validity field for different system time in struct TimeInfo.


valid systemWeek.


valid systemMsec


valid systemClkTimeBias


valid systemClkTimeUncMs


valid refFCount


valid numClockResets

Validity field for GLONASS time in struct GlonassTimeInfo.


valid gloDays


valid gloMsec


valid gloClkTimeBias


valid gloClkTimeUncMs


valid refFCount


valid numClockResets


valid gloFourYear

Specify GNSS Signal Type and RF Band used in struct GnssMeasurementInfo and ISVInfo class.


Gnss signal is of GPS L1CA RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GPS L1C RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GPS L2 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GPS L5 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GLONASS G1 (L1OF) RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GLONASS G2 (L2OF) RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GALILEO E1 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GALILEO E5A RF Band.


Gnss signal is of GALILEO E5B RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B1 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B2 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of QZSS L1CA RF Band.


Gnss signal is of QZSS L1S RF Band.


Gnss signal is of QZSS L2 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of QZSS L5 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of SBAS L1 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B1I RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B1C RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B2I RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B2AI RF Band.


Gnss signal is of NAVIC L5 RF Band.


Gnss signal is of BEIDOU B2A_Q RF Band.

Specify the set of technologies that contribute to ILocationInfoBase.


Location was calculated using GNSS-based technology.


Location was calculated using Cell-based technology.


Location was calculated using WiFi-based technology.


Location was calculated using Sensors-based technology.


Location was calculated using Reference location.


Location was calculated using Coarse position injected into the location engine.


Location was calculated using AFLT.


Location was calculated using GNSS and network-provided measurements.


Location was calculated using Precise position engine.


Location was calculated using Vehicular data.


Location was calculated using Visual data.

Specify the valid fields in LocationInfoValidity User should determine whether a field in LocationInfoValidity is valid or not by checking the corresponding bit is set or not.


Location has valid latitude and longitude.


Location has valid altitude.


Location has valid speed.


Location has valid heading.


Location has valid vertical accuracy.


Location has valid speed accuracy.


Location has valid heading accuracy.


Location has valid timestamp.

Specify the valid fields in LocationInfoExValidityType. User should determine whether a field in LocationInfoExValidityType is valid or not by checking the corresponding bit is set or not.


valid altitude mean sea level


valid pdop, hdop, and vdop


valid magnetic deviation


valid horizontal reliability


valid vertical reliability


valid elipsode semi major


valid elipsode semi minor


valid accuracy elipsode azimuth


valid gnss sv used in pos data


valid navSolutionMask


valid LocPosTechMask


valid LocSvInfoSource


valid position dynamics data


valid gdop, tdop


valid North standard deviation


valid East standard deviation


valid North Velocity


valid East Velocity


valid Up Velocity


valid North Velocity Uncertainty


valid East Velocity Uncertainty


valid Up Velocity Uncertainty


valid leap_seconds


valid timeUncMs


valid number of sv used


valid sensor calibrationConfidencePercent


valid sensor calibrationConfidence


valid output engine type


valid output engine mask


valid conformity index


valid lla vrp based


valid enu velocity vrp based


valid altitude type


valid report status

Specify the GNSS signal type and RF band for jammer info and automatic gain control metric in GnssData.




GPS L1C RF Band.


GPS L2C_L RF Band.


GPS L5_Q RF Band.


























QZSS L5_Q RF Band.






BEIDOU B2A_Q RF Band. Maximum number of signal types.


Specify valid mask of data fields in GnssData.


Jammer Indicator is available


AGC is available

Specify the sensor calibration status in ILocationInfoEx.


Indicate that roll calibration is needed. Need to take more turns on level ground.


Indicate that pitch calibration is needed. Need to take more turns on level ground.


Indicate that yaw calibration is needed. Need to accelerate in a straight line.


Indicate that odo calibration is needed. Need to accelerate in a straight line.


Indicate that gyro calibration is needed. Need to take more turns on level ground.

Specifies the set of engines whose position reports are requested via startDetailedEngineReports.


Indicate that the fused/default position is needed to be reported back for the tracking sessions. The default position is the propagated/aggregated reports from all engines running on the system (e.g.: DR/SPE/PPE) according to QTI algorithm.


Indicate that the unmodified SPE position is needed to be reported back for the tracking sessions.


Indicate that the unmodified PPE position is needed to be reported back for the tracking sessions.

Specifies the type of engine for the reported fixes


This is the propagated/aggregated report from the fixes of all engines running on the system (e.g.: DR/SPE/PPE).


This fix is the unmodified fix from modem GNSS engine


This is the unmodified fix from PPP engine

Specifies the type of engine responsible for fixes when the engine type is fused


For standard GNSS position engines.


For dead reckoning position engines.


For precise position engines.

Lever ARM type


Lever arm parameters regarding the VRP (Vehicle Reference Point) w.r.t the origin (at the GNSS Antenna)


Lever arm regarding GNSS Antenna w.r.t the origin at the IMU (inertial measurement unit) for DR (dead reckoning engine)


Lever arm regarding GNSS Antenna w.r.t the origin at the IMU (inertial measurement unit) for VEPP (vision enhanced precise positioning engine)

enum type is not supported.

Lever arm regarding GNSS Antenna w.r.t the origin at the IMU (inertial measurement unit) for VPE (vision positioning engine)

Specify valid fields in GnssMeasurementsData.


Validity of svId.


Validity of svType.


Validity of stateMask.


Validity of receivedSvTimeNs.


Validity of receivedSvTimeUncertaintyNs.


Validity of carrierToNoiseDbHz.


Validity of pseudorangeRateMps.


Validity of pseudorangeRateUncertaintyMps.


Validity of adrStateMask.


Validity of adrMeters.


Validity of adrUncertaintyMeters.


Validity of carrierFrequencyHz.


Validity of carrierCycles.


Validity of carrierPhase.


Validity of carrierPhaseUncertainty.


Validity of multipathIndicator.


Validity of signalToNoiseRatioDb.


Validity of agcLevelDb.

Specify GNSS measurement state in GnssMeasurementsData::stateMask.


State is unknown.


State is "code lock".


State is "bit sync".


State is "subframe sync".


State is "tow decoded".


State is "msec ambiguous".


State is "symbol sync".


State is "GLONASS string sync".


State is "GLONASS TOD decoded".


State is "BDS D2 bit sync".


State is "BDS D2 subframe sync".


State is "Galileo E1BC code lock".


State is "Galileo E1C second code lock".


State is "Galileo E1B page sync".


State is "SBAS sync".

Specify accumulated delta range state in GnssMeasurementsData::adrStateMask.


State is unknown.


State is valid.


State is "reset".


State is "cycle slip".

Specify the GNSS multipath indicator state in GnssMeasurementsData::multipathIndicator.


Multipath indicator is unknown.


Multipath indicator is present.


Multipath indicator is not present.

Specify the valid fields in GnssMeasurementsClock.


Validity of leapSecond.


Validity of timeNs.


Validity of timeUncertaintyNs.


Validity of fullBiasNs.


Validity of biasNs.


Validity of biasUncertaintyNs.


Validity of driftNsps.


Validity of driftUncertaintyNsps.


Validity of hwClockDiscontinuityCount.

Specify the valid fields in LeapSecondInfo.


Validity of LeapSecondInfo::current.


Validity of LeapSecondInfo::info.

Specify the set of valid fields in LocationSystemInfo


contains current leap second or leap second change info

Specify the valid fields in GnssEnergyConsumedInfo.


validity of GnssEnergyConsumedInfo

Specifies the set of aiding data. This is referenced in the deleteAidingData for deleting any aiding data.


Mask to delete ephemeris aiding data


Mask to delete calibration data from dead reckoning position engine

Specifies the set of terrestrial technologies.


Cell-based technology

Specifies the HLOS generated NMEA sentence types.


GGA NMEA sentence


RMC NMEA sentence


GSA NMEA sentence


VTG NMEA sentence


GNS NMEA sentence


DTM NMEA sentence


GPGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from GPS constellation


GLGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from GLONASS constellation


GAGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from GALILEO constellation


GQGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from QZSS constellation


GBGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from BEIDOU constellation


GIGSV NMEA sentence for SVs from NAVIC constellation


All NMEA sentences

Specify the valid mask for robust location configuration used by the GNSS standard position engine (SPE).


Validity of enabled


Validity of enabledForE911.


Validity of version.

Specify the valid mask for the configuration parameters of dead reckoning position engine


Validity of body to sensor mount parameters.


Validity of vehicle speed scale factor.


Validity of vehicle speed scale factor uncertainty.


Validity of gyro scale factor.


Validity of gyro scale factor uncertainty.

Specify the position engine types


Unknown engine type.


Standard GNSS position engine.


Precise position engine.


Dead reckoning position engine.


Vision positioning engine.

Specify the position engine run state


Unknown engine run state.


Request the position engine to be put into suspended state.


Request the position engine to be put into running state.

Specify the status of the report


Report status is unknown.


Report status is successful. The engine is able to calculate the desired fix. Most of the fields in ILocationInfoEx will be valid.


Report is still in progress. The engine has not completed its calculations when this report was generated. Accuracy of various fields is non-optimal. Only some of the fields in ILocationInfoEx will be valid.


Report status has failed. The engine is not able to calculate the fix. Most of the fields in ILocationInfoEx will be invalid.

Variable Documentation

const float telux::loc::UNKNOWN_CARRIER_FREQ = -1
const int telux::loc::UNKNOWN_SIGNAL_MASK = 0
const uint64_t telux::loc::UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP = 0
const float telux::loc::DEFAULT_TUNC_THRESHOLD = 0.0

Default value for threshold of time uncertainty. Units: milli-seconds.

const int telux::loc::DEFAULT_TUNC_ENERGY_THRESHOLD = 0

Default value for energy consumed of time uncertainty. The default here means that the engine is allowed to use infinite power. Units: 100 micro watt second.

const uint64_t telux::loc::INVALID_ENERGY_CONSUMED = 0xffffffffffffffff

0xffffffffffffffff indicates an invalid reading for energy consumed info.