Telematics SDK - Interface Specification  v1.33.79
telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager Class Referenceabstract

CellBroadcastManager class is primary interface to configure and activate emergency broadcast messages and receive broadcast messages. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual std::future< bool > onSubsystemReady ()=0
virtual SlotId getSlotId ()=0
virtual telux::common::Status updateMessageFilters (std::vector< CellBroadcastFilter > filters, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestMessageFilters (RequestFiltersResponseCallback callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status setActivationStatus (bool activate, telux::common::ResponseCallback callback=nullptr)=0
virtual telux::common::Status requestActivationStatus (RequestActivationStatusResponseCallback callback)=0
virtual telux::common::Status registerListener (std::weak_ptr< ICellBroadcastListener > listener)=0
virtual telux::common::Status deregisterListener (std::weak_ptr< ICellBroadcastListener > listener)=0
virtual ~ICellBroadcastManager ()

Detailed Description

CellBroadcastManager class is primary interface to configure and activate emergency broadcast messages and receive broadcast messages.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::~ICellBroadcastManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::isSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Checks the status of network subsystem and returns the result.

True if network subsystem is ready for service otherwise false.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual std::future<bool> telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::onSubsystemReady ( )
pure virtual

Wait for network subsystem to be ready.

A future that caller can wait on to be notified when network subsystem is ready.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual SlotId telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::getSlotId ( )
pure virtual

Get associated slot for this CellBroadcastManager.

Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::updateMessageFilters ( std::vector< CellBroadcastFilter filters,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Configures the broadcast messages to be received.

[in]filtersList of filtered broadcast message identifiers.
[in]callbackOptional callback to get the response of set cell broadcast filters.
Status of updateMessageIdFilters i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::requestMessageFilters ( RequestFiltersResponseCallback  callback)
pure virtual

Retrieve configured message filters for which broadcast messages will be received.

[in]callbackCallback to get the response of get cell broadcast filters.
Status of requestMessageIdFilters i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::setActivationStatus ( bool  activate,
telux::common::ResponseCallback  callback = nullptr 
pure virtual

Allows activation and deactivation of configured broadcast messages.

[in]activateActivate/deactivate broadcast messages.
[in]callbackOptional callback pointer to get the response.
Status of setActivationStatus i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::requestActivationStatus ( RequestActivationStatusResponseCallback  callback)
pure virtual

Get activation status for configured broadcast messages.

[in]callbackCallback pointer to get the response.
Status of requestActivationStatus i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::registerListener ( std::weak_ptr< ICellBroadcastListener listener)
pure virtual

Register a listener for cell broadcast messages.

[in]listenerPointer to ICellBroadcastListener object which receives broadcast message.
Status of registerListener i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.
virtual telux::common::Status telux::tel::ICellBroadcastManager::deregisterListener ( std::weak_ptr< ICellBroadcastListener listener)
pure virtual

De-register the listener.

[in]listenerListener to be de-registered
Status of deregisterListener i.e. success or suitable error code.
Eval: This is a new API and is being evaluated. It is subject to change and could break backwards compatibility.