Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.34.0
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telux::data::net Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  BridgeInfo
class  IBridgeManager
 IBridgeManager provides APIs to enable/disable and set/get/delete software bridges for various WLAN and Ethernet interfaces. More...
class  IFirewallManager
 FirewallManager is a primary interface that filters and controls the network traffic on a pre-configured set of rules. More...
class  IFirewallEntry
 Firewall entry class is used for configuring firewall rules. More...
struct  L2tpSessionConfig
struct  L2tpTunnelConfig
struct  L2tpSysConfig
class  IL2tpManager
 L2tpManager is a primary interface for configuring L2TP Service. More...
struct  NatConfig
class  INatManager
 NatManager is a primary interface for configuring static network address translation(SNAT) and DMZ (demilitarized zone) More...
class  ISocksManager
 SocksManager is a primary interface for configuring legacy Socks proxy server. More...
class  IVlanManager
 VlanManager is a primary interface for configuring VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). it provide APIs for create, query, remove VLAN interfaces and associate or disassociate with profile IDs. More...


using BridgeInfoResponseCb = std::function< void(const std::vector< BridgeInfo > &infos, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using FirewallStatusCb = std::function< void(bool enable, bool allowPackets, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using FirewallEntriesCb = std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IFirewallEntry >> entries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using DmzEntriesCb = std::function< void(std::vector< std::string > dmzEntries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using L2tpConfigCb = std::function< void(const L2tpSysConfig &l2tpSysConfig, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using StaticNatEntriesCb = std::function< void(const std::vector< NatConfig > &snatEntries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using CreateVlanCb = std::function< void(bool isAccelerated, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using QueryVlanResponseCb = std::function< void(const std::vector< VlanConfig > &configs, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>
using VlanMappingResponseCb = std::function< void(const std::list< std::pair< int, int >> &mapping, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>


enum  BridgeIFaceType { BridgeIFaceType::UNKNOWN = 0, BridgeIFaceType::WLAN_AP = 1, BridgeIFaceType::WLAN_STA = 2, BridgeIFaceType::ETH = 3 }
enum  L2tpProtocol { L2tpProtocol::NONE = 0, L2tpProtocol::IP = 0x01, L2tpProtocol::UDP = 0x02 }

Data Structure Documentation

struct telux::data::net::BridgeInfo

Structure to configure a software bridge for an interface

Data Fields
string ifaceName

Interface name

BridgeIFaceType ifaceType

Interface type

uint32_t bandwidth

Bandwidth(in Mbps) required for software bridge

Typedef Documentation

using telux::data::net::BridgeInfoResponseCb = typedef std::function<void(const std::vector<BridgeInfo> &infos, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestBridgeInfo

[in]infosList of the software bridge configurations in the system
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation is succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::FirewallStatusCb = typedef std::function<void(bool enable, bool allowPackets, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestFirewallStatus()

[in]enableIndicates whether the firewall is enabled
[in]allowPacketsIndicates whether to accept or drop packets matching the rules
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::FirewallEntriesCb = typedef std::function<void( std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IFirewallEntry>> entries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestFirewallEntries()

[in]entrieslist of firewall entries
[in]error- Return code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::DmzEntriesCb = typedef std::function<void(std::vector<std::string> dmzEntries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestDmzEntries()

[in]dmzEntrieslist of dmz entries
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not. telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::L2tpConfigCb = typedef std::function<void(const L2tpSysConfig &l2tpSysConfig, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestConfig()

[in]l2tpSysConfigCurrent L2TP configuration
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::StaticNatEntriesCb = typedef std::function<void(const std::vector<NatConfig> &snatEntries, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to requestStaticNatEntries()

[in]snatEntrieslist of static Network Address Translation (NAT)
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::CreateVlanCb = typedef std::function<void(bool isAccelerated, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to createVlan()

[in]isAcceleratedOffload status returned by server
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::QueryVlanResponseCb = typedef std::function<void(const std::vector<VlanConfig> &configs, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to queryVlanInfo()

[in]configsList of VLAN configs
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
using telux::data::net::VlanMappingResponseCb = typedef std::function<void( const std::list<std::pair<int, int>> &mapping, telux::common::ErrorCode error)>

This function is called as a response to queryVlanMappingList()

[in]mappingList of profile Id and Vlan id map Key is Profile Id and value is VLAN id
[in]errorReturn code which indicates whether the operation succeeded or not telux::common::ErrorCode
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Interface types supported for bridge configuration


Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in AP mode


Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in STA mode


Ethernet (ETH)