Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
le_hashmap_Hashmap_t Struct Reference

#include <le_hashmap.h>

Data Fields

le_hashmap_HashmapIt_t iterator
 Iterator instance. More...
le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFuncPtr
 Equality operator. More...
le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFuncPtr
 Hash operator. More...
 Pointer to the array of hash map buckets. More...
le_mem_PoolRef_t entryPoolRef
 Memory pool to expand into for expanding buckets. More...
size_t bucketCount
 Number of buckets. More...
size_t size
 Number of inserted entries. More...
const char * nameStr
 Name of the hashmap for diagnostic purposes. More...
le_log_TraceRef_t traceRef
 Log trace reference for debugging the hashmap. More...

Detailed Description

The hashmap itself

This is an internal structure which should not be instantiated directly

Field Documentation

◆ iterator

le_hashmap_HashmapIt_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::iterator

Iterator instance.

◆ equalsFuncPtr

le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::equalsFuncPtr

Equality operator.

◆ hashFuncPtr

le_hashmap_HashFunc_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::hashFuncPtr

Hash operator.

◆ bucketsPtr

le_hashmap_Bucket_t* le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::bucketsPtr

Pointer to the array of hash map buckets.

◆ entryPoolRef

le_mem_PoolRef_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::entryPoolRef

Memory pool to expand into for expanding buckets.

◆ bucketCount

size_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::bucketCount

Number of buckets.

◆ size

size_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::size

Number of inserted entries.

◆ nameStr

const char* le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::nameStr

Name of the hashmap for diagnostic purposes.

◆ traceRef

le_log_TraceRef_t le_hashmap_Hashmap_t::traceRef

Log trace reference for debugging the hashmap.

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