Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.38.0
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Data Structures

class  telux::data::net::IBridgeManager
 IBridgeManager provides APIs to enable/disable and set/get/delete software bridges for various WLAN and Ethernet interfaces. More...
class  telux::data::net::IFirewallManager
 FirewallManager is a primary interface that filters and controls the network traffic on a pre-configured set of rules. More...
class  telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry
 Firewall entry class is used for configuring firewall rules. More...
struct  telux::data::net::L2tpSessionConfig
struct  telux::data::net::L2tpTunnelConfig
struct  telux::data::net::L2tpSysConfig
class  telux::data::net::IL2tpManager
 L2tpManager is a primary interface for configuring L2TP Service. More...
struct  telux::data::net::NatConfig
class  telux::data::net::INatManager
 NatManager is a primary interface for configuring static network address translation(SNAT) and DMZ (demilitarized zone) More...
class  telux::data::net::ISocksManager
 SocksManager is a primary interface for configuring legacy Socks proxy server. More...
class  telux::data::net::IVlanManager
 VlanManager is a primary interface for configuring VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). it provide APIs for create, query, remove VLAN interfaces and associate or disassociate with profile IDs. More...


enum  telux::data::net::L2tpProtocol { telux::data::net::L2tpProtocol::NONE = 0, telux::data::net::L2tpProtocol::IP = 0x01, telux::data::net::L2tpProtocol::UDP = 0x02 }

Detailed Description

Data Structure Documentation

class telux::data::net::IBridgeManager

IBridgeManager provides APIs to enable/disable and set/get/delete software bridges for various WLAN and Ethernet interfaces.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status enableBridge (bool enable, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status addBridge (BridgeInfo config, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestBridgeInfo (BridgeInfoResponseCb callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeBridge (std::string ifaceName, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual ~IBridgeManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::~IBridgeManager ( )

Destructor for IBridgeManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the data subsystem is ready.

True if the Bridge Manager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for data subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait until the Bridge Manager succeed/fail to be ready.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::enableBridge ( bool  enable,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Enable/Disable the software bridge in the system. It will affect all the configured software bridges for various interfaces.

[in]enableTRUE to enable, FALSE to disable the bridge
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response for enableBridge
Status of enableBridge request i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::addBridge ( BridgeInfo  config,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add software bridge configuration for an interface.

[in]configconfiguration for an interface
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response for addBridge
Status of addBridge request i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::requestBridgeInfo ( BridgeInfoResponseCb  callback)
pure virtual

Request information about all the software bridge configurations in the system

[in]callbackResponse callback with list of bridge configurations
Status of requestBridgeInfo request i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IBridgeManager::removeBridge ( std::string  ifaceName,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Delete a software bridge configuration for an interface.

[in]ifaceNameName of the interface whose configuration needs to be deleted
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response for removeBridge
Status of removeBridge request i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::data::net::IFirewallManager

FirewallManager is a primary interface that filters and controls the network traffic on a pre-configured set of rules.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status setFirewall (int profileId, bool enable, bool allowPackets, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestFirewallStatus (int profileId, FirewallStatusCb callback, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status addFirewallEntry (int profileId, std::shared_ptr< IFirewallEntry > entry, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestFirewallEntries (int profileId, FirewallEntriesCb callback, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeFirewallEntry (int profileId, uint32_t handle, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status enableDmz (int profileId, const std::string ipAddr, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status disableDmz (int profileId, const telux::data::IpFamilyType ipType, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestDmzEntry (int profileId, DmzEntriesCb dmzCb, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::data::OperationType getOperationType ()=0
virtual ~IFirewallManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::~IFirewallManager ( )

Destructor for IFirewallManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the data subsystem is ready.

True if Firewall Manager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for data subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when firewall manager is ready.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::setFirewall ( int  profileId,
bool  enable,
bool  allowPackets,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Sets firewall configuration to enable or disable and update configuration to drop or accept the packets matching the rules.

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which firewall will be set.
[in]enableIndicates whether the firewall is enabled
[in]allowPacketsIndicates whether to accept or drop packets matching the rules
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response setFirewall
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of setFirewall i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallStatus ( int  profileId,
FirewallStatusCb  callback,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Request status of firewall

[in]profileIdProfile identifier for which firewall status is requested.
[in]callbackcallback to get the response of requestFirewallStatus
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of requestFirewallStatus i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::addFirewallEntry ( int  profileId,
std::shared_ptr< IFirewallEntry entry,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Adds the firewall rule

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which firewall rule will be added.
[in]entryFirewall entry based on protocol type
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response addFirewallEntry
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of addFirewallEntry i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::requestFirewallEntries ( int  profileId,
FirewallEntriesCb  callback,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Request Firewall rules

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which firewall entries are retrieved.
[in]callbackcallback to get the response requestFirewallEntries.
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of requestFirewallEntries i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::removeFirewallEntry ( int  profileId,
uint32_t  handle,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Remove firewall entry

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which firewall entry will be removed.
[in]handlehandle of Firewall entry to be removed. To retrieve the handle, first use requestFirewallEntries() to get the list of entries added in the system. And then use IFirewallEntry::getHandle()
[in]callbackcallback to get the response removeFirewallEntry
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of removeFirewallEntry i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::enableDmz ( int  profileId,
const std::string  ipAddr,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Enable demilitarized zone (DMZ)

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which DMZ will be enabled.
[in]ipAddrIP address for which DMZ will be enabled
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response addDmz
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of enableDmz i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::disableDmz ( int  profileId,
const telux::data::IpFamilyType  ipType,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Disable demilitarized zone (DMZ)

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which DMZ will be disabled.
[in]ipTypeSpecify IP type of the DMZ to be disabled
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response removeDmz
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of disableDmz i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::requestDmzEntry ( int  profileId,
DmzEntriesCb  dmzCb,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Request DMZ entry that was previously set using enableDmz API

[in]profileIdProfile identifier on which DMZ entries are requested.
[in]dmzCbcallback to get the response requestDmzEntry
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of requestDmzEntry i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::data::OperationType telux::data::net::IFirewallManager::getOperationType ( )
pure virtual

Get the associated operation type for this instance.

OperationType of getOperationType i.e. LOCAL or REMOTE.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry

Firewall entry class is used for configuring firewall rules.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::shared_ptr
< IIpFilter
getIProtocolFilter ()=0
virtual telux::data::Direction getDirection ()=0
virtual telux::data::IpFamilyType getIpFamilyType ()=0
virtual uint32_t getHandle ()=0
virtual ~IFirewallEntry ()

Static Public Attributes

static const uint32_t INVALID_HANDLE = 0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::~IFirewallEntry ( )

Destructor for IFirewallEntry

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::shared_ptr<IIpFilter> telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::getIProtocolFilter ( )
pure virtual

Get IProtocol filter type

virtual telux::data::Direction telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::getDirection ( )
pure virtual

Get firewall direction

virtual telux::data::IpFamilyType telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::getIpFamilyType ( )
pure virtual

Get Ip FamilyType

virtual uint32_t telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::getHandle ( )
pure virtual

Get the unique handle identifying this Firewall entry in the system

uint32_t handle if initialized or INVALID_HANDLE otherwise

Field Documentation

const uint32_t telux::data::net::IFirewallEntry::INVALID_HANDLE = 0
struct telux::data::net::L2tpSessionConfig

L2TP tunnel sessions configuration

Data Fields
uint32_t locId

Local session id

uint32_t peerId

Peer session id

struct telux::data::net::L2tpTunnelConfig

L2TP tunnel configuration

Data Fields
L2tpProtocol prot

Encapsulation protocols

uint32_t locId

Local tunnel id

uint32_t peerId

Peer tunnel id

uint32_t localUdpPort

Local udp port - if UDP encapsulation is used

uint32_t peerUdpPort

Peer udp port - if IP encapsulation is used

string peerIpv6Addr

Peer IPv6 Address - for Ipv6 tunnels

string peerIpv4Addr

Peer IPv4 Address - for Ipv4 tunnels

string locIface

interface name to create L2TP tunnel on

IpFamilyType ipType

Ip family type telux::data::IpFamilyType

vector< L2tpSessionConfig > sessionConfig

List of L2tp tunnel sessions

struct telux::data::net::L2tpSysConfig

L2TP Configuration

Data Fields
vector< L2tpTunnelConfig > configList

List of L2tp tunnel configurations

bool enableMtu

Enable MTU size setting on underlying interfaces to avoid segmentation

bool enableTcpMss

Enable TCP MSS clampping on L2TP interfaces to avoid segmentation

uint32_t mtuSize

Current MTU size in bytes

class telux::data::net::IL2tpManager

L2tpManager is a primary interface for configuring L2TP Service.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status setConfig (bool enable, bool enableMss, bool enableMtu, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, uint32_t mtuSize=0)=0
virtual telux::common::Status addTunnel (const L2tpTunnelConfig &l2tpTunnelConfig, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestConfig (L2tpConfigCb l2tpConfigCb)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeTunnel (uint32_t tunnelId, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual ~IL2tpManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::~IL2tpManager ( )

Destructor for IL2tpManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the L2tp manager subsystem is ready.

True if L2tp Manager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for L2tp manager subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when L2tp manager is ready.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::setConfig ( bool  enable,
bool  enableMss,
bool  enableMtu,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
uint32_t  mtuSize = 0 
pure virtual

Enable L2TP for unmanaged Tunnel State

[in]enableEnable/Disable L2TP for unmanaged tunnels.
[in]enableMssEnable/Disable TCP MSS to be clamped on L2TP interfaces to avoid Segmentation
[in]enableMtuEnable/Disable MTU size to be set on underlying interfaces to avoid fragmentation
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response setConfig
[in]mtuSizeoptional MTU size in bytes. If not set, MTU size will be set to default 1422 bytes
Status of setConfig i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::addTunnel ( const L2tpTunnelConfig l2tpTunnelConfig,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Set L2TP Configuration for one tunnel

[in]l2tpTunnelConfigConfiguration to be set telux::net::L2tpTunnelConfig
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response addTunnel
Status of addTunnel i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::requestConfig ( L2tpConfigCb  l2tpConfigCb)
pure virtual

Get Current L2TP Configuration

[in]l2tpConfigCbAsynchronous callback to get current L2TP configurations
Status of requestConfig i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IL2tpManager::removeTunnel ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Remove L2TP Tunnel

[in]tunnelIdTunnel ID to be removed
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response removeConfig
Status of removeTunnel i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
struct telux::data::net::NatConfig

Structure represents Network Address Translation (NAT) configuration

Data Fields
string addr

Private IP address

uint16_t port

Private port

uint16_t globalPort

Global port

IpProtocol proto

IP protocol telux::net::IpProtocol

class telux::data::net::INatManager

NatManager is a primary interface for configuring static network address translation(SNAT) and DMZ (demilitarized zone)

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status addStaticNatEntry (int profileId, const NatConfig &snatConfig, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeStaticNatEntry (int profileId, const NatConfig &snatConfig, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestStaticNatEntries (int profileId, StaticNatEntriesCb snatEntriesCb, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::data::OperationType getOperationType ()=0
virtual ~INatManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::INatManager::~INatManager ( )

Destructor for INatManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::INatManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the NAT manager subsystem is ready.

True if NAT Manager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::INatManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for NAT manager subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when NAT manager is ready.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::INatManager::addStaticNatEntry ( int  profileId,
const NatConfig snatConfig,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Adds a static Network Address Translation (NAT) entry in the NAT table, these entries are persistent across object, connection and reboot lifetimes. To remove an entry it needs a explicit call to removeStaticNatEntry() API, it supports both IPv4 and IPv6

[in]profileIdProfile identifier to which static entry will be mapped to.
[in]snatConfigsnatConfiguration telux::net::NatConfig
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response addStaticNatEntry
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of addStaticNatEntry i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::INatManager::removeStaticNatEntry ( int  profileId,
const NatConfig snatConfig,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Removes a static Network Address Translation (NAT) entry in the NAT table, it supports both IPv4 and IPv6

[in]profileIdProfile identifier to which static entry will be removed from.
[in]snatConfigsnatConfiguration telux::net::NatConfig
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the response removeStaticNatEntry
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of removeStaticNatEntry i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::INatManager::requestStaticNatEntries ( int  profileId,
StaticNatEntriesCb  snatEntriesCb,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Request list of static nat entries available in the NAT table

[in]profileIdProfile identifier to which static entries will be retrieved.
[in]snatEntriesCbAsynchronous callback to get the list of static Network Address Translation (NAT) entries
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id
Status of requestStaticNatEntries i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::data::OperationType telux::data::net::INatManager::getOperationType ( )
pure virtual

Get the associated operation type for this instance.

OperationType of getOperationType i.e. LOCAL or REMOTE.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::data::net::ISocksManager

SocksManager is a primary interface for configuring legacy Socks proxy server.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status enableSocks (bool enable, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::data::OperationType getOperationType ()=0
virtual ~ISocksManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::ISocksManager::~ISocksManager ( )

Destructor for Socks Manager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::ISocksManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the SocksManager subsystem is ready.

True if SocksManager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::ISocksManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for SocksManager subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when Socksanager is ready.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::ISocksManager::enableSocks ( bool  enable,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Enable or Disable Socks proxy service.

[in]enbletrue: enable proxy, false: disable proxy
[in]callbackoptional callback to get the operation error code if any
Status of proxy enablement i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::data::OperationType telux::data::net::ISocksManager::getOperationType ( )
pure virtual

Get the associated operation type for this instance.

OperationType of getOperationType i.e. LOCAL or REMOTE.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
class telux::data::net::IVlanManager

VlanManager is a primary interface for configuring VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). it provide APIs for create, query, remove VLAN interfaces and associate or disassociate with profile IDs.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status createVlan (const VlanConfig &vlanConfig, CreateVlanCb callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status removeVlan (int16_t vlanId, InterfaceType ifaceType, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status queryVlanInfo (QueryVlanResponseCb callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status bindWithProfile (int profileId, int vlanId, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status unbindFromProfile (int profileId, int vlanId, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::common::Status queryVlanMappingList (VlanMappingResponseCb callback, SlotId slotId=DEFAULT_SLOT_ID)=0
virtual telux::data::OperationType getOperationType ()=0
virtual ~IVlanManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::data::net::IVlanManager::~IVlanManager ( )

Destructor for IVlanManager

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::data::net::IVlanManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks if the data subsystem is ready.

True if VLAN Manager is ready for service, otherwise returns false.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::data::net::IVlanManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for data subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when VLAN manager is ready.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::createVlan ( const VlanConfig vlanConfig,
CreateVlanCb  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Create a VLAN associated with multiple interfaces

if interface configured as VLAN for the first time, it may trigger auto reboot.
[in]vlanConfigvlan configuration
[out]callbackoptional callback to get the response createVlan
Immediate status of createVlan() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::removeVlan ( int16_t  vlanId,
InterfaceType  ifaceType,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Remove VLAN configuration

This will delete all clients associated with interface
[in]vlanIdVLAN ID
[out]callbackoptional callback to get the response removeVlan
Immediate status of removeVlan() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::queryVlanInfo ( QueryVlanResponseCb  callback)
pure virtual

Query information about all the VLANs in the system

[out]callbackResponse callback with list of configured VLANs
Immediate status of queryVlanInfo() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::bindWithProfile ( int  profileId,
int  vlanId,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Bind a Vlan with a particular profile ID and slot ID. When a WWAN network interface is brought up using IDataConnectionManager::startDataCall on that profile ID and slot ID, that interface will be accessible from this Vlan

[in]profileIdprofile id for vlan association
[in]vlanIdsets vlan id
[out]callbackcallback to get the response of associateWithProfileId API
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id.
Immediate status of associateWithProfileId() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::unbindFromProfile ( int  profileId,
int  vlanId,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Unbind VLAN id from given slot id and profile id

[in]profileIdprofile id for vlan association
[in]vlanIdvlan id
[in]callbackcallback to get the response of associateWithProfileId API
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id .
Immediate status of disassociateFromProfileId() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::data::net::IVlanManager::queryVlanMappingList ( VlanMappingResponseCb  callback,
SlotId  slotId = DEFAULT_SLOT_ID 
pure virtual

Query VLAN mapping of profile id and vlan id on specified sim

[in]callbackcallback to get the response of queryVlanMappingList API
[in]slotIdSpecify slot id which has the sim that contains profile id mapping to vlan id.
Immediate status of queryVlanMappingList() request sent i.e. success or suitable status code
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated.It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::data::OperationType telux::data::net::IVlanManager::getOperationType ( )
pure virtual

Get the associated operation type for this instance.

OperationType of getOperationType i.e. LOCAL or REMOTE.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Enumeration Type Documentation

L2TP encapsulation protocols


IP Protocol used for encapsulation


UDP Protocol used for encapsulation